Wizard: Become stronger by drawing cards from the potions variety show

Chapter 259 Seizing and Harvesting the Deadly Handle (Page 12)

And this wrong ending is fatal enough that it can even directly affect his life and future...

He had to live in a large residential building and be with people he looked down on and never thought he would be with.

Canaan lived in a state of depression for a long time.

And as time went by, the longing for his mother grew day by day. Canaan sent many messages to his mother, but never received a reply. He was a little confused and didn't understand why his mother ignored her for so long.

He and his mother have been dependent on each other since he was a child. Just as he misses his mother now, her mother will never be able to let go of him.

The original wish for his mother's blessing and the thought of forcing himself to let go now turned into worry. He was worried that something might happen to his mother...

In the world of magic, there are too many possibilities for a person to be involved in a disaster and lose his life.

He wanted to see his mother. After this idea came about, it grew like a seed sprouting.

The desire to see his mother became stronger and stronger, and because of this, he increasingly felt that the huge building he lived in was a prison for him.

I don't belong here.

Being raised here like pigs and dogs is a complete waste of life.

He was determined to get out of the big building and not punish himself in this place.

However, there is a prerequisite for getting out of here, which is that you need to compete with others, pass the assessment, win an extremely rare quota, and regain funding from the Wizards Association.

This is not easy.

His opponents include problem solvers who have studied in residential buildings for decades, students from magic schools who have stopped studying like him, and many more who have passed the examination and won a place here, but cannot keep up with the outside world. Progress, the exam-taking expert who was suspended from studies again...

He started studying hard in his spare time while watching variety shows, and used his study time to deduct the variety show time in exchange for more study time.

The learning conditions in the big building were much worse than those at school, but he was able to calm down and work harder.

Sometimes he thinks that if he can maintain such concentration and hard work in the magic school, even if he does not need a subject, I am afraid that he can easily pass the proficiency test, and at least win the qualification to obtain the enlightenment potion...

The History of Magic, which he originally hated the most, now reads with relish.

Perhaps people always have to experience something before they can grow explosively.

In short, when he re-study the boring history that he couldn't understand at all in the past, he gained more perspectives. These different perspectives made the originally boring historical facts vivid, cruel, bloody, and cunning. He gained more views, gained more insights, and tasted more tastes. .

Not to mention, the basic knowledge of magic that Canaan is already good at...

Because of his interest in Runes and Charms, learning it was even easier with half the effort. He felt that these knowledge were so easy and there was no difficulty for him to understand. Learning these knowledge was a piece of cake.

These all confirm his talent.

Canaan was forced to graduate, not because of his talent, but because he was never willing to spend time on subjects he didn't like, and after he missed the subject, he helplessly said to himself that he was partial to the subject, and there was nothing he could do about it. things.

And it turns out that this is just a limit he set for himself.

Even though it had been abandoned for a long time, Canaan picked it all up in just three years, and even went one step further, defeating a bunch of monsters, passing the assessment, and regaining the qualification to be promoted to a wizard.

All the results were excellent. Although it was three years later than expected, he finally returned to the wizarding world.

As soon as he returned to the wizarding world, Canaan received a huge sum of money and also learned a piece of bad news, which confirmed his uneasy suspicion...

His mother disappeared, and this huge sum of money was his mother's pension.

In order to raise enough money to fund his continued studies and "redeemed" him out of the large building where he lived, his mother joined the Ministry of War and applied for a job as an assistant wizard.

Under the premise that the resources of the wizarding world are tilted towards the military and war, if you want to make money quickly without committing a crime, the only option left is to join the Ministry of War.

In the Ministry of War, the admission requirements for war wizards as official members are strict, and the best of the best among war wizards are often selected, and they are all absolute elites.

However, there are basically no restrictions on the recruitment of assistant wizards, as long as they are official wizards.

Writers assist wizards, but are often nicknamed cannon fodder because of their horrific casualty rate.

His mother joined this life-threatening job just for money...

The result seemed to be expected. Contact was lost during a mission and there was no news at all.

Based on the backward calculation based on the time when he was notified of his disappearance, the period of disappearance happened to be the day when his mother did not come to visit him.


Canaan's face turned pale when he first heard the bad news. He stood stunned on the street for a long time, staring at the ground. People came and went around him, but he didn't care about anything and didn't want to think about anything.

He was afraid that once he thought about it, he would turn to face the further possibility of disappearance-whether his mother had passed away long ago...

Therefore, Canaan is willing to stubbornly believe that something has gone wrong and Xu has wandered to other worlds, or perhaps entered some kind of seal by mistake...

Even though the hope of surviving both of these things is slim, there is always hope.

Because only by thinking this way can he avoid cutting off contact with his loved ones and becoming a lonely person in the world, and can he avoid going crazy in pain and regret.

Canaan regretted that he didn't have a good talk with his mother before entering the living complex. He didn't consider the possibility of her absence at all, so much so that now he can't even recall the scene of the day he left, not even a single bit.

His endless longing and regret for his mother turned into the motivation to pursue clues to her existence in hope, and also turned into deep hatred in fear.

He hated classmates who looked on without knowing the truth but spoke hurtful words, hated teachers who kept themselves safe, and hated principals who were either bad or stupid. Of course, what he hated most was the Mayfair who he loved but gave him a fatal blow.


In Li Daoxian's perception, this hatred is so strong yet indifferent.

Countless horrific and cruel thoughts circulated in Canaan's mind, and they were also reflected in Li Daoxian who was reading the memory.

Next, there must be a revenge plan against these enemies...especially against Mayfair...

But... the name Mayfair seems a bit familiar...

Li Daoxian recalled it, gathered his neat memories, and immediately provided feedback, reminding him why Mayfair sounded familiar.

This is a very controversial female professor.

She is an honorary professor at Xia Kingdom's No. 1 academy. She was born in Kavus Magic Academy. She showed academic talent when she was young and has strong magical research abilities. This also corresponds to the information in Canaan's memory.

However, compared to her academic ability, what is more talked about is her marriage experience of four marriages in twelve years.

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