Games with fairies.

Chapter 53 The Record of Conquering Demons in the Sky

Li Muyang blinked in surprise when he saw the newly pop-up game interface in his field of vision.

Three Kingdoms Conquering Demons?

What the hell...

He has been trying to clear the development game [Deadly Weeds] recently, but the difficulty of the three stages of tasks is far beyond his expectation.

Heiyun Village, which had lived peacefully for several years in the second stage, suddenly became murderous at every step in the third stage.

The game character "Jiang Xiaoyu" dies at every turn, hundreds of times in just a few days, but the plot of the game barely advances and is completely stuck.

The frustration of constant failure swept over Li Muyang, and he almost wondered if the game could not be cleared.

——After all, it is a three-no game, so it is normal for the design to have bugs.

Li Muyang was ready to accept the fact that this game could not be cleared.

But at this moment, a new system prompt suddenly popped up.

Has the system retrieved a new game template?

It turns out that this system can load multiple games at the same time?

Although this is common sense, after all, I have never heard of anyone whose game console can only download and play one game at a time - isn't it common sense that there are a bunch of discounted games in the steam store that are gathering dust?

Anyway, the plot in Heiyun Village has been unable to advance. Now that the system has retrieved a new game, Li Muyang directly chooses to load it, wanting to see what this new game is.

As Li Muyang chose to confirm, the system interface in his field of vision immediately returned to the vast picture of mountains and seas.

In the vast world that unfolds like a picture scroll, mountains, rivers, and rivers are dotted here and there, and among them are scattered stunning figures of fairies, shrouded in clouds and mist.

And a progressive loading bar stretches across the middle of this mountain and sea scroll.

[Game template - Three Kingdoms Conquering Demons is loading]

[Loading progress: 34%]

As the progress bar continues to lengthen, this number continues to increase.

It soon exceeded 100%.

[Game template - Three Kingdoms Conquering Demons is loaded successfully! 】

[You can play and experience the game "Three Kingdoms: The Demon Conquers the Sky"]

As this prompt appeared, the system interface in Li Muyang's field of vision also showed a game list similar to that of the Steam store.

The game list in the upper left corner is now slightly empty.

"Tutorial for Beginners - The Mystery of Loushan City" (closed)

"Deadly Weeds" (3/5)

"Three Kingdoms: The Record of Conquering Demons in the Sky" (New)


"It is indeed a new game..."

Li Muyang's original depression due to the delay in advancing the plot of Heiyun Village quickly disappeared with the emergence of the new game, and a smile appeared on his face.

In any case, the game store is still happy to have a +1.

But when he saw the name of the game, Li Muyang scratched his head.

The Three Kingdoms...are they the Three Kingdoms on Earth in the previous life?

Although in the previous life of the earth, elements of the Three Kingdoms were a classic theme in games, and there were a lot of various games released.

But in this different world, there should be no Three Kingdoms, right?

The game templates that Li Muyang has come into contact with so far are all based on the practice world.

Now the system suddenly pops up a new game template, which is the classic Three Kingdoms elements of the previous earth...

Li Muyang curiously chose to confirm.

The next second, the picture of mountains and seas in the field of vision changed.

The original mountains and rivers quickly disappeared, and the picture unfolding in Li Muyang's field of vision was a strange city in the fog.

The scarlet blood moon hangs high over the city, and on the tall and towering city walls, there are strange figures standing like ghosts.

In the boundless wilderness, hunched refugees, generals riding tall horses, ferocious soldiers, running wild dogs... create a desolate scene in the last years of the dynasty.

The last line of powerful black text slowly emerged from the scroll.

[The emperor’s sky is about to collapse, and the land behind it will decline...]

[In 188 AD, the Yellow Turban fire that swept the world had been extinguished, and there were only a few scattered sparks left on the land of the Han Dynasty]

[In the city of Luoyang where people are singing and dancing, Liu Hong, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, looks at the generals who have returned from suppressing the rebellion, with a satisfied smile on his face]

[However, beneath the surface of peace, there is a strange undercurrent quietly surging]

[There is a legend in the market that Zhang Jiao, the Tiangong general who died of illness, will be resurrected in Luoyang City, and will take his two dead brothers and tens of thousands of yellow scarf ghosts to sweep across the prefectures and counties and lay waste to Luoyang...]

After the simple opening message ended, Li Muyang blinked.

It’s really the Three Kingdoms…

This belongs to Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty and Zhang Jiao. What else could it be if it wasn't the Three Kingdoms?

Li Muyang speculated on the content of the game, and the scene in his field of vision turned to a quiet bamboo forest.

The breeze was blowing and the bamboo leaves were falling. An old man with white hair and a tall figure stood in the bamboo forest and smiled casually.

"Zhang Jiao was a man with great ambitions but little talent. He was mediocre in talent but had a heart for the world. He actually tried to shake the Han Dynasty with an egg against a stone. In the end, he died in vain."

"All he did was serve as a precursor to the king and serve as a wedding dress for others."

"It's a pity, fellow Taoist, that your volume of "The Art of Peace" was wasted on such a mediocre person... What a pity... It's a pity..."

The tall and graceful old man looks like a fairy.

The next second, the perspective changed and came to another person in the bamboo forest.

He is dressed in green clothes, sitting in the bamboo forest, holding a bamboo stick, and his age cannot be seen. He seems to be very young and very old, giving him an extremely contradictory feeling.

Looking at the old man who was laughing in front of him, his tone was calm.

"I will go to Luoyang to pacify the resentful souls of the Yellow Turbans. Fellow Taoist, there is no need to persuade me anymore, I have made up my mind."

After the voice fell, the old man in the bamboo forest sighed and said: "Why do fellow Taoists from Nanhua do this? Why should those mediocre people and common people take risks for him? The dragon vein of the Han Dynasty has not been extinguished, and the dragon energy of the dynasty is suppressing it in Luoyang City. It is dangerous for you and me outsiders to set foot in the land of imperial dragon energy."

The old man persuaded with a sigh.

The mysterious figure known as "Nan Hua" slowly shook his head, gently paused the bamboo stick in his hand, and said.

"I will give up my body and choose a corpse to be born in Luoyang City to avoid the aura of the royal dragon."

"Goodbye, fellow Taoist Yuanfang!"

In Li Muyang's field of vision, the mysterious man's hand holding the bamboo stick raised and said goodbye to the old man in front of him.

The next second, the world turned dark, and Li Muyang saw a prompt pop up from the system.

[The game scene——"Three Kingdoms: The Record of Demons Conquering the Sky" has been entered]

As the system prompt disappeared, the darkness in Li Muyang's vision receded.

However, after the darkness receded, the scene in his field of vision was no longer a bamboo forest, but a deserted and dirty alley.

There was a young man lying motionless in the alley, seemingly a corpse.

Li Muyang's perspective is a bird's eye view.

With a slight movement of his mind, he saw a wisp of green smoke drifting from a distance and falling into the young man's body.

Immediately afterwards, the boy's body stood up.

[Old Immortal Nanhua: Let’s temporarily use this young man’s corpse to walk around and calm down the resentful spirits in the city...]

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