He is now holding the token. Although it is a bit strange to do this, there is no problem. The blood snake and the flame pillar outside the barrier can't say anything.

After standing still for a long time, the Great Killer turned around, walked onto the stone platform, and returned to the sacrificial pool.

He asked Sinclair, "What are you going to do?"

What happened just now has clearly proved that within the scope of this altar, he can indeed listen to and read the "Canon of the Great Praise of Flesh and Blood", but once he leaves the scope of the central altar, the part he has integrated and saved, whether it is the whole or part, will return to the sacrificial pool.

The Great Killer guessed that it was probably because of the surrounding barrier that restricted the Blood and Flesh Sutra, so he turned to Sinclair for help and asked him if he had any method.

After all, Sinclair had demonstrated his impressive attainments in magic arrays before, and his domain was able to penetrate into the scope of his own domain, triggering almost no resistance, which was also an advantage.

So this is also the reason why the Great Killer asked Di Xinke Lei.

However, he did not expect that Sinclair would agree immediately.

But he didn't expect that Sinclair's method was to make him cooperate with him and build a magic circle in his body.

Sinclair didn't explain too much, but just said with a smile: "If you trust me, just do as I say. You stand by the sacrificial pool, and I'll take care of the rest."

The expression on Sinclair's face was very relaxed, and what had happened before gave the killer great confidence.

The Great Killer thought about it and didn't ask any more questions. He just stood by the pool.

In the sacrificial pool, the irregular mass of flesh and blood appeared again, exactly the same as last time.

"Just like before, swallow it into your body."

The Great Killer took a step forward, and his actions were the same as before, allowing the mass of flesh and blood to merge into his body along the places of contact.

The Great Killer slowly closed his eyes.

After integration, similar to last time, a large amount of information once again appeared in the mind of the Great Killer.

Perhaps it was because the Great Killer's condition was much better than last time, or perhaps it was because his mastery of the field was further improved. Compared with last time, this time the Great Killer had more insights and more inspirations.

The Blood Snake and Flame Pillar who were watching from outside widened their eyes: "What's going on with this guy? How is this possible..."

"With this size...tsk tsk, he really is not afraid of death."

It turned out that after the Great Killer closed his eyes, more strange flesh and blood emerged from the blood pool. Without any touch, they floated up and merged into the Great Killer's body.

Compared with the first time, the volume of the "Blood and Flesh Grand Praise Canon" contained in the Great Killer this time is five times the original.

This flesh and blood merged into the body of the Great Killer.

The countless inspirations that originally filled his mind immediately pointed to a clear direction, a powerful and complex flesh and blood sacrifice ritual, and a large number of powerful flesh and blood taboo magic: Flesh and Blood Transformation, Blood God's Touch, Blood Plague, Blood Control Manipulation...

Each of these forbidden flesh and blood magics has enormous destructive power, the only drawback is that it consumes astonishing amounts of energy and comes at a very high cost.

If you want to use it, it is best to pay the price first through a flesh and blood sacrifice ceremony to avoid excessive consumption. In other words, as long as you want to use these powerful flesh and blood forbidden magics, a flesh and blood sacrifice ceremony is necessary.

While reading the book on magic, the Great Killer realized that the sacrificial blood pool and various secret techniques of the Blood Soul Academy were closely related to the power of the "Blood and Flesh Canon", and many of them were even incomplete or weakened versions of these secret techniques.

While the Great Killer was immersed in comprehending the magic of flesh and blood, Li Daoxian was quietly watching everything happen.

He raised the corner of his mouth and said softly:

"The Great Killer wanted to take the "Blood and Flesh Magnificent Canon" from the altar. He was not satisfied with just reading it, but wanted to truly integrate part of its power into his own field and make it the key to becoming stronger. It is reasonable for him to want to become stronger."

"The Great Flow Master only wants to minimize the impact of the stripping domain as much as possible, and preferably achieve a perfect effect. The naturally high status of the Blood and Flesh Grand Praise Canon can directly cut off the connection. I want better."

"The Scripture of the Great Praise of Flesh and Blood itself longs to revive the Blood God, but it needs a suitable carrier and sacrificial ritual. There is no one more suitable than the Great Killer with a damaged soul."

“Each one is a great deal.”

"Their desire to achieve their goal even outweighs their fear of death. Even if they complete this deal without asking for compensation, it will be of great benefit to completing the rules of my domain."

Li Daoxian was playing with the soul ring token in his hand, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and he carefully observed the condition of the Great Killer.

Perhaps it was because the structure of the bloodline had changed and become more complicated, and the Great Killer's understanding of the bloodline had not yet caught up.

Therefore, the Great Killer, who was immersed in acquiring knowledge, had no idea that his blood was being attached to by an imperceptible blood color.

Just as Xuese was about to take a step further, Li Daoxian chuckled and said, "That won't work. If you take all of it, the deal won't be completed."

Suddenly, strands of black lines appeared in the blood, dispersing the blood and protecting the key part of the Great Killer's blood.

After a long period of mutual probing, Li Daoxian controlled the virus to devour a portion of the blood, which made the opponent calm down.

"You are quite aggressive, but it's a pity that if I couldn't control you, I wouldn't let you in."

Li Daoxian sat back and waited until these bloody attacks were frustrated several times and became a little confused, then he had an idea.

The controlling black silk threads suppressed the blood and integrated it into the blood.

The black lines are then used to cover the outer layer in a mesh pattern, and then the black lines slowly change and blend into the blood vessels.

It circulates throughout the body, leaving no trace of abnormality.

"The first step is complete."

Li Daoxian

The first difficulty in realizing this three-party transaction is how to break through the altar barrier.

The "Canon of Blood and Flesh" is just a book after all. After several eras of research in the Blood Soul Academy, its characteristics have long been clear. Use the sacrificial pool to attract it, the soul net to isolate it, and the academy's luck to bind it.

The Blood Soul Academy is a barrier that protects the Blood and Flesh Hongzan Canon, and also a barrier that seals it.

How to break out of this cage specially built for the "Blood and Flesh Sutra"?

The answer given by Li Daoxian is integration.

When he first passed through the barrier and the "Blood and Flesh Canon" was stripped away, Li Daoxian had already taken the opportunity to observe the underlying logic of the magic circle.

What Li Daoxian has to do now is to use his own domain to store the Blood and Flesh Grand Praise Canon in the special blood-based structure constructed by the Great Killer.

In the cavity of this structure, the soul of the Great Killer and the power of the canon are temporarily merged. Combined with one's own interference, the existence of the canon can be suppressed to the greatest extent, and the restraint of the canon power by the barrier can be interfered with through the sacrificial ceremony.

Li Daoxian stared at the killer intently.

On the basis of completing the first step, the second step that had to be taken came, which was to solve the problem of assimilation of the "Blood and Flesh Grand Praise Canon" into the carrier.

Almost all knowledge has the ability to distort biological cognition.

It cannot be said that all this knowledge that distorts cognition is bad. After all, as long as wizards want to grow, they need to constantly absorb knowledge. It is inevitable that cognition will be changed. It is just a matter of how much. Wizards themselves must also collect more knowledge so that they can combine it from more angles and stabilize their cognition.

How to make wizards' cognition more stable and less prone to subversion is a question that all wizard associations have been exploring.

However, the "Blood and Flesh Grand Praise Canon" that brainwashes the carrier to change cognition in the direction of the Blood God must be problematic.

Why is the Great Killer the best carrier?

The Great Killer is essentially a remnant soul. After being completed, its size has been restored and become complete, but the quality of its soul has inevitably decreased slightly.

The "Blood and Flesh Grand Praise Canon" would not miss this opportunity, which is why the Great Killer asked Li Daoxian how to obtain the Blood and Flesh Grand Praise Canon before this.

It was not the Great Killer who wanted to ask, but the residual influence of the "Blood and Flesh Grand Praise Canon" attached to the Great Killer that asked. This canon was sensitive to the touch of fate and chose a direction with more possibilities.

But its proposal was good, so Li Daoxian did not refuse it, and was even very happy.

The Great Flow Lord wanted to completely break away from the Bloody Tyrant domain, but the powerful power of this domain was deeply rooted in part of his soul. Even though he created the Great Killer Lord by splitting his soul and letting the Great Killer Lord control most of the domain, he still couldn't completely sever this connection.

This is also the reason why Lord Daliu is unwilling to end the reincarnation ceremony.

As an ancient magic book with independent consciousness, the core goal of "The Canon of Flesh and Blood" is to revive the Blood God. It will corrode and control any wizard who can become a carrier of revival. By utilizing its own high status, it will have the opportunity to better accomplish the goals set by the Great Lord.

It is a well-known fact that blood can affect the soul and soul can also affect blood.

Therefore, after the high-level "Canon of the Great Praise of Flesh and Blood" was integrated into his blood, the soul essence of the Great Killer was elevated.

Then, Li Daoxian activated the magic array that had been arranged in the body of the Great Killer. These magic arrays arranged with virus carriers naturally have the characteristics of transmitting thoughts, so they are rooted in the body and can touch the consciousness.

Li Daoxian used the domain resonance relationship between the Great Killer Lord and the Great Flow Lord to bind their respective souls and domains into this specific magic circle. Li Daoxian gave this special magic circle a nice name, called "Unlock".

He whispered to the Great Killer: "Expand your domain..."

The Great Killer woke up from his thinking state and did as Li Daoxian said.

The Bloody Tyrant's domain unfolds.

At this time, the Great Killer also discovered that there seemed to be some more blood flowing in his blood.

Obviously, this is the "Canon of the Great Praise of Flesh and Blood". According to the plan, after reaching this step, he will no longer need to immerse himself in enlightenment.

Although those magical secrets were very attractive, the Great Killer was more curious about Sinclair's method of collecting them, so he watched the next action quietly.

At this glance, he found the key.

After failing to corrode the soul, the "Canon of the Great Praise of Flesh and Blood" shifted in another direction and infiltrated into the realm.

The "Bloody Tyrant" domain is highly aggressive and dominant, which is exactly the quality that the "Blood and Flesh Praise Code" is interested in.

This was also within Li Daoxian's expectations.

In the previous step, Li Daoxian used a magic circle to lock the souls of the Great Killer and the Great Flow Lord, which magnified the controllability of the domain, which had an irresistible attraction to an ownerless ritual.

It's like putting a big piece of sweet cake in front of a hungry person.

Li Daoxian looked at the scene in front of him and smiled slightly: "It is like this when you have consciousness but no wisdom. You seek benefits and avoid harm, and you are easier to be controlled."

The design of the "unlocking" magic circle is extremely complex. It takes the Great Killer as the core and the Great Flow Master as the auxiliary. Through the inseparable characteristics of the domain, the remaining connection with the Great Flow Master in the domain is connected to the domain, giving it the "chain" feature while hiding it.

The "Blood and Flesh Grand Praise Canon" mistakenly believed that it could completely control this area. Through further erosion of the area, the "Blood and Flesh Grand Praise Canon" was gradually attracted and entered the depths of the area.

At this moment, the key hidden "chain" mechanism in Sinker's magic circle was activated, and it was firmly bound in it.

Li Daoxian clapped his hands and smiled: "It's done."

There was excitement in his eyes. Although everything before him was planned in advance, the fact that the plan could proceed as usual and step by step to this point was enough to make him happy.

The "dominance" characteristic of the Bloody Tyrant's domain has been brought to its extreme, greatly weakening the erosion ability of the "Blood and Flesh Canon".

The "Canon of the Great Praise of Flesh and Blood" thus fell into an awkward situation: if it wanted to erode the Great Killer, it had to control the domain, but if it wanted to control the domain, it had to pass through these hidden soul chains first.

It can also leave the domain, but it also needs to control the domain. However, if it wants to control the domain, it must first pass through these hidden soul chains.

However, once these chains are cut, the Great Killer's control over the domain will be greatly enhanced, and it will also help Li Daoxian complete the contract with the Great Flow Lord ahead of schedule.

It is hard to say whether the scriptures themselves can fight against the great killer who has complete control over the field.

Even if nothing is done, the scriptures will be eroded by the domain in reverse. It will only delay a little longer, more like a slow death.

When the scriptures saw great benefits and entered the field, everything was already determined.

Li Daoxian could use this dilemma to force the "Blood and Flesh Grand Praise Canon" to make a choice: either completely sever the connection between the Great Master and the "Bloody Tyrant" realm, thereby removing the chains, or continue to be trapped in the chains and gradually weakened.

It seems like there are choices, but in fact there are no choices.

Li Daoxian looked at the Great Killer who was thinking on the side, and said softly: "Next, we just need to take this part of the scriptures and leave."

"Using this token can save a lot of effort."

The Great Killer looked at the thing in Li Daoxian's hand, which was the soul ring.

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