The potion dissolved in your mouth.

Li Daoxian closed his eyes and carefully felt the process of the potion taking effect.

Then he summoned three cups of No. 1 potion, mixed them together, and increased the dosage for testing.

A familiar feeling appears and spreads naturally with the effect of the medicine.

In addition to the expected effect of the medicine, Li Daoxian also felt an awkward and frustrated emotion emerging.

It turned out to be the case.

In standard potion textbooks, ingredients, proportions, degree of fusion, and framework are the standard elements that make up potions.

However, the ingredients of the potion are not limited to this.

In the last round of competition, Dream Therapy demonstrated an element that was outside the standard, namely belief.

This is a dimension based on standard potions, or in other words, it is the key to higher-level potions.

Think back to the last round.

Through the transformation of the framework and the splicing of three high-level magic potions, the Dream Therapy finally reached the threshold above the standard.

The bottle of wrong potion in front of me also had a similar feeling.

However, the belief incorporated into the dream healing potion that I had previously refined was "persistence", so what this bottle of potion contains is "intense frustration".

To verify your ideas.

Li Daoxian also summoned potions No. 2 and No. 3, and found similar parts in them.

The potion contains hidden negative emotions that subtly affect the user.

So, for potions 1-3, their mistake is already obvious!

The potion of positivity contains the opposite of negativity, and that's what's wrong with the potion! If you only rely on the effect of the potion to make the distinction, you won't notice it at all.

Once the wrong direction is clear, the next step is to find the cause of the error...


Another badge with a number recorded flew into Lizerota's hand.

At this moment, her score has reached fifty points.

Mana followed closely with 40 points, George and Dodge also tied for third with 35 points, and the subsequent players all had similar scores.

It is already halfway to the perfect score of 100.

This level will obviously bring huge psychological pressure to other players.

Especially for Funi.

Prior to this, Funi had tried various methods to reverse or restore the wrong high-level magic potion, but the effect was very poor, and she still has no clue.

She believed that she should be at the forefront of all the players in terms of magic potion skills.

But at this moment, she had to consider whether she would fall behind and be surpassed by others who were not as good as herself in potions if she continued to struggle in this direction without a clue.

Funni looked at the crucible in ecstasy, then raised her head to look at the time that was passing directly in front of her.

Sighing dejectedly, she emptied the waste potions in the crucible and braced herself: "Let's catch up with them starting with the intermediate potions first!"


Catherine guessed that at least one of these ten wrong high-level potions should be related to emotions or beliefs.

Their basic elements are all very standard, but that doesn't mean they're successful potions.

Because, there is a ready-made opposite example:

The purist school doesn't pay much attention to the degree of integration, framework, etc., but after the processing is completed, it is still a successful magic potion.

The difference between success and failure, whether potions have the right expression.

After having this guess, Catherine naturally started to think.

The tone of the entire program is obvious, which is to allow the contestants to discover their own shortcomings, grow and receive new knowledge through continuous challenges.

Last week, Lee Daoxian incorporated faith into his game to turn the tables, and Yuan Hua achieved high scores by incorporating faith.

Belief is clearly introduced, an important factor outside of this potion framework.

In this competition, it should be very reasonable to review this wave of knowledge points.

If I were the question maker, I would definitely do the same thing.

With this suspicion in mind, Catherine began to try to purify the wrong potion, and based on the purified results, she could prove her judgment...

Of course she also saw the score board at the front, but Catherine didn't care much. She believed that she could uncover the mystery of the failure of the high-level potion.


Miles kept trying potions No. 1 to No. 3...

But he just couldn't find the problem with the potion, and his irritability accumulated more and more, especially when he saw the score list in front of him, this irritability had reached its peak.

"What's wrong with this! What else is wrong?"

Miles murmured to himself, and suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind.

By the way, could it be that the instructors are thinking in reverse?

The correct potion was deliberately placed here just to see if any contestants dared to question authority. Is this a reward for the brave?

The more Miles thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

He quickly wrote down his guess about the error in potion No. 1 on the mixing table: "No problem, this is the correct potion."


The answer was downvoted.

Miles did not give up and continued to write down his incorrect guess about Potion No. 2: "The right potion!"

It was rejected in almost seconds!

Miles' hands began to shake, but he continued with number three...number four...

A series of mistakes, mistakes, mistakes!

Miles' hands were shaking more and more, but he still had the courage to try.

Maggie noticed this situation and said loudly: "Miles, calm down, figure out what to do, don't panic."

Miles responded and started trying again.

Maggie shrugged and looked at Gordon helplessly.

The barrage is also commenting:

"It's very much like me trying to figure out the answers to an exam."

"Maggie's little look."

"Too nervous, Maggie wanted to remind him."

"Maggie: This kid is disobedient."


That's when.

A bright gold badge flew out accompanied by magical fireworks. On the badge was the shining number 7.

Under the gaze of all the players, it fell on Yuan Hua's hand.

Yuan Hua's score also tied with Lizerota's in an instant.

On the score list, the score behind Yuan Hua turned into bright gold. This means that he has revealed the secret of high-level potion errors and is qualified to brew high-level potions.

Yuan Hua looked at Li Daoxian immediately.

But they found that Li Daoxian didn't even raise his head, he was boiling something in the crucible, very focused.

Yuan Hua pursed his lips and said nothing. He did not choose No. 8, which was similar to No. 7 potion, as the second target to conquer. Instead, he chose No. 1.


"Yuan Hua has revealed the secret of high-level potions." Gordon said with a smile, "He should be able to enter the brewing stage soon."

Maggie agreed: "Yuan Hua has basically confirmed his promotion."

"Li Daoxian, Catherine, Joffrey, Damia and Miles still have zero points, and now the choice they face is crucial.

"Is this the last chance to give up researching high-level potions and go for mid-level potions? Or should we continue to persevere."

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