There are not many professionals in the 'Sprawling Plains'.

But to be on the safe side, Su Wen still avoided the perimeter.

When the legion advanced to the vicinity of the Sand Sculpture Heavenly Group and the others, they made a sharp turn and headed back to the other side of the depths.

There are many monsters and materials in the depths, making them easy to harvest.

In addition, putting some distance between himself and the sand sculpture also made him feel more at ease.

Su Wen couldn't help but tighten his anus when he recalled the scene of several guys dressed in fancy clothes, holding up bamboo poles and wearing white underpants and jumping towards him.

Damn, there are weird things every year, but there are so many this year!

The torrent of steel moved away, like a combine harvester running over a harvest wheat field, swallowing up all the jungle in its path.

The sand sculptures who were left behind finally understood how Huang Xiaohu and his group felt in the Broken Woodland before.

"Bloodbath, this is really a bloodbath, I've never cut grass like this when I played Shinsan!"

“The efficiency is quickly catching up with the harvester!”

Someone stood on the edge of the bare plain and said with a horrified look on his face.

Plains indeed.

Because the jungle is gone...

Of course not. After all, the jungles in the 'Crawling Plains' are actually plant-based anomalies!

Of course Su Wen didn't let them go.

The whole tree was bulldozed and hauled away, along with the corpse and materials.

The last time we were in the Broken Woodland, there was not enough labor, and there were only twenty-four reptiles, so we decisively only harvested materials.

This time he has enough labor force and will not be stingy.

All the bodies were taken away immediately.

Go back and slowly divide the material.

As for the remaining dregs, they will not be wasted.

No matter how hard it is, you can still burn firewood.

Or fill it into an organic matter recovery furnace and use it as waste.

Yes, this time the bloodbath spread across the plains. After Su Wen had his technology points recorded, he immediately turned on the technology in this area.

This time, he focused on the technology line in the field of 'industrial technology'.

[Long distance mineral scanner];

[Recyclable production system];

[Assembling robot labor];

[Mechanical formwork system];

【Pimi circuit assembly】;

【t3 advanced industrial complex】;

[t3 Advanced Mining Complex]...

...a lot, expensive, but worth it.

As a second-level secret realm, the average monster output in the Rambling Plains is almost the same as that in the first-level Broken Woodland. The only difference is that some slightly more powerful monsters will produce more monsters.

Basically, the mobs still only drop one or two technology points, and the average value of the materials is just over a hundred.

After walking around the hinterland of the Sprawling Plains, almost everything was blank. Su Wen only gained less than 25,000 technology points, of which a full 20,000 were invested in the above-mentioned large number of technologies.

I only have a little over six thousand left on hand.

But he felt like it was a good deal.

Because after downloading the book twice in a row, Su Wen also realized the limitations of painting pictures.

It is impossible for him to live by "killing monsters, collecting materials, selling materials for credits, and using credits to buy industrial materials".

You have to produce it yourself.

For example, it is necessary to upgrade from a 'nomadic civilization' to a 'farming civilization'.

It is better to rent than to buy, and to buy is worse than to build.

If he keeps importing industrial materials by consuming credits, as his omni-machine space continues to develop, the import cost will eventually expand to a figure that he cannot accept:

——Selling materials in large quantities will lead to material price cuts; buying industrial materials in large quantities will lead to material price increases.

At that time, he will become like the Chinese country before the catastrophe, the price of whatever he sells will be reduced, and the price of whatever he buys will be increased;

GDP seems exaggerated at first glance, but in fact it is a fucking bubble;

All the money was made by Gouri's dealers, and only a little bit fell into his own hands.

The ability to independently produce raw materials is a must.

And after all, production is also the system's special skill. It is unknown how outrageous the civilization's technology in this area is, but it is only much more advanced than the military.

For a person who can use a [Dyson Sphere] to turn a star into a large battery;

Can use [Matter Decompressor] to turn black holes into mines;

For a civilization that can build a [Zero Element Forge] on a neutron star to mass-produce interstellar alloys, there are countless resources everywhere in the universe.

Black holes can be used as fucking mines, gas giants can be used to grow vegetables, and even the empty void can be mined to extract dark matter and dark energy...

Where can't we farm? nonexistent!

With Su Wen's current technological, economic, and industrial capabilities, he really does not have the conditions to launch an interstellar giant directly.

But I am also an expert in collecting resources from the surface of the planet!

"The problem now is that if you want to engage in production, you must have a base,"

Su Wen sat on top of the 'Reptile' robot, tapping its head repeatedly.

"This base... I really can't make a choice!"

T3's 'Advanced Mining Complex' technology is expensive, but the blueprint rewards are also very attractive.

It includes three heavy industrial technologies: [Earth Core Drilling], [Tidal Screen] and [Atmospheric Filter].

These three are all 'giant production buildings' that are one level larger than a 'large equipment' like the Universal Factory.

Although they also adopt a modular design, considering the losses incurred during deployment and movement, and the manpower and material resources required, they can basically be considered semi-permanent facilities.

In other words, once the photo is taken, it will be difficult to move it.

In addition, around these semi-permanent resource production buildings, factories also need to be built, and the [Giant Mineral Refining Machine], [Giant Alloy Forge], [Advanced Cargo Sorting Machine], etc. unlocked by t3 advanced industrial complex technology need to be deployed. Various supporting production equipment.

Only in this way can a complete industrial production complex be completed.

Provide a stable resource income for his mechanical kingdom.

We have a mine, a factory building, and equipment, but we still need to connect the electricity, right?

Not the entire nuclear power plant, do you expect these electric tigers and a large number of robot workers to be able to work?

After photographing a nuclear power plant and solving the problem of electricity, the security issue also needs to be solved, right?

At least there must be a large enough control area, and there must be a buffer zone outside the control area.

It is indispensable to deploy defense facilities and arrange military forces to guard and patrol...

"This is like a tall building rising from the ground!"

After sorting it out in his mind, Su Wen sighed with horror.

[Based on this machine's analysis of the data from the planet's information network, the mining base, located in the secret area of ​​the lunar corridor, is the optimal solution. 】

The system prompted.

"The lunar corridor, the lunar corridor again..."

Su Wen's head hurt when he heard this word.

Of course he knew about mining on the moon. There were all kinds of minerals on the earth, plus six more.

The problem is that he has to be able to get there!

Level 5 secret realm, is that a joke?

It doesn't matter. With his resume of only entering the first and second level secret realms twice, no one in the teleportation hall will sell him a ticket.

Low-level newcomers cannot enter the high-level secret realm. To put it nicely, it is a protection mechanism. To put it more clearly, the official does not want professionals who the country has spent a lot of resources to train to dive into and die.

"I will go, but not now."

[Then my suggestion is the seaside. 】


That's right too.

Even though the ocean is all water, it contains a lot of mineral elements.

For example, there was a lot of fuss at the beginning of the century about flammable ice, but as a result, it has never formed conditions for commercial mining.

Another example is the hydrothermal deposits that can be found everywhere on the seafloor.

Among them, the "seabed manganese nodules" are also very famous, and there are a variety of metal elements available for collection.

There are also submarine oil and gas fields, which are a rich source of volatiles and fuels.

In fact, the seabed itself contains rich mineral veins, which are not much different from those on land. Even because it is blocked by sea water, it can be called a virgin land, and the resource abundance is much higher than that of land that has been exploited for thousands of years.

Even if the above is not mentioned, seawater itself is also a precious mineral.

You know, before the catastrophe, China had already mastered the technology of extracting uranium from seawater, and the cost per kilogram was only about US$150...

When Su Wen thought of this, his throat twitched.

"We should... have a way to solve the problem of extracting uranium-238 from uranium-235, right?"

【certainly. Centrifugal extraction machines, laser extraction machines, and diffusion extraction machines are all unlocked technologies that come with the system initially. 】

The system's electronic sound, which was neither male nor female, was so pleasant to Su Wen's ears at this time.

So much so that he couldn't help but smile.

A smile that comes from within.

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