Pirates: Become invincible from capturing the Navy Goddess

Chapter 2 The qualifications of a general?


Lin Qi felt as if he had been hit by a cannonball. He was knocked into the air, and a mouthful of blood almost spurted out. However, he smiled very happily because the system's sound rang again.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the mission, Moon Step (Peak) rewards are being distributed...]

A large amount of technical information about the Moon Step flooded into his mind in an instant, as if he had really been studying the Moon Step for more than ten years.

The leg muscles bulge at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

Tina's pretty face turned red, and while she kept wiping her seductive lips with catkins, she gritted her teeth and looked at Lynch in the air.

That was her first kiss!

I wanted to leave it to my future husband.

I didn't expect that it would be taken away by a strange man.

At this time, Tina's beautiful eyes were spitting fire, and she even wanted to kill Lin Qi.

Driven by strong anger, Teacher Zefa's previous teaching was instantly understood in his mind.


In full view of everyone, Tina flew into the sky on moon steps and quickly approached Lin Qi.

Seeing this scene, Zefa's stern eyes showed a bit of surprise.

Unexpectedly, there was a genius among the students he taught this year.

He was able to successfully use the Moon Step technique after only hearing it once, which he could only do with both hands in his sixteen years of teaching career.

Among them are the current three generals, Kizaru, Akainu and Aokiji.

"This Miss Tina is more talented than rumored."

Seeing Tina getting closer and closer, Lin Qi broke into a cold sweat.

Judging from the other party's expression, if he was caught, he would definitely not get any good results. Being rushed to the emergency room would probably be a minor incident.

"We must not get caught!"

Lin Qi has integrated the Moon Step into his instinct and quickly stepped on the air to distance himself from Tina.

"This kid also learned the moon step?!" Zefa's eyes were filled with surprise.

I thought that Lin Qi's talent was mediocre, but he was wrong.

"Wait a minute, there's something wrong with that kid's Moon Steps!" The admiration on Zefa's face slowly turned serious, and his eyes were as sharp as an eagle's.

Lynch's Moon Step is not comparable to Tina's in terms of power generation, air stepping angle, or other skills.

As an instructor and a former navy admiral, Zefa has an extremely vicious eye, and he can tell the whole story at a glance.

Zefa even suspected that the lieutenant generals in his headquarters were at most the same as this kid in terms of Yuebu's attainments, rather than surpassing him.

This is very scary.

Which lieutenant general has not been promoted through more than ten years of fighting, and has already mastered the six movements, how can a mere recruit compare!

Even Porusalino's performance against Moon Step in the elite camp was far inferior to this person.

Could it be said that Lynch had learned the moon step for more than ten years before joining the navy?

This idea was quickly overturned by Zefa as soon as it came up.

impossible! Not to mention that the body is not strong enough to practice the Moon Step.

Even Lin Qi had nowhere to learn about Yuebu's training method. The Sixth Form of the Navy was a secret of the navy.

In order to prevent the future mainstay of the Navy from being mixed with traitors, the information of these recruits is known to Zefa.

If I remember correctly, that kid was just an orphan working on a ranch before he joined the navy.

So, there is only one result!

That kid is a genius, a buried genius!

He has unparalleled talent for the six forms!

Zefa's expression was fiery. He had a premonition that another monster similar to the three generals would appear among his students.

"Hey, stop chasing me. You can't catch me."

In mid-air, Tina and Lin Qi were chasing each other while the other was escaping. Those who didn't know it thought they were chasing their husbands.

If you ignore Tina's clenched silver teeth expression.

"Stop if you can. What kind of man is he who runs away?" Tina was furious.

"Stop? Are you stupid or am I stupid? Stop and let you beat me to death." Lynch turned around and gave Tina the contempt of a king.

"You...!" Tina's full chest heaved up and down in anger.

The soldiers on the ground had already been stunned.

They can still understand Miss Tina's Moon Steps, but... isn't Lynch an ordinary person who has neither physical nor sword talent?

But what is before us now is that ordinary people with "mediocre qualifications" have learned the moon step.

So what are they, losers? ? ?

"That's enough, stop it!" Zefa's voice echoed in everyone's ears.

"Teacher Zefa."

After hearing Zefa's words, Lin Qi obediently fell from the sky and said respectfully.

Tina also followed closely, pointing angrily at Lin Qi and complaining: "Teacher Zefa, but this guy..."

Zefa raised his right hand to signal Tina to calm down.

"The matter between you can be settled after class. I don't care. Don't delay other people's class now."

Teacher Zefa spoke. Although Tina was very reluctant, she could only let the gangster go for the time being.

After giving Lin Qi an angry look, Tina returned to the team and remained silent in the face of everyone's concerns.

Lin Qi gave Zefa a grateful look.

No matter what, this severe beating was avoided for the time being.

Lynch is confident that as long as he is given enough time to complete a few more choices, he will not be afraid of any threats by then.

"Next, let's continue to explain the skills of Moon Step..."

The rest of the time was spent in Zefa's lectures.

The sun sets and the time comes to evening.

"Today's lecture ends here. Lynch, Smoker, and Tina, you three will stay."

"Yes, Teacher Zefa."

"Goodbye Teacher Zefa."

"Teacher Zefa, see you tomorrow."

After everyone left, Zefa left the three of them alone and said, "Meet you in the forest behind Training Ground No. 3 at six o'clock tonight."

"Yes, Teacher Zefa."

It is the navy's duty to obey the instructor's orders. The three of them did not ask why, but readily agreed.

"You are all good, don't let me down." Zefa left with these words.

Lin Qi seemed to be aware of the sharp eyes on the side, and worried about getting beaten, he had no choice but to leave with Zefa.

"Why, do you want to come to my house for dinner today?" After walking a distance, Zefa turned around and patted Lin Qi's shoulder with his heavy hand.

"Hehe, Teacher Zefa, um...thank you so much." Lin Qi said with an embarrassed smile.

"You kid actually knows how to be embarrassed and kisses a girl in public. I really don't know what to say about you." Zefa said speechlessly.

The way young people pursue their partners these days is really becoming more and more incomprehensible.

First, Major General Tea Dolphin wrote a love letter every day, confessing his love to Major General Taotu every two days. Even if he was beaten, scolded and rejected, he was still so... licking.

Now there is another more ruthless one, which makes Zefa wonder if he has fallen behind.

Lynch said that he had any ideas. Who could make the rewards given by the system be so good? Let alone kiss Tina, even if he was asked to kiss Smoker, then he... might as well forget it.

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