I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 356: The Evil God Gathering

"Master Saint III, someone is calling you."

Noah's voice rang in Sean's mind.

Sean was a little confused. Was it Qiong Ying or Jin Kui who was looking for him?

After he developed the ritual, he only gave it to a few close people in Paradise City.

However, logically speaking, there shouldn't be anything that he needs to go back to deal with now. Qiong Ying feels sorry for his huge mental consumption, so she won't look for him unless it's something serious. And Jin Kui is a powerful boss after all, and with his personality, he won't look for Xiao En when he has nothing to do.

Sean even had a strange feeling - it was like when he received a call from home at three o'clock in the morning before he traveled through time.

This usually means that something is going to happen.

Stepping into the Mind Hall, Sean noticed that the hall had begun to rotate and the scenery outside began to change. These were steps in preparation for responding to the call.

"So quick?" Sean said casually.

Noah's voice echoed in the hall: "Your previous attempt was successful. The Mind Hall has successfully recorded your anchor point. In order to allow you to respond to others' calls more quickly, I took the initiative to start the steps of responding to the call in advance. Saint Three, if you don't need it, Noah will change the way of response."

"That's fine, but if I don't respond to the call, won't the energy of the Mind Hall be wasted?" Sean asked curiously.

Noah replied, "Yes, but the energy consumption is not great. The Mind Hall can replenish its energy autonomously in the etheric layer. As the master here, I think it is worthwhile to make appropriate wasteful behaviors for you to save your time and energy."

"Better prepared?" Sean said with a smile.

Noah replied in a serious tone, "Yes, it is better to be prepared. Thank you for your generosity during this period. The autonomous understanding ability in Noah's program has evolved again."

Evolution? It feels like artificial intelligence has developed self-awareness...

No, it can't be considered déjà vu, it is essentially like this, but even if Noah develops complete self-awareness, it is not a bad thing.

He closed his eyes slightly and concentrated his attention. While waiting for the feeling of weightlessness to come, Sean asked casually, "By the way, will I be able to figure out who is calling me in the future?"

"Analyzing...Analysis completed, Noah thinks it can be performed. Your ritual combines the rituals of the Self Church and the Seducer. It uses the Genesis Slate as the signal source and the Mind Hall as the response anchor. I can determine which saint summoned you through the etheric information on the slate."

Sean nodded: "Then let's start building the program."

"Yes, it is expected to be completed in three days - will you respond to this call?"

"of course."

"Responding... Please be prepared."

His consciousness became a little hazy again, and Sean felt that he had completely floated into the etheric layer. At the same time, the feeling of wanting to look up came over him again.

Keeping in mind Noah's previous reminder, Sean didn't pay attention to the strong feeling. Instead, he concentrated and closed his eyes. The overwhelming feeling of weightlessness soon came over him.


When he opened his eyes again, Sean's brow twitched.

It's true that the child is dead and the milk is coming... The feeling that something is wrong is indeed true.

Just when Noah started building a program that could identify the summoner, this situation happened.

The person who summoned him was not Qiong Ying or Jin Kui from Paradise City.

"That's what I was saying. Why would Qiong Ying and the boss summon me if nothing happened?"

Sean, who appeared at the summoning scene as a spirit, muttered to himself but did not reveal his true form.

Although the one who summoned him was not one of his own, for Sean, responding to the call would only result in the loss of some mental strength. He could leave at any time, so he did not need to worry too much about the danger.

Looking around, this seems to be a gathering place. Judging from the surrounding iron buildings and dilapidated vehicles, it is most likely a temporary base for a group of looters.

If you look into the distance, you can see the dust rising all over the sky and the unique gray-white desert.

Gray sea.

This should be a temporary camp of some predators in the Gray Sea.

At this time in the camp, there were densely packed corpses lying around, and a group of people wearing strange masks and church robes were surrounding a scarred young man.

People wearing Vatican robes have a diamond-shaped mark on their cuffs. Sean's eyes widened slightly in surprise.

Id teaching.

I have come to the Gray Sea... Yes...

Last time when he helped Bai Ye advance to Crimson, Sean deliberately left some "clues" and disguised himself as a highly respected follower of the Seducer. Given the nature of the Ego Cult, they will most likely launch an investigation.

Unexpectedly, they have already found the Gray Sea.

Focusing his attention on the young man surrounded by the ego cult, a hint of doubt flashed between Sean's brows.

He had no impression of this person at all.

The surrounded young man looked to be in his twenties, with long black hair and bangs covering half of his face. His skin was very strange, almost completely transparent, and the blood vessels and muscles under the exposed arms and ankles could be seen through the skin.

He went over it in his mind again, but Sean still couldn't remember any similar characters, not only his travels in this world, but also the character settings when he was the main creator.

He will never forget such a distinctive character.

The most important thing is that the ritual that can summon him requires the Stone of Creation to be nearby - is the person in front of him also one of the owners of the stone?

Hidden in mid-air, he was good at hiding his body, and the body summoned was an etheric body, so no one was aware of Sean's existence.

The young man surrounded in the center wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth tremblingly. His right hand was tightly grasping something, and his face was full of unwillingness and despair.

"I would rather give everything I have, why..."

The leader of the Id Cult is tall, with a thick prosthetic arm carved with religious inscriptions in the center of his chest.

The third hand waved, and he said calmly and indifferently: "Jehovah, you try to blaspheme the great Lord and even serve the evil god... The light of the Lord shines on this world. Will He tolerate a pagan like you? Surrender and call out what you have received. I will beg the great Lord to grant you gentle annihilation."

Jehovah? Sean's mouth twitched in mid-air.

This is not an auspicious name, brother...

However, the man called Jehovah showed an angry expression, and he shouted: "You should call me the great Jehovah! I am the light of the future of this world, and I am the one who can solve the suffering of all living beings!"

Sean: "..."

The three hands' eyes suddenly became sharper: "Jehovah, you have completely fallen into the endless abyss... Giving yourself a new name and incorporating some rituals into it does not mean that you have the power of a god. I can talk to you because of your past achievements. I will only give you one last minute."

Sean finally understood something.

This man who called himself "The Great Jehovah" should have been a member of the Betfair religion before. However, he combined the rituals and scriptures of the Betfair religion with those of other religions. Not only did he give himself a new name, he even wanted to "establish his own sect."

Hiss, why did this guy choose this name?

Sean hesitated.

As a member of the production team, he is mainly responsible for modeling and other aspects. In terms of plot setting, he is generally only clear about the general direction.

Given the nature of their production team, it is quite normal to incorporate some existing religions in reality into the game. However, it should not be the case that they directly copy the Jehovah's style... Mainly because it is easy to cause controversy...

So where did this guy know this name and even gave himself this name?

However, Sean had some ideas as to why the other party was able to summon him.

The ritual he created was a combination of the Begotten Religion and the Lurker Gaozhi, and the other party was originally a follower of the Begotten Religion, and the Grey Sea was the birthplace of the Lurker Gaozhi... In addition, this guy had obviously studied a lot of rituals and scriptures of various religions, so it was normal that he summoned himself by accident.

The only thing that surprised Sean was that this guy actually had the Tablet of Genesis in his body?

Of course, the stone tablet only needs to be nearby to serve as the "signal source", and it is also possible that someone in the ego religion owns it, but Sean still tends to believe that Jehovah himself owns the stone tablet.

When Jehovah saw that his ritual had not succeeded, he opened his right hand tremblingly, revealing what he had been holding.

It was a curled up, shriveled, dry pure black feather, and next to the feather, there was a pocket watch that looked familiar to Sean.

The token of the Seducer's high reputation, the thing that can restore His power... Wasn't that thing thrown into the underground nano-ocean of the Gray Sea by the fisherman Bernard, and half of the pointer in it merged into my body?

As Sean looked closely, he realized that it was not a real pocket watch.

It's a carving... that feather and that pocket watch, both of them are carved out of wood.

"Great Lord...no matter who you are, no matter what you want to take from me, give me strength! Give me strength!" Jehovah roared at the top of his lungs.

His left hand kept making various ritual gestures, and the energy in his body was flowing in a strange way.

Sure enough, he accidentally stumbled upon the ceremony that summoned me... Right there, Sean felt the feeling of being summoned.

The rituals of various religions are similar. Even if the prayers and methods are different, when all the elements are gathered together, it is indeed possible for them to collide.

It seems that I have to improve the ritual of summoning me, otherwise, these cult members may really summon me again in the future...

Sean muttered silently in the air. He had responded to the ceremony and appeared at the scene, but no one knew it.

However, he responded to the pocket watch and the slate, so which one did the jet-black feather represent?

On the other hand, the people of the ego sect have lost their patience.

The three hands in the lead said indifferently: "Jehovah, I have given you enough dignity in the end, don't blame me for no longer caring about our past friendship."

After saying this, he waved his hand, and the followers of the Self religion behind him rushed forward.

Suddenly, the air around them became thick and corrupt. Even Sean, who was hiding in mid-air, could vaguely feel that his mental power was slowly draining away in some way.

He suddenly turned his head and looked towards the northeast. In the sky there, a large shadow was approaching rapidly.

The followers of the Self-Religion felt it even more strongly, and they even felt that their vitality was beginning to slip away.

"What is that?" The three hands widened their eyes.

Jehovah finally revealed a crazy smile. He stood up tremblingly, opened his arms, and shouted: "I knew it, I knew it! Someone will definitely respond to me! There will definitely be the most sinister eyes cast here!"

"Evil god? How is it possible..." The three hands showed expressions of disbelief.

Sean in mid-air widened his eyes in surprise.

The thing flying over was none other than... the Black Pigeon Prison!

"Damn it...Black Dove Prison responded to Jehovah's call?" Sean muttered to himself incomprehensible.

He suddenly turned his gaze to the pitch-black feather in Jehovah's palm.

That feather and pocket watch are both carvings, and the pocket watch points to the Seducer Gao Zhi, who just happened to summon me, and the feather corresponds to the Black Dove Prison?

No, it corresponds to the prisoner at the bottom of Black Pigeon Prison?

That guy... is an evil god?

While he was thinking, a huge black shadow spread its wings and landed right above the gray sea.

Different from the previous buildings, the Black Pigeon Prison in front of him was more like a living bird. It exuded the smell of corruption and greed. The closer he got, the more he felt that everything around him was being plundered.

Isn't this something the tree man wanted to release? Why didn't it stay with the tree man but ended up here instead?

At this moment, the people of the Idol Cult were facing a formidable enemy. The three hands in the lead suddenly exclaimed: "The black pigeon that spreads greed? Is the legend true?!"

Black pigeons spreading greed?

As Sean was thinking, the black dove slowly descended, and a huge sense of oppression came like a wave, pressing the ego believers so hard that they could not stand up straight.

That was suppression in the absolute sense. As soon as the black dove arrived, it suppressed everyone.

Even though Sean could only hide in the illusion temporarily, he could just leave, but he was reluctant to do so.

As the black dove slowly descended, the followers of the ego cult were almost crawling on the ground, like prisoners kneeling before God.

The huge bird's beak slowly opened, and suddenly, a large number of black nematodes poured out like a tide.

"Here it comes..." Sean's eyes became serious.

Jehovah staggered towards those horrible black nematodes, with a crazy smile on his face: "Yes, yes, that's it!"

And at this moment, suddenly, the pale sand of the gray sea began to rise and fall like waves.

It seemed that something was about to come out from inside.

An extremely familiar breath made Sean's eyes twitch.

"No, I'm already here... why are you here?"

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