Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning.

Chapter 28 28 Soldiers and horses greet each other

In the woodland next to the road sign in Shanlin Town, Luo Ning's team finished their lunch here and rested on the spot.

After traveling over mountains and ridges all morning, the guards sometimes had to get off their carriages to push, and everyone was still a little tired.

But when they thought that this long journey was about to end, their eyes showed joy.

At this moment, they were gathering in groups, leaning against the tree trunks, resting in the shade, and chatting softly from time to time.

A gust of mountain wind blew by, and the leaves swayed in the wind. Master Elrond, who was sitting under the tree in front of him meditating, opened his eyes and looked ahead, with a sharp light shining in his eyes.

"Sir, I feel like there are people coming over there." Elrond reminded.

Luo Ning opened his eyes suddenly and finished refining his mana. He stood up and looked towards the plain below the mountain. He could indeed see a group of people coming along the road.

It's just that the road is too far and I can't see exactly how many people there are.

Chahar stood next to Luo Ning, looking out and said: "Is it possible that the political officer here discovered us and came out to greet you?"

Luo Ning shrugged, "I hope so!"

He turned around and strode towards the area where the guards were resting. Guard officer McCann and his deputy David all followed.

"Everyone has it!" Luo Ning shouted loudly.

After this period of training, all the guards stood up straight for the first time no matter what state they were in after hearing this order.

Compared with ten days ago, I don’t know how many levels of discipline have been improved.

The guards acted reflexively, but doubts arose in their minds:

The Baron just told them to take a good rest at noon, why do they suddenly have to train again?

Of course it wasn't for training that Luo Ning called them up, "Pick up your weapons and gather at my place!"


The guards were stunned for a moment. They didn't need weapons to practice footwork and military boxing. Why did the Baron want them to bring weapons?

Chahar and David were also stunned. They couldn't understand why the Baron would make such an arrangement.

Among those present, I am afraid that only McCann and Elrond were not stunned. It was not that they knew Luo Ning's purpose, but that no matter what Luo Ning decided, they would implement it unconditionally.

Doubts were doubts, but in the hearts of the guards, Luo Ning had absolute authority, so they immediately gathered with inferior long swords.

Five rows and six columns, neat and uniform.

"very good!"

Looking at the neat and orderly queue, Luo Ning nodded slightly, "What will greet us later may be enthusiastic people, or it may be cold swords, so you are ready to fight!"

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

What's going on? Is there still danger in Shanlin Town?

Luo Ning didn't explain too much, "Now, in groups of five, stand apart!"

The atmosphere of anxiety and tension spread, but they all knew that there were intermediate knights and a magician in the team, a total of four extraordinarys, so they did not panic too much.

"My lord, are you worried that they will attack us?" Elrond asked.

Luo Ning nodded slightly, "I hope I'm worrying too much, but it's always good to be prepared."

"I swear to protect you to the death!" McCann took off his shield, drew his sword and shouted.

David also made the same move, "I will protect you to the death!"

Seeing this, the guards raised their inferior long swords one after another, "I will protect you to the death!"

Seeing this scene, Luo Ning couldn't help but laugh.

It’s better to have your own team.

Time passed slowly, and the column of people was getting closer and closer. Luo Ning also noticed that they not only had cavalry, but also infantry walking behind.

"Twenty-eight people in total."

Intermediate magician Elrond had better insight and determined the number of opponents.

Luo Ning curled up his lips. Twenty-eight people came at once, including both cavalry and infantry. What are they here for?

If he encountered such a battle when passing through other territories, Luo Ning would probably choose to take a detour immediately to avoid its sharp edge.

But now he can't do that. This is already in his own territory, so how can he take a detour?

Even if the other party is not kind, he has to deal with this wave head on.

The sound of horse hooves and footsteps gradually became clearer, and everyone's hearts were in their throats.

Soon, the men and horses appeared a hundred meters away.

Luo Ning took the lead in getting on his horse and stepped forward, condescendingly, and led the team to stop on the slope.

Beside him, McCann, David, and Elrond also mounted their horses, protecting him in the middle.

When the two sides were almost fifty meters apart, McCann asked in a deep voice: "Stop those who come, tell us your name and identity!"

The sound was so loud that it shook the mountains and forests.

The five cavalrymen on the other side who had slowed down all pulled their reins and stopped in place. A tall and thin man gently held the horse's belly and took two steps forward from the crowd.

"Who are you people?"

He asked coldly, "What are you doing in Shanlin Town?"

McCann responded in a deep voice: "Standing in front of you is the bloodline of the Wushan family, the baron of Shanlin Town, Luoning Firestorm! If you are the subjects of Shanlin Town, you should offer your greetings and loyalty to Baron Luoning! "

"Bloodline of the Wushan family?"

There was a hint of doubt in the other party's voice, mixed with imperceptible ridicule.

"As far as I know, Count Wiggins only has three children. The eldest son Ronin has just been deinherited, his daughter McKinney is married to Sir Kabir of Brilliant City, and the second son Brayton is studying at Wushan Extraordinary Academy. "

He raised his eyebrows and spread his hands: "I have never heard that Lord Earl has a son named Ronin Firestorm. What, an illegitimate child?"


Luo Ning raised his hand to signal that McCann didn't need to argue. He held the reins with both hands and sat on the horse without being impatient.

"They say that Shanlin Town is extremely remote and barren, and should not be well-informed. I didn't expect that you guys, living in the mountains, would hear about the fact that Wushanbao's eldest grandson was deprived of his inheritance right so quickly."

Luo Ning chuckled, "Then you should know that Luo Ning changed his surname to Firestorm, right?"

The other party's expression changed slightly, and then he realized that he had accidentally slipped his words.

Luo Ning didn't want to be verbose with the other party, so he just showed off his cards and said, "If my guess is correct, you should be the administrative officer of Shanlin Town. Tell me your name."

"The outside world has belittled you as a fool, but when I saw you today, it turned out that I couldn't believe the rumors." The man did not continue to pretend to be stupid, but raised his hand and made a knight's salute.

"Lord Baron, I, Prince, am the administrative officer of Hillwood Town, as well as the operator and guardian of Hillwood Town."

Luo Ning narrowed his eyes and frowned.

The title of political officer was given to him by Wushanbao. But operator and guardian are obviously the titles given to them by the other party.

Judging from the other party's tone and attitude, I am afraid that he has already regarded himself as the master of Shanlin Town.

That's why Prince came to greet Luo Ning with his troops and horses, and that's why he sat on horseback and talked to Luo Ning instead of dismounting and saluting.

Luo Ning didn't know what the other party had to rely on, but it was obvious that the other party would not give up the throne of the "actual lord" of Shanlin Town easily.

Or maybe the other party is using this formation to get some benefits from him, the lord?

Ronin glanced at the soldiers and horses around Prince. There were four cavalry, twenty infantry, and he even saw three archers.

According to Lulans, the population of Shanlin Town was less than a thousand, but it was a bit unexpected for Luo Ning to be able to provide so many people as guards.

"Okay, Mr. Priest, political officer, now you can tell me your purpose."

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