In fact, Miles has been looking for a connection since he met the young lady named Natasha Hayward at Clayburgh Racecourse three months ago.

Myers initially sought out the surname "Hayward."

But this is almost like looking for a needle in a haystack.

So Miles decided to first trace the letter he saw in his father's study, and he looked for the address where the letter was sent.

He almost turned over his father's entire study before finally finding the letter in a dark corner.

The address on the letter was to a remote fishing village called Hujing Village.

Of course, Miles went to the small fishing village according to the address written in the letter without stopping.

But when he first found a place to stay in a nearby town, he heard the proprietress of the hotel say that the small fishing village had suffered a huge shipwreck and had been completely abandoned.

Miles couldn't believe that he immediately went to Lakeview Village, but...

The dark, moldy hut and the damp, gray air all tell Miles that this small fishing village has been abandoned for a long time.

But Miles still refused to give up. Even if this small fishing village was abandoned, there should still be some clues scattered in it.

But unfortunately, there are almost no clues except for the moldy abandoned hut and scattered seaweed.

Just when Miles thought he had returned in vain, he suddenly found a missing person notice on a wall that had long been moldy and rotten.

Although this missing person notice has been very blurred due to the erosion of humid air and time, Miles still recognized the lady on it as Miss Natasha Hayward, whom he met at the racetrack.

The missing person notice had rotted so badly that it was almost integrated into the wall. Miles couldn't take it off, so he could only lean close to the wall to try to read the words on it.

Miles looked at the rotten missing person notice and vaguely conjured up the scattered words on it.

"Looking for...Nata...blonde...circus..."

These were the only words Miles could make out.

Although there were only a few scattered words, Miles got a lot of clues from them.

First, Miles can be sure that Miss Natasha Hayward, whom he met at the racetrack, is indeed from the small fishing village called Lakeview.

Second, from the missing person notice itself, Miles could tell that Miss Natasha did not leave Lakeview Village normally. She might have been kidnapped, trafficked, or ran away from home.

Third, from the clue of "blonde hair", it can be seen that when Miss Natasha left Lakeview Village, there must be other people assisting or accompanying her. Because Miss Natasha had black hair and the missing person notice specifically noted the trait of blond hair, it could only be the person who was with her at the time.

But here's the problem... Miles recalled carefully that the gentleman who accompanied him at the racetrack seemed to have red hair, not blond hair.

Could it be that Miss Natasha had some conflict with the blond gentleman during this period and they parted ways, or something happened to the blond gentleman?

But these are not the point.

The point is that Miles found a major clue on the missing person poster - the circus.

You know, there are actually quite a few circuses all over the UK, and you have to look for a black-haired lady and a blond gentleman who have been in one, and they may have been companions.

Although the number is still quite large, it has provided Miles with a lot of ideas. At least he knows where to look now.

And don't forget that Miles is a noble. If he uses his own power to find people who meet the following conditions, it will not be difficult for him.

Conditions: Female, black hair, black eyes, from a remote fishing village, once in the circus, had an encounter with a blond man, and finally left the circus with a red-haired man.

Although there may seem to be few clues, it actually comes in handy as Miles investigates.

First of all, black hair and black eyes are not very common in the UK.

Moreover, a person with such characteristics had to stay in the circus, interact with a blond-haired man, and finally left the circus with a red-haired man.

It's actually very easy to find.

But before leaving, Miles searched back and forth several times in Lakeview Village, but he couldn't find any news about Michiko.

Until nightfall, Miles returned to the hotel in the small town somewhat dejectedly.

"But it's okay, at least I found a clue... Michiko... I will definitely find you." Miles sat on a chair in the hotel's lounge area, comforting himself.

"Oh, sir, have you just come back from Lakeview Village?" The landlady came over and poured a glass of water for Miles, while chatting with him for a few words.

"Sir, you shouldn't go to such a weird place as Lakeview Village. I'm afraid you don't know. That little place used to be famous here. It is said that they would sacrifice people there every once in a while. A woman uses this to appease the anger of Poseidon." The proprietress said as she was minding her own business, not paying attention to the fact that Miles' eyes were getting more and more terrifying.

"But then I heard that the girl they had planned to sacrifice ran away and left Lakeview Village. Then not long after, the shipwreck happened, killing everyone in Lakeview Village. It was swept to the bottom of the sea." The proprietress became more and more enthusiastic as she spoke.

"Let me tell you, it was because they had done too many evils there that the gods couldn't stand it any longer, so they took away the lives of everyone there. It's really pitiful for the girls who were sacrificed... I also heard that those lakes The people in Jingcun would sometimes grab some girls from other places to replace the girls from their own village and sacrifice them into the sea. During that period, people in the small towns and villages around us were panicked. . Oh, what a sin..."

Miles no longer cared about what the landlady was saying. He just buried his head in writing a letter.

The landlady turned back and asked her husband, "You think so, old man? At that time, the girls in our town didn't dare to go out."

"You're absolutely right, old lady. The hotel we built for us at that time was almost out of business." The boss also said indignantly. God knows that during that period, his hotel could basically make ends meet.

"That's it, boss lady, what happened to us during that period was that we almost couldn't live." Other customers who came to drink in the store also agreed.

"Let me tell you, that small fishing village has done too many evil things to cause such a terrible shipwreck. How many innocent girls lost their lives there." Some people in the hotel expressed their pity for the poor girls who lost their lives innocently.

"Oh, okay, stop talking about this, you don't mind it being unlucky, just drink and drink."

The people in the hotel quietly took the topic away from the Lakeview Village and continued talking about trivial matters in their daily lives.

Suddenly, Miles stood up from his chair.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?" The landlady noticed Miles's abnormality and asked him.

"It's okay. I'm sorry, ma'am. Can you send me a letter?" Miles felt that he couldn't wait any longer. He originally wanted to continue the investigation after going back.

Miles wanted to ask the landlady to send a letter, so he naturally asked his friends there to help him investigate the clues he just found in Lakeview Village.

"But sir, the post office will be closed soon." The boss looked at the clock on the wall and said.

"I can add money, as long as you can help me deliver the letter to the post office within today." Miles simply didn't want to wait any longer. He felt that every extra minute he waited would put Michiko in danger.

The fishermen in the hotel saw that Miles seemed really anxious, so some young people volunteered to come forward.

"Let me help you take it to the post office, sir. My horse happens to be parked outside. I rode my horse to the post office with all my strength. I should be able to send the letter within today." The young man said as he picked up the letter. Passed the letter Miles had just written.

"Thank you, thank you sir." Miles handed the letter to the young man and put ten pounds into his hand.

That's a lot of money for errands.

The young man accepted the money and naturally knew that he would rush to the post office quickly.

After watching the young man leave, Miles went back to his room in the hotel to rest. He would go back tomorrow and he couldn't wait any longer.


Early the next morning, Miles packed his luggage and prepared to take the earliest train back.

"Oh, sir, are you leaving? Then I will refund the room fee to you." The landlady saw Miles carrying the luggage and wanted to walk out. She stopped him and wanted to refund the room fee for the remaining few days. he.

"No, madam, you can keep it. Goodbye." Miles picked up his luggage and ran towards the train station without looking back.

"..." The landlady looked at Miles who had run away but said nothing after all. She paid the remaining room fee into the hotel's profit.

Miles sat nervously in the waiting room of the train. The letter he wrote yesterday had been sent. He hoped that his friends there could help him investigate Miss Natasha's affairs.

This was his only clue to find Michiko.

…………The train exit one month later……

As expected, Miles's friend Tom was waiting for him at the exit.

"Tom, oh, God! You're here, I entrust you to investigate something..." Miles couldn't wait to ask Tom for clues to his investigation when he saw him.

"Miles, I don't know what's going on with you, but please listen to my advice first and stop checking." Tom spoke up first, interrupting Miles.

"???What did you say?!" Miles couldn't believe it. Tom was his best friend and the only one willing to continue to help him find Michiko.

Tom looked at Miles and took a deep breath.

"It's not convenient to talk here. You come with me first." Tom pulled Miles away without saying a word.

Tom took Miles all the way to his home, took him into the study at home, locked the door, closed the windows, and drew all the curtains.

"Myers, before I tell you what to say next, I would like to advise you not to investigate further. Even so, are you sure you still want to listen?"

"Of course, Michiko is my only belief in living." Miles said to Tom firmly.

"Okay." Tom took a deep breath.

"Don't tell anyone, I told you these words." After saying this, Tom was silent for a long time again, and was finally willing to tell Miles about his investigation.

"The Miss Natasha Hayward who you asked me to find once stayed in the circus, I did find clues about her, but the circus she once stayed in, I believe that no matter you, I, and everyone in the UK, should have heard its name - the Loud Circus."

"What did you say?!" Miles immediately screamed. It was indeed just as Tom said, the whole UK had heard of the name of this circus.

It's not because this circus is so famous, but because this circus once had some subtle relationship with God.

What happened back then is now painted on the church’s stained-glass windows.

Miles knew the stakes very well, but... "Please continue, Tom." Miles would give everything for Michiko.

"You know... or the story we hear every Saturday in church, in which some people from the circus were inspired by God to ascend to heaven, including Natasha ·Miss Hayward.”

What Tom said was based on his careful investigation. To be precise, after that incident, the Noisy Circus was recorded in the name of Count Jose Barton.

(After that incident, Jose Barton was promoted from viscount to earl.)

If you want to confirm who ascended to heaven at that time, it is very simple. Just compare it with the circus list at that time and you can easily find it out.

"But..." Next, Tom got to the point. This was also what worried him most about Miles.

"Do you remember that the adopted Son of God was characterized by red hair, red eyes, and missing a leg?"

Miles nodded, of course he knew, he could see it when he looked up when he went to church every week.

"That's the problem!!!" Tom slammed the table hard.

"Think carefully about what you told me! That red-haired man in a mask standing with Miss Natasha Hayward at the racetrack! Haven't you discovered the problem yet?! "

After being yelled at by Tom, Miles also reacted.

"Miles, I know that you have a very deep relationship with Hongdie. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to help you find her for so many years. But I also want to advise you, don't go and die." After saying that, Tom said completely The person leaned back on the chair without any force.

As a friend for many years, Tom certainly knows the relationship between Miles and Red Butterfly, which is why he has been helping Miles to search for Red Butterfly for so many years.

But just because they have been friends for many years, Tom doesn't want Miles to die! what is this? ! Have you found God's head? ! Miles simply doesn’t want to live anymore if he continues to pursue it! ! !

"..." After hearing Tom's words, Miles was silent for a long time.

Seeing Miles' silence, Tom finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he said that, he felt a little sorry for Hongdie, but it had really been so long, and Miles had proven his deep relationship with Hongdie, so stop checking and let go of the past.

"I decided to continue investigating." Miles finally said.

"What did you say?! Are you crazy?!" Tom couldn't believe that his once calm and calm friend had turned into such a love-mad person now.

"I know I sound like a lunatic when I say this, but I think, Tom, I might have gone crazy, right? I went crazy the moment I lost Michiko."

Miles sat down in the chair. From this moment, Tom remembered that he and Miles were no longer young. Miles was not only his good friend, but also his husband. If the speculation stated in the letter is true, Miles is also a father.

"I know, Miles, I will tell you exactly what happened." What Tom did was, of course, what happened at the fall race at Clayburgh Racecourse that Miles failed to catch.

Tom originally wanted to hide this matter for a while. Tom knew that paper could not cover the fire after all, and Miles would know about it sooner or later.

However, after God returns to heaven, no matter how much Miles investigates, there will be no results.

He hopes Miles can let go...

But looking at Miles's look, Tom knew that he would never let it go in his life, because this was about a family.

After hearing Tom's complete account of what happened at Clayburgh Racecourse, Miles immediately decided to go to Winston Manor in Manus.

But...before that...

"Tom, do you have paper and pen in your study? Lend them to me."

"?" Although Tom didn't know what Miles wanted to do, he still brought what he wanted.

Miles took the paper and pen and immediately started writing lines of words on the paper.

Tom sat next to him and watched, but the more Tom watched, the more he felt something was wrong.

"What are you doing?! Miles!! Are you writing a suicide note?!" Tom couldn't believe his eyes. He would rather he saw it wrong.

But it was written in black and white on the paper that after Miles's death, all the property in his name would be used for charity.

In fact, there is a reason why Miles wrote this. During this period of investigation, Miles has been able to determine that Hongdie's disappearance is related to his father.

Miles couldn't question his father, but he wouldn't forgive his father either.

He remembered that Michiko in his memory was so gentle and kind. Michiko would definitely be very happy if the money was used for charity.

" are really crazy..." These were the last words Tom said to Miles. He watched Miles's leaving figure from a distance and said nothing after all.

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