I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 334 Okay, this is really an evil god.

After the mountain of survivors of the 'Titan' settled in Paradise City, this huge city had a more solid barrier.

The outermost layer is the metal wall of the Mountain of Survivors, and the middle layer is the dividing wall built later, where most of the inspections take place.

The team carrying a large amount of wood entered the metal wall and came to the entrance that divided the city wall.

The leader gave a wink, and the person who was in charge of communication went forward to talk to the inspectors.

After a while, he quietly gestured back.

The leader snorted inwardly. The extremely greedy thief had no idea of ​​restraint. Fortunately, although he collected more money, at least the job was done.

The socialite returned to the team and lowered his voice: "General, they asked us for storage fees."

Greedy... A trace of disgust flashed in the eyes of the man called the general. He was the strong man of the tree man clan, Mu Lin Chi.

As the vanguard of the tree people, they have captured the heads of countless thieves, but correspondingly, they have also suffered heavy losses.

However, taking advantage of the huge information gap, they not only broke into the border of the empire, but also traveled thousands of miles to the Ilia region, one of the three major regions.

Afterwards, they were surrounded and attacked by the troops led by the Second Prince Bai Wen. Although they didn't know how the other side found the specific location of their troops, the Second Prince was only greedy for merit and rushed forward recklessly. Even with a huge numerical advantage, he still failed to completely close the trap.

Mu Linchi fled with his remaining troops and eventually even left the borders of the empire.

Anyway, the people still living on this land are just thieves, and they can do whatever they want.

Of course, he had more important things to do - as the only troop of the Tree People that went deep into the hinterland, they were responsible for various tasks.

Not long ago, the leaves of the sacred tree, which could only be used a few times, lit up, and the fallen leaves brought a message.

Mu Linchi received a new mission, and the first step to complete the mission was to enter the Paradise City. Now it seems that it is not that difficult.

"Storage fees...haha, thieves are always like this." Mu Linchi spat on the ground with disdain.

The stronger the Tree People are, the closer they are to nature, but the Wood Owl is an exception. He has extremely powerful camouflage abilities, which is an important reason why he can become the general of the vanguard.

However, if someone really examines it carefully, they will find that the saliva that has merged with the dust is not consistent with a normal human being.

The subordinate glanced at the staff in charge of the inspection and whispered, "General, should we do it?"

A hint of sternness flashed in Mu Linchi's eyes: "Then give it to them... But, tell the seeds to be careful, don't move without my order."

"Yes, I understand."

The subordinate turned his head and put on a smiling face again.

Soon, a batch of wood was pulled out of the cargo box. The large-diameter solid logs were also very valuable in Paradise City. After all, rich people all liked to be close to nature.

After paying the storage fee, the team was no longer stopped and successfully entered the third level of the city wall.

This is also the original city wall of Paradise City, which now basically no longer bears the responsibility of defense.

The group walked in smoothly without any hindrance, and they finally saw the whole picture of Paradise City.

Even though he had already seen the empire's second largest city, Ilia, when he first saw Paradise City, even Mu Lin Chi showed a hint of surprise.

It's nothing, this place is a bit too clean.

Not only is it clean in the literal sense, the dirty scenes commonly seen among wasteland residents are also completely absent.

Not far away there are a large number of newly built buildings, neat and solemn, just like the pedestrians who are hurried but orderly nearby.

Mu Linchi and his group, who had inquired about it a long time ago, knew that it was time to get off work - all the residents of Paradise City had to work for a fixed time every day.

Foreigners who had just entered the city naturally had to follow the rules. Before they could look around, someone came over.

"Newcomer, come with me. Go get your first ration at eight o'clock, and pick up your housing ticket along the way."

"You have one month of free residence time. If you want to continue living here, then let Paradise City see your usefulness - don't blame me for not reminding you, Paradise City does not accept idle people. If you can't adapt in a month, then get out of here and continue to circle around with the Crazy Beast outside."

The staff were quite rude, but Mu Linchi and his group were well prepared and accepted everything without complaint.

By the time we finally settled down, it was almost midnight.

"Let the brothers spread out tomorrow and find out the situation in the city."

"Yes, General."

"In two days, I need to find out the general situation of Paradise City, especially the so-called [Golden Ghost]..." A hint of coldness flashed in Mu Linchi's eyes, "First, determine the location and situation of the deep red middle layer... Then, heh."

The subordinate nodded, and then asked in confusion: "General, what are we going to do? According to the data, Paradise City is just a Crimson Middle and a Crimson Lower. It won't cost too much to deal with them. It's just that we don't have enough people to fully control them."

Mu Linchi said calmly: "So, we have to control the Crimson Middle Level called Jin Kui... Paradise City should be used by us. By the way, ask about a man called Endeli, who is a mechanic and also a member of [Golden Ghost]."

"Yes, mainly?"

Mu Linchi shook his head: "It's not about the partners yet... But we can also start with this man called Endely... Anyway, we should ask around first and pay attention to whether there are any strangers who have come to see Endely recently, and whether Endely has made any major moves related to machinery."

"I understand."

"Take a rest. Haha. It's rare to have a good sleep..."


Early in the morning, the sound of hammering was heard again in the laboratory deep inside the [Golden Ghost] headquarters.

The owner of Paradise City has changed, and every inch of land inside is worth a lot of money. Those who can patrol here are considered core members of the [Golden Ghosts], not to mention those who live here all year round.

In addition to the residence, there is also a large laboratory here. Different sounds are emitted from the laboratory every day, and the patrol officers have long been accustomed to it.

They knew very well who was inside, and they knew even more clearly that this huge laboratory was approved by Big Brother Sean himself.

Apart from a few veteran figures, the master in the laboratory has a very high status in [Golden Ghost].

There were patrolmen with fixed routes passing by here. They subconsciously looked towards the laboratory and made a bet directly: "Brother Endeli didn't sleep last night. Let's bet on a drink."

"He hasn't slept in a few days... I bet he came here early and had three drinks."

"make a deal."

Just wait until noon. If no one brings food, it means that Brother Endely got up early. If someone brings food, it means that he has not slept all night and needs to eat to avoid starving to death.

However, no one paid attention to the conversation outside, and the laboratory fell into a rare silence.

Qiong Ying crossed her arms and asked softly, "Endeli, how is it?"

Endely was still in his weird and over-excited state as always, except that the dark circles under his eyes were a little more frightening than before.

He was naturally very excited after finally getting Sean's news. However, the news Sean brought was not good - there was a big problem with Panda's program, and even changing the core could not solve it.

Endeli likes Panda very much, and considering his elder brother's instructions, he naturally gives his all.

Frowning at the experimental data, he kept scratching his head: "Something is wrong. Brother, these specific parameters stored in the chip do belong to Panda... But even if Panda reaches deep red, I should be able to adjust it... Hiss, why did all the simulation experiments fail?"

"All failed?" Qiong Ying didn't know much about mechanics, so she could only ask in confusion.

Enderly nodded: "I tried more than a dozen methods, but all the simulation tests failed."

As if thinking that Qiong Ying wouldn't be too clear, Endeli added: "I have analyzed the specific data of the pollution, so I deliberately changed the parameters. Because according to Big Brother's request, it is mainly to restore Panda's normal thinking and memory... Strange, I have tried it on the metal life form Mad Beast before, and it obviously works."

Hearing Endeli say this, Qiong Ying was a little worried: "What should we do? From what Sean said, this should be very important to him."

Endeli waved his hand instead: "Don't worry, sister-in-law, it's not a big deal. Otherwise, according to my eldest brother's character, he would definitely set a time for me, and if I can't finish it, he would deduct my share or something."

Qiong Ying: “…”

Enderly stroked his chin and said, "It would be nice if I could talk to Big Brother directly. He knows about a special kind of pollution and proliferation. I suspect Panda's mutation has something to do with that."

"Special pollution..." Qiong Ying thought of something, and immediately took out the chip and inserted it into the playback device. After a while of operation, "What are you talking about?"

In the playback device, Sean's holographic projection was standing in the middle of an open space: "Remember the Holy See? They were called the Self Church, and their main business seemed to be the research of special pollution. I met many of their people, and without exception, they all mastered various rituals, and all used special pollution and proliferation."

The projected Sean smiled and said, "I've encountered so many of them, and I've also researched a few things... Let's just treat it as a ritual for now."

"I don't know if it will work, but you can give it a try. But remember, the dean must be by your side when using this ritual."

"Specific steps are as follows……"

After a long and complicated prayer, Endeli scratched his head and said, "Why does this sound like a cult ritual... Is Big Brother starting to believe in religion?"

"Sean said that this is an effective direction, although I don't understand what it means specifically, and why my teacher must be by my side to use it... But maybe I can give it a try?"

"Let's give it a try." Enderli's eyes lit up. He liked these strange things the most.


Thousands of miles away in the imperial capital, in a villa, a dying mad beast was gasping for its last breaths.

After killing the other party, Sean used the ritual to extract the power that had not yet been purified.

“This should be considered the origin…”

He has been studying the rituals taught by the Self recently. Of course, the rituals he got from Lance are definitely not the core rituals, but it is enough to understand the most basic things.

At present, there are only two rituals that Sean has fully mastered. One is to absorb the power of despair and death and transform it. He himself can't tell exactly where this thing came from, and what its relationship is to the seducer Gao Zhi.

The other is the Cult of Time from Bald Matthew, who believes in the so-called gods called the Upper Narrator and the Time Thief.

Sean has mastered the most useful purification ritual.

He has been conducting research intentionally all along, and the emergence of the ego religion has given Sean another reference object.

Sean discovered that the so-called ritual was essentially a special way of mobilizing pollution.

According to this, whether it is the Seducer Gaozu, or the gods worshipped by the Sect of Time and the Self Religion, none of them are good people.

Moreover, this can also explain why Bald Matthew regarded Sean as his master.

The so-called gods are similar in nature and are all related to special pollution and proliferation.

In fact, Sean doesn't think there are any gods at all - in his opinion, they are just a group of more powerful people.

Of course, it may not be a human, it could be a crazy beast or a mutant.

However, with the rituals of the Id religion as a reference, Sean began to gradually understand the operating rules of special pollution.

Leaving aside concepts such as pollution, value-added, and rituals, Sean discovered that this was actually more like a "program" that resonated with the source pointed to by the "program" in a fixed way of operation, and then all kinds of strange phenomena occurred.

This is also why he left a ritual in the chip, because, Sean believed, these rituals would eventually be performed on the etheric plane.

And he owns the "nail house" of the etheric layer - the Hall of Thought.

Does this mean that if he changes the ultimate object of the ritual and uses the Hall of Mind at a high level in the etheric layer, he can truly realize the 'response' ritual?

Of course, there are many restrictions, and the stone slab must be nearby to connect to the thinking hall.

Currently, Latiya is the only subject left for the experiment, and there is no need to worry about the loyalty of Qiong Ying and Endeli... I just don't know if they can succeed in the experiment.

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly, a message came from the Thinking Hall.

Noah's voice sounded in his mind: "Master Saint III, someone is trying to contact your etheric body."

Sean's eyes lit up: "Is it effective?"

Entering the thinking hall, Sean was suddenly delighted by Noah's degradation.

It really worked... Latia's stone tablet acted as a medium, and the person who performed the ritual this time should be Enderli...

"What would happen if I responded?" Sean asked.

Noah said: "There is no record in the database... We are searching... We are running the calculation model..."

"If you choose to respond, the stone slab will be used as an intermediary to connect with the Hall of Mind. Your etheric body can be fixed in the real world with the help of force. Congratulations, Saint Three, you have found a way to influence the real world."

Sean rubbed his face and said, okay, this time it’s really an evil god.

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