Escape room: I can unlock the copy world

Chapter 3 The game starts, looking for the key

"Hey, please give the live broadcast room a name."

"Real-life escape room game live broadcast room."

"Hey, the naming was successful. The live broadcast officially started, and 100 people were forced to join."

The live broadcast started with a dark shot.

"Holy shit, what's going on?"

"A real-life escape room game live broadcast room. Judging from the name, it is a live broadcast of real-life adventures. There are still people playing escape room games these days."

"How did I get in? I remember that I wasn't watching Douyu's live broadcast of Mimi singing and dancing. Why did I suddenly come here?"

"What the hell? Come in and show me this?"

"Look at the introduction and the cover. It's quite scary. It should look good."


The 100 people who had just been pulled in were inexplicably pulled into the live broadcast room by the system from the live broadcast room they were observing. They were forced to watch the video and had no way to exit.

If you can't retreat, then you can't retreat. Since you have no way to resist, just enjoy it quietly.

So, after everyone expressed their thoughts and emotions, they calmed down and watched the live broadcast.


My vision gradually became clearer, and I gradually heard the sound of water flowing.

An iron chain object with green lights appeared in a piece of water, floating on the water.

The camera slowly zoomed out, and a person's face appeared in the water.

The man suddenly opened his eyes and breathed with his mouth wide open. After drinking some water, he choked and coughed violently.

[Phew, this shot scared me. Suddenly a head appeared. 】

[I almost thought it was a dead head. 】

[Plus one upstairs. 】

[I am immersed in the scene, the sense of immersion is so strong. 】

[Oops, it scared me to death. As soon as I came in, I saw a person suddenly open his eyes in the water...]

[It’s the new one upstairs. 】

[Yeah, can anyone tell me what the live broadcast is about]

[The name of the live broadcast room is written in the upper corner of the screen upstairs, the real-life escape room game: Chainsaw. 】

[Game, Saw? Is this another newly released horror mobile game, which is interesting. Let’s take a look first. If it’s fun, I’ll search and download it. 】

[Upstairs, I just went down to check and there is no such game. 】

[Ah, no? As for the anchor, can you explain it to me? 】

[Stop arguing, look below. It says that this live broadcast is taking place in a real-life escape room, where everything in the live broadcast room takes place. 】

[So where is this escape room? What is your name? At which location? 】

[@Crayon Shin-chan, I’m searching, I’ll tell you later. 】

[Okay, thank you @ I am working hard to create miracles, let’s continue reading first. 】

[Hope we won’t be disappointed. 】

【Yep. 】


As the footage progressed, the audience in the live broadcast room continued to watch the plot and discuss it.

At this time, the man in the live broadcast room climbed out of the pool, all wet.

He looked up and saw darkness all around him.

He doesn't know where this is? Who put themselves here? What do they want? What's the purpose?

The dark and unfamiliar environment made him panic and confused.

He gasped loudly and turned around to look for him, hoping someone would hear him.

"Help, come quickly!"

"Is anyone here?"

"Fuck, maybe I'm already dead?"

"You're not dead yet, you're alive."

Suddenly, a slightly hoarse male voice came from the dark room and answered him.


Frightened by the sudden sound, he looked around and asked.


The voice would whisper the same answer to him.

"Turn on the light," he said loudly.

"I thought so too, but I didn't see it."

"This is where?"

"I don't know either." In the darkness, they asked and answered questions.

Suddenly, there was a sound of switches, and the lights in the space suddenly turned on one by one from far away, all the way to his eyes.

Because his eyes were in the dark for a long time, he suddenly came into contact with the light, which made him temporarily blind and confused. He quickly blocked it with his elbow.

At this moment, the viewers in the live broadcast room were all intrigued and excited. They all wanted to know what would happen in front of that person when the lights were turned on?

And whether that mysterious voice is charming to the god who keeps him here.

[Author's digression]: I wrote this article while watching the movie [Saw] and revisiting the classic horror. I even felt a little goosebumps.

Those who are scared can contribute some shock value and recommendation votes if they think it looks good.

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