Records with red laces are not uncommon. Every time they appear, it means someone is trying to build a new field.

Ever since there were rumors that building your own domain can help you become a rules wizard better, there have been people who want to try to build your own domain. This is not something worth fussing about, because the difficulty of innovation and copying are completely different, so even if you try There are many people who are successful, but few are successful.

As record keepers, they would see scenes like this every day, but what really surprised him was the length of the red ribbon.

Generally, for wizards who give up midway, these red laces will turn yellow in the middle. This is a common situation.

But the one in front of me... spreads here, and the end of the red lace is not visible at the back, which means that the other party has at least completed the preliminary work of building its own domain, is on the right road, and has even completed the intermediate links...

According to department regulations, any wizard with potential in the field of innovation must immediately call higher authority to monitor and record, which is also to prepare for subsequent research.

Because of this, the recorder did not hesitate to report it.

The scroll on the track was pulled in another direction, floated up, and escaped into the void, and the track also disappeared bit by bit...

After losing all the senses that could be deprived, his vision became clear.

Extending the concept of "self", oneself is the field, and the field is oneself. At this point, the field has stabilized.

Just when the realm was about to be formed, Li Daoxian just stood at the door without any action. He was like a calm bystander, quietly watching the evolution of the realm and the changes in restraints, and then said softly: " It turns out that’s just the case…If that’s the case, then I can proceed with peace of mind.”

In the recorder's office, a small window was dark and connected to the void. A parchment tied with a red tie spread out from the void and was unfolded by a pair of white hands. After reading it, it was read in a thick book. The series of records began to be recorded in the book.

Recognizing oneself here means understanding the boundary between oneself and the world, and separating oneself and the world that were originally blurred.

[Emotional restriction: Your emotional fluctuations and stimulation will be suppressed. 】

His eyes changed.

The eaves and corners of the roof of the Buddhist niche are raised, and more details are perfected in an instant.

The surrounding equipment changes.

Li Daoxian said softly: "I was unable to repay the due construction cost and refused to repay the due construction cost, so I forcibly collected the price..."

A series of sharp teeth opened under the roof, revealing a huge open mouth.

The field was formed naturally almost at this moment.

"I default on myself, and I charge myself. In this way, part of the structure occupied by the 'Demon-Subduing Chef' is now restored to where it should be."

So murderous...

At this moment, the five restrictions on Li Daoxian were twisted into a ball and intertwined with each other.

As Li Daoxian's words fell.

The moment the niche was formed, the pressure on the barrier that suppressed him seemed to increase several times in an instant.

"Is this the advantage of expanding the domain to the outside world..."

The five-color restraints on his body once again condensed, and various ready-made upper realms appeared in front of Li Daoxian again, and this time there were more in front of him than last time, and there were even many rare and powerful realms. .

And reflected in this scene, whether it is Lee Do-hyun with his eyes closed and smiling, turning the flesh and blood bones in the black lake into nothingness, or Lee Do-hyun in the black lake ascending the throne and turning the world upside down, it will herald that the realm will complete the final battle with Lee Do-hyun fusion.

"With the help of mortgage, the effect of reuse is achieved, which not only utilizes beliefs, but also directly establishes the operation of the underlying rules, making up for the early weakness of the field and greatly promoting the growth rate of the field... "

A thin line appeared here, and an eyeball squeezed out from the thin line. After looking around, the situation here was quickly retrieved by a recording officer with higher authority.

After carrying the double bind, he immediately decided to push forward faster.

In his mind, there is a realm that he has completely mastered and all its structures are completely clear.

This huge scale with a unique material has a black end holding a white tray and a white end holding a black tray.

More detailed information is being woven, and the mysterious understanding will naturally flow into your mind almost as soon as you look at the road - "Choose any one, and the current accumulation can be converted without burden. This is the ancestors." The understanding is also the inheritance left here by the predecessors. After proving your talents, you can choose to build your own talents, and you can choose to take over the inheritance of the predecessors and continue to improve..."

The simple realm already has the ability to interfere with reality.

So after making the decision, the speed at which Lee Do-hyun's field was perfected was like pressing the fast-forward button, more than ten times the original speed.

The stable Black Lake Buddhist niche that had originally been formed gradually rose up, but now it was supported by a huge dark tree. The dark tree body of the enlightenment tree now actually had a pure white color flowing in it.

Li Daoxian didn't even look at it, and directly extended his consciousness to the revelation tree behind him.

A series of restrictions appeared, binding him tightly.

Li Daoxian, who was tied up layer by layer, did not feel sad, but laughed heartily: "It's too late, it's already done..."

Black and white alternate.

But one thing is certain, that is, from the moment of selection to a long time in the future, the field that has been continuously improved by countless generations must be stronger than the field that you built yourself.

And now the last step to form a domain is to interweave yourself with the world again, but the "world" here is your own "domain"...

If other wizards want to copy the existing fields, they still need to restore and piece it together through various perceptions, records, images, and information. After all, there are still a lot of details that need to be perfected.

When everything calmed down, the Buddhist shrine became eerily quiet.

But at this moment, the five-color restraints that had been gathered together collapsed and separated, and were bound to Li Daoxian again.

Therefore, after Li Daoxian said the name of "win-win deal", the wizard robe on his body changed, and the power of the domain covered it, with the button as the center line, forming a black color on the left and white on the right.

Li Daoxian also knew the name of his field at this time. He smiled and said: "A win-win transaction."

Greed, blood, cruelty, selfishness, arrogance, self-interest...

Among them, functionality appears naturally almost when the form is formed. It is like the corresponding function has been calculated when the form is formed. The whole process is completed in one go. The two stages of form and function are actually separated. condensed into the same link.

"What a name that fits my personality."

Li Daoxian in the administrator's room is still in this space.

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