Break out of the courtyard

Chapter 134 Yi Zhonghai has become a good person, who dares to believe it?

Registered on February 1963, 2, Zhang Heping began boarding life in the first semester of junior high school.

It's not popular to skip a grade these days, only people who repeat it.

Zhang Heping is not interested in skipping a grade, but focuses on cultivating relationships among classmates.

On the 18th, the head teacher, Mr. Huang, smiled and brought a pennant with yellow characters on a red background into the classroom, and then hung it on the wall to the left of the blackboard.

The flag is a small mobile red flag. There is only one flag for the three grades in junior high school. It is selected once every Sunday and has five words embroidered on it:

Model class collective.

Their class was able to get this flag this time because of the final results of last semester. There were two people in their class who got perfect scores in all subjects!


In the blink of an eye, Friday the 22nd, his father Zhang Bing had gone home to recuperate. He said that he had been studying how to combine the wooden socket with the fur lining in the past few days to better fit his injured leg.

Zhang Heping actually thought of a solution, which was to divide the wooden socket into two halves, glue the larger piece of fur to the inside of the wooden cavity, then nail the edge of the fur to the shell of the wooden cavity, and then stick the two halves of the wooden cavity with fur Nail them together again.

In this way, the fur lining of the socket only has a gap extending outward and will not bulge inward, thereby reducing friction and damage to the injured leg.

Of course, it would be best if there was rubber instead of fur.

It's a pity that rubber in these days is a strategic material and is in short supply!

The next day, Saturday, Zhang Heping gave the wooden socket sawn in half to his father, Zhang Bing, and told him how to improve it.

Then, he rode to the Capital Radio Station in the West City to prepare for recording a program.

As a result, after all the students in their class arrived, they did not participate in the recording of the program immediately.

Instead, they were gathered in a conference room and scrutinized to examine three generations of their ancestors.

Zhang Heping felt that it was just a formality. The people at the radio station asked around, but finally called the school to check the files.

There was no working lunch at noon, so everyone pooled some money and tickets to eat mixed noodles at a nearby state-owned restaurant.

Among their group of students, only Zhang Heping was wearing a black trench coat, and the others were wearing green military coats. Several waiters in the state-owned hotel did not dare to speak loudly about this, and politely brought the noodles to each table.

I went to the radio station in the afternoon. It was not until 5 o'clock in the afternoon that the radio station staff verified the file information of 51 of them and asked them to come the next day because they were about to get off work.

Fortunately, nothing happened again on the 24th the next day, or maybe Liu Yuan went back yesterday and found some connections again. The person who came out to pick them up on Sunday morning was said to be the deputy director.

Because it was a radio program, it focused on sound effects and not on physical performance. There was no audience, so all the students stood very casually.

They rehearsed several times, but they still couldn't regain their form last year.

In the afternoon, Zhao Jianguo was beaten to death and was no longer the lead singer. Zhang Heping had no choice but to leave the audience and come to the rescue.

Then we rehearsed twice, recorded twice, and it was over.

As for the subsequent submission of lyrics and programs for review, it is not their decision.


Zhang Heping was detained at school for another week. When he was released home, it was already Friday afternoon, March 3, and his father, Zhang Bing, was already adapting to the improved prosthetic leg.

The feedback given by Lao Zhang is that the prosthetic leg is heavy and the fur lining is not soft enough, which will still cause pain to his broken bones...

Zhang Heping asked Lao Zhang to look for inner tubes of old tires and try to use inner tubes to replace fur.

Then, the cousin Zhang Cuishan brought back the photos of the Zhang family taken during the Lantern Festival. His mother initially only washed one set. After getting it on February 2, Zhang Cuishan sent the photos and the negatives of the Kang family's photos back to his hometown.

The current photos were re-washed by Zhang Cuishan for his grandmother, Xie Ermei, and hung in the main room of the central courtyard.

Nothing special happened this weekend, but a big event was quietly brewing...

On March 3, the great man wrote an inscription: "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng."

Since then, good people and good deeds from all walks of life have emerged in large numbers!

Zhang Heping, who also organized classmates at school to make plans to do good deeds on weekends, has been awarded "Good Model" certificates by the Nanluoguxiang Street Office and Houhai Street Office, and reported Zhang Heping's good deeds to his superiors.

However, this matter was selectively filtered out because the amount of prey and fish reported by the subdistrict office was too large, and because Zhang Heping was young, his superiors deemed it exaggerated.

On the weekend of March 3th, 8th and 9th, Zhang Heping was very busy as an organizing committee member!

On the afternoon of the 8th, he organized his fellow soldiers to divide into two groups and stationed at the Houhai Subdistrict Office and Nanluoguxiang Subdistrict Office respectively to record information on the families of military martyrs.

Then, street clerks and Hongxiu aunts accompanied each student group to conduct household field surveys and record the real information and needs of the families of military martyrs.

On the morning of the 9th, 2 big courtyard boys from Class 46 were collecting supplies in their respective courtyards. Zhang Heping took 4 children of martyrs in his class, rode 5 cars, and brought ten sacks to Kunming Lake to fish and sell canteens to raise money. ...356 yuan!

At 5 p.m., a group of students gathered in the east wing of the front yard of No. 7 Courtyard on Houhai North Bank and No. 95 Nanluogu Lane.

Houhai was labeled as unsafe by Zhang Heping. He led the team on Houhai and followed people from the street office to do good deeds to the martyrs of the army.

On the other side of Nanluogu Lane, grandma, mother, three sisters, Liu Yuan, Huang Wenli and others, as well as people from the street office, were asked to do good deeds to the families of the martyrs.

The kind of good people and good deeds organized by Zhang Heping are nothing more than sharing money, food, things, and cleaning, which is too inefficient.

As for other people in need...

Ever since the two needy households in No. 95 Courtyard became white-eyed and showed no gratitude to Zhang Heping, Zhang Heping kept away from such people unless Director Wang had special requests.

After good people and good deeds were done, each student received a certificate of "Good People and Good Deeds". Zhang Heping received letters of commendation from two neighborhood offices to the school, and then he organized his classmates to send the female students home first.

Before dawn on the morning of the 10th, Zhang Heping and Zhao Jianguo, fully armed and with their dog Laifu, headed towards Qianshan Village in the west, one man and one car.

Ordinarily, one should not go into the mountains to hunt at this time of year.

However, after sending off the family members of the military martyrs yesterday, Director Wang privately asked Zhang Heping whether he would go hunting the next day.

So, Zhang Heping, his younger brother who understood instantly, came to Wuthering Mountain Forest in Qianshan Village, and was lucky enough to meet a group of hungry wolves!

This time, although Zhao Jianguo was still scared, he dared to shoot at the wild wolf in the tree.

Although he only caught one, it was enough for him to take back to their compound and show off for a long time.

There were 10 wolves in total. After Zhang Heping shot 5, he rewarded the wolf king with the sixth bullet and let 6 go.

Except for the wolf that Zhao Jianguo shot and did not deal with, the six wolves shot by Zhang Heping were all skinned in Qianshan Village, and their internal organs and six wolf heads were given to the village elder Zhou.

On the way back in the afternoon, Zhao Jianguo tied up the gray wolf he had beaten in the back seat and hung it in a sack next to the back seat, containing only 6 wolf skins.

As for Zhang Heping, the sacks on the left and right sides of the back seat each contained three wolves.

When they arrived at the Nanluoguxiang sub-district office, Director Wang collected three pieces of wolf meat, gave Zhang Heping a letter of praise for good people and good deeds in the street without writing his name, and then asked him to send the remaining three pieces of wolf meat to Houhai Sub-district Office.

At the Houhai Subdistrict Office, Zhang Heping gave away wolf meat and received an unnamed letter praising good people from the street for their good deeds. After that, they went back to No. 7 Courtyard to unload their equipment and furs.

After that, Zhao Jianguo was asked to go back to the military compound where he lived to show off the wild wolf.

After Zhang Heping spread out the six wolf skins and hung them to dry under the eaves of the two back rooms, he rode to No. 95 Courtyard.

The red-sleeved grandma Xie Ermei was being helped to the public toilet by two little kids. The two sisters had already returned to school with the letters of praise written by Director Wang. The mother Ma Xiuzhen was practicing using the prosthetic leg with her father Zhang Bing.

Zhang Heping parked his bicycle, said hello to his parents, and went to hail a tricycle outside the alley to go back to school, write a report, and hand in a letter of commendation.

On the morning of March 3th, Monday morning, during the whole school meeting, Huang Wenli, the monitor of Class 11 (2), gave a report on good people and good deeds. It was undoubtedly the most shocking!

Because Zhang Heping listed all the relevant information of the beneficiary military martyrs and the status of donations in the report, including name, gender, age, address, heroic deeds, needs, donation information, etc.!

Since Comrade Lei can record good people and deeds in detail in the form of a diary, why can't Zhang Heping record in detail in the form of a report?

Next weekend, Zhang Heping plans to organize everyone to contribute money and effort to make bamboo wheelchairs for the disabled, with priority given to retired military personnel, and then bring a self-made joint letter of commendation for the beneficiaries to sign and fingerprint.

However, on the night of March 3th, when Zhang Heping returned to No. 15 Courtyard, he unexpectedly encountered Director Wang holding a meeting in the courtyard to praise Yi Zhonghai for his good deeds!

Will Yi Zhonghai do good things?

Why don’t I believe it!


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