Games Lobby.

Zhuo Ling is writing and drawing at the desk.

Next to her, there were two other "Zhuo Ling" sitting at the desk, studying hard.

"This should be okay, right?"

Zhuo Ling wiped the sweat from her forehead and submitted the materials in her hand with some excitement.

I waited anxiously for the system's decision.

[The player is applying for gray enhancement appraisal and uploading materials...]

[The material upload is complete, the value is determined, the knowledge content meets the gray enhancement evaluation standards, and is rated as gray medium quality. Among them, the tracking knowledge forms a system, which combines the actual tracking experience and is of great help to novice combat players. It is possible to form a system enhancement. This knowledge is named gray enhancement "low-level tracking". ]

[Thank you for your contribution to the Value Place Knowledge Base. You will be rewarded with a three-month lifespan and "Directed Knowledge Retrieval" permissions. ]

[New task added: Try to upgrade "Low-level Tracking" to Silver Enhancement]

Zhuo Ling looked delighted.

"It succeeded, and it also triggered an additional task."


It turned out that Zhuo Ling fell into a coma after taking the purple fruit representing the scholar's certificate.

Because of the large amount of energy replenishment, the body has been transformed and optimized, which stimulates the improvement of abilities.

After waking up, Zhuo Ling found that her reading ability, memory ability, and logical thinking ability had greatly improved. Not only that, her abilities had changed.

The original incarnation ability was only to follow her instructions and perform simple actions. It could transmit information from the five senses to herself, but it could only transmit limited content. The most important effect was to bear damage on her behalf and exchange positions with her in battle.

However, after this ability upgrade, the ability of combat direction has not changed much, but the ability of transmitting information has been greatly improved.

As the public beta of Place of Value began, Zhuo Ling entered the game as soon as possible under the arrangement of the Exception Handling Bureau.

After entering the game, she did not go through the process of career selection because she had already determined her career as a scholar.

The game hall of scholars is different from that of cursebenders who prefer combat.

There were no weapon racks or combat dummies here, but instead a large number of bookcases, neatly displayed books, a simple desk, and a dark door on the far wall.

There are a lot of books on the bookshelf, and some books gradually disappear, while new books are added.

Zhuo Ling came to the dark door. She tried to push it open, but found that the dark door did not move at all.

[The Scholars Conference will be held after 100 players have changed their jobs and become Scholars. ]

Well, apparently now is not the time.

Zhuo Ling walked to the middle of the game hall and saw an unfolded parchment scroll on the table. It read:

[Please refer to the existing gray and silver enhancements and try to research an enhancement through learning and combining your own experience. The system will rate you based on your research results and open higher-level permissions. ]

Obviously, this is a novice task with a guiding nature.

After accepting the task, Zhuo Ling heard a system prompt sound in her ears.

[The player has unlocked the following permissions: basic database access permission, primary skill trial permission, basic task acceptance permission, primary item production permission, personal log and research record permission. ]

Although these permissions seem to be a lot, they are actually all necessary for research, so after reading them, Zhuo Ling did not pay too much attention to them, but instead focused on this novice task.

After a little thought, Zhuo Ling had an idea.

Because Zhuo Ling had participated in training and performed tasks in the Abnormal Handling Bureau, at that time, because of her incarnation ability, she was in a reconnaissance position.

If there was one thing she was good at, it was undoubtedly sleuthing.

According to Captain Cyborg's instructions, she must complete the job transfer as soon as possible and secure a leading advantage, which will benefit both herself and the Abnormal Handling Bureau.

Zhuo Ling then decided on her own direction.

She used her new avatar ability to search the bookshelf for books on tracking techniques, and at the same time she was designing how to systematize tracking knowledge.

It has to be said that she is smart. In addition, she has experienced the last level in the game of "Subduing Demons and Controlling the Chef". She did not choose to take a shortcut in the Moment of Worry-Freeness, but was exposed to a lot of knowledge in a solid way, many of which were the ways of cognition from another world.

So her process of summarizing knowledge went very smoothly and in one go.


Because there is an additional quest to upgrade the tracking skill to silver level.

Zhuo Ling, who received the corresponding reward, tried a targeted search.

She found that the so-called targeted search permissions are somewhat similar to keyword searches on the Internet, but smarter.

Once she determines the keywords to track, a large number of related books will appear on the designated bookshelf.

However, there is no rush to read them now, because Zhuo Ling discovered another interesting thing.

It's experience value.

After Zhuo Ling completed her research on gray enhancement, although there was no mention of experience points in the game rewards, in fact, her experience points did increase.

A green experience bar appeared under her portrait, and her level was raised from lv1 to lv2 (0/200)

The level increase did not bring any attribute points to Zhuo Ling, nor did it improve any optional skills. This level was more like a symbol that reflected the player's ability.


After checking, Zhuo Ling discovered that the "low-level tracking" she set was adopted by other players, and she received the energy reward provided by the system.

It turns out that sharing knowledge can also gain experience points...

In this case, can I also share my discovery of experience value? Anyway, there is a system to generate videos now, which is very convenient.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Ling started processing the video directly and submitted and uploaded the processed video.

After uploading, Zhuo Ling stopped thinking about this matter and chose to start reading the books on tracking on the designated bookshelf with her two miserable avatars.

There were books on the bookshelf, with their titles written in complex runes on their spines. They were obviously not knowledge from Blue Star.

Thanks to the last level of the game "Subdue Demons and Control the Chef", Zhuo Ling no longer needs to learn the characters for the contents on the bookshelf in front of her, which are described in the so-called "wizard common language", saving her a lot of effort.

Detection and Tracking: Fundamentals and Applications

Energy Flow and Trace Perception

Tactical Tracking and Battlefield Perception…

The contents of these books about other worlds seem to be very professional...

So Zhuo Ling buried her head in her study. As she read, new ideas kept coming to her mind, especially when she read about low-level magic tracking techniques, her inspiration burst forth.

"If I want to upgrade the low-level tracking, it will definitely be related to the extraordinary power. This is inevitable."

"When I was reading a lot of materials before, I also happened to see the energy systems of different worlds. I have a basic understanding of energy. Combined with the rune system I knew before..."

"Unconsciously, I have mastered all the puzzle pieces to complete the task. I only need to translate the framework of the tracking technique and convert the runes into energy circuits that are suitable for the current world. Then I can complete the tracking technique that is suitable for the current world."

"As for how to translate it... there are still a lot of silver enhancements to refer to."

Zhuo Ling's heart was filled with excitement. Everything... including the things she needed, the necessary conditions and the like, seemed to have been planned. By chance, all of them came to her.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Ling immediately looked through the silver enhancements. After looking through a few, she realized that the so-called runes, the place of value, had already given a replacement solution, which was the meridians.

The meridians throughout the human body are clearly connected as one, but they can display different characteristics and properties in the body. Different rune combinations can be simulated through the flow of energy in the meridians.

She didn't know how this was achieved, but she could use the existing rules to try to modify them.

Zhuo Ling was blessed. She combined countless pieces of knowledge in her mind. She referred to the existing silver enhancements and copied them. After trying many times, she successfully "borrowed" the tracking technique.

She simulates the effect through the meridians in her body.

Sure enough, he successfully sensed the energy fluctuations of the other two clones in the distance.

As the distance increases, the perceived energy fluctuations become more blurred.

The specific perception range should be around 20 meters. As one's perception becomes sharper and energy increases, this range should expand.

After trying it again, Zhuo Ling excitedly applied to submit the task.

[The player is applying for silver enhancement appraisal and uploading materials...]

[The material upload is complete, the value is determined, the knowledge content meets the silver enhancement evaluation standards, and is graded as lower silver.

It was detected that this enhancement had a lower-level enhancement, and this knowledge was named the silver enhancement "Intermediate Tracking".

In addition to the original enhancements, the silver enhancement adds breath tracking. The disadvantage is that the ability consumes too much energy, and there is still room for optimization in the future. 】

[Thank you for your contribution to the Value Knowledge Base. You will receive a six-month lifespan reward from the system and unlock the "Basic Laboratory Access Permission". ]

[Your novice mission has been completed with a very high degree of completion. You will be awarded the title: Knowledge Pioneer (wearing this title, your knowledge browsing authority +1, up to the expert level). ]

[Your introductory research has been completed. Next, you can formulate your own research topic and apply for the materials needed for the research from the Value Place. I wish you endless inspiration. ]

Zhuo Ling's body was radiant with brilliance. After completing the research on silver enhancement, her experience points increased directly from level 3 to level 10.

In front of the level, two dark blue words appeared - [Scholar].

[Congratulations, you have completed the job change and your personal space has been upgraded. You are the first player to complete the job change and you will be blessed by the place of value. ]

[You have acquired the initial skill: Clear Mind (Your mind is stable and sharp, and it takes less time to recover. ]

[You have received the blessing of the Place of Value and gained additional initial skills: Enhanced Cognition (Your resistance to knowledge erosion has been improved).]

Zhuo Ling was slightly stunned. She had never expected that she would be able to directly trigger a job change after completing the novice mission.

Then, right before Zhuo Ling's eyes, the furnishings in the game hall changed.

The walls began to wriggle, and a bright window squeezed out of the wall where the torch was burning. The sunlight shone through the glass, and the originally dark atmosphere in the room disappeared.

The original floor has been completely transformed into a comfortable wooden floor, and a soft carpet has appeared near the desk.

Although there are not many new furnishings, the environment has indeed become better. If it originally looked like an abandoned dark room, it is now at least a cubicle in a library.

Zhuo Ling recorded everything that happened in front of her and generated a video. She was about to upload the new video, but she found that her video had become popular.

As soon as you enter you'll see a bunch of:

"Punch the card."

"Worship the boss."

Barrages like "Fire Tongs Liu Ming".

Because before Zhuo Ling's author name, his occupation [scholar] appeared.

Among all the videos, the names with the prefix "scholar" stand out from the crowd.

Many people asked, "How did you complete the job change?"

"At what level can I change my job?"

Zhuo Ling selected some of the questions to answer and uploaded a new video...


Battle Royale game.

[Currently remaining players: 7. ]

As the battle royale progressed, the area in which they could move became smaller and smaller. Now the arena was confined to the center of the shopping mall in front of them. The buildings farther away were shrouded in darkness without a trace of light, and this darkness was engulfing the shopping mall.

The system prompts that if you fall into darkness, there is a chance of getting lost, and the longer you stay there, the easier it is to get lost.

Zhou Ke walked into the square slowly, holding a Tang sword.

In the square, the six people who were already on alert for the confrontation immediately turned their eyes over.

Zhou Ke immediately looked at the other people. Next to their names, their kill counts were shown.

"13, 11, 15, 2, 3, 4"

Among them, the two people with kill numbers 13 and 11 had very stable lower bodies and could attack or defend, obviously they were martial artists.

The other four men were sturdy and seemed to know each other. They gathered together and looked at the two people in front of them vigilantly, and now Zhou Ke was also included.

Seven people, standing in four corners.

While Zhou Ke was observing them, they were also observing Zhou Ke.

Zhou Ke’s ID is Joker, and no one dares to underestimate him because behind this ID is the number 45 kills.

The number of kills is three times theirs, which not only reflects his efficiency in finding people, but also his efficiency in defeating people, which is far ahead of them.

Perhaps because he had defeated too many enemies and was the king of kills in this game, Zhou Ke's body was faintly wrapped in a black and red blood mist, which flowed with his movements.

Zhou Ke picked up the Tang sword and said with a smile: "You are all here, which saves me a lot of effort. If I kill six of you, I can get fifty kills."

The person in front of him was clearly speaking with a smile, but coupled with the blood mist wrapped around him, it gave the six people present a strong sense of oppression and deterrence.

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