Seeing Brother Rob entering the dark space, Carlos looked at Tartarus: "Next, it's our battle!"

The next moment, Tartarus only felt a flash before his eyes, and everything in front of him was replaced by an endless starry sky.

Directly in front of him, a huge white sun was illuminating everything in this world. Above him was a starry river, and below him was an endless ocean of sparkling stars.

Through the ocean, you can see exactly the same scenery on the other side of the ocean, except that the sun on the other side is black, just like two sides of the world.

Light and darkness, order and chaos, justice and evil, everything is just another side of each other.

In this endless world, the silence is terrifying, and the first feeling one has is loneliness, apart from the magnificence and strange sense of harmony.

Endless loneliness surrounds the sun. Even though it is surrounded by stars and the sea of ​​stars is brilliant, they seem so close and yet so far away.

The shortcut is right in front of you, and it’s as far as... the end of the world.

A tall figure with wings on his back was right in front of the day. At that moment, he was the day, he was the master of this world!

Tartarus frowned and clenched his fists. Like in other realms, Tartarus could feel that the energy was being stripped away by Carlos's world of space and time and stars. Even his own abilities in all aspects were greatly weakened under the suppression of the realm.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the terrifying oppressive feeling from the entire world of time and space and stars, as if this world has wrapped him tightly and is going to crush him to death.

Especially the suppression of space-time ability, which almost directly destroyed Tartarus' space-time ability.

“Give up. In my world, you can’t escape!” Carlos’s cold voice resounded throughout the starry world, as majestic as an oracle from a legendary god.

"Of course, breaking a domain and breaking a small world are not at the same level of difficulty." Tartarus nodded in agreement, then looked at Carlos: "But no matter which one, there is a most direct solution, which is... to get rid of the person himself!"

"Ha! Arrogant!" Carlos shouted coldly, raised his right hand slightly and waved forward: "Carlos Stars!"

In an instant, all the planets floating around in the starry world suddenly burst into dazzling light, and at the same time shot out a thin golden line towards Tartarus, as if the entire world was launching a purge against the invaders.

Do you know the feeling of being targeted by the whole world? Now Tartalo has truly felt this feeling.

"Damn it! Absolute defense!" There was no way to dodge this attack, so he could only take it.

Boom boom boom...! !

Sparks produced by the explosions continue to bloom in the starry world of space and time, like flowers of death blooming in hell, charming and dangerous.

However, Carlos didn't believe that he could kill Tartarus so easily. Although he completely suppressed the opponent in terms of strength, it would still take a lot of effort to win.

You know, even when Tartarus fought desperately, his strength was not weak at all, and he could even force King Ao to take action himself!

So Carlos had no intention of leaving Tartarus here at all, but... was preparing to give Tartarus a big surprise.

"Absolute destruction!"

Sure enough, among the countless dazzling sparks, a dazzling golden lightning flew out and attacked Carlos.

"Carlos Thunder!" Colorful lightning jumped on the wings behind Carlos. The strange lightning gathered into a lightning spear in Carlos' hand. Just like Zeus casting thunder, Carlos cast the wrath of God on the ignorant people below.

The battle has just begun!

On the other side, Brother Rob was stretching out his hand like a fool, touching the air in front of him randomly, making the Dark Ultraman Killer who was lurking around Brother Rob in the dark area want to cry out for the air.

What are you doing? What are you doing? You can't do this to the air even if you are hungry and thirsty!

Could it be that these two idiots have no spatial ability at all? If I don't take the initiative to open the field, will these two guys be unable to enter?

Thinking of this, Dark Ultraman Slayer speechlessly opened up the domain, "Is it okay to let the enemy worry about you?"

When Brother Rob saw a hole suddenly opened in the dark area, he rushed in without thinking. With such stubbornness and recklessness, he was able to fight against Zeta.

As soon as the Rob brothers came in, they saw Cero and Grigio lying on the ground not far away, looking very peaceful, and they were immediately shocked.

"Ah! Chaoyang! How could you...?" Rosso knelt on the ground in despair, his whole body trembling.

"How could this happen?! Obviously... obviously I was just a little late?! What happened to you? Why did you just... wuwuwuwu!!" Blue couldn't believe his eyes. He looked fine in the video sent by Cero before, how could he be gone forever in an instant? !

The two brothers knelt beside their sister's [corpse], as if they had lost all color.

“Dark Ultra Killer…!!”

“I’m going to kill you! Aaaaaaaaah!!”

The next second, a violent aura burst out from Rosso and Blue, like two mad beasts, their eyes instantly locked on the Dark Ultra Killer who was just about to attack from behind, causing the Dark Ultra Killer's anus to tighten, as if he saw two system prompts flashing behind the two Ultras.

Congratulations to Rosso and Ultraman Blu for obtaining the BUFF: Anger of Sister Control, which increases attack power by 500%, speed by 250%, and decreases sanity by -100%!

"Come and die! Fireball ray!"

"Give me back my sister! Waterjump Stream!"

"Shit! Isn't your sister right behind you?! What's with this weird BUFF of yours?! I'm suing you for cheating!"

Dark Ultraman Killer was full of black lines on his head. Your sister is right behind you, what do you want from me? ! Forget it, you will be angry and so will I: "Ah! All those who are named Ultraman must be wiped out! Dark Killer shoots!!"

The three people who had no idea what was going on inexplicably started a life-and-death duel, and what the Rob brothers didn't notice was that their deceased sister scratched her butt in a daze, changed to a more comfortable position, and fell asleep peacefully.

In the outside world, the battle among the Ultra Warriors has already begun.

A dark red gun shadow and a blue and white gun shadow collided violently. The blue and white lightning and the scarlet lightning snake entangled and collided with each other, splashing countless sparks.

When the enemies meet, their eyes turn red with anger. The two of them face off with guns fiercely! You stab me, I stab you, and it seems like gay love is everywhere!

"Ginga, if those four old men hadn't intervened in the Spark Doll War, you would not be my opponent at all! Today! I will let you taste the power of my spear!" Obviously, Dark Lugiel was still brooding over the fact that the four old men almost killed him with one move each.

But it was obvious that he couldn't beat Si Laodeng, so he could only vent his anger on his other half.

Bah! Domestic violence man!

"Haha! How can a man who has died twice still be so arrogant? You're done for if I poke you! Take my bullet!"


"Why do you have to scream so refreshingly?!"

Even the Milky Way was speechless. Didn't I just stab you? Why are you screaming so passionately? If you don't know, you would think I did something to you.


Dark Lukiel's eyes condensed, and he suddenly raised the Dark Spark Gun in his hand, and with a bang, the Spark Gun in Galaxy's hand was knocked out and stuck heavily on the ground in the distance.


Galaxy was shocked. Dark Lugiel actually had no moral principles and used verbal attacks to deceive and attack a young comrade of my age? ! I advise you to learn your lesson!

Galaxy staggered back a few steps and glanced at the Spark Gun in the distance. His first reaction was to run over and pull out his Bayonet.

"Haha! It's not a good idea to grab a weapon the first time it falls out of your hand during a fight!"

However, just after he took two steps, Dark Lugiel suddenly jumped up and hit Ginga's chest heavily with the Earth-Running Stab, blasting him away.

Poor Yinhe, he plowed the ground for thousands of meters with his face before he could barely stop, and his handsome little face was disfigured!

"Damn it..." Galaxy's chest heaved violently. At this moment, Dark Lugiel was like a huge mountain that he could not cross. He stepped on him to the ground and humiliated him wantonly.

Damn it! It feels so good... so angry!

On the other hand, the situation of Victory's opponent Zoda is also not optimistic.

"Knight Victrim Slashes!"

Victory transformed into a knight, holding a knight's sword flute and a Shepparton popsicle, and turned into a blue-white light, rushing straight towards Zoda at an incredible speed.

"Emperor Slash!"

brush! !

The sword energy spans eight hundred meters, and the cold sword light flashes in front of the big V.

The powerful Emperor's Slash crushed towards Victory, knocking Victory out at the fastest speed than before, just like playing badminton.

In the TV movie, the reason why Victory was able to defeat Joda alone was not only because the Knight's Sword Flute had a special attack effect on Joda, but also mainly because Joda had just been resurrected and his strength had not recovered at all.

Of course, we may also have to add a little bit of the deep malice of the evil Consortium B. After all, judging from Zoda's setting, it is simply not something that Victory's arcane power can deal with.

Of course, it is not surprising that Victory, who is strong when facing strong opponents and weak when facing weak opponents, has any results.

But in this fierce fencing battle with Zoda, it was indeed Victory who was in a passive state and was pressed to the ground and rubbed by Zoda.

After all...he is Xiang!

"Damn! The enemy is so strong! Even the two of us are in such a mess, I'm afraid those lovely juniors are also in dire straits?" Galaxy said worriedly as he helped Victory up.

The two sighed helplessly and looked at the battlefield where the younger generations were.

"They must..."

Holding the Fang Tian Hua Ji (Transcendence Combat Device), Geed released dozens of Belia fusion beasts, and was fighting a righteous ten-to-one battle against the Dark Geed in front of him. Even if Dark Geed used a move that was more terrifying than the circle kick - the circle kneeling, it was still useless.


X casually used the X terminal to summon several virtual monsters, and also displayed superb group fighting techniques, shooting rays of light at Dark X in turn, causing Dark X to exclaim that it was too strong and he couldn't bear it.


The Taiga team of three cooperated perfectly, and they beat the dark team of three without giving them any face at all.


Gagra, Yuyan and Siren, one is the main output, one is the front-line meat shield and the other is a control hard support. They are basically using the Super Grant King Hammer. Even Gagra is in the mood to release a few sword energies towards Orb from time to time, and they can all hit Dark Orb accurately.

"Of course... woooo! Are we the only two who are so lame?"

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