Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 260 Ambition

"Director!" Xiao Zhu, the clerk, hurried into the director's office, "Oh no, all the educated youth in the city are clamoring to arrest Principal Zhang!"

"Principal Zhang? Which Principal Zhang?" The fat director, who was sitting on a chair reading the newspaper, slowly took a sip of tea and said to the astonished clerk Xiao Zhu: "Remember, there is no principal named Zhang in our jurisdiction!"


"He's back! He's back! Zhang Heping is back!" There was a burst of surprise in the boss's bureau, "All the educated youths in the city went to arrest Zhang Heping to hold him accountable!"


"Don't worry about whether it's true or not, go and take a look first!"

"Xiao Ma, call for a bus to come over. It's raining so heavily. You'll get wet all over when you walk there!"


"Mom, it's bad. All the educated youths who are hospitalized in our hospital have been called to Jingcheng Middle School to arrest Zhang Heping!"

"What?" Li Mingzhen, director of the Educated Youth Office, was shocked, "Hurry up and call your dad. I'll rush over and have a look right now!"


"Who else?"

Big voice: Dacheng (5%).

Zhang Heping stood on the road outside Jingcheng Middle School and roared so loud that the heavy rain stopped.

A ray of sunlight shone on Zhang Heping, illuminating the dense crowd of people lying on the ground around him. The educated youth who came after him were so frightened that they did not dare to take a step forward!

It was really a weird scene of more than a hundred educated youths lying on the ground, with their mouths open and their heads moving silently. It was so scary!

What’s even more frightening is that the guy named Zhang is simply not human!

He grabbed the educated youths by the back of their necks with one hand, effortlessly lifted one with one hand, and easily took the two of them into Jingcheng Middle School.

Zhang Heping was also complaining in his heart. These malnourished lean ribs dared to yell at Zhang San!

If he hadn't held back his strength, hum... a bunch of little trash!

When Director Li of the Educated Youth Office arrived, he happened to see this strange scene; many people stood on both sides of the road to watch, and there was an empty space in the middle of the road, where many people were lying down, including Zhang Heping, who was carrying two people into the school.

However, when Director Li inquired and learned that Zhang Heping had defeated those people on the ground alone, she was no longer anxious. It was really that these educated youths were too noisy. They gathered to fight every two days. It was simply lawless!

On the other hand, Zhang Heping, this young man knew the severity. If he didn't kill someone, it wouldn't be a big deal.

When Director Dao arrived with the militiamen, Zhang Heping had already picked up all the fallen educated youths on the road outside the door and put them on the basketball court of Jingcheng Middle School; they all put their faces upward, their heads towards the classroom, and their feet towards the dormitories, one by one, and placed them Neatly arranged in 5 rows and 37 columns.

Looking at Zhang Heping again, that boy was actually cooking in the kitchen!

By the way, strenuous exercise consumes a lot of energy!

In addition, Zhang Heping didn't eat well on the way back to the city, so he was a little hungry now.

The key is, with so many people watching, it's impossible for Zhang Heping to do anything extraordinary. Otherwise, how could he survive in the country?

"Principal Zhang..."

"Stop shouting!" Zhang Heping interrupted Dao Shan and pointed in the direction of the classroom, "I have been dismissed from my post by the Education Bureau. Director Dao, please call me, Xiao Zhang."

Director Dao went to the doorway and took a look at the notice posted on the wall. He frowned and came back and said, "I will let the Education Bureau give you an explanation on this matter."

"No need!" Zhang Heping stood at the door, peeling peanuts, scanning the surrounding people watching the excitement, and said loudly:

"I will submit articles to major newspapers across the country and ask comrades in education across the country whether my 95-point Chinese test paper should be deducted by 5 points! My 90-point political test paper should be deducted by 10 points!"

"After I entered junior high school at New Capital No. 11 School, in which exam did I not get full marks in all subjects?"

"This time, I didn't get full marks in Chinese language and politics. Either there is an ideological problem in the Yundu education system! Or there is an ideological problem in the capital education system that I represent!"

"This matter must be investigated to the end!"

"Yes! Get to the bottom of it!" the people from the Master's Bureau shouted: "There must be no problem with education in the capital! It must be that some big masters in Yundu don't study hard and have deviations in their thinking!"

"During the three years when Comrade Zhang Heping was the director of the Nanla Town Health Center, he personally led a team to visit villages and provide free medical treatment for local villagers. He also bravely visited leprosy villages regardless of personal safety and cured more than 3 leprosy patients. Patient." Another person from the Master Bureau helped:

"Who dares to say that a comrade with such a high ideological consciousness has ideological problems? And dare to remove him from office! Who gave them the power? Have you asked the people of Nanla Town to agree? Have you asked our Health Bureau to agree?"

"Go call your superiors!" When Zhang Heping saw Director Li approaching, he immediately returned to the kitchen and whispered to Director Dao and Director Li who were blocking the door:

"You really want me to destroy Yundu's education system? Hurry up and ask the people above to provide money and materials to appease me! I want to build this place into Jingcheng University, do you understand?"

Director Dao and Director Li's eyes suddenly widened. They never expected that Zhang Heping had such ambitions!

Having said that, it seems that this kid has always been very courageous!

"Go quickly, I'll stay here to deal with the issue of educated youth." Director Li elbowed her man.

After Director Dao ran to make a phone call, Zhang Heping was not in a hurry to let him go.

Director Li stood at the door and did not urge him. Instead, he talked about college admissions.

"This year, Banna admitted 516 workers, peasants and soldiers college students, 514 of whom are educated youth. Only Yanda and Yili from your school are locals." Director Li grabbed a handful of peanuts and helped Zhang Heping peel them. , "So, after reading the newspaper, I also felt that this year's exam was unfair!"

"It's really unfair!" Zhang Heping nodded and agreed: "For example, I teach local young people to learn medicine at the Nanla Town Health Center. They have never studied mathematics, physics and chemistry, but they can still learn Chinese medicine and even some Western medicine knowledge."

"For example, doctors Baiyun and Yishu from the gynecology department, I sent them to the Capital Xuanwu Hospital for internship for several months. After they came back, when they encountered a condition they didn't know in their actual work, they would call the Capital Hospital for advice instead of like Doctors at other health centers are thinking like that."

Director Li looked at Zhang Heping expectantly, "If you were the president of Jingcheng University, how would you recruit students?"

"First of all, the school cannot have walls. This means that the school should open knowledge to everyone." Zhang Heping said with a smile: "College students are adults and do not need wall protection like primary school students. School assets such as teaching equipment are locked in the building. There is no need for a wall."

Seeing Director Li nod, Zhang Heping continued: "Use the money and materials to build the wall to build a library, and then open it to everyone who is thirsty for knowledge."

"The first type of students I want to recruit are those who have no time or opportunity to go to college, but they have spare time to read and study, or go to the classroom to listen to school teachers' lectures. If they can pass the school's professional assessment, the school can also provide them with Issue a diploma and note that you are self-taught!"

"Secondly, schools cannot have college entrance examination score limits, but they cannot have professional thresholds, otherwise there will be students who are just cheating." Zhang Heping said while pouring peanuts into the pot and boiling water:

"The university I envision is divided into one-year preparatory students and two-year formal college students."

"High school graduates, regardless of their grades, as long as they are willing to go to university, can apply for preparatory student status at the university."

"Then, choose the major you are interested in and follow the books and curriculum recommended by the school to study the entry-level courses of the corresponding major."

"Within one year, if you pass the entrance examination of each major, you can become a formal college student in the corresponding major and study intermediate courses."

"If they can't pass, it means they didn't work hard and didn't find a direction to strive for." Zhang Heping took the peanuts aside and scooped up the water in the pot while continuing: "For such students who are dawdling, no matter how good their previous academic performance is, OK, we must eliminate them resolutely and not waste school resources."

"As for those who are eliminated, they will either wake up and become the first type of students and use their spare time to become self-study; or they will become ordinary people and do some simple jobs to make a living."

Seeing that Zhang Heping had stopped talking, Director Li hurriedly asked: "But what should I do if a student finds that he is not suitable for this major during the one-year preparatory period?"

"Change!" Zhang Heping gave the solution without even thinking, "During the one-year preparation period, all preparatory students can change to other majors at any time. As long as they can pass the entrance examination after one year, they can change at will. .”

"Young people must make constant choices and attempts to find a career they are willing to strive for throughout their lives!"

Director Li thought for a while, frowned and asked, "But with so many students, where will the money and food come from?"


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