Naruto: Sasuke loves to visit forums

Chapter 270: Trapped Bird Flutters Its Wings




Three shouts rang out at the same time.

It was seen that Hyuga Hiashi retreated to the rear at the first possible moment.

At this point, he had already assumed a stance, with his hands, one high and one low, held in front of his body.

The Byakugan was also adjusted to the open state, veins bulged around the corners of the eyes, and the whole body was filled with strong blue and white chakra.

At the same time, Jiraiya had appeared in front of Sasuke.

The master and disciple stood face to face. Jiraiya tightly grasped Sasuke's right hand that was holding the sword, his eyes full of warning and worry.

What's even more surprising is that Inuzuka Tsume also enters the battlefield at the same time.

She was seen guarding Hinata Hiashi tightly, just like she did before when she was fighting against Hinata Hiashi.

"Sasuke-sama, this is a serious matter. Please maintain the most basic restraint and calmness."

Inuzuka Tale said coldly.

“Rizu, if you still refuse to tell the truth, I’m afraid I can’t stop this brat anymore.

“Young people have bad tempers.

"There are some things you need to think about clearly."

Jiraiya slowly loosened the hand that was strangling Uchiha Sasuke. He stared at Sasuke intently, but shouted to Hyuga Hiashi behind him.

Looking at his mentor in front of him, and seeing the earnest advice and even a hint of pleading in Jiraiya's eyes, Uchiha Sasuke finally put away his sword and looked coldly in the direction where Hyuga Hiashi was standing.

Sasuke is not a completely unreasonable guy.

The fact that Inuzuka Sumaken stood up at this time already explains a lot of problems.

Just now, anyone could feel Uchiha Sasuke's strong murderous intent.

However, what if the head of the Hyuga clan was really killed.

The resulting consequence is a fight to the death between the Hyuga clan and Sasuke.

At this time, Uchiha Sasuke represents Hokage and even Konoha itself to a large extent.

Further reasoning, Sasuke was really allowed to attack the Hyuga clan.

Then, the sense of security of the other five major families, including Inuzuka Tsume, will also be greatly impacted.

By then, things will definitely go in an extremely uncontrollable direction.

Even Inuzuka Tsumugi, who is not good at thinking, understands this principle.

At this moment, after hearing Jiraiya's warning, Hyuga Hiashi felt a little scared.

His whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

He could clearly sense that this kid named Uchiha Sasuke really wanted to kill him just now.

This kind of strong feeling of oppression when facing a strong enemy, like a huge wave surging over, is something Hinata Hiashi has not felt for many years.

You know, even in the "Konoha Collapse Plan" planned by Orochimaru before, as the backbone of defending the village, Hyuga Hiashi himself only took action to deal with a few Chuunin-level soldiers.

He has always been unwilling to easily participate in the confrontation between strong players.

At this moment, under the pressure of his life being in danger, Hyuga Hiashi no longer had the energy to maneuver, and he said hastily:

"Hokage, this is what happened. Hyuga Neji violated the clan rules and practiced long-range ninjutsu without permission. This is not only against me, but also against the entire Hyuga clan."


Just as Hyuga Hiashi was about to make a full confession, the head elder of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Yoshio.

Finally he walked in from outside the courtyard and interrupted the patriarch's statement.

Entering the courtyard, Hyuga Seio and Hyuga Hiashi looked at each other for a second.

But this second conveys thousands of words.

I can’t say, Rizu.

can not say.

Once the family affairs are reported to the Hokage, it is equivalent to voluntarily handing over the power of decision to the Hokage.

In name, Konoha is the leader of the Hyuga clan.

In fact, the Hyuga clan makes all decisions behind closed doors and keeps everything secret.

The key lies in the word "report".

Once it is "reported", then according to the law, the Hokage will naturally have the right to participate in the speech and thus have a de facto influence on the ruling.

Then, once the gap is opened, the advantages accumulated by our Hyuga clan through years of struggle may be completely destroyed in your hands.

You must understand that the day is enough.

The independence and glory of the Hyuga clan is more important than your life and mine.

Hyuga Seio had discussed these matters with Hyuga Hiashi before.

At this moment, seeing Hyuga Seio's familiar eyes again, Hiashi finally came back to his senses.

The originally frightened look gradually became calm and determined.

Hyuga Shixiong withdrew his gaze and turned to Uchiha Sasuke and others.

He bowed respectfully to the Hokage, and then slowly spoke to everyone:

"No matter what, Neji's affairs are the family affairs of my Hyuga clan.

"I'm afraid there's no need to report this to Sasuke-sama?"

"Hyuga Neji is my Konoha's Jonin! I now have sufficient evidence to suspect that he was persecuted by you!"

Looking at this other annoying guy who suddenly appeared, Uchiha Sasuke felt extremely annoyed.

The murderous intent surrounding him once again spread violently.

"Look, who is this?"

Hyuga Shio said calmly.

He moved aside and behind him, Hyuga Neji was standing there with a pale face.


After many days, Uchiha Sasuke couldn't help but be overjoyed to see his close friend again.

In this kind of scenario, the other party would definitely not dare to make any small moves in front of the Hokage.

Uchiha Sasuke asked loudly:

"Are you ok?"

"I, I'm fine."

There was also great excitement in Hyuga Neji's eyes.

But compared to Sasuke, he still controlled his emotions and answered as calmly as possible.

“Go ahead, kid.

"Your thoughts no longer belong to my Hyuga clan."

Hyuga Shio said calmly.

With just a light push, he pushed Hyuga Neji to the center of the crowd.

Neji looked back and saw the afterglow of the setting sun shining on Hyuga Shio's face, reflecting the wrinkles carved by time.

Those wrinkles are like marks of history, recording Hyuga Shigeo's lifelong planning and cruelty, and also telling of his concern and loyalty to the Hyuga clan.

At the beginning, it was this guy who pushed his father Hyuga Hizashi out with an expressionless face.

A trace of resentment flashed through Neji's heart. He no longer hesitated and walked towards Uchiha Sasuke firmly.

"I will set my terms."

Hyuga Shio's calm voice echoed in the courtyard:

“Let Neji become the elder of the Hyuga clan. His children can enter the main family system as an exception. And Neji only needs to hand over and destroy the bow and crossbow.

“In the future, we will move forward hand in hand.”

Along with the steady voice of Hyuga Seio, Hyuga Hiashi behind him gradually understood.

Not bad.

How to deal with this matter is not the most important thing.

In the current situation, the more critical issue is who should be responsible for handling it.

On the other side, Uchiha Sasuke was stunned when he heard this, and he turned his head to look at Hyuga Neji.

Neji's figure was a little shaky, and he said weakly but firmly:

"I reject!"

Hinata Hiashi had already offered similar conditions to me when they were talking alone in the study that day.

It’s just that the specific price is not that high.

On the opposite side, Hyuga Shio seemed to have anticipated this.

His expression remained unchanged, and he immediately gave his second condition:

"Or. Take Neji away, either to join the Anbu or send him to the battlefield. In short, he is not allowed to approach the territory of our Hyuga clan again.

"From now on, we will have nothing to do with each other and will not bother each other."

"Elder Shixiong."

This time, before Hyuga Neji could react, Hyuga Hiashi next to him could no longer bear it.

He hesitated and whispered:

"That heavy crossbow."

"The bird has already escaped from the cage. The world is so vast. Is that the only heavy crossbow in the world?"

Hyuga Shio lowered his eyebrows and responded indifferently.


Hinata Hiashi wanted to say something.

Suddenly, he noticed a fierce look flashed across Hyuga Shixiong's eyes, and he immediately understood what was going on. He stepped aside and said no more.

On the side, Hyuga Neji couldn't help but get a little excited when he heard the second condition proposed by Shixiong.

He asked loudly:

"Since we agreed not to disturb each other, can you remove this damn curse mark on my forehead immediately?"


A gentle breeze blew slowly among the crowd.

After a strange silence, Hinata Hiashi slowly spoke:

“When this curse was first created, there might have been a solution.

"But to be honest, the solution to the 'Bird in a Cage' curse has been completely lost since my father's generation."

"Lost, lost?

"What do you mean by lost?!"

Hyuga Neji repeated the clan leader's words in a daze, and his tone became excited.

"At this point, you still won't behave yourself?"

Beside him, Uchiha Sasuke was the first to react and asked loudly.

Hearing Sasuke getting angry, Hinata Hiashi shrank his neck reflexively.

"Everything he said is true, Sasuke-sama."

However, Hyuga Shixiong at the side took over the conversation again and said slowly:

"This caged bird seal is the foundation of our Hyuga clan. It has far-reaching implications and a huge impact.

"As far as I can remember, I have never heard of a caged bird curse being lifted.

“In fact, if everyone knew that this spell could be lifted, then how could we make everyone believe that fate is irresistible?

“Hope, it seems, is a good thing.

"But for us rulers, it is also a truly terrible and difficult matter."

Hyuga Shio said calmly.

He looked at Uchiha Sasuke calmly, his tone steady, without any emotional fluctuations.


At this moment, facing this great honesty, Uchiha Sasuke was a little overwhelmed.

He looked around, hoping Jiraiya or Inuzuka Tale would say something.

But all these people were silent and could not say a word.

In his lifetime, Uchiha Sasuke never thought that he would say such a thing.

I only heard him angrily scolding:

"Fuck you, this is not the will of fire at all."

After a pause, Sasuke continued to ask:

"In that case, how can we ensure Neji's safety?"

"I also want to know, if a Hyuga branch family is wandering outside with a heavy crossbow and resentment in his heart, how can the safety of the Hyuga clan be guaranteed?"

Hinata Shixiong did not give in and asked back.

"I'll tell you how to guarantee it."

Uchiha Sasuke took a step forward, came to the center of the crowd, raised his head proudly and said:

“I must keep Neji alive, and live to see the day when this caged bird completely collapses.

“And I’m a superstitious person. If he were to meet with an accident, or be beaten to death by his enemies, or hang himself in his room, or be struck by lightning, I would blame it all on the Hyuga clan.

“By then, I won’t be polite anymore.

"As for your question."

After a pause, Uchiha Sasuke walked straight to Hyuga Shixiong, pointed the tip of his sword at his chest, and whispered:

"You could have made the same threat to me."

"No. I have a better idea."

Hyuga Shixiong did not give in. He just looked into Uchiha Sasuke's eyes and said slowly:

"Just now, Master Sasuke's speech on all the reforms in the house was truly eye-opening.

“But I’m really curious if you’ll become like me when you’re my age.

“Today, what you young people think is decadent, isn’t it the cutting-edge reforms we once strived for?

"The continuation of the clan and the glory of the family will always outweigh the rash pursuit of an individual.

“I will never change my mind about this.”

After a pause, Hyuga Shixiong turned his head to look at Hyuga Hiashi and said slowly:

“A house is not a big deal, but if I also save the life of an elder, I’m afraid it can buy you some time, right?

"The safety of the Hyuga clan is now in your hands."

Then, without waiting for anyone to react.

I saw that Hiruga Shigeo suddenly leaned forward and immediately bumped into the long sword in Uchiha Sasuke's hand.

There was no fear on his face, instead there was a relieved smile.

He looked Uchiha Sasuke straight in the eyes, as if to say.

See, this is my response to you.

Amid the crowd's exclamations, the tip of the sword instantly pierced through Hinata Shixiong's body.

Blood dripped along the direction of the sword, drop by drop, and dripped into the soil of the Hyuga clan.

Hinata Shixiong's body shook violently, but then returned to calm.

The old man, still in the posture of falling forward, was now sliding down weakly.

Holding the still warm corpse in his arms, Uchiha Sasuke felt his heart pounding.

The other party's determination had far exceeded his imagination.

Uchiha Sasuke suppressed his inner shock, drew out the "Kusanagi Sword: Moon Shadow" with one hand, and pushed the old man in front of him away with the other hand.

The setting sun was as red as blood, and the sky was dyed into a picture of orange and red.

The red sun hung in the sky like a huge fireball, emitting a soft and warm light.

Hyuga Shio was lying on his back on the ground, his face as pale as gold paper.

The large bloodstain on the front of the chest appeared dark red in the setting sun.

Many people go towards their fate while they are afraid of it.

But Hyuga Shio stubbornly walked towards his destiny.

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