"I hope you can represent the Dark Artisans Association and be the first person to agree to pay taxes."

Li Daoxian directly stated his purpose.

If someone cooperates with his plan, he can control the situation to the greatest extent and push things in the direction he expected.

Burton is the perfect candidate.

He has a wide range of contacts, and because of his status as a craftsman, he has contacts with many organizations. Everyone in this area knows him and has a high reputation. His decisions will affect the views and opinions of a group of people.

Bolton looked at Li Daoxian and said: "From the bottom of my heart, I want to help you, but, as you said, I represent the Dark Artisans Association."

"The Craftsmen Association here has always been a neutral organization and will never take sides rashly..."

Having said this, Bolton paused and looked thoughtful.

"In fact, this is not about taking sides, but just moving forward an inevitable result."

Li Daoxian said softly, lying down relaxedly on the sofa in front of Bolton, closing his eyes, looking very relaxed, and quietly waiting for his reply.

After thinking for a while, Bolton asked: "Will anyone else take action?"

This issue is a bit sensitive.

But Li Daoxian opened his eyes and answered directly without hesitation: "No."

After getting the answer, Bolton nodded, pondered for a moment, and said:

"If you can prove your case, suppress the opinions of the opponents, even for a short period of time, and give a possible opportunity, I can be the first person to agree to pay taxes. However, if you fail to do so, Yes, I will agree to pay the tax in the end, but at the same time, I will also declare that this is my personal behavior and has nothing to do with the craftsmen’s association.”

"Sinclair... I hope you can understand that this is the best I can do."

Li Daoxian heard Bolton's answer, stood up with a smile, and said, "That's enough."

"To be honest, I am really touched that you can make such a choice, Bolton."

Bolton shook the empty potion bottle in his hand and said to him: "Why are you being polite to me? Look at me, I'm not polite to you either."

Although Bolton responded in a joking tone, in fact, the decision was made after repeated weighings.

If what Lee Do-hyun said before is true, and he can single-handedly suppress all the forces in the Robin Block, then there is no problem in following Lee Do-hyun's rules.

After Li Daoxian showed enough strength, even if the Dark Craftsmen Association found out in the end, not only would they not blame Burton for harming their interests, but they would support him in abiding by the laws of the neighborhood where he was located.

However, if Li Daoxian cannot show the strength he said, he will not be able to convince everyone. Once he responds on behalf of the Craftsmen Association, he may be held accountable for harming the interests of the organization. Therefore, he can only express his opinions in his own name. Li Daoxian's support can alleviate the responsibility to a certain extent.

Among them, the most critical point is whether the pressure given by Li Daoxian is strong enough to threaten everyone.


To be honest, although Bolton agreed to Li Daoxian's request, he was not optimistic about Li Daoxian.

Although Li Daoxian defeated him in the previous confrontation, the most critical problem is that Li Daoxian's time here is still too short, and it is difficult for people to believe that he has a comprehensive understanding of his current situation.

It would be unwise to hastily implement orders and amend the bill without comprehensive information and without the help of other senior organizational members.

There are too many forces that will take this opportunity to observe Li Daoxian's abilities and behavior, and try every means to hinder the implementation of the order.

Perhaps it was because he wanted to test and control Li Daoxian, or perhaps it was for subsequent transactions and for the benefit of his own power to position himself and Li Daoxian in a strong and weak relationship.

In short, Li Daoxian's first action is crucial, not only affecting his prestige within the organization, but also affecting how others view him outside the organization.

Once the first order was not successfully implemented, they determined that Li Daoxian was in a weak position, and the possibility of subsequent orders being successfully implemented was greatly reduced. If no price was paid, Li Daoxian's order would soon not even leave the manager's office. .

Like...a robin now...

Although they are nominal managers, in fact, the organizations that are still active in the neighborhood don't care about the robins at all, and they have already convinced the robins that they dare not fall out with them.

Even if Robin wants to implement many things, he still needs to act based on their faces, consider their opinions, and give in to their interests. Only after repeated revisions can he come up with a plan that all parties agree with.

How did Bolton know...

Because Bolton has also given the Robins a little strength in recent times...

Li Daoxian saw Bolton's hesitant look and said to him: "You seem to have something to say, but it's okay to say it, hesitantly. This is not like you. When you wanted to get a place for admission, you were not as hesitant as you are now. "

"This is different..." Bolton didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but in the end he suggested: "I think, even if it costs some money, it is better to find other people to help... It is safer this way."

"I'm not questioning your strength, but sometimes, a person's power is limited, and a good start is crucial... so it should be more secure."

Bolton used the word "safe" cautiously, fearing that the inappropriate wording would make Li Daoxian feel uncomfortable and reject his suggestion.

Li Daoxian can know what Bolton is thinking.

He knew that Bolton was able to say these words as a suggestion from the heart, although this heartfelt emotion came from the false memory rooted in Li Daoxian...

I have to say that now Li Daoxian somewhat understands why things like memory modification and fabricated memories are so common...

Because this is really useful.

Li Daoxian also smiled and said: "What you said makes some sense. I will seriously consider it. If there is a situation that cannot be handled, I will ask the seniors to take action as soon as possible. Don't worry, Fernando and Daliu will take good care of you." I."

Hearing these two familiar names, Bolton asked: "Fernando the Decryptor and Mainstream the Bone Eater? These two are very powerful wizards. If they help, there should be no problem."

Two people who thought they were familiar with each other decided to get down to business in just a few words.

After confirming the cooperation on the main matters, they can be regarded as old friends and future partners, and the atmosphere has become much more relaxed.

Burton was a little curious about Li Daoxian's experience, so he asked: "By the way, how did you join the Emerald Thieves and become a formal member?"

"I was also forced to have no choice..."

Li Daoxian briefly described Sinclair's experience and omitted some key information in a straightforward manner. Bolton was also sensible and did not ask for details, but asked Li Daoxian about his next plan.

What’s next?

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