Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 286 Going against the wind

Knowing that Zhang Heping was not in the game console business, young men from his eldest uncle's family and his second uncle's family approached Zhang Heping and wanted to produce the red and white console and cassette tape.

Zhang Heping agreed with a smile. He poured cold water on Chen Shuting, firstly to remind Chen Shuting, and secondly to see the reactions of the people around him.

As a result, the three generations of the Tang family have a good sense of business, which saves Zhang Heping the trouble of finding outsiders for production.

Tang Lu, the eldest son of the second uncle, asked in surprise: "Uncle, this is a big business worth tens of millions. Are you really not going to do it?"

"No time!" Zhang Heping took the pen and paper handed over by Chen Shuting and drew the relevant processing drawings of the red and white game consoles on the coffee table. "If you want to do this, you have to keep the hardware cost of the game consoles to a minimum, and then Sell ​​it at cost price.”

"Ah? If you sell it at the cost price, how can you make money?" Tang Lu was a little surprised.

"This is an electronic product, and no country has yet implemented trade protection." Zhang Heping explained: "So, international competition is fierce, and we have to fight a price war! First use our red and white game consoles to occupy the market, and let other game console manufacturers Imitate us and bring down small factories.”

"When the market adopts our cassette interface standard uniformly, you can make money from various game cartridges. Remember, when customers buy game consoles today, they are buying fun games, not machines!"

Zhang Heping didn't say a word. Once the cassette interface standards were aligned, it would be up to his legal department to file a lawsuit and make money.

By the way, California Pizza Hut, the first litigator in the history of video games, made a profit of more than 1 million yuan from the patent lawsuit for "video games and training devices" alone.

Therefore, if you are working so hard to build a game factory, you might as well let other game companies follow suit and imitate it, and then collect their patent fees.

The only regret is that game software patents only cover game images, music, gameplay, etc., and are not protected.

In addition, these eldest nephews did not ask about game development, so they must have understood the meaning of the phrase "no time".

"Uncle, can we produce the computer you assembled?"

"That won't work!" Zhang Heping categorically refused: "Electronic products are being phased out quickly. You can earn some money with game consoles, but computers will only ruin your hands. Last year, IBM's computers sold for 5 yuan. By the end of this year, you will Let’s see if IBM can still sell it!”

"However, when the memory capacity is larger, we can get a keyboard learning machine with a cassette inserted, so that ordinary people can learn computer typing, programming, and play games."

Tang Ming was absentmindedly practicing Tai Chi outside the door, listening to the conversation in the villa, and thinking about the family business.

He escaped from the mainland and suddenly felt that the world was changing so fast that he couldn't keep up with the times.

As for Xu Jiefeng, she took her daughter Tang Xin and several daughters-in-law to sing.

By the way, this mother-in-law used to be a big shot in the entertainment industry. Ever since she listened to Zhang Heping's song for Tang Xin, she has become Zhang Heping's old fan and even wanted to make Zhang Heping's debut.

How could Zhang Heping make his debut?

Putting aside the issue of identity exposure, the paparazzi just after becoming famous are annoying...

After the Lantern Festival, it’s time to prepare for the start of school.

Zhang Heping returned to Huadu and called the capital, Jingcheng, and Nanla Town to confirm that nothing involved him before returning to Jingcheng College.

Unexpectedly, just a few days after school started here, he received a notice of suspension of classes!

Zhang Heping wanted the students to go back to their homes, but he didn't want the train to stop running.

Zhang Heping had no choice but to ask He Zijiang to organize teachers and students to form an amateur propaganda team, rehearse programs at the school, occasionally go to surrounding villages to promote performances, and buy some groceries back to school.

The shutdown of the factory has no impact on the Nanla Town Pharmaceutical Factory, because the Artemisia annua harvested last year has been consumed with the help of the workers at the Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory.

Shortly after classes were suspended, Director Dao called Zhang Heping to Nanla Town, as well as people from Yangu and the Light Industry Bureau, as well as the directors of Mengla Commune and various towns, to discuss the Artemisia annua planting plan in March.

To put it bluntly, let the local tycoon in Nanla Town divide the seeds and benefits.

Because more than half of the 330 million loan in Nanla Town has been cashed in, the tap water is connected, every household has lights, a radio for every household, a black and white TV for every 5 households, as well as agricultural machinery, tractors... The surrounding towns and villages are envious.

Mengla Commune even proposed the idea of ​​annexing Nanla Town and formulated a plan to build houses and factories in the direction of Nanla Town in the next five years.

Once the 3 kilometers of wasteland between Mengla Commune and Nanla Town is connected by a group of buildings, it seems that it has truly been annexed.

After Zhang Heping nodded, all the Artemisia annua seeds saved in Nanla Town last year were sorted out, except for the Artemisia annua seedlings cut in July and August last year. It is roughly estimated that the output of 7 million kilograms can be retained.

However, with the expansion of planting, the purchase price must not be as extensive as Nanla Town. Other towns must be responsible for the quality of the Artemisia annua they grow.

After all, there is much difference in the artemisinin contained in Artemisia annua.

Zhang Heping initially set an acquisition standard:

From 1000 kilograms of Artemisia annua hay, 10 kilograms of artemisinin can be extracted, and the purchase price can be obtained at 1 yuan per kilogram.

Only 9 pounds of artemisinin was extracted, and the purchase price was only 9 cents per pound.

8 pounds corresponds to 8 cents per pound, so push it down; just like selling grain, it is divided into grades.

As for the production plan and planting plan, Zhang Heping does not need to worry about it.


Thursday, April 1976, 4, was sunny.

Zhang Heping, who had just returned to school for a few days, was summoned by Yangu and Zhao Jie again to take the 212 jeep to Yundu for a meeting, and then to Huadu to attend the Canton Fair!

When Zhang Heping got on the bus, he glanced at the big truck behind him that was pulling medicine.

The director of Yangu Factory of Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory smiled and explained: "I heard from Zhao Jie about your drug delivery promotion idea, so I applied for 100 boxes of Coptidis Coptidis Detoxification Oral Liquid, which will be free together with the anti-malarial capsules. deliver."

Zhang Heping patted Yan Gu on the shoulder and said sternly: "Your extraction equipment, as well as warehouses and pharmaceutical workshops, need to be worked on by the superiors."

"Okay, Dean!" Iwagu said happily: "I just called to urge them. When we get to Huadu, I will call them again."

Zhang Heping chose the co-pilot of the jeep and let the two pharmaceutical factory directors sit in the back seat and swing freely.

Because the Provincial Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Company was going to hold a mobilization meeting, the jeep drove a little wildly and made the two leaders in the back row vomit.

However, the result was good. The bus route that originally took four days took the jeep only three days to complete.

During the meeting of the Provincial Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Company, several pharmaceutical factories actually made unreasonable troubles, saying that the Nanla Town Pharmaceutical Factory priced too high, leaving foreign businessmen with no money to order their medicines.

In this regard, Zhang Heping directly responded at the meeting, "The anti-malarial capsules from the Nanla Town Pharmaceutical Factory will be given to foreign businessmen for free this year. However, if you and your family cannot earn tens of millions of dollars in foreign exchange, they will have to compensate Nanla Town." Pharmaceutical factory 1 million yuan!”

Once these cruel words come out, who dares to accept them?

Who has the confidence of Zhang Heping and others?

At the end of the meeting, only the pricing issue of anti-malarial capsules from Nanla Town Pharmaceutical Factory and Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory remained.

In the end, Zhang Heping did not say anything, but the directors of two small pharmaceutical factories from Jingcheng seemed to compromise; the price of 1 magnesium yuan per pill remained unchanged, and was changed to a 1% discount for foreign investors who bought 8 boxes and got 2 boxes free. .

At the end of the meeting, the heads of those pharmaceutical factories with many workers, large scales and pitifully small exports left the meeting room with great satisfaction.

Little did they know that Zhang Heping had told Zhao Jie and the others about this discount plan on the road, and he had already predicted that other pharmaceutical factories would hold back.

Because, in theory, the number of foreign businessmen is limited, and their magnesium is also limited; selling too many anti-malarial capsules will indeed reduce the sales of other drugs. This is also the reason why the leaders of the Provincial Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Company delayed the meeting.

However, this group of people has not experienced the market economy and does not understand what marketing propaganda is.

Therefore, when the Spring Canton Fair opened on April 4, the first day of the Spring Canton Fair, Nanla Town Pharmaceutical Factory and Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory advertised a buy-15-get-8-free promotion, Zhang Heping signed all the export plans for 2 boxes of anti-malarial capsules. go out.

2400 million magnesium yuan, 8% off, 1920 million magnesium yuan, making anti-malarial capsules a star product again.

What most Chinese people don't know is that these foreign businessmen are just purchasers. When they go back and resell, they may not know what the price will be.

In addition, this transaction amount may seem high, but 2400 million anti-malarial capsules can theoretically only treat 480 million malaria patients, which is only a drop in the 2 million patient market.

There is another main reason for the popularity. The magnesium dollar has depreciated, and foreign businessmen are happy to trade in magnesium dollars.

Ignoring the mixed feelings from the heads of other pharmaceutical factories, Zhang Heping took Chen Shuting to the negotiation room and asked the factory director Zhao Jie to exchange 100 boxes of anti-malarial capsules for two pharmaceutical granule production lines purchased by Tingmei Trading Company for 20 magnesium yuan. , just use a big truck to pull it back.

As for why they didn’t change last year, didn’t they just meet this Hong Kong businessman surnamed Chen?

On the afternoon of April 4, Zhang Heping, who had obtained the production line, parted ways with Chen Shuting, who was full of reluctance, and followed Jingcheng's car back to arrange production.


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