Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 209: When a fake infectious disease meets a real infectious disease

"108?" Zhang Heping was stunned for a moment, looking at the bespectacled director Zhong Tao with confusion, and asked: "Can the higher-ups approve 108 temporary worker quotas for our hospital?"

"Only 6 temporary worker quotas have been approved for us, but..." Dean Zhong lifted up his white coat, squatted next to Zhang Heping, and whispered:

"After I reported this matter to the superiors, the superiors allocated some temporary worker quotas to more than a dozen hospitals including Jingcheng Health Center, Machinery Factory Staff Hospital, Fertilizer Factory Staff Hospital, etc. The total number is 108."

"Then what?" Zhang Heping asked with a frown. He had a bad feeling that it might delay his vacation.

Dean Zhong said with some embarrassment: "Because this matter was initiated by our hospital, and Dr. Li is in our hospital. Therefore, the first three months of the inspection period for these 108 educated youths will be in our hospital."

Zhang Heping put down the bamboo and hatchet, patted the bamboo shavings on his hand, stood up and took a sip of water from the marching water bottle, then pointed to the two bamboo chairs next to him and said:

"Sit down and talk slowly, what benefits did other hospitals provide? How could our president take such a big risk?"

"A two-story building with 120 beds, complete with beds and furniture..." Director Zhong excitedly talked about the conditions for joint opening of large hospitals.

More than a month later, a large wall was built around Banna People's Hospital. A two-story inpatient building was built on the west side of the back door, with 11 rooms on each side, a doctor's duty room, and 1 10-person wards. 6 wooden hospital beds were purchased.

A canteen was built on the north side that can accommodate 200 people for dining at the same time, and can also be used as Dr. Li's classroom.

There is also a public toilet next to the canteen, with six pits for men and women, which was specially requested by Zhang Heping.

On the east side is the brick dormitory where Zhang Heping and his family currently live, as well as the original kitchen with the stove removed.

A little further east is the original two-story red brick building of Banna People's Hospital, as well as the newly built gate and two iron gates.

The hospital was originally going to have all cement floors, but after Zhang Heping showed a design drawing to Director Zhong, he gave up.

Then, there were several pairs of flower beds and several pieces of wild grass in the courtyard.

The open space on the south side of the hospital was occupied by the bamboo building frame made by Zhang Heping. At the request of colleagues in the hospital, 11 row bamboo buildings were built.

Currently, Zhang Heping is still waiting for bamboo to be used for walls and thatch for roofing.

On December 1969, 12, Banna People's Hospital admitted a number of "infectious patients". In order to prevent infection, it was closed and quarantined from that day on.

As soon as the big iron gate was closed, even the cook Lao Zhu and the accountant Dao Meijuan ran to the cafeteria to attend classes and study medicine. Only Zhang Heping did not go because they thought the cases they explained were too simple.

A month ago, the only lecturer was Dr. Li from Shanghai.

Those 108 educated youths studying medicine cherished this opportunity to study after going to work in the countryside for several months. Those who got up early, went to bed late, and worked overtime all wanted to become semi-full-time health workers.

He even fantasizes about doing well and staying in the city hospital as a doctor.

The students are attentive and the teachers teach quickly.

The key is that in the three-year training lesson plan prepared by Dr. Li, many basic knowledge have been learned by these educated youths.

Therefore, in just one month, Dr. Li suddenly discovered that her lesson plan was finished.

This group of educated youths wrote their notes very carefully. Even if they don't remember it now, they can just read the notes twice more in the future without Dr. Li having to repeat them.

In the next few days, Dean Zhong and Dr. Chen from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology all came on stage to share some cases, and then...

"How about letting Xiao Zhang teach a lesson?"

Dr. Li and Dr. Chen, who were discussing follow-up teaching in the office, were stunned when they heard what Dean Zhong said.

"Has he studied medicine?" Dr. Chen from the obstetrics and gynecology department asked doubtfully: "Old Zhong, this is not a joke."

"His file states that he participated in earthquake relief at the age of 16, participated in the treatment of 1366 people, and performed 372 surgeries." When Dean Zhong said this, he couldn't go on and felt incredible.

"Xiao Zhang's medical skills are better than mine." Yanba old Dai doctor suddenly interjected.

This is when Zhang Heping communicated with Yanba in Dai language. He often asked Yanba about some Dai medical treatment methods, and from time to time gave some optimization methods for Yanba's old Dai doctors to try.

"I heard other people talk about him at the Modu Hospital. Is Xiao Zhang from the capital?" Dr. Li, with gray hair, stared at Dean Zhong with burning eyes.

"Dean, it's bad! The state-owned Hongqi Farm sent an educated youth suffering from malaria and asked us to open the door to receive patients."


At noon on January 1970, 1, Zhang Heping dragged out a rocking chair from the bamboo building on the south side of the hospital and placed it in the sun in front of the bamboo building, preparing for a lunch break.

Dao Yuzhu, who lived in the bamboo building next door to him, went downstairs with a cattail leaf fan, took out a bamboo stool from under the bamboo building, and sat next to Zhang Heping. He fanned him to drive away mosquitoes, rocked his chair, and almost jumped on him. Dedicated.

"Second Sister Dao, I have told you ten times, I am already married." Zhang Heping closed his eyes and enjoyed the sunshine, ignoring Dao Yuzhu's mood, and simply refused again.

"I don't believe it!" Dao Yuzhu said charmingly: "I asked your classmates, Liu Yuan and He Zijiang both said you are not married!"

"Anyway, I'm not lying to you." Zhang Heping, feeling the wind blowing on his face, warned the nymphomaniac girl: "I'm telling you, educated youths from other provinces like us will have to go back to our homes sooner or later."

"Luckily, your eldest sister is married to an educated youth from Yundu and works in a government agency. Even if your brother-in-law returns to the city, your eldest sister can still be transferred to work in Yundu."

"If you were an educated youth like me in the capital, what would you do once you return to the capital? Can you be transferred to the capital with me?"

Dao Yuzhu stopped his movements and said in despair: "Can't you stay in Banna for me?"

Zhang Heping flatly refused: "No! I'm already married!"

"Director Zhang, are you bullying our Yuzhu again?" Wang Min, the day shift nurse, ran over and pulled up Dao Yuzhu who was silently wiping her tears. "How many times have I told you that he is a stone-hearted person? You don't believe it. .”

"Xiao Zhang, there are a group of educated youths suffering from malaria. Do you have any way to cure them?" Dean Zhong ran over and asked with the idea of ​​giving them a try.

"Take a handful of Artemisia annua, soak it with two liters of water, wring out the juice, and drink it all." Zhang Heping casually said a method without even raising his eyelids, because he sensed the arrival of several section chiefs from the state-owned Hongqi Farm.

"Isn't it a handful of Artemisia annua?" Dr. Li asked doubtfully.

Immediately afterwards, an inappropriate joke sounded, "Hey! Isn't this Secretary-General Zhang? I heard that Deputy Director Dao didn't want you and sent you to the health center!"

Zhang Heping ignored the publicity section chief of the state-owned Hongqi Farm. This guy had been trying to be transferred from the farm in recent months, but no unit would accept him. People were spreading rumors that he was a smiling tiger and was very sinister.

"Weren't you crazy before? You didn't even look down on us section chiefs. Why are you so weak now? You can't stand it..."

Gu Hai, the chief of the human resources department who was accompanying him, pulled the chief of the publicity department and said, "Old Wang, please stop talking. We are here to see a doctor."

"Xiao Zhang, the emergency prescription says Artemisia annua, why do you say Artemisia annua?" Dr. Li asked in a very lackluster manner.

Zhang Heping was lying on the rocking chair, as if asleep, paying no attention to anyone.

Dr. Li wanted to ask more questions, but was pulled aside by Dean Zhong.

Zhang Heping's attitude was so obvious, but the old lady didn't even notice it.

I really have never suffered a loss at the hands of educated youths. I don’t know how powerful educated youths are!

Subsequently, the state-owned Hongqi Farm wanted to place the educated youth from the capital city suffering from malaria in the new inpatient building of the Banna People's Hospital on the grounds that their farm workers' hospital was full.

When Dr. Li heard that he was from Shanghai, he immediately ran to the gate to check.

While Dean Zhong was still negotiating with the people at the state-owned Hongqi Farm, saying that their hospital did not have that much manpower to treat patients, Dr. Li had already made his own decision and asked a few medical educated youths who sneaked into the gate to watch the excitement to call others. People took these 83 malaria-stricken educated youths out of the car and sent them to the new hospital building.

Dean Zhong was so angry at Dr. Li's behavior, but he couldn't get angry at an old lady.

Then, he was shocked by Zhang Heping's operation. That boy's revenge was too strong!


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