Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 138 Class 2 joins the group

"Brother, whose clothes are you taking?"

Zhang Pandi, who was sitting sideways on the back seat of the bicycle and was going to the steel rolling mill cafeteria to get food with her eldest sister, shouted to the man in black who suddenly ran over. She had made the black suit for Zhang Heping with her own hands.

"It's not me, I'm BangGeng!"

As these words fell, the masked man in black, holding two piles of clothes as wings with his hands, let himself go and ran away!

Last night, Zhang Heping saw Deputy Director Li engaging in such a big fight and personally participating in the interrogation. He originally thought that Yi Zhonghai would be in trouble.

As a result, as soon as he left the duty lounge of the security department this morning, he saw Yi Zhonghai standing behind the director of the steel rolling mill, smiling proudly at him.

That mean angry!

Listening to what my cousin Zhang Cuishan said, Liu Haizhong, the warehouse manager and others all confessed about the experimental steel, but Yi Zhonghai actually refused to admit it, and then the factory director let him go without any hesitation.

You are too stubborn to admit it, right?

He will too!

Zhang San’s name is not for nothing!

When Zhang Heping stormed into No. 95 Courtyard like the wind, he threw a pile of clothes into the backyard, a pile of clothes into the middle yard, and then ran back to his new home in Houhai to change clothes like a wind.


Don't ask him why he threw Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong's clothes back to No. 95 Courtyard. Outlaw Zhang San will not make stupid mistakes!

When Zhang Heping was wearing a white round-neck short-sleeved T-shirt, gray shorts, straw sandals, and a light-colored outfit that was out of season, he was sitting on an armchair under the window of the east wing of No. 95 Courtyard, eating lunch and waiting to watch a good show, Xu Damao Came back with a camera.

Leaning behind the sink in the front yard, he panted and said to Zhang Heping: "I got it! Hehe..."

Xu Damao rested for a while, then came closer and said, "Brother Heping, someday we can send Silly Zhu in for treatment?"

"Waste of money!" Zhang Heping shook his head, "Wouldn't it be more satisfying to let him be a bachelor for the rest of his life and never touch a woman?"

"That makes sense!" Xu Damao nodded in agreement, then took a picture of the camera and said, "I'm going to develop the photos first. After you build the stove in your new house, you want to treat me to a housewarming party! Otherwise, Don’t blame your brother for disowning you!”

After finishing speaking, Xu Damao ran out of the yard.

When Zhang Heping went home this morning, he met Xu Damao who was chatting and laughing with Qin Huairu on the way to work. This guy actually ignored him!

Zhang Heping was already in a bad mood, but this happened to him!

He immediately called Xu Damao, and then saw Zhang Heping pressing the phalanges of his right fist with his left hand, and pressing the phalanges of his left fist with his right hand, making a clicking sound, and approached Xu Damao with a malicious look on his face.

Then, Xu Damao got cold feet and said that Zhang Heping didn't invite him over for dinner when he moved to a new house. He felt shameless and angry...

Please give me a hammer. There is no stove over there, and the decoration of the back room has not been completed yet. I will invite you to dinner after that is done.

After Xu Damao heard this explanation, he immediately felt relieved and claimed that Qin Huairu, who had just left, was fanning the flames, causing Zhang Heping to look at Xu Damao strangely.

After that, Zhang Heping asked the bad guy Xu Damao for advice on how to hurt Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong's souls to the greatest extent without hurting their bodies, and also make them afraid and not dare to provoke Zhang Heping again.

So Xu Damao took Zhang Heping outside a half-open door and vowed that there was no illness in this family.

Then, there was the big scene at noon.

It's a pity that Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong returned to the hospital wearing clothes; although they didn't fit well, they covered up their ugliness.

Zhang Heping went home disappointed and secretly decided that if these two guys didn't stop, Xu Damao would ask Xu Damao to find a sick house with half-open doors next time!

As for the follow-up of this matter, let it be settled.

Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong took three days off in shame and anger, preparing to hide at home and not go out. The two brothers Liu Guangtian performed a chorus of screams from time to time...

In the afternoon, Zhang Heping returned to school early with his carpentry tools.

L-shaped prosthetic steel plates made from metal scraps, scrap car inner tubes used as socket linings, old clothes used to make vests, wood used for sockets, bolts, nuts and other items were all piled in the boys' dormitory, etc. Making prosthetic limbs.

On the weekend of April 4st, after the students from Class 21, Grade 2, delivered the prosthetic limbs and handed in the reports and letters of commendation, Lao Zhang and the others received an invitation from the school.

On the morning of Monday, April 4, when Huang Wenli, the monitor of Class 22, Grade 2, was reporting on the good deeds of good people and good deeds in the school assembly, Lao Zhang and his two comrades were invited to the stage to show off their prosthetic limbs made of experimental steel. Walk, trot.

Undoubtedly, this time it is the good people and good deeds of Class 2 and Grade that are the most eye-catching and meaningful.

However, Zhang Heping found that all the classmates were tired and was too lazy to organize them to be good people and good deeds next week.

That night during self-study, Zhang Heping stood on the podium again, causing many students to sigh in protest.

"Class 1 next door has set up a 'radio activity team'. I think that thing is too simple." Zhang Heping said, picked up the chalk and drew a two-handle long antenna remote control on the blackboard, as well as cars, tanks, ships, airplane.

Then, I heard him say: "Are you interested in making a wireless-controlled airplane? One that can fly in the sky?"

Zhang Heping's proposal was immediately welcomed by all the boys in the class, and only five girls were also interested.

Later, Zhang Heping asked the entertainment committee members to organize a music interest group, and asked the study committee members to organize a poetry interest group. Together with his wireless remote control interest group, the class was divided among the classmates.

Then report the list of 3 interest groups to the class teacher, which is considered to have completed the task of establishing extracurricular study groups assigned by the school.

What Zhang Heping didn't expect was that the wireless remote control interest group continued until he graduated from junior high school. During this period, many interesting things happened. Many students dismantled all the electrical appliances in their homes in order to get parts and received a lot of beatings.

However, the most urgent thing at the moment is the application for joining the Youth League on May Fourth next week.

The application form for joining the group was taken away by Liu Yuan last month and handed in, but there has been no follow-up. Even the previously recorded song program "Young China Talk" does not know whether it has passed the review, which makes the fat girl worried. Lost at least 3 pounds.

At noon on April 4, Liu Yuan, who looked sad, was encouraged by Zhang Heping to go to the principal's grandmother, and then brought back a note saying: "Learn from Comrade Leifeng."

In the afternoon, everyone found newspapers and magazines to study. After discussion, everyone felt that the principal’s grandma’s note meant that each of them should do good deeds alone.

As a result, on the afternoon of the 28th, all kinds of good people and good deeds came to Zhang Heping's place, including helping children fetch kites from trees, helping neighbor's grandmother pick vegetables, and sewing socks for parents.

What makes Zhang Heping very gratified is that none of his classmates did anything like picking up money or helping an old lady cross the street.

On the morning of Monday, the 29th, the good people and good deeds of Class 2, Grade , were very long, and they looked like an old lady’s foot-binding cloth. The class monitor Huang Wenli’s throat was exhausted before she could finish talking about the good people and good deeds done by every student in the class.

In the afternoon, there was still no reply regarding the list of members joining the group, which made the fat girl Liu Yuan very anxious. She was worried that if she failed to join the group, she would not be able to serve as the acting branch secretary.

Labor class on the 30th, going to the outskirts of the city to do farm work...

The Labor Day performance on May 5st was a program put on by the music interest group in the class.

During self-study on the evening of Thursday, May 5, when Liu Yuan was lying listlessly on her desk, the school loudspeaker suddenly sounded, and someone said "Hey" twice.

Then, a familiar chorus sounded:

Thousands of obstacles stand in my way, but now I am the only young man;

The sky is high and the sea is thousands of miles long, and the Chinese youth are full of high spirits;

Work hard to become a pillar and live up to your youth...

Although only a few lines were sung from the speakers before the song ended, the subsequent praise from the radio host still made the whole class very excited.

On May 5rd, the ringtones from morning to night were replaced by the Chinese rap songs of teenagers from Grade 3 and Grade 2. This song was played repeatedly on the speakers, giving the impression of a magical brainwashing sound.

The key is that students in other classes like it quite a lot, and many students passing by are singing along.

This scene reminded Zhang Heping of the years when he was brainwashed by the F4 meteor shower when he was studying in his previous life.

In the afternoon, the head teacher, Mr. Huang, brought exciting news, “All our class’s applications to join the group were approved!”

"However, we have to rehearse hard tonight. Before the group joining ceremony tomorrow morning, our class will go on stage to sing Young China!"


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