Fox Fairy Matchmaker: Dressed as the Silver Moon Guard Commander

Chapter 143 The sun sets in the west, and the heartbroken man is at the end of the world! (season fi

Tu Shanshuang's sword fell to the ground weakly. He didn't expect the third young master to be so strong.

But even if half of his head was kicked off, he still didn't die so quickly. The quasi-demon emperor's vitality was terrifying.

"Shuangjian! Rongrong, come here quickly and save Shuangjian" Tushan Honghong's sobbing voice came.

After hearing this, Tushan Rongrong was stunned and carefully placed Shura's body on the ground, then immediately came over to start treating Tushan Shuangjian.

Immediately, Tushan Shuangjian felt as if he was being embraced into a warm embrace, and the tip of his nose could touch the red peaks of Tushan.

"Wow! It's so touching! But you are still going to die." The third young master said calmly while hanging in the air.

"I'll kill you!" At this time, Tushan Honghong's anger had reached its extreme. Everything was forgotten. Now she just wanted to kill the person in front of her whom she hated so much.

But how can anger alone defeat the Third Young Master?

The third young master just pointed a finger, and the golden light shot out, instantly piercing Tu Shan's red belly.

Tushan Honghong collapsed to the ground helplessly. Even she was at wits' end.

"Don't hurt your sister!" came Tushan Yaya's angry voice.

I saw her rising into the air, followed closely by a punch that contained all her power.

However, the third young master took action instantly and grabbed Tushan Yaya's neck tightly.

And he continued to exert force. Tushan Yaya's face gradually turned pale, and she couldn't breathe. She subconsciously slapped the third young master's arm with her hands, but it was all in vain!

"Let her go." A hoarse and deep voice came, like the roar of a wild beast, full of murderous intent.

The third young master felt a chill on his back and subconsciously turned around to block.

"Bang!" Nangong Wenzui struck with a powerful and heavy blow.

At this time, Nangong Wenzui looked like a bloody man. His hair was disheveled and his face was covered with blood. His skin and flesh were turned out, and there was no good patch anywhere on his body.

"Can you still stand up?" The third young master turned his head and said with interest.

Tushan Yaya looked at Nangong Wenzui and felt unspeakably complicated. Why does this man love her so much?

"That's all, I'll kill you first!" The third young master let go of his hand, and Tushan Yaya fell directly from the air.

Then the third young master punched out, causing powerful energy fluctuations

Nangong Wenzui was not afraid and met the third young master's fist head-on.

"Bang!" The two fists collided, like a million tons of explosives exploding, causing a large amount of smoke and dust.

Tushan Yaya raised her head and looked at this scene as if her heart was lifted, and she couldn't help but worry.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, the scene Tu Shan Yaya hoped for did not appear. The third young master grabbed Nangong Wenzui's shoulder with one hand and lifted him into the air, but Nangong Wenzui's left arm was broken.

Letting go of his hand, Nangong Wenzui fell to the ground like a puppet with its strings broken.

Tushan Yaya rushed forward to catch him, tears welling up in her eyes. Only now did she understand her feelings. She clearly loved him!

"It's such a pity that after so much effort, everything has to come to an end." The third young master said with a sarcastic smile while condensing the wishful stick in his hand.

Tushan Rongrong looked at the terrifying figure in the sky indifferently. After Shura died, she felt as if she had lost the meaning of living.

"What is the last trump card you left behind, Shura?" Tushan Rongrong took out the Ares assembly order and looked at it and murmured

Then Tushan Rongrong shouted "Emperor Xia!"

"Do you think the toys you left behind will work?" The third young master smiled disdainfully.

However, the next second the third young master could no longer laugh.

I saw a golden beam of light suddenly shooting down from the sky. The energy was so powerful that people dared not look directly at it. It was as dazzling as the newborn sun.

The third young master couldn't help but take two steps back when he saw this scene, "What is it?"

The next second, a golden armor slowly walked out of the beam of light. The pace was very slow and medium, but every step he took seemed to be stepping on the heart of the third young master, making him tremble continuously in his heart.

The dragon's head, mastiff's back, tiger's shoulders, eagle's arms, rhino's legs, shoulder armor and back armor are stacked downwards, creating a sense of oppression.

"You've provoked someone you shouldn't have provoked!" The Emperor's armor's deep and domineering voice came, making people shudder.

"Really? How invincible are you?" The third young master pretended to be calm and watched as Emperor Xia stretched out his hand and condensed a wishful stick.

He threw it casually and smashed it up

Faced with the stick flying straight towards him, Emperor Man did not dodge.

Raise your hand and clap

"Boom!" The stick exploded.

"Aurora Sword!" Emperor Man twisted the knob beside his waist and a golden energy poured into his hand.

"Go back to your world!" Emperor Xia yelled.

"Emperor Evil Demon Annihilation Slash!" Then he turned his hand and slashed with the sword.

Before the third young master could react, he only felt a burst of energy hit him, and then his body began to explode inch by inch, slowly breaking into pieces.

Then it turned into dust and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The next second, Emperor Man followed the golden beam of light emitted by the sun and disappeared.

Everything is settled!

Nangong Wenzui was lying on the grass with blood flowing out, staining the soil red.

He looked at the blue sky above his head and was filled with reluctance. He didn't want to die yet! He also wants to see Yaoyao again!

Tushan Yaya slowly walked to Nangong Wenzui, holding on to prevent tears from falling.

Nangong Wenzui took out a bamboo flute from his arms and handed it to Tu Shan Yaya and said calmly, "Here...ya...o"

Tushan Yaya was startled and tears burst out of her eyes no longer. She knelt down in front of Nangong Wenzui and burst into tears.

"Since you love me so much, why did you do that in the first place! Why don't you marry me!" Tushan Yaya roared and asked

However, before Nangong Wenzui could spit out the next two "yaoyao" words, his head tilted and he died.

He didn't think he would die

Tushan Yaya stared at Nangong Wenzui's body in confusion, unable to say a word for a long time.

Then he slowly leaned over, ignoring the blood and the bamboo flute, and hugged Nangong Wenzui into his arms.

On the other side, Tushan Rongrong, who had finished treating Tushan Shuangjian, took Shura's body away with no expression on her face, without any smile on her face.

Tushan Honghong hugged Tushan Shuangjian tightly, as if she was glad that he was still there.

At this time, Tushan Shuangjian looked very weak, and said to Tushan Honghong with a pale face.

"Let's watch the dusk together"

Tushan Honghong was stunned and said to Tushan Shuangjian, "You haven't recovered yet. You should rest for two more days."

"No, go to the border to watch the dusk!" Tu Shan Shuangjian grabbed Tu Shan's red hand and kept emphasizing.

Although Tushan Honghong couldn't understand it, when she saw Tushan Shuangjian's firm plea, she immediately picked up Tushan Shuangjian and flew towards the border.

Tushan Shuangjian lay peacefully on Tushan Honghong's back, feeling the familiar body fragrance.

Tushan border

Tushan Honghong and Tushan Shuangjian sit on the stomping head of the city wall together

The sun gradually sets, and the light from dusk reflects on the two of them.

Tushan Shuangjian held Tushan Honghong's hand tightly and leaned on her shoulder

Before they got married, they always chatted and communicated here, which carried many of their memories.

Tushan Shuangjian felt the gentle breeze, and his consciousness gradually blurred. The next second, the hand that had been holding Tushan Honghong tightly dropped down feebly.

Tu Shan Honghong was stunned, tears slid down her cheeks, and she grabbed Tu Shan Shuang Sword's hand tightly, holding it in her hand as if she was afraid that he would leave.

That little bit of warmth slowly dissipates, like a flower fading to its reddish color

The golden light of dusk casts a beautiful picture on the two of them, which is very suitable for the scene. Dusk is the precursor of night, and it has the meaning of farewell.

Sunset, heartbroken people in the horizon!

Love will last forever, and for the rest of his life, as long as he is still alive, she will be with him like a shadow. She will always remember, she must remember, if even she forgets, then all the love in the past will really be like the phantom of morning dew, disappearing in silence.

That is a person, the most true love in life, will not and should not be scrawled and forgotten

It's a pity that this deep love seems like a good dream. The person in the dream is fake, but the tears on the pillow are real. How can she accept it? On many moonlit nights, she fell into sleep and refused to wake up. She searched all over the underworld and blue falls, only wishing to see her lover.

Don’t they all say there is a road to Pengshan? Isn’t it said that the distance between Yin and Han can be crossed? Why is there no tall and straight figure like that in the dream above the Nine Heavens?

Floating life is hurried, like a surge, and everyone is a wave involuntarily. No matter how outstanding it is, it is just a few waves. The waves hit the shore only for an instant, and they are quickly carried forward.

All encounters and ups and downs are just casual encounters. It is love, short-term tenderness, unforgettable love that brings waves to the long river of time.

Everyone I have ever loved is like a fish, be it crucian carp, carp, or ray, they are all the knot of my heart in this life.

(season finale)

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