The instructors have tasted all the contestants’ works.

"We need to discuss this."

They then take some time to come to a conclusion about who should get the reward and who will stop there.

As the isolation barrier rose, the players could not hear the instructor's discussion, and their figures were blurred in the barrier.

However, everyone knows the candidates who will be eliminated.

Most of the players' eyes were focused on the three of them.

There was sympathy and regret in his eyes, as well as indifference and happiness.

For the players waiting for trial, time passes so slowly at this moment.


Gordon: “There are a lot of people who have shown great learning ability, but some people are clearly unable to keep up.”

Maggie also expressed his opinion: "I think many people have great potential, but it is a bit early for them now..."


Xue Qian said with some helplessness: "Our expectations this time are very high, and some people have indeed met our expectations. Therefore, in comparison, mistakes will make the work completely fall out of the tolerance range."


Funi couldn't help crying and wiped her eyes with her hands.

The instructor's comment still lingers in her mind - "It doesn't fit your style" - which is both an affirmation of her previous performance and a disappointment in her performance this time.

She couldn't help but think: "Am I overestimating my abilities? I have performed very well, but they may not be able to save me. Maybe... my journey ends here..."

It seemed that he was too disappointed with his performance this time. Antonis looked dull and despairing.

Miles tilted his head, folded his hands on his chest, and looked at the blurry figures of the instructors from time to time, and then looked at the score list in front of him.


"do you agree?"


The instructors lifted the barrier and walked to the front of the stage, facing all the contestants below.

Gordon's voice was loud: "Today, we want you to eliminate the essentials from various classic potion mistakes, and try to reflect the gains in the presented potion works as much as possible."

"One player performed outstandingly. He broke through all the potion mistakes and fully reflected the gains in the potion."

Gordon and Maggie looked at each other and nodded.

Maggie continued: "Li Daoxian, you are very impressive. Congratulations, you won the reward spot for today's competition."

Amid the applause, Li Daoxian smiled and thanked his instructor.

When the applause gradually subsided, Xue Qian also announced the ownership of the second reward spot.

"Yuan Hua! You have perfectly expressed your achievements in your work. Congratulations!"

Applause rang out again. This result was expected by everyone. It can be seen from the previous comments.

The contestants were all a little curious as to what the instructor was talking about as a reward...

Catherine was more regretful.

She knew that the last reward from her mentor was a secret technique, which was enough to show how precious the reward was.

Xue Qian then spoke with a much more solemn tone: "There are three players today that we feel need special attention."




"You three have made the worst potion tonight, please come to the front."

The judgment that must come will eventually come.

Funni, Miles and Antonis stood in front of all the contestants, facing the mentor.

Gordon: "Funi, the structure of the potion is okay, but there is a problem with the degree of dissolution. This should not be your performance."

Funi's eyes were red again, and she cried: "I'm sorry, I didn't express myself well."

Gordon looked at the other person: "Myers, the potion you chose is too simple. I can understand your lack of time, but this time, this choice is not safe."

Miles also knew his problem. At the end of the game, when everyone else's potions were more complicated than his, he already had a hunch that he was in danger.

Antonis, this "little wizard" who is still in the academy, may be the best among his peers, but in the current competition, he is still a little immature.

Gordon said to him: "Your ending was a bit hasty, with flaws in structure and timing. We can see that you struggled very much and spent a lot of time when trying to judge the potion, but you will still have a chance in the future. Make up for these shortcomings.”

Gordon looked at the instructor next to him again, with a little regret in his eyes: "I'm sorry, but the three of you have to leave the potion master stage!"

Bad news came.

The three players could not hide their disappointment.

Gordon said: "It's a pity that you can only go so far. In previous games, you have shown excellent skills, but now we have higher expectations."

Funi shed tears uncontrollably, wiped her eyes, patted Antonis who was bowing his head in silence beside her, smiled and comforted: "It's okay, there is still a long way to go."

Antonis raised his head, also bursting into tears.

Miles said to his mentor: "Although I am not satisfied with myself, I will still remember this experience. I like potions, and I am very grateful to have the opportunity to show myself in front of the three best masters in the world. "

Xue Qian looked at the three players at this time and said: "Raise your heads, everyone."

When the players' attention came to attention, he said softly: "I am very optimistic about your potential, so I decided to give you an internship place in my institute. If you are willing, you should be able to learn something."

Funi's eyes were full of surprise, and Antonis's eyes were a little more angry. Miles immediately agreed without saying a word: "Thank you, mentor!"

Funi and Antonis also quickly followed: "Thank you, mentor!"

Maggie smiled and said: "Life is not just this game. Come and say goodbye to us bravely, especially Xue Qian, who may be your future boss."

Xue Qian shook hands with the three players one by one and said: "Keep your current love, we will meet again."

Twenty players.

After this competition, only thirteen were left.

Gordon said loudly: "Congratulations to everyone, you are already in the top thirteen. The next competition is in three days. I hope you are ready, because the bigger surprises are yet to come."

"Yes, mentor!" (in unison)

Gordon continued: "Li Daoxian, Yuan Hua, wait for me in the lobby at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, ready to receive your prizes."

Maggie blew a kiss to the contestants: "Good night~"

The instructors turned and left.

Today's program has come to an end here.

After the game ended, almost all the contestants stayed and began to continue trying to decipher the secrets in the wrong potion display case.

Li Daoxian did not participate in it. He hurried back to Tianzhi Pavilion and continued his unfinished reading of "The Structure of the Soul".

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