Scientist from the Land of Light: Ultraman Carlos

Chapter 577: Super Ancient Bomber - Zoga

The pillars occupied the entire ocean, as if they were going to swallow up everything. Their might was so great that even the Victory Team members who were evacuating people near the computer game city could see it.

"That direction is... the base!" Zongfang was stunned for a moment when he saw the abnormality in the distance.

Shinjo: "That beam of light... isn't it a fully charged Bajir cannon? Damn it! My house has been robbed!"

We are in the middle of a team fight, but the other team is already attacking the crystal. Who can stand this?!

On the other hand, Zhu Xingzhen was quite calm. What could possibly happen if they made a fuss?

"Mongfang calling headquarters! Please answer if you hear me! Please answer if you hear me!" Zongfang anxiously sent a message to the headquarters, praying that it would not be the worst outcome he imagined.

"I'm Megumi Iruma. The headquarters has activated the Sky Shield Barrier and is temporarily safe, but the headquarters' host system has been hacked and is under the control of the enemy."

Outside the TPC base, the yellow light dissipated, and a huge blue barrier enveloped the base, preventing it from suffering any damage.

Sohkata heaved a sigh of relief after hearing Iruma Kei's response, but Digi's words almost gave him a myocardial infarction: "The Draco cannon of the Atreides is ready to attack, and its target is the center of Tokyo!"

Zongfang looked at the only Hiyan II and Hiyan I on his side, then at the Bajir gun falling again in the distance and the Atlantis fully loaded with firepower in the direction of Tokyo, at the Zauga who was arrogant in the sky, and at the Japanese citizens running around on the ground, and suddenly felt that life was dark.

My friend, you want me to die!

On the other hand, after experiencing a series of inhuman tests such as the Royal City Jumping Music, the Holy Tree Stage, the Big-Head Monster Jinchi, the Fat Orange Tiger Vanguard and the Yellow Wind Ridge Sniper Rat, Ye Rui finally rescued everyone with his friends with a heart full of tears. At this moment... he almost cried out loud.

This journey has been so sad and heartbreaking, wuwuwu!!

"Oh, our brave man, after going through untold hardships, finally arrived at the feet of the Demon King. I wonder what our brave man feels along the way?" Nangong Bo sat on the floating seat that could piss Newton off to death, looking at Ye Rui and the others with a smile on his face.

When he noticed that Kallen and Nori were obviously closer than the others, the old director of this game finally revealed a relieved smile under his black and white mask.

Going through hardships together and moving forward hand in hand is indeed the best way to bring two people closer together. Especially after rescuing Lina, the relationship between Kallen and Nori instantly improved a lot after the misunderstanding was inadvertently resolved. Now the only conflict left is the difference in ideas.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Ye Rui looked angrily at the culprit who caused him to suffer inhuman torture, and even the background was burning.

"Me? I'm a legitimate demon god, so of course I want to destroy the world!" As he spoke, a large screen appeared in front of them. On the screen, Zoga was wreaking havoc in the city, the Bajir cannon was bombarding the Victory Team's base, and the Draco cannon of the Atreides was eyeing the center of Tokyo. The whole city was shaking in the chaos and crisis.

"Humans have been greedily pursuing power since ancient times, not caring whether they can control this power or what consequences it will cause... Of course, these have nothing to do with me."

"It doesn't matter, what are you talking about?!" Ye Rui felt that the guy in front of him was different from the traditional evil god. Why did he feel like a mantis shrimp? So naughty?

“Please don’t get me wrong, I just want to kill you all, or… be killed by you all!” Nangong Bo posed in the classic pose of the Fire Cloud Evil God. A twisted and violent voice came out from under the mask, resounding throughout Tokyo: “I am the ultimate darkness, the evil god Gatanjea. Now… please enjoy the praise of destruction!”

With a crisp snap of fingers, the long-accumulated energy of the Draco Cannon of the Atlantis burst out instantly, aiming directly at the capital of Tokyo.

"The evil god Gatanjea... Damn it, he must be stopped!" Zongfang frantically urged his clever brain, hoping to find a solution, but he was still powerless.

At the critical moment when the destructive energy was about to engulf the capital of Tokyo, a ray of light shot up into the sky and turned into a tall giant in red, purple and silver.

It held up an energy shield with both hands, blocking the roaring Drake cannon outside the city. The terrifying impact force spread and destroyed the surrounding buildings in an instant.


Seeing that Tiga was about to ruin his plan, Zoga let out a shrill bird cry, and his huge body was like black lightning, so fast that even his afterimage could not be seen clearly, and he rushed straight towards Tiga.

Tiga had no time to react at all. In the blink of an eye, a huge claw had grabbed his head. In an instant, black lightning carried Tiga into the air and disappeared into the starry sky.

The next second, the rapidly spinning huge shadow slammed into the ground with unparalleled force and gravity acceleration.

When this flying spiral was about to land, Dagu felt that he saw a kind old woman smiling at him.

Da Gu: "Grandma, are you here to pick me up?"

boom! ! !

The huge roar took away the hearing of everyone nearby. The huge force made the whole earth tremble. The smoke and dust in the sky dissipated, and a huge pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters and an unknown depth appeared in the suburbs.

In the huge pit, the black demon spread its wings and flew into the air again. Thick dark energy spread out, like an insurmountable mountain pressing on the chests of all who saw this scene, making it hard to breathe.

"Good! So strong! Completely... not on the same level as all the enemies I've encountered before!" Da Gu controlled Tiga's body and stood up with difficulty. He felt like he had been ravaged by ten female fairies in turn all night long. His whole body was about to fall apart.

After just one glance, he already knew what kind of ultimate data monster this thing in front of him was.

Unparalleled speed, powerful strength, and absolute aerial superiority... Is this a spiral yo-yo?!

Before Da Gu could recover from the shock, he was faced with countless balls of lightning, which shot at his most handsome face in the history of Ultraman.

"Fuck! It's a mobile turret?!" A J-20 with a tank shell and the firing speed of a cruiser's anti-aircraft gun, I just want to ask you, are you afraid?

Afraid! But it’s useless.

"Wait! No! Yamete!!!"

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