Gilbert's congratulations surprised Li Daoxian.

He smiled and said: "It seems that your perception is good."

There is a big difference between high-level wizards and formal wizards, but for wizards, it is more about the difference between the magic level and the law level.

As an ordinary person without magic power, Gilbert has no way of sensing magic power. He can only feel the natural level suppression brought by wizards.

Wizards of any level would put tremendous pressure on him.

That he was able to distinguish such subtle differences shows a very keen sense of perception, which is indeed remarkable.

Facing Li Daoxian's compliment, Gilbert shook his head and replied: "Not just me, everyone can see your breakthrough."

Hearing this, Li Daoxian looked at the people around him and discovered that Gilbert's words were true.

Everyone present has the ability to keenly discover the subtle differences in the pressure caused by their own rank.

This is interesting.

Gilbert went on to explain: "What we usually watch the most are battle videos, and many times, administrators will let us experience the differences in performance at different levels, so we are very familiar with the performance of each level of the wizard. sensitive."

After hearing his answer, Li Daoxian also thought that the most famous people of Hunting Giant are the candidates who passed the examination here and have extra talents in combat.

And now, the survivors in front of him have proved this very well.

Li Daoxian became interested and asked, "What else do you know..."

Gilbert smiled and said: "Combat skills, herbs and poisons, war strategies, battle analysis... these things are learned by us either actively or passively. Of course, the most familiar ones are combat skills, but we have little chance to use them..."

Tsk tsk.

As Gilbert answered, Li Daoxian saw the thoughts and memories flashing through these people's minds.

He also found that he had underestimated the survivors in front of him.

The combat skills and experience they have mastered are much richer than even their own who have just joined the Security Investigation Department and have not even undergone training.

It can even be said that the only thing these people lack is magic power. Once they can awaken as wizards and get the last piece of the puzzle, they will soon be able to connect all their knowledge and put it into practice.

"I see……"

Li Daoxian looked at everyone's face. Originally, he only provided assistance because the people here could withstand the aberration curse and thought they had good character.

At this moment, I discovered that the potential of these people was much greater than I imagined.

Gilbert said softly: "Sir Li Daoxian, as a high-level wizard, you are already qualified to apply for the administrator of the residential giant. If you are willing, we hope that you can be our administrator."

Li Daoxian shook his head with a smile and said: "It's not that simple. The conditions for applying to become an administrator of a residential megastructure are very demanding. The minimum requirement is to have rich management and research and development experience. Although I am a high-level wizard, other conditions are still lacking. a lot of……"

Gilbert nodded. Of course he knew these situations, so he continued: "But it is different now. When we are under emergency temporary control, there will not be so many conditions. It was you who saved us, and at the same time you also have control over the distortion." Curse method, if you are willing, you are the most suitable person, there is no doubt about it.”

Li Daoxian said nothing and looked at Gilbert.

Gilbert also raised his head. He noticed that the other party's slightly narrowed eyes were looking at him. The long silence made Gilbert's heart beat very fast. In any case, the person in front of him was a high-level wizard. When facing each other, the pressure I bear is far beyond expectations, not only mental pressure, but also physical pressure.

long silence.

Gilbert bowed in a very low posture, and the survivors around him also bowed.

Gilbert said: "We sincerely thank you for everything you have done for us. Even if you disagree, we still respect you and if we have the opportunity, we will do our best to repay you."

Li Daoxian suddenly laughed: "I understand you and what you mean..."

From them, Li Daoxian got some interesting information.

The aberration curse is indeed a man-made curse.

The aberration curse existed as early as when these people were born conscious from the living giant structure. Of course, it was not called the aberration curse at that time, but was called the "Completion Ceremony".

The name is also very interesting.

In the Hunting Frame, those with no magic and low magic abilities are considered defective and defective products. He also emphasized that only after completing the repair ceremony and completing the defects can the identity of the wizard be restored and the rights of the wizard regained. ——It should be noted that the official order prohibits the term "defective product".

This method is widely promoted within the hunting complex. It is obviously to demean the residents and deepen their desire to become wizards. The purpose is to brainwash them, hoping that after meeting the conditions, they can voluntarily become experimenters to complete the plan. .

This also resulted in the contradictory personalities of the survivors inside.

They hate wizards and long to become wizards. It is hoped that through the completion ceremony, one can make up for one's own shortcomings and achieve one's own integrity. But on the other hand, they are very afraid of completing the ritual. Because the success rate of this ritual is very low. Once it fails, the price paid is life.

Now, they have gathered together, hoping that Li Daoxian can become the manager.

On the one hand, it was influenced by Li Daoxian's talent [Peace Leader], and on the other hand, he had what they needed - a way to curb the aberration curse.

When they are deeply cursed and on the verge of death, everyone is afraid and hates the wizard who transformed them.

But when Li Daoxian showed how to stop the distortion, they naturally thought, could they try to "complete the ritual" without risking their lives?

At least after Gilbert was safe, the idea of ​​becoming a wizard came to his mind uncontrollably.

However, Li Daoxian is a high-level wizard, and they are just "defective products" and do not have the ability to demand each other at all.

To be precise, this is a gamble for Gilbert. He is negotiating terms with a wizard as an ordinary citizen.

All the previous actions were that he was doing his best to promote himself and others, even putting his future on the line, to show his willingness to be loyal.

In his opinion, if he could become a wizard, it would not be unacceptable to sacrifice part of his future time and be loyal to one person for a period of time, not to mention that Li Daoxian's innate ability was obvious to all.

When facing a high-level wizard, promising "we will do our best to repay you" is not as simple as just talking.

There are a lot of ways for the other party to take advantage of verbal promises. Even without doing anything deliberately, they only need to agree and pay the contract remuneration. The deficit in rank will automatically conclude the contract.

Of course, Gilbert's courage to do such a thing is also related to the way Lee Do-hyun has shown so far.

Li Daoxian is willing to communicate with them and has no prejudice against them. This is the most rare thing.

If it were other wizards, don't listen to their ideas. Even if you talk to the other person, you will be considered as overstepping and will be whipped. Don't ask how Gilbert knew...

Gilbert's thoughts cannot be hidden from Li Daoxian, and Li Daoxian can see it without even needing to control his thoughts.

The other survivors present also knew it.

Everyone was looking at Li Daoxian, waiting for his answer.

In the eyes of everyone, Li Daoxian smiled and said: "I said that at the right time, I will help you brew the magic potion."

Gilbert's face was ecstatic and he couldn't help but bow: "Thank you, sir, thank you, sir!"

"No need to call me Sir, we are a team, you are all my partners, it is very reasonable to help each other."

Li Daoxian smiled and said to the survivors: "Okay, I'm going to report earlier. The sooner the report is approved, the sooner you can start living in the new resettlement site."

Although Li Daoxian did not agree directly, this response already marked approval.

"No problem, Mr. Li Daoxian, we all support you very much."


As soon as the door of the isolation room was opened, a large number of reporters outside were taking pictures non-stop. Li Daoxian was a little surprised when he looked at the scene outside.

There are actually reporters here, so dedicated.

Although he was surprised, he quickly calmed down and managed his expression well.

He has been through many interviews. To a certain extent, he has also experienced big scenes. There are not many reporters in front of him, so it actually does not make him feel nervous.

Of course, another reason is that the Bagu wizard stood in front of the reporters like a sea-fixing needle.

Wizard Bagu said while coughing: "Congratulations on your promotion to high-level wizard, much faster than I expected. I originally thought that based on your situation, you would need some help. It seems that Gordon is right, genius It cannot be measured by common sense.”

Li Daoxian walked to Wizard Bagu and said with a smile: "It's just a coincidence, I happened to have some insights."

Wizard Bagu nodded: "Of course luck is important, but in rescue, seeing different life experiences and standing on the edge of life and death will indeed be very rewarding. And you can affect the surrounding environment, which in itself is It shows that your own cognition is strong to a certain extent. I am not surprised that you can be promoted."

Li Daoxian did not forget about business. He reported the situation inside to Wizard Bagu in a low voice: "All infected people have been treated..."

Li Daoxian went through the key points of the matter, and also talked about what he discovered from the survivors' minds. At the same time, he also mentioned at the end that the survivors hoped that he could become the temporary manager.

Wizard Bagu raised his eyebrows: "They are clever and know how to seize opportunities. Maybe there are some interesting people among them. This kind of thing is up to you. It doesn't matter anyway."

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