In September of the 57th year of Konoha, the manned lunar landing operation jointly invested by the Five Nations Alliance of Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, and Thunder officially began.

It was originally scheduled for the 56th year of Konoha.

But as we all know, plans cannot keep up with changes.

Not to mention that You Ya fell ill at the end of last year - [It is a fact that You Ya has not appeared for several weeks in a row, and this cannot be concealed, but it can be changed to You Ya's illness] - this further delayed the plan.

Of course, the other villagers had mixed feelings about Youya's illness late last year.

They felt a little regretful that You Ya was taken away by the illness this time.

But there is some relief.

After all... they couldn't guarantee that if Yuya died now, the next Hokage would treat them peacefully as they were doing now, or would he suddenly become tough and act like a hooligan as they had been worried about for decades.

It's not impossible.

Anyway, if they ask themselves honestly, if they were in Youya's position, they would definitely be very tough in demanding other villages to give them money and food.

Of course, after all, they don't understand economics. If they understood economics, they would find a very terrifying fact, that is, the purchasing power of Konoha Village's currency is much stronger than theirs.

Although the various commodities from Konoha Village are nominally charged with a lot of travel fees and tariffs when sold to their village, the prices are often twice as high as those in Konoha Village itself.

In fact, this is already sucking blood.

Not to mention that there are so many businessmen who are running to Konoha Village regardless of their lives.

Even though Youya had just reaped a wave of rewards a few years ago.

However, because all the reasons Youya gave were legitimate, some businessmen felt that as long as they did not break the law, they could do whatever they wanted.

Of course, is there anyone arranged by Youya pushing this kind of public opinion environment?

Are you kidding? Konoha Village's TV station has its own channels in other villages!

If You Ya gave things like propaganda and public opinion to others, he would just kill himself with a piece of tofu.

Youya will never give up the high ground of public opinion to others.

You Ya was very happy on the day the rocket took off.

Because for him, this step today will allow all the villages in the entire Naruto world to come up with a concept of unity.

Before, other villages had more or less cooperated with each other.

But this is the first time we have seen a situation where five villages have united.

During this live broadcast, as long as one person can come up with the idea that the five villages should unite, it will be a huge profit for Youya.

Isn’t this how the seeds of thought are planted?

As long as enough seeds of fire are planted, after Yuya dies, someone will always stand up and unify the entire ninja world.

Of course, by that time, Yuya no longer cared whether Konoha Village was successfully unified or not.

Anyway, he has done the best he could.

And no one can find fault with it.


After the rocket was in the sky, Youya extended an invitation to the people from the other four villages.

Yuya plans to host the Five Kage Summit this time himself.

The issues to be discussed at this meeting are very important, and there is only one theme for the entire meeting: building a lunar base.

Yes, it has been confirmed that the moon broke away from the planet.

Previously, when Yuya sent Minato to the moon to dig up the soil on the moon with a hoe and brought it back, after testing, it was found that the composition of the soil was exactly the same as that of the soil on the Ninja Continent.

This leads many people to believe that the moon was probably formed by a meteorite that fell to the ground a long time ago and smashed the earth into pieces, and then was reorganized by gravity to become the current planets and moon.

You Ya declined to comment on this.

He wasn't really interested in this anyway.

His purpose of building a lunar base is very clear.

It's obviously a defense against the Otsutsuki.

Of course, Youya couldn't tell the shadows in other villages about this purpose.

But for the shadows from other villages, this topic is indeed too important.

The lunar base is a bridgehead for external exploration.

Taking over the lunar base means taking over the first ticket to the future.

The question now is...

One step at a time.

The first to start studying the sky was the Hidden Cloud Village.

But those idiots from the Hidden Cloud Village just made a big balloon and flew it for a thousand or two kilometers before stopping, and they showed off to Konoha proudly.

As a result, Konoha directly researched a rocket to the moon.

At first, the people of the Hidden Cloud Village insisted that Konoha Village was wasting money.

As a result, the fact that there were people on the moon directly triggered public opinion and everyone's thoughts.

There are people on the moon, are there people on other planets as well?

People represent resources.

As a result, many people's thoughts became active.

I also have more interest in the planets outside.

Then, now only Konoha can go to the moon, and naturally only Konoha can build a lunar base.

Then there is nothing to say.

I have no choice but to come.

As for safety…

Don't be ridiculous. If a safety accident happened during this meeting between the highest-ranking members of the Five Kage, Konoha would completely lose face.

Of course, Yuya would never let a safety accident happen in Konoha.

There is actually another reason why You Ya held this meeting.

That's what Youya wants to see...

I want to see who the next generation candidates chosen by other villages are.

The deputy that Youya brought with him must be Nara Shikaku.

Although Yuya knew that Nara Shikaku would definitely not become the next Hokage, the other villages certainly didn't know that.

Therefore, Youya can just pretend to be stupid and deceive the shadows from other villages. Don't worry about what you can deceive, as long as you can deceive as much as you can.

Konoha March 57.

On Konoha's side, Nara Shikaku also began to prepare for the year-end review, while Yuya took Nara Shikaku to the outer city gate of Konoha Village to welcome the Kage from other villages.

Etiquette still needs to be thoughtful.

In fact, some other villages are still struggling about who to take as their deputies this time.

In the end, the people they each brought were:

First is the Hidden Cloud Village in the Land of Lightning: the Third Raikage came to Konoha with his son and the Raikage Guards.

The Hidden Cloud Village is preparing to directly pass on the inheritance from father to son.

Actually, it's okay. Anyway, the impression that the Raikage of the Hidden Cloud Village is a reckless man has continued for three generations. It seems that people in the Hidden Cloud Village will be more accustomed to the fourth generation continuing to be a reckless man.

The Hidden Mist Village: Karutagi Yagura came to Konoha with a beautiful woman.

It was Mei Terumi.

How should I put it, Mei Terumi was indeed a great beauty in her twenties.

Well, I don’t know why I can’t get married.

Tsuchiya Village: Ōnoki came to Konoha Village with his son Konoha.

Well, nothing much to say.

As for the Sand Village...

The situation in Sand Village surprised Youya a little.

Granny Chiyo actually... the person who was brought to Konoha was Gaara's father, Rasa? !

Why doesn't this include a scorpion?

Scorpio has a good reputation.

At least this life is good.

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