Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 335 Huifeng’s Board of Directors

"Meeting room upstairs?" Zhang Heping asked slightly surprised, "Is there anyone else?"

"Yes, sir!" the bank account manager said respectfully: "Because the amount involved is relatively large, it needs to be discussed and decided by other directors and senior executives in the bank."

The amount is huge!

Zhang Heping immediately thought of the Viagra powder patent!

Thinking back to the real estate in Tokyo, Japan, and the Japan bubble after 85, wealth is so exciting!

"Lead the way!" Zhang Heping said seriously.

Then, I followed the bank account manager to the top floor!

"Welcome, Mr. Zhang!" The director of Huifeng Bank stood up and walked towards the door.

The dozen or so people on the inside of the conference table all stood up to show respect.

Zhang Heping was invited to the side facing away from the window. A person sat on the outside of the conference table. On the right was Chairman Shen, who was presiding over the negotiations. The people sitting opposite the conference table should be bank directors. Most of the people behind them were It's a bank executive.

"Mr. Zhang is certainly no stranger to this director. He is..."

"I had a chance encounter with the Charter King!" Before Shen Bi could finish speaking, Zhang Heping interrupted Shen Bi and went straight to the topic: "I am a withdrawn person and don't like socializing very much. Please invite Director Shen." Let’s talk about cooperation.”

The Charter King met Zhang Heping at Tang Ren's private party. Although he couldn't remember his appearance, he still remembered that Tang Ren had such a brother-in-law.

Therefore, it doesn't matter to Zhang Heping's rudeness.

After all, what Zhang Heping said just now gave the chartering king some face.

As for the other directors and senior executives of Huifeng Bank, they were a little angry. A low-class person dared to ignore them.

But due to Chairman Shen Bi's threatening eyes, none of them had an attack for the time being.

"This is the latest house price and land price in Rishima Dongdu!" Shen Bi said, unfolding a large map of Rishima Dongdu and placing it in front of Zhang Heping.

Zhang Heping casually glanced at the land prices marked on the map. Ginza 312-chome was 260 million yen/square meter, Ginza -chome was million yen/square meter...

According to the conversion of 1 magnesium dollar to 240 yen, the land price in Hijima Ginza at this time does not exceed 1 US dollars, which is five to six thousand US dollars per square meter lower than the land price in Central District of Hong Kong Island. It is a real value low-end!

"These are the houses and land that our Huifeng Bank Dongdu Branch can contact, as well as related quotations!" Shen Bi handed over a stack of paper and placed it next to the map.

Zhang Heping quickly looked through the house listings and land information on the paper, and then compared the quotations on the map, and initially came to the following:

The total value of apartments, villas, and shops on paper is about 800 billion yen; while the commercial land is worth about 4000 billion yen; the total is only 4800 billion yen, about 20 billion yuan, or 102 billion Hong Kong dollars.

However, in this pile of paper, there are no shops in Ginza, and the land is relatively remote. The average land price is only 130 million yen per square meter... negative review!

"Are these bad debts of other banks?" Zhang Heping pointed out their heel, looked at Huifeng Bank Chairman Shen Bi with a smile, and said with a smile: "How do you want to cooperate?"

"The price is 20 billion yuan. How about exchanging it with you for Xiongqi wine or Viagra tablets worth 20 billion yuan?" Shen Bi smiled and did not explain how many discounts he got for those houses and land. It was like he had no bad debts. Ask about the cost of Viagra tablets.

Of course, if Zhang Heping told him that the cost was negligible in the face of US$20 billion, not only would he not be able to laugh, but he would also call security to tie up Zhang Heping and extort the formula!

"The production volume of Xiongqi Wine this year has been booked, but there is no production line for tablets." Zhang Heping said, leaning on the back of his chair, looking at the other people in the conference room, and smiled:

"If you have medical resources, you can help me get a few tablet production lines. When I build a factory in mainland China, I can sign a six-month exclusive supply agreement with you."

"But let's make an agreement first. I only sell pills. You need to handle the drug regulatory review of each country and the GMP certification of the magnesium country by yourself. I'm too lazy to do it!"

Zhang Heping wanted to sell the raw materials of Viagra powder to these people, but that would be too simple... leave the factory in Shenzhen, load it on the train, transport it to Hong Kong Island, deliver it, and collect the money.

However, 1 ton of Viagra powder is equal to 100 million grams. According to the 100 mg specification, 1000 million Viagra tablets can be produced, and according to the 50 mg specification, 2000 million Viagra tablets can be produced. However, most people can get results with the 25 mg Viagra tablets, and 50 mg Viagra tablets can be effective. It is more durable and its hardness is the same as 100 mg, which is level 4.

To put it simply, if a Viagra tablet is sold at 10 mg yuan, 1 ton of Viagra powder can produce Viagra tablets worth 1 million to 4 million mg yuan.

Put this way, you may feel nothing.

To put it more bluntly, the most expensive drug currently on the market costs less than 1 million mg per ton!

If Zhang Heping foolishly sells raw materials for Viagra powder, and then foolishly tells them that it can produce three specifications of 100 mg, 50 mg, and 25 mg, tsk tsk...

I can’t imagine the scene of being hunted by the whole world!

Even if their family returns to China, it will not be safe!

By the way, in his previous life, Zhang Heping saw Viagra selling for 10 mg yuan a pill on the Internet and 60 mg yuan a pill on the black market, with a net profit of more than 100 billion mg yuan a year. He actually didn't believe it because he had never bought it. It’s been used, how could so many people buy it?

Even in his current life, before selling Xiongqi wine, he did not believe that there was such a big market and such a big demand.

Otherwise, why would he work so hard on advertising?

After the Xiongqi wine became popular, Zhang Heping became silent.

Even if cartons and wine bottles cannot keep up with the production speed, he has never thought about increasing domestic supply. He has been waiting for the policy to be relaxed so that he can take his wife and children back to China to avoid the limelight.

Or, wait for other domestic pharmaceutical factories to copy it, and everyone can export and earn foreign exchange together to share the firepower.

Sometimes, he really wants to throw away this hot potato and use an offshore company to blow bubbles in Japan. It would be great to be a low-key invisible rich man.

"Can you sell Viagra powder to us directly, and let us go to a pharmaceutical processing factory to process it? This would be more efficient!" A male director of the Eagle Country came up with an unreasonable idea, fearing that he wanted to get more Viagra powder to crack. ingredients.

After all, the ingredients in Xiongqi wine are a little bit complicated.

"No!" Zhang Heping leaned back in his chair and said with a faint smile: "If you want efficiency, you can provide medicine bottles, packaging, etc. together; the more production lines, the faster the production speed."

"Can you put our trademark on it?" asked another smart person.

"Okay!" Zhang Heping said with a smile: "The premise is that the real estate and land in Ridao Dongdu will be transferred to the Ridao company I designated first. If you want to order Viagra tablets in the future, you can still use the real estate and land in Ridao Dongdu. Land deal.”

"There are so many properties and land for sale in Dongdu, Japan. Can't we settle with magnesium dollars?"

"You use magnesium yuan to settle, and others can also use magnesium yuan to settle. Why should you let me supply you exclusively? Chairman Shen, what do you think?"

"How much output can Mr. Zhang guarantee?" Shen Bi asked a key question.

"Anyway, I won't disappoint Chairman Shen!" Zhang Heping stood up and said, "Everyone, please discuss slowly. I'll leave first. The security on Hong Kong Island is not very good. I have to go back to train bodyguards."

"King of chartered ships!" Zhang Heping smiled at the other party: "I own 20% of Wharf's stocks. If you need it, you can exchange it with me for something I'm interested in."

As soon as Zhang Heping left, the conference room suddenly became lively.

"We lent gold to the Land Company and took away the man's commercial land to prevent him from cashing out. Unexpectedly, he didn't want the dollars. He only wanted the real estate and land in Dongdu, Japan. Could it be that the real estate and land in Dongdu were really big? rise?"

"So what if it goes up? The Chinese are squeezed out when opening a company in Japan, let alone a Chinese. When the time comes, no matter how much real estate or land he takes, he won't be able to sell it. In the end, he can only mortgage it to our bank at a discount to cash out. ”

"Wei Daban's strategy of using the bad debts of Japan Island Bank in exchange for Viagra tablets is very clever. It helped us save at least half of the money!"

"That's not all. Didn't Wei Daban say that? When his real estate and land in Ridao Dongdu cannot be sold, hey!"


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