Scientist from the Land of Light: Ultraman Carlos

Chapter 521 The Demonic God's Electromagnetic Waves

boom! boom! boom! !

As the city trembled violently, the shrill alarm sounded throughout the city and also throughout the Victory Team Command Center.

"Here it comes again! That weird electromagnetic wave comes again! The magnetic field strength is 5 Oersteds, and the location is 27 o'clock in area R." Ye Rui instantly synchronized the information he received to the big screen.

I saw that the magnetic field frequency in the R27 area on the screen was extremely high, just like Zhang Sanfeng practicing the boy's kung fu, standing tall and conspicuous.

But in a flash, the pillar that supported the sky softened and entered the sage mode.

"Ah, so fast. It's gone in the blink of an eye." Lina pouted in dissatisfaction: "It feels faster than Da Gu."

Everyone: "Pfft!"

Noticing everyone's strange looks, Da Gu blushed: "...Pfft! What are you talking about, Lina?!"

Lina: "The speed of the crash, what do you think it is?"

Da Gu: "... um... the speed of the crash..."

"It starts again. What does that monster want to do? How many times has this happened? Let's go, Victory Team!" Zongfang shook his head helplessly. Ever since he first saw the monster in the amusement park a few days ago, this monster has often appeared in various cities in Japan.

But the strange thing is that the monster only appears for a very short time each time, does not attack humans, and does not take any action. It's like... it's looking for something...

"Oh, it's already seventeen times..." Ye Rui looked at the automatically recorded data and was speechless. If you want to invade, then invade; if you want to find someone, then find someone. But why do you want to go back and forth, neither fighting nor leaving?

If Enemina knew what Ye Rui was complaining about, she would burst into tears. Didn’t she want to cause trouble?! She didn’t dare, right?! She was targeted by four big guys the first time she appeared. Did you know that she was so scared that she almost wet her diaper? She was lucky to be able to save her life, so what else did she need?

If that little thing wasn't so important to her, she would have wanted to escape from this universe and hide in the subspace! Yes! Hide for 100,000 years!

But this time is different. She has tried so many times, but the four big guys have never appeared again, so she is ready to take action.

At this time, Ainemina was very sure that those big guys didn't care at all, and her first time might just be bad luck.

The more she thought about it, the more reasonable it seemed, and the more confident she became. That's right... How could a boss of that level stay in one place for so long? He might have already left. It couldn't be that he was bored and wanted to leave the whole universe, right?

Thinking of this, Enemina smiled confidently, tore open the barrier of the subspace and walked in.

On the other side, Xincheng and Jujing had driven the Sherlock car to the location locked by the machine, but they did not see even the shadow of a monster.

"Can that monster really appear in this place?" Juejing got out of the car and touched his increasingly strong ninth abdominal muscle. He had eight abdominal muscles back then, but he felt that his practice was incomplete and he had not reached his limit. After countless days and nights of hard work, he finally developed a ninth abdominal muscle.

But this abdominal muscle is very strange, it is actually one...

"R area 27 o'clock is here." Xincheng frowned.

In fact, the two of them didn't feel nervous at all. There had been seven such incidents in the past few days, and they were used to it.

"Handsome guy over there, do you want to come over and watch the show?" Just at this moment, a familiar voice was heard.

It turned out to be the head of the performance troupe that Nangong Bo had invited before. After the performance that day, they not only received 300,000 yen in performance fees, but also an additional 200,000 yen in bonuses. So the head of the troupe had a good impression of the few people, so he invited them.

When Dijing heard this, he realized that this person called me a handsome guy! He really had good taste: "Thank you!"

"What are you so happy about?" Xincheng was speechless. Did they call you? Just agree.

Digging well: "He said I was a handsome guy!"

Xincheng accepted this unbearable title without any hesitation: "He is talking about me. Do you think you can be associated with handsome guys?"

Dijing took a look at his abdominal muscles that stretched to his toes and immediately became unhappy: "I have a girlfriend. How can you, a single guy, say I'm not a handsome guy? You're so annoying. I can't stand your personality!"

Xincheng: "Why are you making personal attacks?! I'm taller than you!"

Digging well: "I have a partner, and you don't!"


Xincheng: "I'm more handsome than you!"

Digging well: "I have a partner, and you don't!"


Xincheng: "I have a cute sister!"

Digging well: "I have a partner, and you don't!"


Xincheng was furious: "Can't you just stop talking about the fact that you have a partner?!"

Digging well: "Your sister is already married, but you are still nowhere to be seen."

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Shinjo Tou (艹皿艹 ): "Ahhhhhh!! I'm going to strangle you to death!!"

Digging Well: "Wait! Stop shaking, lunch is about to come out! Be careful or I'll vomit all over you!"

Just as the two were playing, suddenly a bolt of lightning flashed, and accompanied by the golden lightning, the subspace demon Enemina appeared in an open space not far from the two.

"She appears again! What on earth is this big sister trying to do?!" Jujing muttered.

Xincheng was curious: "How do you know it's a woman?"

Digging Well was speechless: "Are your pectoralis major muscles so exaggerated?"

Shinjo: “I don’t, but you definitely do.”

Digging well: "...I beep~~! You beep~~!"

Xincheng ignored the birdsong and flowers while evacuating the people, and sent a message to the headquarters: "Headquarters, this is Xincheng, a monster has appeared."

Enemina kept looking for Durban, and finally she saw a little guy who haunted her in the fleeing crowd. After a slight hesitation, Enemina gritted her teeth, and the bone spurs on her shoulders emitted purple light particles. At the same time, strange special electromagnetic waves began to spread and silently affected all life around.

Anyone covered by the purple light particles fell to the ground suddenly, covering their heads and groaning in pain.

"What is that?!" Seeing this scene, Xincheng suddenly became anxious and accurately took out the big treasure that Nangong Bo made specially for him from the trunk.

Juejing quickly used the machine in his hand to explore the surrounding situation: "It's electromagnetic waves! The monster is emitting strange electromagnetic waves, it is destroying the brain of life! Quickly turn on the electromagnetic shielding function of the helmet!"

Ainomeina waited for a few seconds and found that the big guys really didn't jump out to beat her up. She immediately became proud: Eh? No one stood up! Hohohoho! Then I can do whatever I want? ! Hahahahahaha!! Hahahaha... Bang! Ouch!

Enomina was laughing at the villain, when suddenly a green light shot out, not only interrupting her attack, but also pushing her back half a step, which was really powerful for humans.

Xincheng on the ground saw that the attack was effective and was about to fire another shot when suddenly a man rushed over from the side and, like a madman, threw a friendly punch at Xincheng's unexpectedly proud face.

Xincheng never expected that a civilian would attack him, so he gave up the attack and dodged the punch.

“Ahhhhhh!!” But the man still refused to give in, as if Xincheng was asking him to help raise his son while he was away.

Xin Cheng frowned. He didn't have time to waste with civilians. He decisively turned on the switch of the electric shock ring on his hand, and the next second...

Zizizi! !

Ahhh! Lelelelel!! Ugh! Ahhhhh!

Under the caress of Professor Yang's kiss, the man's eyes rolled back, his hands and feet twitched, and an unknown liquid flowed from his mouth. It seemed that he was really broken.

"What... is going on?" Not caring about the poor brother with the rolled eyes, Xincheng was stunned for a moment when he looked around.

The civilians who had just been evacuating in an orderly manner went completely crazy, their faces were hideous, their eyes were numb, they were either holding weapons to attack others, or punching and kicking like crazy people. They were frantically destroying everything around them, whether it was people or objects, they could not escape their clutches.

“Commander, although the electromagnetic waves emitted by the demon god are very small, they can make the human brain produce a kind of [fear hormone], which can trigger the urge to attack and kill, and even destroy various parts of the brain.

Although Nangong's newly upgraded electromagnetic wave defense function can protect our brains, it is not very targeted and can only provide effective protection for a limited time. "On Feiyan II, the sound of digging a well came, which startled everyone.

But the next piece of news made everyone relax a little: "But for some reason, the electromagnetic wave suddenly disappeared. Now I have completed the work of evacuating the people."

"What a devil!" Lina felt her hair stand on end after hearing this: "Fortunately, he disappeared suddenly."

"No, she is an invader... If the electromagnetic waves continue to be emitted like this... we must find out the reason why the electromagnetic waves disappeared." In the command room, looking at the detection data sent by Jujing, Ikari Ikari was more solemn than ever before.

This is one of the biggest threats the Victory Team faces. It is a terrifying existence that can completely exterminate humanity, and there is absolutely no room for carelessness.

"No! We must not let her go!" Zongfang knew that if this monster existed for even one second longer, it would cause unpredictable losses. He gritted his teeth and ordered: "Xincheng, lead the monster to the open space on the west side of the square! The enemy must be eliminated here!

Code TPC9528, send two more Feiyan No. s, don't use the fake ones left by the original equipment department. Send the Dram car as well, and load it with the unsimplified version of the petrifying ray, we want to defeat this dangerous monster in one battle! "


Munakata actually didn't like the previous equipment department at all.

However, when the Feiyan driven by Zongfang and his men arrived at the scene, Enemina showed a strange smile and then disappeared.

Zong Fang: “…………” I was just about to fight you to the death, but you actually backed down at the last minute? !

Fuck! You bastard! Fencing with me!

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