Everyone: Are mechanics weak? I wake up and rectify the natural disaster

Chapter 93: Fellow fellow, do you still have a database at home?

Uncertain light, just like the description in the experiment report.

There are countless dreamy and brilliant colors.

Possessing numerous uncanny gestures.

It's here, and I don't know how long it has been there.

Perhaps from the time when the solar system was formed billions of years ago.

Or maybe... before the moon existed, it already stood in this space.

"Turtle is indeed a wonder of the universe."

Su Wen clicked his tongue in surprise.

Although I came at the wrong time, I was not able to witness the birth of the fruiting body.

Nor could I witness the 'reorganization of light' that was so described in the report.

But just the uncertain light that is still in a fixed state is extremely splendid.

It seems to be formed by the condensation of all the beauty in the world.

"You can't look more, you can only take a look..."

Su Wen was immersed in it.

Stare at that bright light for a long time without blinking.

It seemed like it took a lot of effort to break away from the immersion in it.

It was very difficult to look away and stop looking at it.

In nature, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are.

This principle still applies even if it is placed in the endless sea of ​​stars.

This gorgeous light.

If it weren't for this dark matter dome.

He was afraid that the moment he got close, the terrifying energy radiation would be enough to seriously injure or even kill him.

High-energy reactions that can be clearly detected across billions of light-years...

Presumably, even if it is not comparable to the super giant quasar in the center of the Milky Way, it is not much worse than an ordinary neutron star.


Suvin left the observation window and walked along the dark matter dome.

"It seems that the Fei people are extremely careful. They specially built such a dark matter dome just to cover up the energy radiation and prevent others from being discovered."

he mused.

I have to say that I really have to thank the Fei people for their generous gift.

If it weren't for the dark matter dome they built.

Su Wen wants to properly store the Uncertain Light, but I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort.

should say.

This level of cosmic wonder cannot be developed independently with its current level of technology and productivity.

Not that strong capital.

——A sustainable level of physical dark matter protective wall!

Just to maintain the continuous existence of this dark matter dome, its supporting facilities must at least have an energy supply level comparable to that of an entire Dyson sphere.

This thing is a real energy hog.

The energy that feeds it is enough to supply an entire star region.

Look at this magnificent dark matter dome.

Su Wen felt it again,

How big is the gap between the power it possesses and that of a super civilization?

“Business has just started and you still need to work hard!”

Su Wen couldn't help but sigh.


He cannot become proud and complacent just because he has surpassed the Blue Star countries.

After all, Su Wen just started his own business alone.

There is still a long way to go before we can compete with real interstellar civilization.

"Search the entire Dome No. 1 again for me carefully!"

"Attention, no destructive actions are allowed unless you encounter an active defense system!"

Looking at the dark matter dome standing silently, he muttered a few difficult words such as "It can take its place".

Su Wen turned around and shouted an order to a group of dumbfounded synthetic people.

"Not to mention precious electronic equipment such as terminals and databases, even other people's pots and jars, don't drop them or smash them. You can't afford to pay for any of them, do you understand?!"

The dumbfounded synthesizers nodded in unison, and then dispersed.

Arranged this bunch of silly geese.

Su Wen turned around and showed his thoughtful expression again.

The system is very perceptive and jumped out at exactly the right moment:

[The core database of Dome No. 1 has been found. Just on the edge of the deepest core area. 】

It's clear, obviously.

At this time, what does the host care about most?

The system transmitted the navigation information, and the holographic projection built into the mecha helmet simultaneously highlighted the route in green.

As expected, Su Wen's face relaxed.

Immediately follow the route and go straight to the computer room where the database is stored.

The core database of Dome No. 1 does not occupy a large area.

There are only a few cabinets, and in terms of quantity, they can even be called shabby.


Here, everything is concentrated.

For this humble-looking Taton supercomputer cabinet that is no bigger than a double-door refrigerator when stacked.

Around the engine room, there are layers of isolation cabins and safety doors one after another.

It feels more exaggerated than entering a doomsday shelter.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is one post every three steps and one sentry every five steps.

"Isn't this entire small dome on the penultimate floor just used to isolate this computer room?"

Even if the main defense system around is destroyed.

Su Wen still encountered a lot of resistance along the way.

Not to mention hidden defense facilities that carry small independent energy sources.

Just a few ultra-reinforced security doors that are immediately closed and locked after detecting an intrusion crisis.

It took him a lot of effort.

These are all strengthened resistant steel alloys.

You have to directly hit the particle light spear to blast it away.

It also has to be a particle light spear that is fully charged and can fire two volleys.

can only say...

Fortunately, the Fei people are not wealthy enough to put up a dark matter barrier here.

Otherwise, Su Wenke would really be blind.

"This place is a very large security warehouse, and each floor is stronger than the next... I have finally seen how serious the Fei people's persecution paranoia is!"

Finally, the last safety door was blasted through under the purple jet of high-energy particles.

Su Wen, who had a headache from the sound of the alarm, couldn't help but complain.

[This is the most critical area of ​​the entire Omega Research Station. The research station itself is even named after this section: 'Gamma', 'Beta', 'Alpha', and 'Omega', from outside to inside The four-story hemispherical small domes that make up the No. 1 large dome.

The deepest Omega Dome is the place where the Uncertain Light and its related information are placed. It has the highest confidentiality level and defense level.

The interior of the Omega Dome is uninhabitable and is within the radiation range of the uncertain light, making it impossible to carry out any production and research work.

Then the Alpha Dome has become the real core research area, and such a situation... is quite normal. 】

[According to the information extracted from several terminals, only the main personnel in charge of the research station, including the director of the research station and the thirteen chief scientists, can enter the Alpha Dome.

Except for them, no one else can enter without the simultaneous authorization of at least three of them. Ordinary low-level researchers are not even qualified to check any information about this section on the intranet. . 】

The system said.

[However, if you can break through the physical blockade and get inside the computer room, it will be much easier. 】

[The encrypted database we obtained from the giant sphere has now been decrypted. It contains not only the two top-secret technology applications, but also a permanently authorized key, which can be used to directly pass through this core. Database firewall. 】

The system then said.

"Well, it seems that guy came in handy and saved us a lot of trouble."

Su Wen smiled.

The application doesn't matter.

That thing, as long as the technology is unlocked or the core database is entered, it can be copied at will.

And the key that enters the database is the most precious.

Followed by.

Su Wen took out a terminal.

This is not a terminal produced by the omnic army, but a terminal of the Fei civilization collected from the research station.

Judging from where it was found, it probably belonged to some director of the research department half a million years ago.

Download the key to this terminal and connect it to the core database.

After a beep of 'Didi'.

Su Wen got his wish and gained access.

"I came in, and it turned out to be the highest level of authority. It's very good."

"Okay, let's see what good stuff is in here..."

The main interface brought up the search program, and Su Wen typed 'technical information' as the keyword.

When starting the search, the entire interface seemed to freeze for a moment.

Immediately afterwards...

Hundreds of entries, like a waterfall of torrents of characters.

Crazy pouring down from the top of the screen:

[Material Technology: Resistant Steel Alloy]

[Kinetic energy weapon: M-type rail gun]

[Material Technology: Intelligent Alloy Smelting]

[Computing Technology: Consciousness Recording Technology]

[Particle Physics: Space Distortion Warhead]

[Computing Technology: Quantum Neural Link]

[Galaxy Megastructure: Stellar Particle Accelerator]



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