Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning.

Chapter 94 94Personnel Arrangements

Among Ronin's three subordinates, McCann, Elrond, and Rydal, it is Elrond who is in urgent need of reinforcements.

The second transcendent who followed him is still in the state of an intermediate magician (212/300), and is a little short of progress before he can be promoted to an advanced level.

After completing the achievement this time, Luo Ning received a full 160 points of energy essence. He divided these into two parts, of which 88 points of energy essence were invested in Elrond's body to allow the opponent to break through to the advanced level.

"How about it?"

After some operations, Ronin asked Elrond, "Have you gained anything new?"


Elrond's eyes were shining brightly, he was in very good condition now.

"Sir, I have obtained two kinds of magic, Holy Shield and Light Binding."

"Oh?" Luo Ning became interested, "Tell me about it."

Holy Shield, a third-level light attribute magic, simply puts a light shield on the target, which can absorb damage from magic and fighting skills, but cannot resist physical attacks.

Light binding is a kind of confinement magic. In Elrond's words, it uses the tentacles of light to bind the limbs of the person who is being cast so that they cannot move.

In this breakthrough, Elrond still has no offensive spells, but is getting further and further in defense.

"Come on, use the light binding technique on me and see how strong the binding force is."

Luo Ning stood up and decided to experience it for himself.

I saw Elron stretching out his fingers to carve the spell lines of the light binding spell in the void. It can be seen that this magic is much more complicated than the previous one, and there are probably more than a dozen light nodes.

As the spell lines were carved, Elrond pointed at Ronin, and golden light tentacles stretched out in the void next to the latter's limbs. They wrapped around Ronin's legs and hands like a python.

"The binding force doesn't seem to be weak?"

Luo Ning moved casually and found that his limbs had been tied up and he was completely unable to move.

He was out of breath, and the muscles in his arms were tense. He wanted to forcefully pull out one of his hands, but found that the restraint force was stronger than he thought.

With his early intermediate level, he could not stop talking.

"A little stronger than I thought."

Luo Ning opened the panel and added all 80 attribute points to his knight progress. At this moment, he reached the intermediate knight (133/200).

"Cut it off!"

Luo Ning shouted in a deep voice, his limbs suddenly exerted force, and the tentacles of light that bound his limbs became unstable. This spell was about to be broken by Luo Ning.

But, one breath, two breaths...

Luo Ning's face turned red. Finally, after seven or eight seconds of stalemate, the light on his limbs shattered and disappeared.

He rubbed his wrist. Fortunately, he broke the magic in the end, otherwise he would be embarrassed in front of his men.

"The binding force is very good!"

Luo Ning praised, "It should be enough to imprison an average intermediate knight."

He changed the subject, "By the way, McCann also awakened his memory when he broke through to the advanced level. What about you, have you gained anything new?"

When he summoned Redal, the other party claimed to be the commander of the Flame Expeditionary Force.

Later, when McCann broke through and became a senior knight, he awakened a memory and claimed to be the leader of the Seventh Knights of the Flame Expeditionary Army.

Now that Elrond has also broken through to a high level, I don’t know if he has any awakened memory fragments.

"Sir, I also obtained a piece of information."

Elrond nodded, "This message tells me that like McCann and Redal, I am from the Flame Expeditionary Army. I serve as a 'sacred physician' in this army, specializing in treatment and assistance."

The Invigoration Technique, Flash Technique, Healing Technique, Holy Shield Technique and Light Binding Technique that he currently masters are all therapeutic and auxiliary in nature. The title of Holy Physician is more suitable. It would be more appropriate if it were replaced by Holy Auxiliary.

Luo Ning was finally sure that the three people he summoned were definitely connected.

And as their strength improves and their memories recover, it is likely that they will bring him some information that the world does not know.

After Elrond withdrew the digestive enhancement effect, Ronin was completely free.

From the time of the expedition on the 21st to the evening of the 23rd, in just three days, he could be said to have captured three savage tribes.

Although the Gray Earth Tribe is not yet fully under control, with the "native" Bablin and three other junior knights, controlling the people there should not be a problem.

At that time, it will be nothing more than promoting his policies and using small favors to win over the people.

As long as the living conditions of these savages are not worsened in a short period of time, and many of them have seeds of hope for the future, everything will be easy to handle.

“I didn’t expect things to go so smoothly.”

In the next period of time, as long as the black-collar tribe does not take the initiative to invade him, he will not cause trouble for them.

According to his plan, it is not too late to digest the territory of the tripartite alliance and build up the industries here, and then make the next step.

This is not to say that we have to wait for years and years. In fact, the attack on the black-collar tribe will not take too long. It is estimated that it will be after next year's spring plowing.

"I wish my dual career breakthrough to the advanced level would be a little slow."

He is still 67 attribute points away from breaking through to the advanced level. After reaching the advanced level, he needs 300 points for the knight level and 400 points for the magician level.

In other words, he still needs 767 attribute points to become a bronze knight and a great magician.

Step by step, it will take more than five months, almost exactly after spring plowing.

At that time, when he breaks through, Shanlin Town is likely to have four level four extraordinary professionals at the same time. Even if the Black Collar Tribe has the support of Thain Leader, it will be difficult to resist Luo Ning's offensive.

"Let Redal take Tom, Jewett, Sim, and Babulin to sit in the Gray Earth Tribe and monitor the movements of the Black Collar Tribe."

Redal's strength is much stronger than Slain's, so it's no problem for him to take charge of the Gray Earth Tribe.

Letting Tom and others go there also allows people they trust to use it.

"As for the defense of the Qingzhu and Ziguo tribes, with Redal at the front, there is no danger here. Just let Horn and Jenny stay in the Ziguo tribe while taking care of the defense of the Qingzhu tribe."

Luo Ning took Irene with him, so he didn't have to worry about the two people having any different intentions. What's more, judging from this experience, the Horns are willing to surrender.

As for the remaining people, they were all brought back to Shanlin Town by Luo Ning.

At this point, in addition to himself, the extraordinary people in Hillwood Town also include McCann, Elrond, Erin, David, Wharton, Dandy, and the three knights of the Gray Earth Tribe who surrendered but whose names are unknown, a total of nine people.

These nine people are not only responsible for the defense of the territory, but they can also find time to form a team of hunters to go hunting.

Luo Ning also didn't expect that in just two months, he could gather so many extraordinary beings by himself.

Once the horses, weapons and equipment, infantry, archers, etc. are all trained, he will be able to form a regular team of knights.

In this way, the next day, according to Luo Ning's plan, Redal took people to the Gray Earth Tribe, preparing to take over the people there.

Luo Ning stayed at the Purple Fruit Tribe to show the Horn Knight how to extract silk from cocoons.

In fact, this process is simpler than opening cotton, and you don’t even need to put plant ash when cooking cocoons.

The only problem is that there is no spinning wheel at hand, only the spindle, which is inconvenient to operate.

He decided that when he returned to Hillwood Town, he would first let Barr make a few spinning wheels. As for the loom, he had to first see what the loom in this world looked like.

In the morning, the little girl Irene completed her census as scheduled, and a total of 242 people in the Ziguo tribe were registered.

In order to reward the other party, Luo Ning allowed the other party to call him brother.

But this little guy didn't know whether it was because he was afraid of Luo Ning's intimidation yesterday, or he was a little shy, so he coyly didn't make a sound for a long time.

My brother didn't shout out, but he called Wilson over.

After being separated for so many days, Wilson kept thinking about the lord and was afraid that something might happen to the lord, so he was extremely excited when he saw him in the Purple Fruit Tribe. While greeting him cordially, he exaggeratedly praised Luo Ning's strength.

This time Wilson came and brought his census results from the Qingzhu Tribe. Including Wharton and Dandy, there were a total of 354 people in the Qingzhu Tribe, all of whom were registered.

So far, the population of Luoning territory has increased to 2725 people.

Ronin praised Wilson's efficiency and assigned him a task——

Train more village chiefs and send them to the Qingzhu Village, Ziguo Village and Huitu Village that he renamed, preferably those who master the ridge farming method.

For him, extraordinary people only need to be responsible for defense and do not need to intervene in construction.

When Wilson heard that he was going to be the political officer of so many territories, his eyes lit up and he immediately said that he would train and select the most suitable ones as soon as possible after returning.

Of course, the first thing the hard-working political officer has to do is to complete the census of the Gray Earth Tribe.

I believe that soon, Luoning’s [population boom] achievement will be completed.

I have something to do and I am traveling far away. I will be on the high-speed rail in the afternoon. The update in the evening will be a little later.

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