I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 32 The curtain opens

Lu Youde is a middle-aged man with a slight stoop. He is leaning on a weird mechanical crutch that looks like a coat rack, and his expression is a bit stiff.

"Excuse me, Dean."

Lu Youde bowed slightly.

"You're welcome, Professor Lu."

"Then I'm not welcome -"

The dean secretly had a headache, he shouldn't talk too much... He had forgotten Lu Youde's character...

Lu Youde looked at Qiong Ying: "Miss Qiong Ying, the dog Lu Xin is not in the returning team. Can you tell me what happened to him?"

Qiong Ying subconsciously avoided the other party's sharp gaze and whispered: "Professor Lu... Lu Xin... is dead..."

Lu Youde tightened his grip on the crutches, raised his head, and tried to straighten his rickety back.

After a moment of silence, he continued to ask: "Lu Xin, how did he die?"

Qiong Ying panicked, and her body became cold when she thought of the scene when Lu Xin died.

Her throat twitched with difficulty, and she noticed that the teacher was signaling her with his eyes.

Just, just use the words taught by the teacher...

Taking a deep breath, she replied: "Because I was unwilling to bow to... to Sean, I was thrown out of the airship..."

Lu Youde's body shook a little, and he forced himself to stand firm: "What exactly happened..."

"Sean forced me and Lu Xin about the secrets of the [Academy]... Lu Xin didn't want to tell. I... I was scared, and I wanted to save him, but Sean didn't give me a chance... He was ripped off He took off the prosthetic body and threw it away..." Qiong Ying said with difficulty.

Following the teacher's instructions, she concealed many details.

Lu Youde slowly closed his eyes, and after a long time his dry lips began to move.

His voice seemed to have aged by dozens of years: "Dean... I hope you can allow me to take a few days off to support a few people... I want to go outside the city and visit."

The dean sighed: "Professor Lu... the [college's] exploration team will help you find it."

Lu Youde slowly bowed and walked out of the room with his body bent.

The teacher and student looked at each other, and the dean walked over and closed the door.

"Although Lu Youde did not enter the core, it is only because he has no background. He has outstanding abilities and is the target of several academic groups who want to win over. However, this person has a bad temper, clear grudges, and will retaliate..."

The dean shook his head: "If you let him know what happened on the airship, he will definitely be angry with you."

Qiong Ying's face became paler. Logically speaking, Lu Xin's death had nothing to do with her, but everything Sean had done was imprinted in her mind.

If, if he hadn't said that at that time, Lu Xin might have survived...

The girl lowered her eyes, wondering what she was thinking about.

On the other side, Lu Youde left here tremblingly under the gaze of many people.

"Lao Lu only has one son, right? My wife has been dead for a long time."

"Go back and inform the team leader, maybe we can try to get Lu Youde."

"But Lu Xin is always so arrogant, hehe, he has learned a lesson."

"It's okay to say it secretly, but don't get in trouble with Professor Lu. He has a bad temper."


Lu Youde was watched by people from all walks of life and returned to his residence in silence.

However, when the door was closed and the lights were turned off, his middle-aged grief of losing his son disappeared instantly.

"Lu Xin must have acted according to my instructions... Sean can be reused by Jin Kui. He will definitely not be a stupid person. He cannot kill Lu Xin."

"We can only judge that there is a plan. It will take a while for Lu Xin to come back."

"I went to the dean today to find out the situation. There is nothing wrong with my behavior... After this, Lu Xin can't be found outside the city. In order to compensate me, the [college] should give me a promotion..."

"A [college] tutor who lost his only son, his goal immediately became clear after the grief - to find an heir."

"Several major academic groups should start to contact me in the near future and use me to train their direct descendants..."

Lu Youde narrowed his eyes slightly. It is foreseeable that in this incident, he will temporarily become the most popular person in the [Academy]. His status that has not been improved for a long time can be further improved. The only question is which one he should choose. The academic group relies on.

In addition, although he has a bad temper, he is not rough.

Over the years, he has not been popular in the [College]. A large part of the reason is to conceal his internal identity.

Lu Youde keenly discovered that the girl named Qiong Ying must have lied.

There are discrepancies between what happened on the airship... Based on my temper and the dean's understanding of me...

I'm afraid that Qiong Ying also made some mistakes in "The Death of Lu Xin", and the dean was worried that I would offend Qiong Ying because of my bad temper.

But this has little connection with the whole thing...could it be said that the exchanged Qiong Ying is still useful?

Do you want to contact me in advance to find out the plan?

After thinking for a moment, Lu Youde gave up the idea. Now is a sensitive period, and there are many people staring at him, so it is best not to cause trouble.

Just keep doing what a father who lost his only son should do... I will be useful when necessary.


At this time, in a secret room in Paradise City, Lu Xin, who was thrown out of the airship, was standing in the room.

He lost his prosthetic arm but had no other injuries.

At this moment, Lu Xin was listening to the man sitting there.

"Your dad can lurk in the [college] for so long, so there will be no problem with his eyesight. He should have started to put pressure on the school." Sean smiled.

Lu Xin nodded: "I believe my father can understand what you mean."

"Don't worry, it's just that-" Sean looked over with a smile, "If you want to go back, you are bound to suffer a lot."

Lu Xin gave a bitter smile, but nodded resolutely: "I understand, after all, it is not realistic for a seriously injured person to survive in the suburbs of the city after falling from an airship and losing only one arm."

Sean patted him on the shoulder: "[The Academy] will compensate you. Of course, I won't treat you badly."

"Thank you, boss."

"Stay a few more days, and then someone will come looking for you."



Back in the courtyard, Moza was already waiting there.

"Brother, the matter is settled. There is indeed a problem with Chao Zui's income on the black market, and it does not match the accounts reported before. The office has been smashed and all the things have been moved back."

Sean nodded: "What's Chao Zuo's reaction now?"

"Gao Qingshan went to deal with it. I heard that there was a conflict with the people who shoveled the knee. However, Chao Sui will find out that it was us in two days at most."

Sean took out a gold pocket watch, opened it and clicked it shut again.

"When Chao Chou finds out, go provoke him and bring our few internal agents with you."

Moza nodded, and then asked, "Do you want to spread the news?"

Sean waved his hand: "No, it's too deliberate. Our men's insiders, and Chao Chou, who has long been unhappy with me. Only when the information from the two parties corroborate each other is it true enough."

He showed a nasty smile: "The gentlemen in the uptown area are worried about how to suppress me, so I'll give them an unfamiliar dog."

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