Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 397: The little tricks of the Japanese

"I'll say it again, there is absolutely no technical team from Hong Kong Island coming to our joint venture semiconductor equipment production plant in Shanghai to provide guidance!"

At the factory gate, a middle-aged man in green military uniform, along with several armed guards, blocked the gate, preventing two Japanese magnesium experts, one tall and one short, from entering the factory.

"I don't believe it. I want to go to your conference room and sit in!"

"You are lying. Your semiconductor experts and technicians have been in the conference room for three consecutive days. Don't think we don't know!"

"You are breaching the contract! Our agreement states that our experts from Magnesium and Japan can enter any area of ​​your joint venture factory without restrictions!"

"Stop!" The middle-aged man in green military uniform shouted loudly, and said to the translator behind the two foreign experts: "Tell them that they were the first to breach the contract!"

"If they want to enter our joint venture factory and steal our technology, they should hand over the investment amount stipulated in the agreement. That is their tuition fee. Do you understand?"


"Chips are the brains of precision-guided weapons and the core of modern warfare. If we lag behind in this area, we will be beaten!"

"That's all for now. If you encounter any technical problems in the future, you can write to me. Also, remember to strengthen your awareness of confidentiality and don't let foreigners steal your technical information again!"

After Zhang Heping, who was wearing a green military uniform, a green military cap, a white mask and frog-eye glasses, finished his speech, he stood up from the podium.

A young technician in the audience immediately asked loudly: "Teacher, what is your mailing address?"

"The relevant departments are all aware of the letter-mailing process!" An old man in green military uniform said to the microphone at the podium, "Now, please bid farewell to Mr. Wuming with warm applause and thank him for his hard work in answering questions over the past three days."

Zhang Heping waved to the people in the audience and left the venue without hesitation.

The meeting behind him was still going on, and the development of the lithography machine still required their efforts. Zhang Heping only made some more difficult accessories and raw materials to lure the Japanese magnesium experts.

After Zhang Heping left the Magic City Semiconductor Special Equipment Joint Venture Production Plant in Jeep 212, he went straight to the 11th plant, the vacuum evaporation machine!

This factory was not a joint venture and was not originally included in his itinerary.

In fact, Zhang Heping marked the vacuum evaporation machine as a key confidential technology, and after handing over the relevant technical information back to China, he didn't even know whether there was a factory in the country that could produce this equipment.

If he hadn't avoided the Japanese magnesium experts and secretly done so many things in the past two months, the higher-ups wouldn't have thought of letting him go to Factory 100, mainly because this guy had refused once before.

Zhang Heping had just left the Magic City for half a day when the main force of Japanese magnesium experts who were waiting in Kundu came back by train!

This group of foreigners gathered outside the joint venture production plant for semiconductor special equipment in Shanghai and made a commotion, bringing up the joint venture agreement and the so-called friendly agreement to argue about. However, the factory director guarding the gate insisted on one thing: if the money was not paid in full, they could not enter the factory!

Although five major investment banks are investing in Magnesium, the money they invest is special funds that are raised through targeted fundraising in Magnesium.

After sending people to secretly photograph the relevant technical information, the magnesium companies that invested decisively withdrew their investments, putting the five major investment banks in a passive position and they have not been able to raise new funds so far.

Because those bastard companies shamelessly announced that they had mastered the latest ultra-thin color screen technology!

In this case, why would any Chinese be willing to invest in the mainland... a country that is said to be very backward and has long braids?

How could there be world-leading ultra-thin color screen technology there!

Suddenly, a young man in green military uniform ran to the middle-aged man in the lead and whispered, "Director, there's news from the Shenzhen Color Screen Factory that the second and third batches of investment funds from the Japanese islanders have arrived."

The middle-aged factory manager stared at the more than 200 Japanese people at the door and asked, "How much did they give this time?"

"5000 million magnesium yuan!" the young man said excitedly.

"That's not enough!" The middle-aged factory manager looked at the Chinese people, whose number was less than one-ninth of the Japanese people, and said in a low voice: "The expert said that at least 1 million yuan should be collected. Otherwise, it would be a shame for his hard work over the past two months! If you tell Shenzhen City like this..."

"Okay! I'll go contact Shencheng right away!"

After the spirited young man ran away, the middle-aged factory manager also perked up and said to the Japanese magnesium expert outside the door: "Shencheng just called and said that the second and third batches of investment funds from Japan have arrived."

As soon as these words were spoken, the group of Japanese people couldn't help but squeeze forward a little, but were still stopped outside the factory gate.

"Since the funds are in place, why won't you let us in?" a middle-aged Japanese islander asked loudly.

"Ahem!" The middle-aged factory manager raised his right fist to his mouth and coughed, saying:

"Because you did not fulfill the agreement, Hong Kong Island Colorful Company also suspended the payment of investment funds. Therefore, the money paid by Japan Island did not go to our factory, but was allocated to other joint venture factories for production and construction."

An old man from Japan Island asked gloomily, "You mean, even though we paid the money, we are still not allowed to enter the factory?"

"Let me make it clear! Our factory has not received the money, so you can't enter!" The middle-aged factory manager said solemnly: "If you want to enter, let the Shenzhen Color Screen Factory pay our factory according to the agreement! Or go to those joint venture factories that have received the money!"

Soon, the police and people from the foreign affairs department arrived.

They originally wanted to smooth things over and ask the factory to make some concessions and allow a few Japanese magnesium experts to enter the factory to confirm that there were no technical teams from Hong Kong Island in the factory, so that the Japanese magnesium experts would give up and leave.

However, as soon as these words were spoken, they were immediately rejected by the factory.

"My factory is a confidential unit. Do you think it's a vegetable market where you can come in and go out as you please?" The middle-aged factory manager waved his hand and said, "Tell them to get out. If they continue to delay my factory's production tasks, don't blame me for turning my back on them!"

"Oh my god! My grandfather died fighting the Japanese! My uncle died on the battlefield in aid of Korea!"

"You pissed me off, I..." The middle-aged factory director looked at the submachine gun in the guard's hand with an unfriendly look.

The people in the foreign affairs department thought something was wrong and quickly changed their tone, trying their best to persuade the Japanese magnesium experts to leave temporarily and let the investment company behind them come forward to communicate.


The next day, the pressure shifted to the Shenzhen ultra-thin color screen joint venture production plant.

That morning, Director Xiao was visiting the Guangming Lighting Processing Factory across the street. He was so shameless that he asked Director Wan for a batch of free white LED lights, but Director Wan used Tai Chi to send them back.

There are lights in the factory, and there are so many of them that the warehouse can’t hold them all. But we need to ask the boss of Tingmei Trading Company for them!

Just as the two factory managers were wandering around the lighting factory, the security guard from the color screen factory ran over and called Manager Xiao back.

Then, the head of the Friendly Investment Company, along with representatives from Japan's Panasonic and several experts from the Magnesium Country, were stopped by security guards at the factory gate.

"Boss, you guys have caused me so much trouble!" Factory Director Xiao took the initiative and quickly passed the buck. "Do you know that because your Friendly Investment Company defaulted on the funds, Hong Kong Island Colorful Investment Co., Ltd. was very dissatisfied and they also temporarily suspended the payment!"

"At first, Hong Kong Colorful Investment Co., Ltd. was planning to acquire all the shares, but you insisted on bringing in foreigners to form a joint venture!"

"Now, the foreigners have gone back on their word and refused to pay, and you guys are also refusing to pay, which has resulted in Hong Kong Island Colorful Investment Co., Ltd. also not paying. What do you think we should do about this?"

The Japanese man in the lead hurriedly said, "Xiao Sang! We came here today to discuss the funding issue. Please contact Tang Sang of Hong Kong Island Colorful Investment Co., Ltd. to participate."

After listening to the translator's words, Director Xiao nodded without comment, then led everyone into the factory area where the green belt was being repaired, walked around the large factory building whose interior was still being renovated, and went to the white office building on the side.

Along the way, Director Xiao was whispering with General Manager Dong of the Friendly Investment Company.

Director Xiao was surprised to learn that the Japanese actually wanted to seize the 24% stake of the magnesium side in the friendly investment company and turn the 2500 million magnesium yuan and 1% stake that the magnesium side had invested into the Chinese side.

As a result, the shares of Japanese islanders in Friendly Investment Company reached 49%.

"Why do I feel that the Japanese didn't pay just to wait until today so that they can kick the Magnesium guy out!" Director Xiao looked at the smiling old boss in confusion and asked in a low voice: "Did the higher-ups agree with the Japanese?"

"Have you forgotten?" The old boss replied in a low voice: "The tone we set when we were first established was to be pro-Japanese and anti-magnesium. In addition, I recently heard an argument that we should use the Japanese island as a transit point to export our products to the other side of the Pacific Ocean and then introduce advanced technology."

Director Xiao frowned, "Will the Magnesium people agree to this? The Western blockade of our technology was initiated by the Magnesium people!"

"Hey! As long as the Japanese agree and cooperate with us, it will be fine!" Old Dong sneered, glanced at the several experts from the Magnesium country behind him, and said in a disdainful whisper:

"When we signed the agreement, we added some clauses to prevent breach of contract. One of them is that if the investment funds are not paid within three months, we have the right to withdraw the defaulting party, and the funds already invested will not be refunded!"

"So, you think the Japanese are in a hurry to go to Shanghai to steal the lithography machine technology, but in fact they are using the three-month validity period in the agreement to cheat the Chinese."

"Also, those Magnesium people thought they had secretly photographed our complete set of technical information, but they didn't know that behind the cursive script used to write the technical information, there are many simplified Chinese characters that even college students can't recognize, hehe!"

Director Xiao was shocked when he heard this. "From what you said, those Japanese people discovered the secret and continued to cooperate with us?"

"Nonsense!" Old Dong said unhappily, "Just look at how many Chinese characters there are in Japanese! I've told you so much today just to tell you to be careful of those dwarfs in the future. Whether it's chatting casually or taking notes, be careful!"

"Yes!" Director Xiao nodded solemnly and asked the boss to take people to the meeting room. He went to the office to make a phone call to contact Tang Ren, the chairman of Hong Kong Colorful Investment Co., Ltd.


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