Escape room: I can unlock the copy world

Chapter 58 New Plot: Train to Busan

"Unlock the next plot dungeon mission."

"Hey, the shock value has been deducted. This plot copy has been unlocked. Please ask the host to teleport the designated character."

"Well, I'll just appoint Li Ran."



At this time, Li Ran opened the door and walked in.

As a result, the familiar feeling returned.

"Holy shit, madman, there's no end!" Li Ran's voice disappeared into the portal and faded away.

"Ranzi, don't worry. You won't die anyway." Gu Feng looked at the place where Li Ran disappeared and said with a smile.

I can't be the big boss every time. Of course I have to do errands.

After feeling guilty for a while, Gu Feng checked the plot copy.


The fund manager of a securities company, Shi Yu (played by Kong Yoo), is bright and capable, but he is also a profit-seeking man. His wife broke up with her over this, and her daughter Xiu An (played by Kim Soo An) became increasingly disappointed with such a selfish father and decided to go to Busan to live with her mother. On Xiu'an's birthday, Shi Yu took time to accompany her daughter on the express train bound for Busan. At the same time, extremely suspicious incidents occurred across the city. The government tried its best to conceal the fact that zombies were raging, and even the ignorant train passengers fell into a hell of panic and despair because of the arrival of uninvited passengers. The moment she drove, an infected person rushed into the car, and she quickly transformed into a corpse and carried out a bloody massacre of healthy people wherever she looked. It didn't take long for the zombies to grow exponentially. Shi Yu was forced to struggle with the survivor passengers in the cramped space to survive. The long journey to Busan is full of murderous intent. In times of crisis, the humanity of each survivor also undergoes a huge test...

The plot begins...

At a deserted highway intersection, a sluggish traffic doll weakly waved the traffic stick up and down in his hand to direct.

The camera slowly zooms out, and the street sign behind him says in Korean "Jiyang, under epidemic prevention."

At the toll station at the highway intersection, epidemic prevention personnel are spraying disinfectant again, and white mist fills the sky.

A truck roared towards this direction. The truck got stuck and stopped. Epidemic prevention personnel came forward and sprayed disinfectant around the vehicle.

After spraying, a staff member came forward to indicate that it was clear to pass.

The driver pulled down the window and shouted angrily, "What are you doing? Are you going to kill all the pigs again this time and bury them underground?"

Apparently, it's already happened once.

The epidemic prevention personnel stepped forward and pulled down their masks with some helplessness, pretending to smile, and said, "It's not foot-and-mouth disease. I heard that something was leaked earlier. It's nothing serious."

"I've said this before, but what happened? I'm telling you, if you kill all the pigs this time, I won't play with you!"

The driver obviously didn't believe what they were saying and made threats angrily.

"Don't worry, you can go back first. Go back." The epidemic prevention personnel advised patiently and nicely.

The driver drove away angrily, saying, "What exactly was leaked? What these guys said is so unbelievable."

Just when he was getting suspicious, the phone on the seat over there rang. He checked that there were no pedestrians in front of him, so he stretched out his other hand to get the phone, but he couldn't reach it.

I had to turn my head and look at it.

"Clang." A sound came, as if the car hit something.

Due to the inertia of the car, it moved forward for a while.

He parked the car, got out and walked forward when he saw that he had killed a sika deer.

"Damn it." He muttered, looked at the car again to make sure there was nothing wrong with the car, and muttered "What bad luck..."

He got in the car and drove away, and then the car drove away.

Something happened that no one expected!

The body of the sika deer that was killed suddenly twitched, and then stood up with its limbs moving wildly.

If it weren't for the long blood stain on the ground, the huge wound on its body, the dry blood stain, and those scary pure white pupils, who would have believed that it was already dead but came back to life.

The sika deer slowly turned its head and looked over, looking at the world again with its pure white pupils.

The screen went black, and three Korean words appeared on it, which translated into Chinese was "Train to Busan".

This is the name of this film’s Small World, which Gu Feng just won through a lottery.

As soon as the system finished playing, the premise prompted that people could be selected to enter the small world.

Our old tool man, Comrade Li Ran, was once again drawn into the world of the film.

We return to the world of film again...

In the office, Shi Yu was on the phone with the company manager, "Manager, if this opportunity is lost, everything we have done will be in vain..."

After making the call, the professional smile on his face slowly stiffened, and he threw the finished Coke and leftover hamburger into the trash can with a slight irritation.

Then he picked up the landline and called the front desk, "Let Jin** come in."

After hanging up the phone, he saw a news feed on his computer and clicked on one. It showed a picture of a large number of dead fish on a river. The title was "Unknown death of fish in Jiyang Reservoir." 】

He rubbed his forehead and his stiff face.

At this time, Jin** knocked on the door and came in.

"What should I do?" Jin** asked after coming in.

"Find out the relevant information and destroy it all."

"All of them?"


"It is expected to cause waves and affect market stability. From the perspective of investors..."

"Jin**." He interrupted Jin** before he could finish speaking.


"When do you even consider the position of investors? Sell them all immediately."

"Yes." Jin** said helplessly, bending down and preparing to exit.

"Wait a minute, Kim**."

Jin**, who was about to exit, was stopped by him again.

Jin** turned around and looked at him, "Do you know what children like these days?"

He asked casually, pretending to be looking at the computer.

The camera panned to the garage, and a white car appeared. A woman's voice appeared in the camera, "I wonder if there are any more troubles like lawsuits?"

"Whether it's a lawsuit or something, just come here. I'm determined to take care of Xiu'an."

It turned out that he was calling his wife. His wife had completely broken up with him because he valued profits over friends. The daughter was very disappointed with her father's selfishness and decided to move to her mother's place in Busan.

Two people were on the phone about child custody.

"Can you raise children?"

"Do you often chat with Xiu An?"

"Xiu An said he would come over tomorrow, even if he is alone. Do you know?"

his wife asked on the phone.

"What do you mean?" Shi Yu asked someone who didn't know how to answer the question.

At this time, the security guard of the garage came over, and he nodded to the security guard.

"This father is really..."

"Where can a child go?"

"Then bring her over. He wants to come." His wife said from the other side.

"Not tomorrow." Shi Yu said on the phone, "Tomorrow is the child's birthday. You haven't forgotten this, right?"

His wife said helplessly over there.

"I didn't forget." After saying that, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, he opened the car door and took out his briefcase and the birthday gift for his child.

Getting ready to go upstairs and go home.

His mother was picking vegetables at home. When she heard the door open, she stood up and walked to the door.

Seeing his son coming back, "Where's dinner?"

Shi Yu said as he walked home, "We ate at the company, where is Xiu An?"

"After dinner, we will go to the room." His mother said.

The lights in Xiu'an's room were turned off, and he could only see the screen light of his mobile phone lighting up under the quilt.

"I can go by train alone." He was hiding under the quilt and talking to his mother on the phone.

"Why not? Mom can just pick me up at the station." Xiu An, who was busy calling her mother, had no idea that her father was standing outside the door and heard everything.

Shi Yu knocked on the door and turned on the light in the room.

"Hang up first." Xiu An whispered to her mother over there.

Then he lifted up the quilt and sat up unhappily to look at his father who came over and sat next to him.

"It's okay, keep chatting." Shi Yu said looking at his daughter.

"Already hung up." Xiu An said.

"I heard that you are going to Busan to find your mother?" Shi Yu asked.

"Xiu'an, dad is very busy at work recently. He should be free next week. Can you understand dad?"

Xiu An said reluctantly, "That's right."

As he said this, he remembered the birthday gift he had brought for his daughter and lowered his body to pick it up.

"Here." He handed the birthday gift to Xiu An, who lifted the quilt and stretched out her hand to take it.

"Do you think I forgot? Happy birthday to you!" Shi Yu said with a doting smile to his daughter.

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