Li Daoxian was also very interested in Lu Zhicheng.

Because he could feel that the other party was trying to use the contract to "legally" borrow power from him. This operation, it must be said, was smarter than other players.

Li Daoxian understood: "Is it because he has guessed the most basic logic of this game? So he thinks that within the rules of this game, he should make the most of all available power, and through the contract, he should restrain these powers that do not belong to him to the greatest extent, so as to improve himself."

This is true.

This world is the intersection of two worlds. From the underlying rule structure, it includes both the rules of the wizarding world and the rules of the world where Lu Zhicheng is located.

Out of instinct, the two worlds will naturally favor the people belonging to their own world as much as possible, and will also restrict the rules and restrictions of the other world, so this kind of relatively fair scenario is formed.

Some people may question that, as the host, Li Daoxian can dominate the entire competition process and can easily influence the success or failure of anyone. He is in an obviously strong position. How can this be fair?

But in fact, the information and resources controlled by Li Daoxian are far more than those of the players in front of him, and he has the ability to easily wipe out these players. If these players want to complete the upgrade of their rank and want to transform from ordinary people into awakened ones, they must pay a price. The strength of both sides is reflected in this way, which is already the maximum limitation.

It is also the fairest way.

For each individual player, Li Daoxian, as the host, can allocate certain resources according to his own preferences, which may not be fair. However, from the perspective of the other world, the underlying rules of the space jointly constructed by the two worlds do not restrict this.

Judging from the underlying rules that Li Daoxian needs to follow, as long as the final beneficiary is a player, the conditions of the transaction are met. It doesn’t matter which player it is.

The world doesn’t care and doesn’t matter, as long as the players belong to its world.


Through the oath, Lu Zhicheng recognized himself and restrained himself.

This sudden idea brought him rich rewards.

The oath was like a dense thread that extended from his consciousness. After being touched and witnessed by witnesses, it then connected his consciousness and body, forming a firm bond, as if drawing a clear boundary.

This sense of boundaries made Lu Zhicheng's understanding of himself complete. The change in cognition, self-identification and the feedback of the oath, integrated into one, pushed him to further integrate with the seed of the curse of arrogance.

From this perspective, the oath seemed to act as a kind of protection and had a very positive effect on Lu Zhicheng's self-cognition.

It was precisely because of this effect that he was able to complete his advancement and transformation.

At the moment when Lu Zhicheng completed his transformation, an inexplicable realization came to his mind: "I am the judge, the reckoning and the execution. I am the scavenger of sin and the pursuer of those who escape sin."

After figuring this out, Lu Zhicheng felt a genuine sense of relief.

His consciousness was refreshed, as if he had gotten rid of a heavy burden. The shackles that had made him hesitate had disappeared, and his thoughts seemed to be able to float up with a light leap.

Lu Zhicheng's transformation is very obvious, at least in the eyes of the audience, it is very obvious.

Because from the audience's perspective, each player has his or her name written above his or her head, which is a setting that fits their understanding of the game very well, allowing them to easily accept this observation perspective.

And just now, a prefix appeared in front of Lu Zhicheng’s original name above his head - "Sin Scavenger".

Players who noticed this change immediately realized that Lu Zhicheng must have gained some benefit. A title with an unusual font and color appeared in front of his name. If it were a normal game, he would at least be an elite monster.

A large number of spectators flocked in, and the audience turned into small cameras, surrounding the place so tightly that there was no way out, making it a huge crowd.

Fortunately, Lu Zhicheng couldn't see it, otherwise, even if he didn't have trypophobia, he would still feel creepy seeing this scene.

The audience couldn't wait to communicate: "What's going on? An exclusive title? Sin Scavenger, that sounds impressive."

"I thought Wang Yu was the recognized No. 1 at the moment... Why doesn't Wang Yu have a title?"

"What's the use? It's not just for looks..."

"This is a game called Mist. Since it's a game, I guess this title should be a sign that appears naturally after reaching a certain level of growth. From this, we can see that the current number one position should have changed. Among all the players now, Lu Zhicheng should be the strongest."

"What you said makes sense."

"Is this the strongest? Wang Yu's title as the strongest is recognized by all, and it is proven through real fighting. Look over there, which player has not been devoured by Wang Yu? Lu Zhicheng was clinging to Wang Yu before, and now he has multiple titles and is the strongest. It's really funny. So far, no one has seen Lu Zhicheng fight, and he has been watching from beginning to end. How can you say that he is the strongest? The strongest in the void!"

"What you said makes sense."

"It all makes sense. I am really impressed that an audience can also be a fence-sitter."

"I'm not a fence-sitter. Now, when you reach a certain level, you will generate a title. At present, Lu Zhicheng should be the highest level, but as for combat power, it should be related to the level, but not completely related. So the highest level does not mean the highest combat power, which is also reasonable."

"Inequality seconds!"

The audience was talking about it and exchanging opinions, but one thing was recognized, that is, Lu Zhicheng's possibility of becoming the winner of this level had undergone a major reversal.

Originally, after Li Ting broke the news that Wang Yu predicted that Lu Zhicheng would be eliminated in the future, the number of people betting on Lu Zhicheng was the least among the three. Now, the trend has reversed and the number of people betting on Lu Zhicheng has surpassed Li Ting and is on par with Wang Yu.


While the audience was discussing the matter enthusiastically, Lu Zhicheng knew nothing about it.

He came back to his senses and savored the feeling of having just been promoted.

He once again experienced the dream scene he had when he was merging. He had a higher perspective, more abundant energy, and a more complete self.

This is an indescribable experience. If I were to use a clumsy metaphor to describe it, it would be like myself, who has been gestating in the eggshell all this time and has finally broken out of the eggshell. My whole life has gained the concept of "completeness".

And when he opened his eyes, he immediately noticed the difference.

The world in his vision became more sensitive, and his cognition of everything became more thorough. That was why he noticed Wang Yu and Li Ting at the first moment.

The existence of these two people is very conspicuous among all the players, like a crane standing out among chickens.

"They have also completed the second fusion and are at the same level as me. No... they even seem to be one level lower than me."

Such a thought came into Lu Zhicheng's mind.

Originally, after Wang Yu and Li Ting had merged twice, Lu Zhicheng's mind-reading ability was limited to them. It was difficult for him to read continuous key information, and he could only read vague emotional tendencies, and it was very energy-consuming. But now, all of the other party's thoughts can be perceived by Lu Zhicheng.

As long as he wanted, he could even sense the other person's emotional state at the moment.

There was no hostility in the eyes of the two men. Lu Zhicheng could see the kindness and concern of the other party from their eyes, and of course, congratulations.

——They were congratulating themselves for avoiding the original outcome of being eliminated.

It's really amazing. In this cruel elimination competition where there is only one winner, there are people, and more than one person, who have no hostility towards the growth of their competitors, but instead feel happy and blessed. Isn't this very strange...

Of course, what's even stranger is...

Lu Zhicheng felt the same affinity for both of them.

It's like they were born to be compatible. They obviously have different personalities and ideas, but they feel that they get along well with each other.

Of course, Lu Zhicheng easily knew the other party's fusion process.

After experiencing this promotion himself, he realized that his second fusion method was completely different from that of Wang Yu and Li Ting.

The choices made by Wang Yu and Li Ting, just like the name of this segment, are evolution. Evolution means change. When they think that change is a good thing, it means that they have made becoming strong their first choice.

Lu Zhicheng chose himself, but he and Wang Yu and Li Ting went in completely different directions. He believed that his strength was just a way of life. Maybe people should change, but basic cognition should not change.

Through discipline and understanding, and with the help of meditation mastery, the promotion was achieved under some "coincidences".

As for what is coincidence...

Lu Zhicheng looked towards the host Li Daoxian who was high in the sky, squinting his eyes and looking down at him with a smile.

Yes, there are many thresholds and conditions for promotion, but the key is the oath witnessed by the host.

Although the oath is a contract, it is different from the group contract signed in the previous level.

This time, through the constraints of the oath, Lu Zhicheng could vaguely feel that the host, as a witness to the oath, was definitely not simple... In his eyes, the host was like an invigilator who was watching the game carelessly to pass the time, but through the feeling of the connection, a strong sense of contradiction appeared in his perception.

That sense of contradiction - it's like the concepts of largest and smallest overlap.

Even when this sense of contradiction arose, Lu Zhicheng seemed to be experiencing hallucinations.

The host's figure, which was almost the same as theirs, turned into a ridiculous transparent phantom.

But behind the illusion, there are hidden great existences, vast and unknown existences.

That feeling... the other party is like a vast ocean - a huge amount of information gathered together to weave a wave of runes and energy particles, surging like a tide following special rules, wonderful, magnificent, mysterious and unpredictable.

It is a magnificent place that can make anyone obsessed. Anyone who sees it will have a fanatical desire for knowledge, and Lu Zhicheng is no exception.

However, just as Lu Zhicheng's fanatical curiosity was burning his reason and his consciousness was about to fall into the brink of madness, this witnessed oath restrained him and pulled him back from the brink of madness.

But because of this, he also gained more understanding of this oath and had more speculations about the host.


The sudden loud explosion interrupted Lu Zhicheng's thoughts.

The heat wave came with a scorching breath.

Obviously, Zhuo Ling blew herself up again.

Because of repeated self-detonation and increasing proficiency, the flames of the explosions became purer and richer. Both the explosion power and the flame temperature were significantly improved compared to the beginning.

However, other players' reactions were mediocre.

Everyone was surprised at first, but with explosions happening every once in a while, everyone got used to it.

But, this time, something is different.

An excited female voice came along with the blazing flames: "I understand. Flames are change, destruction, rebirth, and me!"

Most of the players stopped playing at the same time and looked in the direction of the sound.

They, along with the spectators floating in the air, saw a strange scene.

At the center of the explosion, the jumping burning embers did not go out with the impact, but instead condensed inwards, and the burning flames formed a vague human-shaped shadow...

The human-shaped flame opened its arms, and all the flames shrank inwards in an instant, revealing a body of flames, which were dancing in his skin. His eyes were like two hot flints, revealing an orange-red glow, and his hair became swaying tongues of fire, each strand of which seemed to be an independent life, burning wantonly.

Rather than being a person, it is more like a life made entirely of flames.

This is obviously a completely new race.

Zhuo Ling laughed loudly, looked at Wang Yu excitedly and said, "I finally saw your back. It turns out that you have already completed the fusion. Next, let's try again..."

As she spoke, the flames on her body circulated around her like a well-behaved pet.

"Then come on!"

Wang Yu's eyes were also full of interest. He also hoped to devour some powerful guys. This was the interest of hunting.

Just as the two were about to fight again, the host's voice rang out:

"I'm sorry to bother you all. The first round of matches is over. If you haven't had enough fun yet, you can continue to look forward to the next game. There are many opportunities."

Li Daoxian snapped his fingers.

All the products of power on the field, whether it was fire or boulders, iron or thorns, were annihilated and disappeared in an instant. Everyone in the black tower area moved back to their rooms in the blink of an eye.

Wang Yu frowned, raised his hand to signal, and asked in a cold voice: "What is the standard for the end of the duel? Why did it end so suddenly?"

Wang Yu felt a little unhappy because the battle he had been looking forward to did not happen.

Li Daoxian said with a smile: "Because I have collected enough emotions...Aren't you curious about how these advanced materials are produced?"

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