Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 271 Simple and crude

While Zhang Heping was waiting for Huifeng Bank's reply on Hong Kong Island, the Canton Fair in Huadu was gradually coming to an end.

On October 10.19th, based on the feedback from Director Zhao and the feedback from the second daughter Dao Yuzhu who put the powder into capsules, Director Dao initially judged that 100 kilograms of Artemisia annua can produce 500 anti-malarial capsules.

Based on the calculation that the yield per mu is 3000 kilograms and 300 acres are planted in Nanla Town, it is 90 kilograms...about 5?

Can 5 pills achieve a profit of 200 million magnesium yuan?

Director Dao felt that he must have made a mistake in his calculations, so he did not dare to report it. He only said that the technicians were still outside recruiting investment, and they had to wait until the technicians came back before they could confirm the output and quotation.

His algorithm must be wrong, not to mention that Nanla Town's lack of seeds this year resulted in low planting density, which in turn reduced production by half.

The output of capsules from 100 kilograms of Artemisia annua alone was also reduced by more than half.


Sunday, October 1974, 10, the sky was clear and clear.

With the help of Huifeng Bank's executive Shen Bi, Zhang Heping bought the Chinese People's Bank of China Building in Central for HK$1.5 million.

There is no handover ceremony, just sign and everything is done.

Subsequently, Zhang Heping used the Chinese People's Bank of China Building to borrow HK$1.5 million from Huifeng Bank. The loan term was 5 years and the annual interest rate was 6%, and the interest was compounded!

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Heping handed over the management of the Chinese Bank Building to Heping Real Estate Co., Ltd.

This Chinatown Building is actually a 9-story building, even though it has the word "building" in it.

This building is not worth HK$1.5 million, and what Zhang Heping cares about is not its past history or its status in the hearts of Chinese businessmen.

Zhang Heping only liked two words, Central!

To put it bluntly, he bought land and waited for the land value in Central to increase!

As for the Far East Exchange and other stock companies in this building, they are just tenants.

Although Zhang Heping consciously kept a low profile, the news that the Chinese Bank Building had changed owners and was bought by a mysterious young Chinese tycoon spread all over Hong Kong Island the next day.


On November 11st, when the group of rich ladies trapped by the Peace Land Company gathered together to play mahjong again, they accidentally learned that the Chinese Bank Building was actually the property of the boss of Peace Land. They rushed to the villa No. 1 in Kowloon Tong one by one to find out more. Insider information.

However, Tang Xin's big mouth was excluded from the business by Zhang Heping. She knew very little about Zhang Heping's operations, and it was difficult to ask Chen Shuting.

She only knew that Zhang Heping owed Huifeng Bank HK$5 million, but she knew nothing else.

However, Zhang Heping had told her how much rent she should charge every month. Who made her the property manager of Heping Real Estate?

For Zhang Heping, after signing the contract for the China Bank Building, he successively signed contracts for 2.5 square meters of commercial land and 2.6 square meters of shops.

These are all non-performing assets of Huifeng Bank, which were converted to Zhang Heping at HK$3.5 million, with interest calculated at compound interest for five years.

A rough calculation showed that by October 1979, he would have to pay back HK$10 million to Huifeng Bank.

Based on the current market price of his family's gold reserves, he can still afford to repay the principal and interest.

Therefore, Huifeng Bank’s abacus is very accurate!

They both sold bad assets and made a loan business.

However, Chen Shuting was very unhappy that Huifeng Bank collected HK$1.7 million in interest for nothing.

However, after Zhang Heping asked her to register a "Tingmei Trading Company", she forgot about her unhappiness and was always waiting for Zhang Heping's call.


On November 11, Zhang Heping went around the capital and visited his mother-in-law, Xu Jiefeng. After confirming that her condition had improved, he returned to Jingcheng College.

However, as soon as he came back, he was blocked in the office by a group of people.

"Principal Zhang, this is Director Fang of the Provincial Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Company..."

Before Director Dao finished introducing the people, a young man squeezed in front of the crowd and said loudly: "Zhang Heping, how can you hand over the production of malaria medicine to a commune and team factory with no qualifications, no experience, and no equipment? You should hand over your technology and let Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory produce it! This will not cause a waste of national resources."

"What department does this person belong to? What level?" Zhang Heping asked with a frown.

"A section chief of the Light Industry Bureau." Vice Principal Dao Yuzhu said dissatisfied: "He has been coming to our school recently to influence... classes."

Before Dao Yuzhu finished speaking, he saw Zhang Heping stretched out his right hand, grabbed the man's neck, and raised it into the air; then he saw him stretch out his left hand and pat the man a few times, and then threw the man outside the office. There was no sound on the basketball court.

Zhang Heping's move really shocked outsiders.

"If your level is not high enough, don't teach me how to do things!" Zhang Heping glanced at everyone, then looked at Director Dao and asked: "Director Dao, please continue!"

"Didn't you go to the Canton Fair?" Director Dao didn't take Zhang Heping's rudeness seriously at all. He didn't suffer from a stroke and was paralyzed. Instead, he said excitedly: "On the night of the 16th last month, there were foreign businessmen who wanted to buy our anti-microbial products. Malaria specific capsules. However, because the output of this medicine is unknown and the price has not been determined, it has not been sold."

Director Dao took the right arm of a middle-aged man in blue work clothes and said: "Director Fang is here to guide our production and said there are requirements for exporting drugs. And these leaders..."

Zhang Heping listened for a while and roughly understood it. Except for the people from the Light Industry Bureau who wanted to get his skills for free, and the people from the Master Bureau who wanted to get some medicine for free, everyone else was sent to help.

Because if the Nanla Town Pharmaceutical Factory succeeds in earning foreign exchange from exports, it will be a local political achievement and has nothing to do with the Ministry of Industry.

Therefore, they only sent a small section chief to take the lead, but they did not expect that Zhang Heping did not respect martial ethics...

"Are the factories and equipment in Nanla Town ready?" Zhang Heping asked casually.

"The pharmaceutical workshop, raw material warehouse, and drug warehouse have all been built, and white ceramic tiles are being laid." Director Dao said happily: "Old Zhao has organized people to harvest the Artemisia annua, and is waiting for you to come back to install the equipment."

"Then we'll wait until we go to Nanla Town tomorrow. I'll make some adjustments first. I've been riding in the car recently and I'm all smelly."

"Okay, we'll pick you up tomorrow morning." Director Dao said, and asked everyone to go back to the county guest house to rest.

It was night, when Zhang Heping was holding a meeting with the vice-principal and teachers in the office, that kid Mo Shen came over.

Zhang Heping ignored him. It wasn't until the meeting was over at eleven o'clock in the evening that the boy carried two bags of gifts into the office.

"Principal Zhang, I'm sorry!" the director of Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory said silently and shamelessly: "I was busy with exporting to earn foreign exchange. When I came back at the end of last month, I found out that the people in the purchasing department confiscated the Artemisia annua from Nanla Town. , and also lowered prices for them.”

"I have circulated criticism to the whole factory about this matter, and I have also sent the section chief to the workshop."

"Director Shen, do you know what will happen after the balloon floats away?" Zhang Heping turned off the lights and left the office without giving the other party a good look.

"Principal Zhang..."

"do not bother me!"

"Yangang and Yulu were sent to other pharmaceutical factories to guide the production of Artemisia annua oral liquid. This is a decision made by the higher-ups, and there is nothing I can do about it!"

Zhang Heping turned around suddenly and wanted to kick this shameless guy to death. Did he really regard him as an idiot?

Yan Gang was sent out, which can be said to be sent out to provide technical guidance. What do you mean by sending out all the technicians and workers from Nanla Town?

Zhang Heping didn't say anything, he just looked at the other party gloomily, wondering if he should find an opportunity to destroy him.

Silence was a little frightened by Zhang Heping who was staring at him in the shadows. He put down the gifts in his two net pockets, then laughed and dodged...

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