It was Guan Xingyun who was watching the show next to him who finally saved him from the sea of ​​misery.

"Su Wen, have you ever considered finding a long-term team?"

After carefully asking Su Wen questions or asking for advice,

After understanding that he has a profound knowledge reserve in his field.

Guan Xingyun thought twice and extended an olive branch.

The reason is also very simple.

There are no mechanics in their team.

Say something.

It is indeed rare to have a mechanic who has not yet established a regular team at this level.

So they have been unable to recruit suitable players.

This also leads to work in the team such as firearms maintenance and equipment maintenance.

Internal digestion has always been impossible.

Outside help must be sought.

The fees for these services are not expensive.

But spending like this over time cannot be underestimated.

Especially when you include buying ammunition...

The maintenance costs in this area are very painful for him.

In this way, after meeting Su Wen.

The idea of ​​recruiting him to join the team and become a permanent member of the team spread uncontrollably in Guan Xingyun's heart.

"Our 'Iron Fist' team is ranked seventh in the Jiangbei rankings. It can be considered a senior team with a name,"

Guan Xingyun had a reserved smile,

"Don't talk about the second and third level secret realms, you can also go to the fourth level secret realms."

"In terms of treatment, there is no need to worry at all."

"Oh yes, are you ready to change jobs now?

If you join, I can approve a budget of no more than 200,000 credit points in advance.

Let you use it to purchase related professional props. "

"How's it going? Isn't this treatment good?"

Guan Xingyun smiled.

Although the word may be a bit exaggerated here, he is really hungry for talent.

A senior mechanic like Su Wen may not be able to do well alone.

But the role he can play in a team is amazing.

It's not just as simple as maintaining machinery and producing ammunition.

Mechanic's Golem, and other similar mechanical creations,

Can undertake tiring and dangerous tasks such as forward reconnaissance and peripheral patrol;

If there is a blueprint for a drone, that would be even more awesome.

Having aerial vision at all times is equivalent to mastering the one-way transparency of the battlefield.

It is equivalent to turning on the perspective hook and directly clearing all the fog of war.

For a professional team like them, which has a complete range of offensive and defensive methods, it is simply not a great experience.

In addition,

Not to mention how awesome the special bullets, explosives, and enhanced firearms that mechanics can create will be when used on the battlefield...

After thinking about it for a while, Guan Xingyun couldn't help but sigh.


This profession is really like this, which makes people love and hate it.

High-level mechanics,

It has strategic-level auxiliary capabilities that are completely unmatched by other professions.

Naturally, senior groups flocked to it.

But low-level mechanics are annoying wherever they go...

After finally meeting an outstanding talent in this field, he didn't want to miss it.


"I'll think about it and get back to you with an answer."

Facing the olive branch he extended, Su Wen couldn't help but slap it away.

After thinking for a moment, he gave a vague answer.

Based on his experience in his previous life, this was considered a polite refusal.


Guan Xingyun didn't know if he was pretending or if he really didn't know.

As if he really didn't know the meaning of this polite words, he smiled and nodded:

"It's time to think about it, after all, it's such a big thing."

"I'll send you the contract later, look at it carefully before making a decision."

...Well, he really didn't know.

Su Wen's politeness was not interpreted as a polite refusal.

Because he really couldn't think of any reason for Su Wen to refuse.

in contrast.

Su Wen's "prudent decision-making attitude" made Guan Xingyun appreciate him even more.

If he decided to join the gang hastily, he might have to think twice.


Guan Xingyun felt that his whole body was so happy that he couldn't even see his eyebrows.

I'm so lucky today to meet such an outstanding handsome guy!

He laughed and patted Su Wen on the shoulder.

Take him to the front of the line.

To show respect for this new member.

Little did he know that from behind, a jealous gaze was cast towards him like a nail.

"These two guys..."

Lin Zaiqi stared at Su Wen secretly.

The jealousy in his eyes was about to crystallize.

It's like a dog, I don't know what method was used.

It was not enough to confuse Mu Yu, but also confuse Guan Xingyun.

Just a mechanic, a rubbish job, what are you crazy about?

Don’t answer his words, don’t reply to his questions,

He also pretended to be calm and cool, treating himself like air...

So crazy!

A pretty boy,

If you don’t have any ability, you’re pretty good at showing off, huh?

The man named Guan also praised this good-for-nothing as if he were his biological father.

As for that!

Just now, I even shamed myself for this trash...

Mu Yu was confused by the pretty face and leaned to the side to ask questions.

He didn't know how to go up and pull the pretty boy away.

It's crazy!

I don’t know whose girlfriend she is...


Lin Zaiqi suddenly choked.

...Don’t you know who is chasing her? !



Even though he knew that he was pursuing Mu Yu.

How dare you let a strange pretty boy get so close to her.

That's just not right.

Not to mention favoring outsiders.

It’s more mistakes than mistakes.

Thinking of this, Lin Zaiqi's eyes became darker and darker.

The little recognition I had accumulated for Guan Xingyun in the past was all gone.

"Very well, you all just wait for me..."

In his eyes.

There was no trace of resentment.


It didn't take long.

Just as the morning fog dispersed, the person in charge of the military came over.

A lieutenant, holding a terminal, checked the lists of all the teams leaving the city one by one.

"Okay, everyone is here. You can open the elevator."

"Find the corresponding cabin according to the temporary serial number registered by each. If you have any luggage, hurry up. The train will depart in five minutes."

After checking, the lieutenant nodded to everyone present.

"I wish you good luck, but don't let yourself die outside."

After he finished speaking, he walked to the monitoring room nearby and sat down.

Everyone filed in and made preparations for their respective teams.

The occupied area outside the high wall is not a place with simple folk customs.

Warcraft, monsters, mutants, or bandits who don't want to enter the wall...

All kinds of messy dangers are dormant in the once prosperous city.

If you want to search for old heritage in occupied areas, or fight monsters and kill enemies, you can't do it without supplies and luggage.

Even if it is a short-term trip where you go and return on the same day, you must bring at least one meal for a dozen people.

As for bullets, medicines and other urgent needs, of course, there is no need to say more.

If you are operating outside the wall for a long time, you will need a vehicle.

If you have a vehicle, you can at least use the road network of the old era to go further.

Not only is it easy to move, it can also greatly enhance the team's transportation capabilities.

In a doomsday survival game, this is a +1000% team buff.

It's just that now it has lost its vast industrial base, and the heavy industries in major base cities have shrunk severely.

Although the car is good, it is not something you can have if you want it.

The 'Iron Fist' team member has a great career and is considered to be the most handsome boy among everyone present.

Guan Xingyun got two vehicles, which was the envy of others.

"Don't you have any equipment?"

Before setting off, Guan Xingyun glanced at Su Wen, who was traveling lightly, somewhat strangely.

The latter was dressed in casual clothes, without even a bag on his back, and only had a silver-white metal box in his hand.

Although this box is not too small...

Well, it is indeed very small, just a little smaller than an ordinary carry-on suitcase. How much equipment can it hold?

At least according to Guan Xingyun's estimation, heavy equipment such as rocket launchers and recoilless rifles would definitely not be able to fit in.

Mechanical puppets are not good either, at best they can be stuffed with drones.

Mechanics with only drones and ordinary rifles ...

How much fighting power can it have?

"No need, it's all in here."

Su Wen patted the box casually.

Not intending to explain more, he crossed Guan Xingyun and walked directly forward.

When the latter saw him like this, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

The idea that I might meet a talented person by chance suddenly wavered...

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