Games with fairies.

Chapter 8 Not Satisfactory

After analyzing the situation, Fairy Liuli immediately looked at Li Muyang.

"Master Wuming, are there any blood monsters blocking the way ahead?"

During the time that Fairy Liuli was talking, Li Muyang kept taking action and casually killing the blood monsters emerging from the air on the spot.

By the time Fairy Liuli finished speaking, the carriage was no longer attacked.

Those weird blood monsters seemed to have been killed, and the carriages were driving smoothly through the streets of Loushan City.

But Li Muyang looked at the digital countdown in the upper right corner of his vision and shook his head.

"There should be blood monsters blocking the way..."

【06: 39】

There are still six minutes and thirty-nine seconds left in the ten-minute survival time limit.

What they had just repelled was just the first wave of attacks from the blood monsters.

Li Muyang, holding the fairy sword, turned over and jumped onto the roof of the carriage, looking ahead.

In the first stage of the beast's nest attack, Li Muyang could easily get through it by loading files and stopping time.

However, the number and frequency of blood monster attacks in the second stage were far greater than those in the first stage, making it difficult for Li Muyang to resist.

He failed nineteen times, and his best record was only surviving until the countdown was 02:19.

There will be more and more blood monsters in the back, and the dense numbers are like a barrage game.

What was a good holographic simulation game suddenly turned into a tower defense game at this moment.

Li Muyang waved the fairy sword in his hand, trying his best to kill monsters without stopping, and using it at the most critical moment.

After killing many of these blood monsters, he gradually mastered the pattern of their appearance.

Whenever a blood monster is about to emerge from the void, the smell of blood in that location will become stronger in an instant.

Relying on his keen perception of changes in the smell of blood, Li Muyang can accurately predict the location of the blood monster.

Sword lights flashed one after another, and Li Muyang flew up and down around the carriage.

Sometimes he stands on the roof of the car and kills blood monsters, sometimes he gets into the carriage, and sometimes he rushes to the front of the carriage. Occasionally, a few blood monsters even emerge from the bottom of the carriage.

His failures also continued to increase.

Li Muyang almost vomited from the fussing shouts of the guide in the carriage.

This guide was always startled, and every time he would die in the third round of the beast wave that broke out in seven minutes.

In the third round of attacks, the blood monsters emerging from the air almost filled the field of vision.

Even with the help of Fairy Liuli, Li Muyang had an extremely difficult time resisting and had no time to care about this guide.

This kind of difficult and challenging level vaguely reminded Li Muyang of the feeling he had when he played the soul system.

This kind of difficulty, entanglement, struggle, and death again and again, but the inexplicable feeling above... What a soul!

Finally, when the countdown in the upper right corner of his vision completely returned to zero and the mission log was updated again, Li Muyang, who was sitting on the roof of the carriage, let out a long sigh of relief.

Finally passed the level.

Why is this novice tutorial so difficult?

Li Muyang looked at Fairy Liuli, who was half covered with blood and in a bad state, and asked.

"Fairy, are you okay?"

In the last wave of beast nests just now, a blood monster spit out some kind of sharp hidden weapon and penetrated Fairy Liuli's shoulder.

At this time, Fairy Liuli looked pale and looked very uncomfortable.

She shook her head palely and bit her lip: "I'm fine, it's just Mr. Zhao..."

Fairy Liuli looked at the corpse in the car, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes.

Under the crazy attacks of blood monsters one after another, the carriage at this time was about to fall apart. The heavy roof of the carriage was blown off, and the body of the carriage was also covered with cracks. Even the driver who was driving had long since disappeared into the beast's nest, leaving only the two pulling horses still running forward.

Zhao Erhu, who was the guide, lay motionless in the carriage in a miserable state, with blood and intestines flowing all over the floor.

And on the street in front of Li Muyang and the others, a figure finally appeared. They were dressed as the defenders of Loushan City.

This group of soldiers wearing armor and holding swords stood guard outside a government office, watching the approaching carriage warily.

The weird bloody smell in the air completely disappeared, and the taskbar in the upper right corner of Li Muyang's vision changed.

[Survived safely for ten minutes with Fairy Liuli - Completed]

[The current task progress has been archived]

[New mission: accompany Fairy Liuli to meet with the General Soldier of Loushan City]

In the following plot, there is no place for Li Muyang to appear.

Although the group of sergeants were startled by the disintegrating carriage and the corpse inside the carriage, after Fairy Liuli reported her identity, someone immediately led the way and led Li Muyang and Fairy Liuli into the heavily guarded gate of the mansion.

This General Wu from Loushan City seemed to be very afraid of death.

There were heavily armed guards inside and outside his mansion, and he probably mobilized all the elite soldiers to protect him.

No wonder the streets in the city are so deserted, with no one to be seen.

The common people were afraid of death and hid in their houses. General Wu was even more afraid of death. He mobilized all available troops to guard the mansion. It was strange to see anyone in the city.

Not long after Fairy Liuli stepped into the General Military Mansion, her expression changed slightly, as if she had noticed something.

When she brought Li Muyang to see the commander-in-chief of Loushan City, she went straight to the point without saying a single polite word.

"General Wu, can you please summon all the family members and servants in the house?"

Fairy Liuli seems to have confirmed that the demon from the Blood Demon Path is in this mansion and is next to Mr. Wu.

The pot-bellied General Wu was sweating profusely. Seeing the arrival of Fairy Liuli, he was as happy as seeing reinforcements.

After hearing Fairy Liuli's request, Mr. Wu immediately complied without any hesitation.

Soon, the entire maids and servants of the General Military Mansion, including several beautiful women, were invited out.

When Mr. Wu's favorite wife was helped out, Fairy Liuli's eyes turned cold, and the sword behind her was instantly unsheathed...

"It's finally over."

On the hard wooden bed, Li Muyang breathed a long sigh of relief, opened his eyes and stretched.

The demonic cultivators in Loushan City were actually lurking around Mr. Wu.

Fairy Liuli drew her sword the moment she saw her. Although she dodged it, there was still Li Muyang beside her.

Directly activating the [Sword Hidden in the Belly] skill, Li Muyang spit out a flying sword and easily penetrated the demonic cultivator, and also happened to trigger a 50% probability of instant death, and the demonic cultivator died suddenly on the spot.

[Tutorial for beginners - Mystery of Loushan City has been cleared]

[Guide: Dead]

[Fairy Liuli: Slightly injured]

[The real culprit behind the scenes: dead]

[Customs clearance rating: B (unsatisfactory)]

[You relied on your sharp reflexes, strong strength, and invincible talent to successfully kill the source of chaos in Loushan City and save the lives of the entire city. Your merits are immeasurable. However, the death of the real culprit behind the scenes has shrouded the mystery of the turmoil in Loushan City and the disappearance of Zhang Daniu, the imperial warlock, and they can no longer be explored. The results can only be said to be unsatisfactory]

[Whether to receive your clearance reward]

[Current optional rewards (choose one of three): "Blood Demon Heart Refining Technique" (remnant chapter), ordinary flying sword, 200 kilograms of spiritual rice]

[Hosts, please note that after receiving the reward, the tutorial level will be completely ended and cannot be entered again]

The rows of settlement information floating in his field of vision made Li Muyang blink and feel a little surprised.

First of all, I was surprised by the rewards for choosing one of these three...all of them are good things!

A practice manual, a magic weapon, or two hundred kilograms of spiritual rice... Any one of these three rewards is what Li Muyang, a bottom-class fish, needs right now.

He has no advanced practice secrets in the Demon Refining Sect, nor any magic weapon for self-defense. He is destined to be a hard laborer, not even enough to eat spiritual rice.

If there is a cultivation secret book to improve your cultivation, you might be able to enter the inner sect!

The third option of two hundred kilograms of spiritual rice is enough for him for half a year, which is exactly what he needs.

However, although the reward was touching, Li Muyang did not receive it.

Because the clearance score this time is very low, only B (unsatisfactory).

Maybe if the clearance score is higher, the rewards you receive can be more powerful?

Li Muyang breathed a sigh of relief when he thought of this. He closed his eyes and lay back on the wooden bed.

The game with fairies starts again!

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