When the meat was being divided, Mrs. Jia and Zhang actually came too!

"What are you doing here? This is none of your business!" Yan Bugui said.

Jia Zhang's eyes widened and she said fiercely: "Why can't I take my family's money?"

This shamelessness is simply amazing!

Wu Youde stood nearby and found that the old shrew was looking at him viciously. His heart was aflame and he said with a smile: "Didn't you finish the braised pork you made yesterday?"

"You're a weakling who's been stabbed a thousand times. You poisoned that meat, so..."

"If you keep spewing feces with your mouth full, you won't be so lucky to be rescued next time!"


Jia Zhang pointed at Wu Youde and was so angry that she couldn't speak, but she didn't dare to curse anymore.

Now she hates and fears Wu Youde, this guy is simply too bad!

If you are not careful, you will be tricked by him!

But she saw everyone happily receiving the meat, which was all bought with her family's money.

Jia Zhang felt so painful that her heart was bleeding!

"I won't tell you, Yan Laoxi, give me three kilograms. Listen, all this meat was bought with my family's money."

"Go aside, I'm telling you, Mrs. Jia Zhang, don't make trouble!"

Yan Bugui said angrily: "You just ate shit yesterday. Doctor Chen said you can't eat anything within three days. If you want to eat meat, you have to wait at least a month."

"Even if you take this meat back, you won't be able to eat it. The weather is still so hot now, and it will stink in two days. It's a waste to give it to you!"

"Go home quickly!"

After saying that, before Jia Zhang could speak, Yan Bugui winked and shouted to Liu Haizhong: "Old Liu, don't just sit back and enjoy your success, maintain order!"

Liu Haizhong said yes loudly and asked his three sons to push Jia Zhang aside. Jia Zhang was so angry that she jumped on her feet and cursed, but there was nothing she could do.

There are a total of twenty-five households in the courtyard. In addition to the Jia family, the Yan family, and the Wu Youde family, there are still twenty-two households.

On average, one household can share more than half a catty.

However, at the end there was still one left.

Yan Bugui did some calculations and realized that Yi Zhonghai had not come.

"Lao Yi doesn't want it?"

Liu Haizhong smiled and said: "Give it to me, I will send it to him."

Yan Bugui glanced at him and said to you? Then the designation is really for you.

After looking at the remaining portion of meat, Yan Bugui thought for a moment and turned to Wu Youde and said, "Then let me take it to Lao Yi?"

You take it?

Wu Youde also laughed. If you take it, you may end up taking it from your own home.

"Forget it, I must have a poor appetite and don't want to eat meat. Yesterday he fed Jia Zhang with feces and urine, and Jia Zhang sprayed all over him again..."

"Oh, if it were me, I wouldn't have the appetite either," Wu Youde said.

Give meat to the Taoist God?

Knowing that the Taoist Heavenly Lord doesn't like me and has objections in his heart, he rushes to give him meat.

Isn't this mean?

That is to say, he has no sons or daughters.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to seduce a wife or daughter.

Forget it, she is too old!

Yan Bugui blinked and said hesitantly: "What about this meat?"

"Of course you give it to me, what do you think, Third Uncle?" Wu Youde asked with a smile.

"Ah, yes, yes..."

Yan Bugui laughed and handed the meat to Wu Youde reluctantly and reluctantly.

"Brother Zhuzi, open fire and get some meat!" Wu Youde shouted cheerfully.

"Hey, that's good!"

He Yuzhu ran over and said, "Braised Pork with Potatoes~~"

"Brother Wu, I'm here to help too." He Yuyu also ran over.

"No need, my brother worked all day today and his shoulder hurts a little..."

"Then I'll give you a slap on the back!"

He Daqing's face darkened when he saw his daughter's filial and obedient appearance. He, as a father, had never enjoyed such treatment.

With a cold snort, he took the meat and went home.


In the evening, a meal of braised pork with potatoes and rice.

Wu Youde had a great time eating.

After eating and drinking, there was nothing to do. There was a serious lack of entertainment these days, and Wu Youde felt bored.

It would be great if I had a mother-in-law~

Wu Youde went to the "Hejia Laojiu" again. This place was lively and there was drinking. Most of the people coming and going were from all walks of life, and you could also listen to some anecdotes.

There are still a lot of people in the tavern today.

After asking for wine and peanuts, Wu Youde did not leave in a hurry, but called out to Old He.

"Uncle He!"

"There's something wrong with you, kid."

"Hehe, as expected, people mature with age. Uncle He, your eyes are quite poisonous."

"Stop talking about useless things."

Old Man He smiled faintly and glanced at him, "Tell me, what's the matter with you kid?"

"Uncle He, I have nothing else to do. I just want to find out if you know a skilled carpenter."

"Master carpenter?"

Old Man He didn't expect this to happen, so he said, "You want to hit furniture?"

"Hey, you're right. I've just been divided into two rooms. The room is both small and empty."

Wu Youde took the initiative to tell the truth.

He also said that he was an employee of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. Because of his hard work and outstanding performance, he was promoted to the propaganda section officer and was allocated two rooms in the factory.

These days, it's best to be sincere when dealing with people, as this can avoid a lot of unnecessary internal friction.

Sure enough, after listening to Wu Youde's statement, Old He's eyes became much gentler when he looked at him.

This kid looks a little out of place, but I didn't expect him to be quite motivated and capable...

Well, he’s a good boy!

"This is a simple matter. You asked me the right question!"

Old Man He laughed and pointed to the room, "Look for him."

"Master Niu!"

"This kid wants to see you for something!"

Mr. Niu was bragging with two people at the table. Hearing Old Man He's shout, he turned his head and looked over curiously.

"Master Niu, boy Wu Youde, can I buy you two drinks?"

"Okay, but two cups aren't enough."

"That's easy, just drink enough wine and peanuts, drink until you vomit!"

"Hahaha, let me try your strength..."

Just like that, Wu Youde and Niu Ye sat at the same table.

Wu Youde certainly knew about this Mr. Niu, and his life was quite legendary.

A banner man.

Our ancestors have been hardcore farmers for generations, and their main occupations are chicken and dog fighting, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.

But in his lifetime, things have gotten worse year by year.

But the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and the broken ship still has three nails.

Mr. Niu still has a lot of treasures in his family. Even if he doesn't have them, he still has a way to get them.

This is what Wu Youde had in mind!

It just so happens that the war has just ended, and antiques and second-hand goods are not selling at high prices. It is a good time to buy them.

Buy a set of furniture made of huanghuali wood or golden nanmu.

The whole is a spacious and strong dragon and phoenix acacia bed that can accommodate four or five people...

I would also like to replace some of the original calligraphy and painting copies and the people who eat and drink tea with those with history.

Aren’t these little days much more interesting?

But how to get to know Mr. Niu is also a key.

If you are rash, just go up and say, Mr. Niu, can I buy you a drink? Let's get to know each other.

Then there is a high probability that Mr. Niu will roll his eyes, "Who are you?" Are you worthy of drinking with me?

Therefore, Wu Youde thought of introducing him through Old Man He.

Mr. He doesn’t recommend Mr. Niu?

Will not.

In addition to being a bannerman, Mr. Niu also has another identity, that is, he is a carpenter.

However, he doesn't like to publicize this identity to the outside world.

Wu Youde is always sure of everything he does~


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