Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 230 The experts are here

"Then what do you think we should do?" Director Dao said directly.

Zhang Heping smiled and said: "The main contradiction in what we are talking about is the increasing number of infectious diseases, right?"


"You just said that malaria and Japanese encephalitis are spread by mosquitoes. Killing mosquitoes is the job of the epidemic prevention station. You quantitatively assess their work, just like we did at Jingcheng Farm. Are they lazy and are they lacking? People can understand it at a glance." Zhang Heping waited for a while, and after seeing Director Dao understand and nod, he continued:

"The hygiene issue of preventing hepatitis belongs to the propaganda work of the epidemic prevention station. It should be easy to let the propaganda team of the Corps help promote it during the performance!"

"Finally, it's the efficiency of the epidemic prevention station!" Zhang Heping looked at the group of white coats in the clinic building and said: "The phone number of the epidemic prevention station is useless. You might as well ask the people in charge of the villages, towns, and various government agencies to jointly defend themselves and call your office in a unified manner. Report whether there is an infectious disease, and then the office will notify the epidemic prevention station to do the work."

"The rest of the treatment issues have nothing to do with them!"


"Doctors can't wear masks. Wearing masks is a lordly behavior! It's because you're afraid of being infected by patients, and you want to stay away from the masses! Take off your masks!"

"Our epidemic prevention station is testing your medical skills. You still need to charge consultation fees to treat us? Where is your director?"

Zhang Heping listened with the knife director downstairs for a while before taking him upstairs to the outpatient hall. Then he was sued by the doctor at the health center, saying that these people were here to cause trouble.

"Director Dao, these people at the epidemic prevention station really need to be trained. I will personally take them to the leprosy village to see how they behave without wearing masks!"

As soon as Zhang Heping said this, the group of people in white coats were so frightened that they dared not say a word.

Don't be kidding, leprosy can be transmitted through saliva...

"The 5-cent consultation fee is a charging standard set by the state. We only waive this fee for those without wages. If you don't want to pay, you can stay as a medical teaching model and show you our medical skills. Let’s see if you have the ability to test us.”

Zhang Heping did not force them to pay, but Director Dao was watching. How dare the people at the epidemic prevention station continue to default on their debts.

"No need!" Zhao Hongmei closed the cash box with a smile and joked: "It's rare to meet a group of models who are not afraid of being infected. It's just time for our doctors to see how unsterilized needles can transmit hepatitis virus, so that you don't get separated from the masses. !”

"Dean, these two are experts sent by Xuanwu Hospital in the capital." Baiyun brought a middle-aged man and a young girl over and introduced to Zhang Heping: "Dr. Shen Jie is a gynecologist. When Yishu and I were in the capital, , I often asked her for advice; Dr. Liu is a liver disease expert."

Zhang Heping shook hands with the two plainclothes doctors, and then asked Bai Yun and Yi Shu to take them to choose a place to live.

There were many vacant rooms in the guest house, but there were also many educated youths waiting for treatment, and some of the bedding was unclean.

Next to Zhang Heping's dormitory, there are five vacant wooden bamboo dormitories, which are small houses left behind by Baiyun and the others after they moved to their new house. There are no bedding and mosquito nets, and they are some distance from the public toilets of the health center. In addition, the health center has no walls. Night is a bit of a test of courage.

Therefore, even though the two doctors from the capital brought bedding, they finally chose the Red Brick Building Guest House.

Gynecologist Shen Jie stood by the window on the third floor, looking at the wooden bamboo buildings in Nanla Town, and said with emotion: "Yishu, when you were in the capital last time, you said that many of you live in shabby buildings. Thatched cottage. As it turns out, the house you have here is the best-built one I’ve ever seen!”

"This was all repaired by the dean for us!" Yishu said with a smile, giving all the credit to Zhang Heping, ignoring the contributions of the carpenters and the construction team.

"Are those water tankers fetching water?" Dr. Shen Jie pointed to several large rotating water tankers on the Nanla River and asked doubtfully, "Don't you have running water here?"

"The reservoir hasn't been repaired yet!" Yishu pointed to the waterwheel, then pointed along half of the bamboo drainage channel suspended in the air to the water filter rack on the dirt roadside, and said:

"The dean said the water in the river was not clean, so he used a water tanker to collect water from the river, and then made a three-layer water filtering device using pebbles, sand and bamboo charcoal, so that we can use the filtered water to bathe and wash clothes."

"Don't you wash naked in the river?"

"You can wash naked in those ponds surrounded by bamboo walls. I will take you there later... Don't be afraid, there are men and women! The water is filtered water, and the water filtering device and ponds are cleaned regularly. .”


The group of people at the epidemic prevention station had ideological problems and were arranged by Zhang Heping to the guest house to wait for training on the simplest hygiene knowledge.

Later, Zhang Heping gave accountant Zhao Hongmei the certificate and letter of commendation issued by Director Dao to the Nanla Town Health Center for malaria treatment, and asked her to buy glass from a supply and marketing cooperative, and then find a carpenter to make a frame and frame it.

Finally, Zhang Heping asked her to collect more mountain goods so that they could be sent home to the two doctors in the capital.

When Director Surgeon went to find the construction team and Zhang Heping went to find the two side doctors from the capital, Dr. Shen Jie from the Department of Gynecology was already taking a bath in the women's bath. There were many people coming in and out without shame, and they all asked Zhang Heping to come in and take a bath together. bath.

Dr. Liu was by the river, smoking and watching a group of educated youth pulling weeds in the vegetable fields on the river beach.

"Have Dr. Liu called home to report that everything is safe?" Zhang Heping said, handing over a pack of Hongtashan. "No one in our health center smokes, and smoking is not allowed in the bamboo building."

When Zhang Heping saw that the other party didn't answer, he stuffed the pack of cigarettes into Dr. Liu's trouser pocket and said with a smile:

"This is a blessed place for smokers. You don't need a ticket to buy cigarettes! Although you need a ticket to sell these filtered cigarettes to outsiders, you don't need a ticket when you buy them from the surrounding folks. You can just find someone passing by. Just let me help you buy it."

"If you want to buy some cigarettes to take back, it's best to mail them back to avoid checking you for speculation on the train."

Doctor Liu took out a breath and asked, "How long do you plan to stay here, Dean Zhang?"

"When the mountain to the east is planted with tea trees!" Zhang Heping pointed to the mountain on the other side of the river, then pointed his thumb back and said casually: "When the hillside to the west is planted with Artemisia annua, I won't be needed here."

"Before I came here, I actually had quite a lot of opinions. I didn't make any mistakes. Why should I be sent to the countryside?" Dr. Liu flicked the cigarette butt into the river. "The dean and Dr. Zhao worked with me for a month. That’s why I agreed to come.”

"On the way here, I saw those dilapidated small mountain villages, and I regretted it again. How can such a remote and backward place be suitable for liver disease research?"

"However, after I just heard about the changes in Nanla Town in the past two years, my mind has changed." Dr. Liu Chen Chen said: "It depends on man! Being behind now does not mean that it will be behind in the future. I want to express my gratitude to Dean Zhang study……"

Zhang Heping secretly thought that this guy had been preparing for this inner drama for so long, just to flatter him.

Thinking again about the explanation of hepatitis to the health center staff this morning, the handouts left on the blackboard were not wiped off, so Dr. Liu probably saw them...

"I guess those experts who study malaria have the same idea as you. You can communicate with them more later and explain them." Zhang Heping left the stunned Dr. Liu behind and ran to the west slope to inspect the growth of Artemisia annua.

Director Dao just informed two more things after sending out certificates and letters of commendation.

First, the county meeting’s decision to upgrade Zhang Heping’s section chief’s treatment and salary by three levels remained unchanged, allowing him to remain the director of the Nanla Town Health Center.

Second, a group of experts from other provinces who study malaria came to test two methods of treating malaria reported in Yundu Daily; because when these experts experimented in other provinces, the cure rate was about 66% and the recurrence rate was more than 12%.

They want to confirm whether the Artemisia annua from Nanla Town is more effective than the Artemisia annua from other provinces.

At the foot of the hillside, Zhang Heping was overtaken by the gilded boy named Silence.

"Dean Zhang, I heard that you gave up on being the head of the epidemic prevention station. There may be a misunderstanding between us. Please listen to me explain to you."

"What a nonsense explanation!" Zhang Heping said angrily: "Do you have a problem with your understanding?"

"Let me tell you frankly again, if you can't bring benefits to our health center? Can't you bring benefits to our Nanla Town? Get out of here before those experts come!"

"Yes! I can!"


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