Naruto: Sasuke loves to visit forums

Chapter 30 Geniuses don’t need to lay foundations

Konoha, under the moonlight, on the roadside of Jonin's bachelor apartment.

After a busy day of work, Kakashi was preparing to go home and rest.

At the moment, Konoha is on the brink of war, Orochimaru is eyeing it, and the attitude of the allies is also uncertain.

As the elite Jonin of the village, he not only had to participate in the inspection of the city defense layout, but also had to pay attention to the surveillance of Sasuke, and also carefully observed the movements of Sarutobi Asuma.

At the end of the day, there are endless reports to watch and endless reports to make.

"I heard that you told people everywhere that you were taking me to practice secretly?"

Under the streetlight, a figure slowly walked out.

Taking a closer look, he saw that the person coming was Uchiha Sasuke.

"Huh? That's not what I said.

"It was you who suddenly appeared and startled me."

Kakashi responded calmly.

"No matter what, I am still your subordinate and companion, right?"

Sasuke stepped forward, looked into Kakashi's eyes, and asked seriously.

"of course."

Kakashi answered equally seriously.

"Then, please guide me in my next practice!"

Sasuke begged sincerely.

Kakashi hesitated for a moment and thought carefully about tomorrow's schedule.

Although there is still a lot of work to be done, right now, the finals of the Chunin Exam are approaching, and there has been some rift with Sasuke before.

Both public and private, this request cannot be refused.

"Okay, but aren't you training with Jiraiya-senpai?"

The news is quite good.

Sasuke frowned secretly, but said:

"It's okay to be tight on time. The training over there has already started, but it won't be done in a day. I still want to learn more from Kakashi-sensei."

"Okay, let's meet early tomorrow morning on the top of the rocky mountain in the west."

Kakashi thought for a moment and then set a time.

At the same time, I secretly laughed in my heart, the young man was still too impatient.

Could it be that my cultivation can be completed in one day?

If you want to learn advanced ninjutsu, you don't need to lay a solid foundation over many years.


I was wrong, the genius of the Uchiha family does not need a solid foundation.

Just ten minutes ago, Kakashi asked Uchiha Sasuke to recall the appearance of Xiao Li and practice the wooden stakes of Taijutsu.

Looking at Sasuke's afterimage in the air and scattered sawdust, Kakashi finally realized that this kid's taijutsu ability was no less than that of Xiao Li.

"Is it okay, teacher? I can go faster."

Sasuke stopped and breathed slightly and asked.

In the system, the reward of "Martial Arts Master" is shining slightly.

"Okay, okay."

Soon you will break all the wooden stakes.

"Now that you have a good foundation in physical skills, let's start the next stage of training directly!"

Kakashi said, turning around to face Sasuke, squatting down slightly, placing his left hand on top of his right hand, and getting into a good posture.

"Thunder Release Chidori!"

I saw a huge amount of Thunder Chakra forming a bright high-intensity electric current, which was concentrated on Kakashi's right hand.

The strong current produced a shrill sound like the chirping of a thousand birds.

Immediately afterwards, Kakashi galloped forward, using his hand as a knife, and stabbed hard into the boulder in front of him.

In an instant, Sasuke felt the soles of his feet vibrate, the smoke dissipated, and a huge crater appeared in front of him.

"Okay, so strong."

Sasuke couldn't help but marvel.

"This ninjutsu has three prerequisites."

Kakashi explained.

“First of all, a strong foundation in physical skills.

"Without enough speed, this move cannot exert its full power. I think you have no problem with this."

Immediately afterwards, Kakashi took out a piece of chakra sensing paper and continued:

“Secondly, thunder escape chakra.

“Generally speaking, everyone is born with chakra attributes, which must be determined by personal qualifications.

"In general, everyone will have a nature that is easier to acquire, but ninjas at the jounin level have generally acquired more than two."

"Currently, as a member of the Uchiha clan, the fire attribute should be your most familiar attribute. We still need to spend some time exploring whether you can master the thunder attribute."

"Finally, there's the Sharingan."

Kakashi pointed to his left eye that was covered by the mask, "About this, we will introduce it in detail when we learn this step!"

After the introduction, Kakashi handed the test paper to Assistant Sasuke.

"Now, let's practice Thunder Escape.

"Try to infuse your chakra into this paper."

Sasuke did as he was told.

Immediately, the test paper burst into flames and soon turned into ashes.

"Very well, this is the nature of chakra you are familiar with in daily life.

"Remember the feeling just now, deliberately avoid it, and try to create chakra of different properties.

"Thinking in my head, trying to wrinkle the paper."

Under Kakashi's guidance, Sasuke successfully wrinkled the chakra sensing paper after burning about five pieces of paper.

"Very good!" Kakashi said happily, "This means that the lightning attribute is also compatible with you!"

"Remember this feeling, strengthen this imprint, and try to condense chakra into your own hands to make it physical."

Sasuke worked hard for a long time and finally condensed a few sparks of electricity in his hand.

"The biggest feature of thunder attribute chakra is its penetrability, the attack distance is longer, the escape loss in the air is lower, and ordinary barriers cannot withstand its power.

"Compared to the unrestrained and unrestrained fire attribute, you have to pay more attention to feeling the subtle changes, such as needles and thorns."

Under Kakashi's patient guidance, Sasuke became more and more skillful in using the lightning attribute.

"Very good! You are indeed a genius of the Uchiha family! Next, let's practice to increase the amount of chakra instantly."

Meeting smart students and teachers also gave me a great sense of accomplishment.

Seeing Sasuke's continuous progress, Kakashi became happier as he taught him more.

At sunset, Sasuke was even able to try to fire the first Chidori, leaving scorched black marks on the tree trunk as thick as a bowl.

"Okay! Chidori's training consumes a lot of chakra. I think you are exhausted today. Let's come back tomorrow!"

"Kakashi-sensei, can I take leave tomorrow?"

"Huh? Oh, oh, I understand. That's okay."

Sasuke thought that he seemed to have mastered the most difficult introductory stage. From now on, he should just need to practice more frequently.

But as for Jiraiya-sensei, the practice of Fire Dragon Flame Bullet has not officially started yet.

Kakashi looked at Sasuke and quickly guessed his plan.

Although he agreed with his mouth, he couldn't help but feel jealous in his heart to steal his apprentice.

After coming down the mountain, the two said goodbye.

Sasuke went to eat something first. After dinner, it was already the moon on the branches.

Sasuke dragged his tired body and walked towards the empty home.

Although his body was very tired, in his heart, Sasuke had never been as fulfilled as he had been in the past two days.

In the past, the things I learned in the ninja school were too simple. Although my grades were always ranked first, I always felt a sense of unreliability in my heart that I couldn't control.

After becoming a genin, he spent all his time on D-level missions raising cats and finding dogs.

Only the chance encounter in the Land of Waves was an opportunity to become stronger, but it almost cost me my life.

Therefore, the Chuunin Exam is indeed an opportunity that must be seized. As the results get better and better, more opportunities to become stronger will gradually open up to oneself.

Just as Sasuke was thinking wildly, under the moonlight, an ANBU ninja wearing a red and white fox mask appeared on a rooftop not far away.

"Hey, Uchiha brat!"

Sasuke stood still and looked up.

The ninja stood very high, as if he could reach the moon with his hand.

"I am here to take your life by order of the Third Hokage!"

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