Cold arrogance emanates from the eyes of the white mask, greedy desire escapes from between the sharp teeth, and the charming breath flickers on the spider web.

A violent curse storm surrounded the three emerging entities, energy gathered like a tide, and the outlines of the original bodies gradually solidified.

The wriggling flesh and blood gathered together, giving people a strange sense of beauty.

Li Daoxian observed carefully.

In the eyes of the audience, it seemed as if he did nothing and was just watching leisurely from the side, but in fact, he was paying close attention to the changes during the entire fusion process.

He probed his magic through the tentacles of the revelation trees that were densely distributed in the environment, and was able to easily understand the details of the fusion.

Not only that, Li Daoxian can completely simulate the entire fusion process in his mind through the data in front of him. The superposition of keen intuition and predictive talent fully demonstrates the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

Li Daoxian tried his best not to directly interfere with the fusion process of the three, because right now the fire of luck of the three was burning vigorously, and their overall burning process was moving in a completely positive direction.

He only needed to constantly adjust the direction of the ceremony, determine what was needed for the current fusion, provide them with the necessary parts through the rituals on the ground and the symbols in the air, and create a better incubation environment. The rest could be left to them to do as they pleased.

This is Li Daoxian’s first ritual creation. To be more precise, it is a biological modification made under the influence of a ritual.

Now, what he needs to do is to record the current fusion process as detailed as possible. Whether it is the subsequent transformation process, adjustment factors, targeted improvement steps, or the strengthening, control, and utilization of the creation in front of him, it will be more convenient with the current detailed data.

The air is filled with a strong smell of corruption and evil. This is because negative emotions, under the influence of the curse, occupy the main body of energy and naturally affect the images produced in the surrounding space.

The edges of the wriggling flesh gradually developed a skin-like texture, and the overall shape gradually took shape. Three completely different heads were connected to this body.

The leader of the White Mask, the leader of the Greedy Mouth, and the leader of the Seductive Silk.

The three heads are facing different directions.

Most of the audience who saw this scene were shocked by what they saw.

"What is this?"

"Something unusual that was born right under my nose?"

"I just want to know, in this case, did my prediction fail?"


They have seen superheroes fight, but most of the scenes offer only a superficial introduction to extraordinary things beyond normal human cognition.

Even if it is an introduction, most of the content is just about watching scenes of fireballs, ice, thunder and lightning.

According to the "introductions" of experts from various abnormality handling bureaus, it seems to the public that these superheroes have mastered some special "firearms" with greater "power".

The biggest difference may be that you don’t need to change bullets, and you can directly affect abnormal events, but firearms cannot directly affect abnormal events, that’s all.

But the scene before them was truly beyond their understanding.

After all, now there are three people who committed suicide, their flesh and blood merged together, and they were resurrected in pure energy. The guy in front of us, who can be called a monster, can never be connected with humans in any way.


Two arms emerged from under the white-masked body.

The left arm was strong and hard, as if carved from obsidian. The surface of the arm was covered with intricate runes that glowed with white light. Anyone who saw it could feel as if the runes were observing them.

The palm of the left arm is broad, and there is a deep red eye in the center of the fingers. The elongated pupil in the eye is a thin line. The runes on the arm all converge here, and the closer to the eye, the smaller the rune, surrounding it like an eye socket.

The most eye-catching thing is the ancient scale in the palm of his hand, in black and white.

The right arm is much more normal. There is nothing exaggerated in either color or shape. It looks exactly like an ordinary person's arm, with a pair of chopsticks between the fingers. This seems to be the most ordinary action in itself, but it looks very strange when it appears on a monster.

The appearance of these two arms seemed to affect the originally bare body. The muscles and shapes were redistributed at the place where the arms met the body, and the characteristics of the arms also spread to the body.

However, both arms are on the same side, which makes it look a little crowded.

Some viewers looked at the cramped arms and the slightly more spacious space on the other two sides and murmured in a low voice: "Could it be..."

"Ah? You want to..."

“Three heads and six arms?!”


The appearance of the first two arms was like a signal, and then the four arms appeared one after another in a short period of time.

Below the head of the enchanting spider silk.

The left arm is slender and charming, with long fingers that are flexibly coiled like a snake, emitting a faint seductive fragrance, and is pink and white.

There is a fresh flower in the hand, but the flower is constantly changing through blooming and withering. Every time it withers, the flower in the hand will wriggle into spider silk again and weave a completely different new flower.

The right arm was as clear and transparent as glass, sparkling in the reflection of the light... No, it was not the reflected light, but the arm itself was emitting a bright light.

In his right hand, he held a round mirror, which was facing the outside world. However, the mirror was completely white, without reflecting any image.

Below the head of the greedy mouth.

The left arm was the familiar greedy mouth without five fingers. Countless greedy mouths gathered together and condensed into an arm without gaps. However, any part of this arm could open a huge mouth at any time, revealing sharp teeth. In the huge mouths, one could faintly see countless blurry human figures appearing.

The muscles in his right arm bulged and red veins popped out, as if flames were flowing through his veins and he was holding a blazing furnace in his hand.

"Ah? Is it really Nezha?"

"The Mist game also includes Chinese myths?"

"It should be that when Wang Yu and the others merged, they subconsciously found an image that matched them. After all, everyone knows the story of Nezha."

The audience was talking a lot.

Not to mention, they were a little scared when looking at the monster at first, but when they saw that the monster in front of them also had three heads and six arms, and was somewhat similar to the legendary Nezha, they felt that the monster in front of them didn't seem so ferocious.'s still scary.

The appearance of the monster's six arms was like breaking through a bottleneck, and the progress of body shaping was greatly improved.

The flesh beneath his body squirmed, stretched and deformed, and a snake tail appeared. Then the flesh separated and turned into two legs, which were thick and powerful, wrapped with thorns and chains respectively. His feet stepped on the ground of the arena, and the earth trembled and the ground cracked, revealing a ritual formation with flashing light and runes floating faintly underneath, which disappeared into the void.

Not only that, the appearance of six arms also nurtured the three heads in return.

The aura on them was deeper and richer, and all kinds of emotions were contained in them, and the storm of curse subsided in their bodies.

Li Daoxian looked at the giant with three heads and six arms who was more than 20 meters tall in front of him, felt the aura lingering around the giant, and smiled.

It can be said that the conscious creation before us is quite good in terms of the degree of integration, mastery of concepts, and its core capabilities.

From the perspective of the degree of integration and the concept of control, the ritual creation in front of us, just after its birth, has three characteristics: "origin of curse", "emotional control" and "seven deadly sins".

Any one of these characteristics has a huge effect, especially the last seven deadly sins, which can be regarded as a strong concept whether in the new world where Wang Yu and others are, or in the wizard world where Li Daoxian is.

Good and evil are concepts that come naturally to most of the world.

The concept of sin is the basis of all judgment.

The concept itself does not have any negative or positive meaning. It all depends on how the person in control, or the person who intends to control, understands and uses the concept.

This again involves the functional use of the ritual creations in front of us.

The concept of the origin of the curse comes from the curse of the strange world of the Revelation Tree, which was originally represented by strong contagion and strong variability.

Even though the virus that Li Daoxian intentionally separated from the Tree of Revelation weakened the concept related to the curse, it only controlled its upper limit. In essence, contagion, assimilation and mutation are still extremely strong characteristics.

To be honest, when Li Daoxian used the virus as the base and the curse as the cornerstone, he did think about using the characteristics of infectiousness and assimilation to allow players to interpret the law of the jungle, and the winner would naturally be promoted.

After all, one of the fastest ways for any mortal being to become extraordinary is to curse. Even if one enters the extraordinary realm through cursing, the upper limit will not be limited.

However, Wang Yu and others did not choose this relatively simple path, but chose another one, to understand themselves, control and use the curse.

The main body of the giant before us is judgment. The original part of sin and the characteristics of the seven deadly sins are used by them as the object of judgment. While making perfect use of it, they also distinguish it from their own concepts.

They are not sin, but people who recognize sin and judge sin.

This can avoid to the greatest extent the situation where their cognition is assimilated into sin and negativity over a long period of time.

This choice was not easy, the threshold was high and the conditions were harsh, but it was indeed completed under his nose.

Perhaps it is because the fire of their luck is burning brightly, or perhaps it is the intervention and disturbance from another world.

No matter what, Li Daoxian did not lose out in this incident.

He not only saw how luck affects individuals in a world of extraordinary enlightenment, but also how it guides and pushes them in the opposite direction of what the world expects.

Moreover, he also spread his system through the fog game.

All the concepts and abilities of the ritual creatures in front of them came from Li Daoxian. They resonated with Li Daoxian's abilities, and Li Daoxian bestowed them with abilities...

Li Daoxian is the upstream of this river. He is the creator, maintainer and controller of this system.

Wang Yu and others have obtained this capability, and their exploration, research, and creation of capabilities within this system are all contributing to the system built by Li Daoxian and improving the branches.

Li Daoxian smiled and said, "Congratulations, Wang Yu, Li Ting, and Lu Zhicheng. The three of you have successfully completed the last stage in an unimaginable way. You are the final winners and the winners of this game!"

Li Daoxian's voice touched the giant in front of him.

The head with the pale mask looked at Li Daoxian, and the other two heads also turned sideways and looked at the host.

Lu Zhicheng woke up from his meditation state.

Realizing the current situation, his emotions were high and he immediately shouted excitedly: "We succeeded! We really succeeded!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he completely destroyed the arrogant aura of the pale mask.

Li Ting and Wang Yu didn't care and looked at Lu Zhicheng with a smile.

Although their success was the result of the joint efforts of three people, the most crucial part was Lu Zhicheng.

He used meditation to anchor their own positions, and used the oath to distinguish the boundary between himself and the curse. He used the curse, but it was different from the curse. This was very difficult to do.

If it weren't for Lu Zhicheng, they would never have been able to achieve this.

And if there is any mistake, another horrible future will appear...

Li Daoxian continued with a smile: "How do you feel now? Are you still adapting?"

After sensing it, Wang Yu sighed and said, "It's completely a transformation. Everything is different now. Strength, higher-level strength, fills my whole body. My abilities seem to have no boundaries, and I am"

Originally, he had strict rules for controlling the simulator's abilities, which he could not change and could only follow. But now, he had a deeper understanding of his own abilities.

Not only can you control the scope and intensity of the simulator's capabilities, you can even add or eliminate some functions within a certain range.

You can even strengthen your own abilities through trading or exchange, with the help of rituals, and achieve results that you would not be able to achieve otherwise.

Li Ting simply and directly said: "I like who I am now."

Li Daoxian nodded slightly: "Of course, your current ability level, according to the classification of your world, has far exceeded Class B, so it is natural to have this feeling."

So, are we so strong now?

Li Ting and Lu Zhicheng sighed in their hearts, at this stage, there are only a handful of people in the whole world who can reach Grade B, but now they have reached it.

Wang Yu was not surprised by this. In the future he saw in the simulator, he also experienced the feeling of being forcibly promoted to Class B. It was completely different from the present. In terms of the strength in the body, it was completely not on the same level.

Wang Yu asked, "Have we reached level A?"

Li Daoxian smiled and said, "Unfortunately, according to your world's definition of A-level, you are infinitely close to A-level, but still a little short. But don't worry, even if there are some A-level anomalies, there is nothing you can do if you encounter them."

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