I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 200 After the heavy rain, the Son of God and the Emperor (2nd update) (page 12)


The location of the national competition.

It rained heavily.

All the school representatives and spectators went to find places to take shelter from the rain.

Follow the schedule for the next day.

After the quarter-finals in the morning, the semi-finals will be held in the afternoon. The two teams that finally qualified for the finals will have the final showdown in the national competition tomorrow morning.

but now.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier.

From ten o'clock in the morning, it continued until two o'clock in the afternoon, and then there was no sign of stopping.


The organizers made a decision at noon that the two afternoon games will be moved to tomorrow morning.

As for the final, it will be postponed to the day after tomorrow.

Different from the original work.

In the quarter-finals in the morning, the two strongest teams became Hyotei and Shitenhoji.

Therefore, there is no situation where the game is postponed to the next day.

The other three groups of games.

Tatekai defeated Makinofuji.

Seigaku defeats Fudomine.

Nagoya Seitoku defeated Yamabuki.

At this point, the top four in the country are announced. The four highest peaks in the new junior high school tennis world appear!


The rain continued to pour.

On the bus from Tokyo to Kanagawa, water droplets slapped against the window. The atmosphere in the car was a bit quiet. The teenagers in yellow and black coats were either resting with their eyes closed or concentrating on the information in their hands.

Being closer to Tokyo, they don't have a hotel like Shitenhoji Temple. Instead, I need to commute between Tokyo and Kanagawa every day.

"Tomorrow's opponent is the Ice Emperor."

In the front row seat, Kirihara turned his head and looked behind him: "Mr. Yukimura, please put me in singles 3 for tomorrow's game!"

"I will think about it."

The blue-purple-haired boy wearing a green headband, Yukimura, the great minister Tatekai, nodded slightly.

After returning from the hospital and recuperating for more than two weeks, his condition has returned to the level before hospitalization. His return has made up for Li Hai's shortcomings in singles.

Let this defending champion team have no dead ends!


This is just wishful thinking on the part of many players.

At least in Yukimura's view, there are huge variables in this year's national competition. Among them, the one who feared him the most was undoubtedly the Ice Emperor.


Thinking of this, Yukimura turned his head and looked at the brown-haired boy beside him with his eyes lightly closed: "Go back and show me the video of Hyokui's game during this period."


Liu nodded.

Afterwards, the car fell into silence again.

the other side.

Everyone in Hyokui returns to the tennis club.

It's pouring rain outside, and Sakaki Taro has banned training in the rain. In particular, restricting the main selection allows them to stay in the restaurant with peace of mind and wait until the rain stops before they can go home.

As the team's coach, he must pay attention to every detail.

In Sakaki Taro's view, now is the time when Hyotei is closest to the national championship. He would never accept any mistake that would lead to losing the game.

Ishikawa is more direct.

After returning home, keep everyone's rackets together. As for himself, he was analyzing the lineup that Rikkai might arrange tomorrow.

to him.

In terms of overall strength, Lihai University is obviously stronger. After defeating this team, the championship has basically been won by Ice Emperor.

2 p.m.

Everyone in Lihai returned to school.

The rain still shows no sign of stopping.

Kirihara got out of the car and ran directly to the canteen to cook. Jackal and Marui followed him. Liu and Yagyu, one was reading information and the other was reading a magazine.

Everyone has their own way of relieving stress.

Kendo Club.

Sanada, who changed into a loose robe and held a wooden sword, came to the practice venue.

Because it's summer vacation.

There is no one else in the kendo club.

Sanada stood in front of the dummy, holding a wooden sword, holding his breath and concentrating. After adjusting the state to the best, he began to practice the chopping action over and over again.

Yukimura came to the screening room.

He took the video tapes collected by Liu and played them in fast forward, every game since the Hyokui Kanto Tournament.

This Li Hai Da minister was very fascinated by what he saw.

He even watched the Hyokui's doubles match with great interest. Through his strong observation skills, Yukimura is also constantly collecting and analyzing Hyokui's lineup weaknesses.

At last.

he concluded.

This team is the biggest blind spot of King Li Haida!


Yukimura left the screening room and returned to the tennis club's office. Like Ishikawa, he began to analyze the possible lineups of his opponents.


And after Yukimura left.

A figure appeared in the screening room.

The visitor raised his head and glanced at the projector, which paused at the picture of wooden hands nailed to the wall, with a glint in his eyes.

"Is this the strength of Hyokui's strongest player?"

He raised his eyebrows lightly.


Play the tape again, but skip the doubles and focus on each singles match.


When he saw something interesting, the person took a bite of the apple, returned the video tape to the previous part, and continued to watch it with interest.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

Four p.m.

The rain gradually became lighter.

Kendo Club.

Sanada, who had chopped hundreds of times in succession, suddenly understood, and a flash of light flashed in his mind.



Sanada raised his wooden sword and slashed hard from the weak spot he observed.

Tear it apart!

There was a harsh sound.

The dummy in front of Sanada had a gap from the right shoulder to the left rib area.



When Sanada put away the wooden sword, a deep cut suddenly opened from the left rib of the dummy to the right waist.


At this time, a voice came from the entrance of the kendo club: "It seems that your kendo has improved again!"


Sanada turned around after hearing this.

I saw Yukimura walking in with a smile on his face.

"What's up?"

Putting away the wooden sword, Sanada said in a deep voice.

"It's true that some things are just private thoughts."

Yukimura glanced at Sanada opposite and said with a smile, "The rain has stopped. Are you interested in playing a game with me?"


This statement came out.

Sanada's originally calm face trembled uncontrollably.


Sanada's eyes changed slightly and he fell into deep thought.

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