Everyone: Are mechanics weak? I wake up and rectify the natural disaster

Chapter 100 Chinese official reaction, 2 negotiations

beep... beep...

A notification pop-up window suddenly popped up in the lower right corner of the home screen.

Li Xingjie clicked connect with an expressionless face.

After a moment of flickering, a holographic projection came down from the ceiling.

The tiny spots of light condensed Wu Gangting's figure.

The latter seems to be accustomed to this method of communication.

Minister Tian Tmall was on that hidden floor, just like a villain hiding in a doomsday bunker plotting a plan of destruction.

If it weren't for such a practical means of communication as holographic projection, it would be really difficult to contact her.

"Minister, something bad is going on! You must take a look at this information——"

Wu Gangting, who was formed by condensing light spots, was holding a bulky terminal in his hand.

He looked furious, as if someone had stepped on his tail.

I shouted, but I haven't finished speaking yet.

When he saw Li Xingjie in the wheelchair, he noticed that the latter was looking at him as if he were looking at an idiot.

Wu Gangting subconsciously turned his head and saw the picture on the big screen, and his anxious expression softened a little.

"——Oh, it turns out you already know..."

"Yeah, I already knew that,"

Li Xingjie waved her delicate hands wearing electrode patch gloves, as if to shoo away flies.

"If I didn't know about such a fatal matter until you called me, I might as well abolish the search department."

"Get out of the way, you're blocking the screen."

Wu Gangting stepped aside with a smile, not daring to say anything more.

If it were more than three years ago...

He may also look down on the young minister because of various reasons such as age, status, qualifications, etc.

Mistaking it for a vase that cannot be used for much purpose.

And now...

By now, Wu Gangting no longer had any doubts about Li Xingjie's abilities.

Not to mention her terrifying powers.

Just her execution ability, strategic sense, and iron-fisted methods.

It was enough to convince all the members of the Special Phenomenon Investigation Department from Wu Gangting down.

Although she never appeared in front of others, she rarely even contacted base city officials directly.

But everyone knows that this guy hiding in the shadows is the owner of this building.

As for the current crisis...

It can indeed be described as a crisis.

The afterglow civilization, far away in the constellation Perseus, suddenly appeared on the back of the moon.

This is no small matter and will affect the sensitive nerves of many people.

The original negotiations between the two parties.

It seems that one side is being aggressive and the other is slowly giving in.

Even within China, many middle-level personnel who only knew a little bit about it were quite criticizing.

I believe that the series of events that resulted from this negotiation have somewhat lost the face of China as the world's largest country.

It is believed that this is the result of the operation of the "surrender faction" against aliens within the top management.

Neither did they get any substantial benefits, but they were forced to give up a secret realm.

This result comes from the end of the negotiation.

There has always been a lot of discussion within China.

But actually...

In the eyes of the big guys who truly understand the complete situation and understand all aspects of the situation.

It is already very satisfying to achieve the result of "both sides maintain a safe distance, have limited cooperation, and do not interfere with each other."

After the star gate was closed, Su Wen was not the only one who breathed a sigh of relief.

The big bosses at the decision-making level were also relaxed a lot.

The result is now...

The afterglow civilization suddenly appeared on the moon, spanning not only the constellation of Perseus to the solar system, but also the distance of 250 million light years.

Also being crossed is the psychological defense line that the big guys keep silent about.

There is no other reason.

after all.

This kind of behavior is really too sensitive.

Whether it was the leaden century in modern times or the painful three years after the cataclysm broke out.

Being forced into territory and invaded by different races and civilizations.

Things like this often make the top leaders of China have mixed feelings.

For the past three years, it can be said that the native people of Blue Star have had enough of the malice of the aliens!

Otherwise it wouldn't be...

They clearly know that these alien races are civilized and even more advanced races than themselves.

But in terms of their speech, behavior, and behavioral attitudes,

Completely generalize it with Warcraft and monsters.

to be honest.

It's because of what foreign races such as the Serbs and Aquatic Tribe did on Blue Star.

Indeed, they are just like monsters, they are crazy and regard human life as nothing.

Even those who are more conservative and restrained, such as the Wuhua Clan or the Mellon Group.

Even if they did not directly massacre Blue Star City, the so-called observation stations they set up were actually infringing on Chinese territory.

And the low-level alien races under their control are guys like the beastmen Su Wen once met.

When encountering professionals exploring the wasteland, they also caused casualties to the former.

Think about those days.

The tragic fall of Shanghai Base City is still vivid in our minds.

Under such circumstances, it is purely fanciful to expect the big bosses to have a good look on things like 'foreign races approaching the territory'.

What's more, the lunar corridor has now become a battlefield.

The fight above was a mess, but a large number of elites from China were trapped in it.

When encountering such a thing, they can't help but think about it.

Therefore, as soon as Wu Gangting received the inquiry call from the Municipal Bureau, he immediately contacted the minister who had not left home for thousands of years.

Trying to find a solution to the current tense situation that can be said to be on the verge of breaking out.



Before Li Xingjie could speak.

On the big screen, the picture from the perspective of the Wuming Island robot suddenly changed.

This robot is linked to the robot by military non-commissioned officers working in six shifts, 24 hours a day.

It was 'closed' in a room with huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

Under normal circumstances, the sergeants just operate it, plug in the charging cable, and sit on the chair.

With a viewing angle that is enough to take in all the scenery outside the window, you can sit there all day without moving.

no way.

This robot, to put it bluntly, is the human eyesight of the big guys.

As for the eye position, naturally the best effect is to maximize the field of view.

At this time, the prompt sound coming from the side made him turn his head subconsciously.

Then I saw an electronic screen falling from the ceiling that suddenly opened.

Hanging in front of himself.

On the screen, the chaotic image of 'Gamma' that looked like an electronic ghost appeared again.

"I'm thinking it's time for you to contact us now."

'Gamma' said calmly.

"Also, a reminder, this matter is not trivial. I hope you will be mentally prepared in advance."


Li Xingjie and others are not the only ones who know that the current situation is tense.

Although Su Wen likes to wear a vest, do things secretly, and make a fortune quietly.

But in the final analysis, he is still a Blue Star person and a Chinese person.

He also knew very well that such actions and misunderstandings might lead to unnecessary conflicts.


After dealing with the problems at the Omega Research Station, I boarded the shuttle and prepared to go to the temporary camp to meet up with Xia Zhenyue and others.

Su Wen has authorized 'Gamma' to deal with possible doubts from China.

By the way.

After all, this is also a good opportunity to formally establish relations with China.


'Mind Rubik's Cube', and 'Perfect Intelligent Life Mass Production Technology',

It all fell into his hands.

Now that I have chosen to take on this hot potato,

Then Su Wen had to be prepared to pay the corresponding price:

I want to suppress this fatal news,

He must eliminate all alien forces in the solar system.

But so many alien races from different civilizations...

Even if they are not of the same mind to each other;

Even if they are just a small advance team;

Even though there is no super civilization behind them, they are all ordinary low-level interstellar civilizations...

With so many advance teams destroyed, it was impossible to completely suppress the news silently.

He's just a fool, he slaps him when he gets bitten by a mosquito!

and so:

Once Su Wen wiped out all these alien advance troops.

There is no doubt that in the next period of time, there will be a group of more powerful enemies.

In this case, conflict with a potential ally.

It is undoubtedly an unwise move.

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