"Hello everyone, my name is Zong Gu Yu, I am an alien who came to Earth to work. My daily life is to work like a slave for my boss.

Today, as usual, I was forced to sell my body and soul for a tiny amount of fodder.

The only difference from usual is... you three idiots! Don't just throw all the tasks to me and then sit aside and slack off together! "

On this side, Soya Yu was going crazy, and on the other side, Nangong Bo and Moroboshi Shin were already fooling Taiga and Yuxing.

"So, brother Carlos and brother Zero, why did you come to the Earth in this universe?" Taiga turned into a little energy man, sat on Youxing's head and asked condescendingly.

His tiger instinct told him that these two people definitely had bad intentions!

Nangong Bo sighed in embarrassment: "This is a long story."

Taiga: "Then let me make it short."

Nangong Bo thought for a moment and summed it up in the simplest terms: "This is fate!"

Taiga: “…………”

"and then?"

"No, you asked me to make it short."

Taiga: “…………” You are such a genius at summarizing!

"Ahem, then tell me in detail."

"Oh, on a dark and stormy night, I..."

"Stop! Let's get to the point. If this continues, the readers will follow the Internet and attack the author!"

“Ahem!” Seeing that Little Tiger was furious, Nangong Bo stopped teasing him: “It’s like this, the two of us received a commission from a large-scale life trafficking organization across the universe, so we tracked it all the way to this universe.”

"As soon as we got here, we ran into a big problem." Moroboshi Shin took over the conversation and continued to fool people: "We ran into Tregear."

"What? You met that bastard? Did you kill him?" When Taiga heard Torrekia's name, he instantly became erect as if he had taken Viagra.

"No, even though we two could beat the shit out of him, beat him into the shit, and then beat him with his shit. But he just let Grimd out."

"Grimd? What is that?" Taiga wondered.

Nangong Bo sighed. It was obvious that this child didn't study hard. Although there had been no news about Grimd, as a direct descendant of the leader of the Kingdom of Light, his family must have told him such important information.

"At the beginning of the world, there was endless chaos. The Chaos Demon Grimd was the first life in the world. It possesses the power of chaos that is superior to the power of light and the power of darkness. Chaos is also the source of light and darkness."

"Huh? Is there such a terrifying existence?" Taiga didn't understand what version update meant, but he felt that the existence of this setting was extremely powerful!

"With the emergence of light and darkness, time and space also descended one after another, and the initial chaos was replaced by order. Grimd, who lost the source of chaos, gradually weakened and was sealed in the cosmic ruins "Borges". In the end, Tregear sealed Grimd in his body and gained the power of chaos. His spirit was also affected by chaos and turned into the perverted and yandere Nantong he is now."

Taiga understood everything after hearing this: "That's why he is so strong. He also released the Grimd in his body in the critical moment and planned to fight to the death."

Yuxing's face turned pale when he heard this. Although he didn't know the exact level of Grimm, it was too ridiculous for a creature of this level to go crazy near the Earth! And...what the hell was this perverted yandere Nantong? What level of pervert could have all these attributes at the same time?!

"To be precise, half of Grimd was released. Carlos and I used up our strength in the universe to seal this half of Grimd, but we also temporarily lost the ability to transform. Considering that the seal could not last for a long time, we sought support from other universes and came to this Earth."

"Is that so...that's not right! What should we do with that illegal space gang that is involved in life trafficking?" Hu Zi discovered the bright spot.

"Oh, that. I have passed it on to a trustworthy friend, and he will do his best to resolve this issue."

On the planet Zhulan, Musashi looked at the shocking data on monster trafficking and persecution sent by Nangong Bo, and instantly turned into a Super Saiyan.

The next second, a blue light flashed, instantly turned into red and flew away from the planet Zhulan.

Nangong Bo put his arm around You Xing's shoulders and continued to fool around: "Then we met you, little Taiga, and naturally ran over to you for help. Woohoo, because we lost our ability to transform, we became weak and poor, and our mentality collapsed. It's really pitiful 5555!"

Zhu Xingzhen's mouth twitched. This guy's ability to lie is getting better and better. If he wasn't the person involved, he would have believed it himself!

Yuxing: “…”

Taiga: "..."

Please stop your pink-haired fox behavior. If you continue like this, the foxes will be eaten to extinction!

Although they despised Nangong Bo's scumbag remarks, Taiga and Youxing still warmly accepted these two wealthy space refugees and said:

“I, Taiga-sama, will protect the two of you! Grimd and Tregear are no big deal! Wahahaha!! Worship me! Look up to me! I am your pride!! Hahahaha!”

Bang bang! !

Then, Hu Zi received two slaps on the face. He huddled in the corner, crying and cursing the two guys who bullied him, saying that they blocked the toilet, had no pull rings when buying cans, had no straws when buying milk tea, had watermelon seeds all over their watermelons, and were always cut in line by others.

Shameless Duo: Ha! Don't think we can't hit you just because you're an energy body!

“You three, stop slacking off here!” Zong Gu Yu looked around but didn’t find any suspicious people. As soon as he came back, he found these three guys still slacking off here. His mouth twitched immediately, and he put away his tablet and walked over: “A cordon has been set up here, let’s go and ask about the situation.”

The three of them nodded and walked towards the leading police officer near the cordon.

Yuxing is indeed a fool like Taiga. He didn't show any ID and just said, "Hello, sir. Have you seen any suspicious persons?"

"Suspicious persons?" The officer on duty looked at the fool speechlessly and said, "You four are quite suspicious. Generally, no one would come up to you when they see police officers with guns and live ammunition, right?"

Uh... that makes sense, what should I do?

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