Li Yu just found it funny.

He had been defending seriously in front of him, and thought that something really went wrong, but he didn't expect that the abnormality in front of him was only amazing in defense, but poor in attack.

Isn't this good?

It's simply a puzzle given to me by nature.

This anomaly is slightly less offensive, and I can use the ability of anomaly fusion to make up for it with other anomalies, but the insight and defense shown by this anomaly are not possessed by other anomalies.

After the simple test just now, Li Yu changed his mind and pointed with his finger.

The Prison Centipede in front of him jumped out, and its huge body rushed towards Leng Jing again at an extremely fast speed.

Leng Jing was also unwilling to give up. He couldn't believe that his ability could not break the defense at all. He concentrated his mind again and used the basic ability when his ability awakened, and cast the killing spell to directly strip the life from the object.

A cold green light flickered at his fingertips.

Aiming at the ferocious centipede flying towards him, green light flew out of his hand.

It hit the centipede's sharp mouthparts head-on, green light spread out, and a sharp explosion sounded.

The centipede was hit by the green light, and its body froze, and its flying body was knocked back.

Leng Jing showed excitement in his eyes, but before he could be happy, he saw the giant centipede flying towards him again. The places where it was hit were only a little charred, but other than that, it seemed to have no effect on the giant centipede.

Li Yu felt more at ease when he saw this scene. Although the damage this time was stronger than last time, it was still limited and could not break the defense of the Ring Prison Centipede.

The calm mood on the other side is not so wonderful.


No effect at all?

Leng Jing felt his scalp tingling as he watched the centipede getting closer and closer, and its layers of sharp limbs spread out.

According to his ability description, the Killing Curse can directly take away life, and the Cruciatus Curse can cause pain and affect consciousness. Either one is a death-related ability and sounds powerful.

However, the actual results I saw were far from what I had imagined.

He was still restraining his abilities, fearing that misusing them might cause injury to the other party and deepen misunderstandings, but he never considered the possibility that his abilities might not be able to break through the other party's defense.

I was strengthened by my teacher...

What exactly went wrong?

Li Yu also said from a distance: "You have the ability to communicate with us, so give up resistance now and be taken in by me honestly. Maybe you can still have a chance to survive. Otherwise, you will be completely devoured by me, and by then, I'm afraid you will no longer exist."


Leng Jing could feel the strong murderous intent from the other party towards him. Under such circumstances, it was totally unbelievable for him to say that he would let him go.

He had no time to reply.

He was using the dodging skills he learned from Instructor Wang to hold his ground against the attack of the Prison Centipede.

It was a pity that Leng Jing, who had studied for too short a time and lacked combat experience, was soon forced into a dead corner of the room.

There were hard alloy walls on both sides, and the space for dodging was limited. While dodging, he was hooked by the centipede's limbs. Although it did not pierce through him, it caused his body to pause for a moment.

At that moment, his chance of escape disappeared.

The Prison Centipede came close, then with a nimble spin, it surrounded Leng Jing in the middle, wrapping around him like a giant snake.

Driven by the body's judgment, a large number of arthropods were cutting Leng Jing's body like a meat grinder. Although his body had been strengthened and his defense and recovery abilities had been greatly improved, the wounds on his body were still getting deeper as the arthropods were grinding him bit by bit.

He wanted to break free, but was firmly bound by the Prison Centipede. He felt like he was trapped in a wall no matter how hard he tried.

Leng Jing smiled bitterly.

I didn't expect that in the end, I would be mistaken for an abnormality as an employee of the Abnormality Handling Bureau, and died at the hands of my own people. It was really a joke.

What a pity...

I originally thought that after I awakened, I would be able to lead my parents to live a good life, but I didn't expect that all this would come to an abrupt end because of a misunderstanding.

And Bai Lian...

We had an appointment to have dinner together tonight, so we have to cancel it...

Leng Jing felt a little helpless, but more angry. He didn't know why the man in front of him in the shelter didn't understand his explanation at all. He was as stubborn as a rock and questioned and wanted to kill him. In his opinion, many things could have been avoided.

The anomaly attacked the Anomaly Handling Bureau, and he couldn't control it.

What's more, it was his own teacher who took action to eliminate the anomaly, which could be regarded as revenge for other colleagues who were killed. However, the people who came to support him attacked him indiscriminately. It was really ridiculous.

Leng Jing felt that his physical condition was getting worse and worse, so he had no choice but to ask the teacher: "Teacher, do you think I still have a chance?"

Li Daoxian smiled and said, "That's not how you use the Death Grip... You don't know much about your own strength. Well, let me show you how to use your strength..."

"Relax and let me take over your body."

Leng Jing didn't know what to do, so he just gave up trying.

His tense muscles relaxed and the centipede's sharp limbs immediately penetrated into his body.

Li Yu saw that the person wrapped by the centipede seemed to have given up resistance, and his body became soft like rotten meat. He thought: "Has he given up? Next, what form will the abnormality take? "


At this moment, Li Yu suddenly felt something was wrong.

Leng Jing, who had originally given up, stared at him with his pair of dark pupils at some point, and he seemed to be able to read a hint of smile in those eyes, and even a hint of... gratitude?

Did I see it wrong?

No, it’s not an illusion. The puppet in front of me is indeed different.

The first to feel the difference was the Prison Centipede. It raised its head uneasily and instinctively roared at the prey it had tied up, as if threatening it. At the same time, its body began to tremble involuntarily, trying to let go of the prey.

Li Yu frowned. Through the fusion connection, he could feel that the Prison Centipede had developed an evasive mentality. Even when facing a Class B anomaly last time, the Prison Centipede had not been so frightened. What exactly happened?

Could it be that there is really a B-level anomaly behind this puppet...

What about the weak attack ability mentioned above?

Suddenly, Li Yu's eyes widened and his pupils contracted.

The powerful entanglement of his Prison Centipede was actually broken free, Leng Jing jumped out from the middle and landed lightly on the ground.

Li Daoxian looked at Li Yu and said with a smile: "Hey, you guys, you scared your lovely disciple, what are you going to do..."

Li Yu said nothing, looking at Leng Jing, whose temperament had completely changed, with a solemn expression.

Did they change people?

This feeling, is it that the abnormality has completely awakened in him...

It seems that the situation is not good.

No matter what, it’s better to strike first and give it a try.

Li Yu clasped his hands together, held his breath and concentrated. Under his control, the Prison Centipede suppressed its instinct to escape, opened its mouth, and waved its limbs, pressing towards Li Daoxian with the posture of a mountain pressing down on one's head.

Compared with the huge and fat Centipede, Li Daoxian's body full of holes seemed very small.

Li Daoxian turned around, extended his left index finger and tapped lightly.

"Pay attention, I only used the power within your body..."

The next moment, everything in the room was covered with a layer of dazzling green light.

The Prison Centipede was pierced by the green light, creating a huge hole. The hole spread out, and the centipede's huge body irreversibly turned into ashes, just like a gray rain.

The dazzling green light lingered in Li Yu's eyes, reflecting his disbelieving gaze.

An abnormal creature that was considered powerful even among C-class creatures was killed just like that...

It seems that this is at least a Class B anomaly...

This has completely exceeded the limits of what he could integrate.

Li Yu began to think of leaving, and using the spirit attached to his back, he quickly escaped using his hands and feet.

The Prison Centipede that remained at the scene had been reduced to ashes, so there was no need to consider it at all.

But it doesn’t matter. The Prison Centipede has already merged with me. It won’t take much time for the Prison Centipede to be resurrected from my body.

Abnormal things can be killed, but they are difficult to eliminate. The reason is that abnormality itself is a concept. It will move in different directions and appear in different forms as it grows, such as the Prison Centipede.

Even if it is killed, the anomaly will only temporarily dormant. As time goes by, it will revive again, and then step by step return to its original form and evolve forward again...

The most important thing now is that he cannot die here.


Leng Jing stared blankly at the huge centipede monster falling apart under his power: "Is this the real death handle grab?"

Li Daoxian smiled and said, "No, this is the killing spell with the greatest power that your body can release at present... and the meaning of the Death Handle Grasping is that you will gain improvement from this killing..."

His eyes flickered, and with the help of his second vision, he could see that in the flying ashes, there were faint green filaments spreading like spider webs, with a faint green glow flowing.

As he spoke, these filaments gathered together and flowed into Li Daoxian's hands, forming a dark green mark.

Grasp the dead handle...

Li Daoxian chuckled.

The talent provided by the system is indeed extraordinary. Even if he is now just an abnormal form of consciousness transformation, even if he has already arrived in another world, it does not hinder its effect, and even the accumulation of imprints is not affected.

He drew out a strand from the green engraving, forming an intricate dark green texture on the index finger of Leng Jing's left hand.

As the source of the Death Handle, he extracted most of the power, but also left a part of the power to act on Leng Jing, allowing the power system to continue to spread downwards...

Li Daoxian smiled and said: "Did you notice how I used your body just now... The Snake Eyes and the Snake Body can realize almost any offensive idea you have, as long as you can make good use of it."

Leng Jing was a little embarrassed: "Uh, sorry, teacher, I didn't pay attention."

At that time, all his attention was attracted by the killing curse released by the teacher. The scene of annihilating a monster several times larger than himself in the blink of an eye made Leng Jing's heart surge and he could not calm down for a long time.

The green light also left a deep impression on Leng Jing. He would probably not be able to forget this scene for a long time.

Li Daoxian smiled and said, "It's okay. Now observe carefully... You can actually look inside your body with the Snake Eye..."

Although Leng Jing cannot control his body at this time, he can still use the Snake Eye to retain perception of his body.

So after the teacher specifically instructed him on how to make use of the body, he focused his attention on the inside of his body, and after trying a few times, he was able to achieve inner vision.

The internal structure of the body is clearly visible.

Leng Jing was a little surprised, he had never been at such an angle before. It was an extremely special experience, everything seemed to be flowing, his body was like a sophisticated instrument, circulating in an orderly manner.

Soon, under the guidance of the teacher, he discovered the special place.

Inside his body, there are a large number of special silver muscle fibers. Under the guidance of the silver fibers distributed in a network inside the body, the energy in the body when the ability is awakened is flowing in the body along a special trajectory, and continuously absorbing energy from the surrounding air.

The next moment, Li Daoxian waved his hand.

Ability activated.

When it starts, the energy circulating in the body enters into the silver muscle fibers. The speed at which energy gathers and flows is much faster than flowing in ordinary flesh and blood.

Then, when the ability was about to be released, it was compressed and constructed again. Compared with the energy next to it, the quality and power of the compressed energy were obviously higher. Even though Leng Jing had limited understanding, he could feel the difference between the two.

Li Daoxian chuckled and explained to Leng Jing: "This is the application of the Imperius Curse."

As the power was released, Li Yu's figure in the distance staggered towards him like a puppet. His eyes were dull, completely devoid of his previous arrogance.

Li Daoxian said with a smile: "If you have offended us, you will become the nutrient for us to seize..."

He raised his hand, green light flickered at his fingertips, green textures shone brightly, and the release of the Killing Curse became faster and smoother...

Leng Jing hurriedly said, "Teacher, wait a moment."

Li Daoxian stopped his movements, chuckled and said, "Hmm? You don't want to beg for mercy, do you? He wanted to kill you from the beginning to the end..."

Leng Jing quickly said: "Teacher, I think there are some misunderstandings here. We don't need to kill him. As long as the misunderstanding is resolved, it will be fine."

Although he was also very angry about what happened today, the person in front of him was an employee of the Containment Department and a key elite in the Abnormal Handling Bureau. Especially at the moment when the situation was tense and the situation could escalate and spread at any time, it would be a pity if such a person died here.

The teacher had said before that his point of view was to repay a tooth with a tooth, and to take revenge if there was a grudge. If he asked for mercy at this time, it might make the teacher unhappy, but Leng Jing repeatedly asked himself whether he could take a person's life because of a misunderstanding, and found that he really couldn't do it.

Li Daoxian said, "You think I will be dissatisfied with you because of this, no... I am more satisfied with you now. Everyone has different bottom lines. You can stick to your bottom line at critical moments, especially when facing my pressure. You can still stick to your own ideas. This is precious."

"Then I'll leave it to you."

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