Everyone: Are mechanics weak? I wake up and rectify the natural disaster

Chapter 38: Fellow fellow, do you still have a mount?

Gradually deepen into the southeast.

Far away from the Jiangbei base city.

About two hundred kilometers away,

In the wilderness and ruins passing by,

There are quite a few monsters.

You can even see groups of alien species, like primitive tribes,

Living in the ruins of a middle school.

A male beastman with pointed teeth and protruding eyes, wearing fur armor.

Wielding deformed weapons crafted from scrap metal and bone in a post-apocalyptic wasteland punk style.

In groups, on the edge of a former artificial river,

Fighting with the alien species in the river.

The reason why I use the word fighting, not hunting.

It's because the alien species in the river that should have mutated from scavengers all have four arms covered with scales.

Although compared to the beastmen, it lacks the weapon advantage.

But a fist as big as a casserole can hit the flesh,

He beat many beastmen until their faces were full of peach blossoms.

This weird scene.

Seeing this, Su Wen had the illusion that he had returned to Fukushima in his dream.

At the same time, in the tribal garrison converted from the ruins of the middle school.

The female mutant with a wrinkled and hairy face used bone needles to sew the scaled animal skin.

They chattered with each other in a language that Su Wen couldn't understand at all.

Su Wen looked down at the "harmonious scene" of "men farming and women weaving",

I couldn't help but want to scratch my head.


Have all the alien species outside the high wall evolved like this?

For those who didn’t know, I thought it was some kind of orc kingdom.

He flew by, looking down at the chaotic battlefield.

The belligerents below also noticed him.

The beastmen raised their scrap metal spears vigilantly, drew their bows and arrows, and shouted curses at the sky;

Those scavenger fishmen with four arms are also very elegant and easy-going.

They all raised their middle fingers at him, twice as many as normal people.

Su Wen laughed.

Followed by.

A 'smallpox' cluster bomb was pulled out from the space ammunition depot.

He threw it away.


After a series of dense explosions.

The battlefield was littered with corpses, as if everyone had been thrown into a crusher.

Countless pairs of fish eyes stared at him with unblinking eyes.


After dropping the bomb, Su Wen walked away calmly.

Didn't take it seriously at all.

By now,

A small sum of several hundred science and technology points is no longer enough to attract his attention.

He continued flying at low altitude,

Passed by a large lake.

The lake seems to have been formed after the great cataclysm and the huge changes in the terrain.

The water in the lake is quite turbid, and there are strange, leafless trees growing around it...

[Warning, giant life form reaction detected. 】

Su Wen was still wondering why those trees looked so strange.

The cold voice of the mecha's main controller suddenly sounded.

At the same time, a huge shadow emerged from under the water.

He stopped suddenly like a reflex, reversed the turbine, and shot electricity backwards in an instant.

"Plop!" a sound.

The lake exploded.

An extremely huge fish head suddenly emerged from the water...

"Tang Kun?!"

Su Wen looked at this thing in surprise.

Indeed, it is Tang Kun.

The thing that emerged from the bottom of the water was a catfish with a huge head.

Although most of his body is still hidden under the water.

But there are still a lot of obvious features in its body shape.

From the overall appearance, it looks like the kind of freshwater fish that was very common before the cataclysm...

Although now, it seems to have become a lord-level beast.

But think of something like this, the ability to live in a sewer, or even a septic tank.

Su Wen couldn't help but frown.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously raised his hand.

The columnar silver-white armor covering Su Wen's right arm was opened.

The 'Shrike' ion cannon has three barrels arranged in an equilateral triangle and pops out from it.

Followed by.

The 'Lord Level Tangyu' below also opened its huge mouth.

Su Wen's eyes narrowed and he was about to fire.

But I didn't expect it...


A short humanoid creature emerged from the huge mouth of the pond turtle.

He stretched out his little hand with only three fingers and pointed at Su Wen in the sky.

Jumping on his feet and shouting.

He looked quite angry, but had no intention of taking action.

'What the hell? ! '

Su Wen looked stunned.

[Alien language detected, reading 'Rosetta Core', the universal translator is loading...loading completed. 】

The system said in time.

At this time, Su Wen discovered that he could understand what this little monster said.

"...Is there any mistake?"

"It was agreed at the beginning that everyone should occupy their own territory, and the water in the well should not interfere with the water in the river,"

"Now you come to my territory and kill my younger brother. What kind of trouble are you going to make!"

"Serbs, don't go too far!"

The short alien, who was probably no taller than Su Wen's knees, kept shouting.

After hearing what it said.

Su Wen had a flash of inspiration...


It seemed that this guy didn't understand his identity.

It thinks of itself as some kind of 'acquaintance' it knows!


Speaking of acquaintances may be a bit hasty.

Su Wen's eyes narrowed.

Thinking quickly.

At the very least, under the general environment,

It and the 'Serbs' it calls are in the same camp.

Just like the people from Jiangbei and Huai'an are members of the Hua camp.

Obviously, the relationship between this little precious thing and the 'Serbs' is probably not particularly good.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have pointed his nose and started scolding him as soon as he came up.

And when it first rushed out, it was obvious that it wanted to attack Su Wen and give him a blow.

But it's not particularly bad, not to the point of a life-or-death feud.

After all, even if it thinks that it has 'infringed on its territory' or 'killed its little brother'.

It's just a curse.

There was absolutely no intention of taking action.

If the relationship is really bad, then it is definitely not something that can be solved with just a few words of curse.

That 'Serb' whose full name is unknown,

and the race to which this little precious thing belongs.

The relationship between the two parties is very subtle, just like two enemies who serve in the same palace.

I thought about a lot in one moment.

A subtle smile appeared on Su Wen's lips.

As soon as the bad idea came to his mind, he began to use his tricks.

"Oh, what a big deal, aren't they just a few little brothers..."

With systematic translation, Su Wen is fearless.

He put on a lazy look, slowly descended from the sky, and landed next to the little precious thing.

Seeing him like this, the latter relaxed a little.

She didn't seem to mind being near him.

He was still shouting.

"What do you mean it's a big deal?"

"What do you mean it's just a few younger brothers?"

"Even if your hands are itchy, you shouldn't kill the people in my territory!"

"Nothing, just a lowly beastman."

"It's not a question of whether it's cheap or not. Isn't it also my property?"

"Haha, then I'll make it up to you."

Su Wen continued to smile playfully and reached out toward it casually, as if to put an arm around his shoulders.

"...Okay, what are you going to use to compensate?"

Xiao Guiwu didn't notice his movements.

However, after hearing that he expressed his willingness to compensate, he obviously relaxed a lot.


next second...

"Just use this to compensate!"

Su Wen sneered.

At the same time, a white rope suddenly shot out from his palm!

As if it were a living thing, it instantly wrapped around the little precious thing's body.

In less than a second, he was tied up and completely controlled.

——This is a 'antibiotic-specific riot control chain' made of nanocomposite materials.

As you can tell from the name, it is used by unknown civilizations to deal with organic intelligent life.

Those disobedient organic vassals on the colonized planets that are usually used to suppress them.

The intensity is high enough to make people despair:

A rope as thick as a finger can tie the weight of a destroyer and hoist it in the air without breaking.

Originally, Su Wen planned to 'reward' this thing to Lin Zaiqi.

Let this bitch drive away the aliens.

Who would have thought that that bitch would actually learn some secret combat skills unique to animals.

A puddle of urine reached his crotch, which made Su Wen feel sick and went back.

As a result, Xiao Guipi became the first lucky audience to experience the alien version of turtle shell binding.


Xiao Guiwu was restrained by his sudden outburst. He had no idea what was happening and could only struggle desperately.

But Su Wen picked him up effortlessly and kicked him directly into the portable space.

Immediately afterwards...

Su Wen opened the space again and stretched out his hand.

Pull out an object like lightning, throw it backhand...

——That is clearly an 'Atropos' space torpedo that has activated its fuse and is about to explode.


"See you fucking later!"

The turbine outputted all its power, and his figure shot out like lightning, disappearing into the distance in an instant.

Only a vague ending is left.

The catfish, whose mouth was still wide open, looked at the disappearing black dot.

Staring with huge eyes, he looked confused.

With its wisdom, it is completely insufficient to understand.

The host and the guest, who were having a good chat just now, suddenly broke up again.


Where is the master?

It did not sense the presence of its master in its own mouth.

Instead, a cold object slipped into its throat.

next second.

Endless heat burst out from its belly instantly...

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