The slop bucket was filled with sticky and disgusting leftovers, and the sour smell was soaring and permeated the entire corridor.

The patients all covered their noses.

The hospital worker picked up a dirty water ladle, held his nose and took a scoop, poured it into a bowl and handed it to Qin Baizhi.

"Here! The swill you want!"

Qin Baizhi took the bowl and looked at the floating rotten vegetable leaves and rice. Under the curious and expectant eyes of everyone, he drank it all without even frowning!

After eating, she thought about it for a while.

Although it is not delicious, it is not as unpleasant and fishy as imagined, and it is not difficult to swallow.


She didn't vomit, but many patients bent over and vomited when they saw she had vomited.

The shaggy-haired lady sighed while vomiting: "It's such a pity that such a pretty girl is so ill!"

The hospital worker retreated, carrying the swill bucket with a complicated look on his face, and left, probably to return to work.

Qin Baizhi wiped her mouth with a handkerchief and lay back on the bed.


The sound of chains mopping the floor could be heard in the corridor.

The patients who were making noises of vomiting immediately became quiet.

what's the situation?

Could it be that her roommate had come back from a break, right?

There was the sound of the iron bars being opened at the door.

A thin woman wearing iron chains, iron handcuffs and iron shackles appeared in front of her.

Although the woman was thin, her eyes were extremely bright, just like a cluster of fire in the dark night.

The heavy iron chain probably weighed dozens of kilograms, but it felt as easy as an accessory when worn on her body.

The hospital worker who escorted her back to her room couldn't wait to close the iron bars, not wanting to stay a second longer.

When Qin Baizhi checked the room before, he saw the name engraved on his roommate's bedside: Song Ming.

At this time, she extended her hand to Song Ming in a friendly manner: "Sister Song, I am your new roommate, Qin Baizhi."

Song Ming stared at her fiercely: "They let a new person into my house again! They are looking for death!"

After saying that, he rushed towards her with the chain in hand!

It seems that this roommate is a manic patient who becomes violent whenever he disagrees.

Qin Baizhi hurriedly ducked away.

Song Ming was chasing after her. If the shackles hadn't restricted her movements, she would have been killed long ago.

However, wandering around in such a closed space, sooner or later you will be caught up.

Qin Baizhi had an idea and took out the album hand-drawn by her uncle from her arms and held it in front of her.

"Sister Song, I'm here to bring you warmth. You haven't seen this kind of picture album in Shangyiyuan, have you?"

The album with great visual impact was unfolded in front of Song Ming, which slowed her down.

Song Ming stared at the album, her eyes falling on the signature at the end of the page: Luo Songan personally drew it.

She stopped abruptly, grabbed the album, and flipped through it eagerly.

Qin Baizhi breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that this kind of picture album was hard currency in the lunatic asylum.

Song Ming flipped through a few pages and raised her head, with tears in her eyes: "This technique and this handwriting are indeed his."

Qin Baizhi thought to herself, if she was so touched, could it be that Song Ming had seen the picture album sold by her uncle before?

Song Ming asked: "Where did you get this book?"

Qin Baizhi replied truthfully: "It was given by an uncle who sells picture albums."

There is nothing to hide from a mentally ill person.

"He sells paintings?" Song Ming seemed to be in a daze for a while.

"Business is good, and a lot of people are reading this album."

Qin Baizhi tried her best to prove the album's popularity.

"Then why did he give you this kind of painting?"

Song Ming was a little angry, and then became aggressive.

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