The Kreberg Racecourse in the autumn can be said to be overcrowded.

The large-scale horse racing competition held every six months attracts countless people to watch.

Manus naturally stood at the gate of the racecourse, greeting these guests who came from afar.

At the same time, Manus has been waiting to see when the agreed guest will arrive.

"Mr. Manus, I've been waiting for a long time." Natasha came with Andrew.

"Oh, welcome Miss Natasha, and Mr. Andrew."

Manus greeted them politely, and at the same time he also noticed Natasha's strange dress.

Logically speaking, since Andrew is a contestant, he wears a smart outfit, which Manus can understand.

However, Manus swore that he had never seen a lady dressed like Miss Natasha.

Natasha did not wear a long dress like the ladies who came to watch the game.

Natasha wore long-sleeved trousers, a set of boots, and a windbreaker. At the same time, she also had her hair tied up.

There is nothing wrong with Natasha's outfit in the eyes of modern people. Girls all over the street dress like this.

But in the eyes of Europeans of this period, her appearance was quite strange.

How can a lady tie up her hair?

How can you wear boots and trousers at a big game or banquet with so many people?

Not to mention that Manus has seen Natasha's financial resources. She has no shortage of jewelry, but it is strange that Natasha does not have any jewelry on her body today.

You must know that the jewelry on a woman is a symbol of the financial strength of her mother's family and her husband's family.

The family is rich, but the woman does not wear any luxurious jewelry. Either the woman is disliked by the family, or the family deliberately excludes her.

But Manus also felt that this was impossible. He had seen how much Natasha and Juke loved each other, and he did not believe that such a gentle Mr. Juke would not be willing to wear jewelry on his wife.

Manus quickly glanced up and down at Natasha's clothes, but he chose not to say anything.

Manus's wife Mary was deeply entangled in rumors, so Manus knew clearly that his unintentional words would also bring unnecessary trouble to Natasha.

"Oh, please come in, Mr. Andrew and Miss Natasha. Let me familiarize you with the competition process first."

Manus took Natasha and Andrew to the place where the competition horses were kept.

"Please choose a horse you like, Mr. Andrew." Manus knew that Andrew wanted to use a horse from his own racecourse, because Mr. Jiuke came and said it in person half a month ago.

Although Manus is a little curious, since Andrew can ride a horse, it proves that Mr. Juke has a horse at home, so why not use his own horse to participate in the competition?

But after all, this was Mr. Jiu Ke’s family matter, and Manus felt that he was not qualified to interfere. At the same time, Mr. Jiu Ke was willing to trust the horses in his own racecourse, and Manus also felt very happy.

Andrew went back and forth among the horses and finally selected a white horse.

Andrew: It's like butter.

"I'll take this one, okay? Mr. Manus."

Manus followed Andrew's voice and found that what Andrew had chosen was actually the white horse he had given to his wife.

"Of course, Mr. Andrew, please do so."

"Thank you."

So, Andrew continued to prepare for the game at the settlement.

Natasha and Manus went to the stands together.

Natasha put her hands on the railing and was waiting boredly for the game to start.

Manus on the side looked at the time on his pocket watch, then at Natasha, and finally decided to remind her.

"Miss Natasha, I'd like to take the liberty to ask, isn't Mr. Juke here yet? The competition is about to start."

"Jiu Ke may not be able to come today, it's just me and Andrew." Natasha replied.

"Oh, this is such a pity." After hearing what Natasha said, Manus did not continue to ask any more questions.

However, Manus was thinking in his mind, could it be that Mr. Juke and Miss Natasha had some conflicts recently?

Because of Miss Natasha's dress and lack of jewelry, as well as the fact that she had agreed three months ago, Mr. Juke did not come.

Manus felt that there might be a rift in the relationship between Mr. Juke and Miss Natasha.

But all this is just speculation, after all, this is someone else’s business. Manus felt that he had better not think about it any more. This was very rude.

In fact, Manus was completely wrong.

The reason Natasha was wearing casual clothes and no jewelry was because the manor owner asked her to dress like this before she came to the Clayburgh Racecourse, because the manor owner told her that this race was likely to happen. Some questions asked her to protect Andrew.

So the reason why Natasha wore a windbreaker was to use the windbreaker to cover the pistol on her lower waist.

Yes, Natasha knows how to use a gun, because the owner of the manor once said such a thing.

"Anyway, you have a lot of time now, so just learn everything you can."

So now people in the manor are involved in almost every field. After all, in the manor, the most important thing they lack is time.

And the reason why Juke did not come to Clayback Racecourse today is because he was entangled by Lucas.

As we all know, there is a fine line between genius and madness, and this sentence is aptly used to describe Lucas.

And Lucas's madness is cyclical. He will be normal for a period of time, but once he goes crazy, no one can stop him. (including Alva)

So when Lucas is in this period, everyone will try their best to accommodate him.

Unfortunately, Jiu Ke was chosen by Lucas. Lucas didn't know what was wrong with him, but he continued to upgrade Jiu Ke's prosthetic limbs, so Jiu Ke was detained by him.

But to be honest, Natasha felt that she could understand him. After all, who is not crazy in scientific research?

Moreover, Natasha also had an important task when she came this time, which was to broadcast live to everyone in the manor.

That's right, as long as Natasha is at the Clayburgh Racecourse, the manor owner can use Natasha as the medium to live broadcast the events of the entire Clayburgh Racecourse. (Similar to Gabriel who was with the first mate before)

Natasha was waiting boredly in the front row of the stands for the game to start. At the same time, there were comments about Natasha from behind.

Yes, Natasha's outfit is really weird among a group of ladies.

Coupled with the fact that Natasha was still a new face, she gradually became a topic of public opinion for the ladies behind to kill time.

Their discussions became louder and louder, and more and more unpleasant.

Hearing the discussion behind him, Manus felt ashamed because he was the one who invited Miss Natasha to come to the stand, but he caused her to fall into a turmoil of public opinion.

Manus just wanted to apologize to Natasha and comfort her.

But she found that Natasha had already heard the discussion behind but turned a deaf ear.

Natasha had long been used to it. When she was still in the circus, other people's eyes and comments were much stronger than they are now.

At that time, she wore revealing costumes, showed off her body in front of countless people, and used her beauty to please others.

Natasha thought that if it were her before, she would probably feel pain because of these comments.

But now she doesn't care about these comments at all. Others' malicious and filthy words cannot make her shine at all.

"Dang!" This is the sound of the game about to start.

All eyes are focused on the starting point of the racecourse.

Natasha found Andrew easily among the contestants, after all, only the horse he rode was pure white.

Andrew also noticed Natasha's gaze, and he raised his hand and waved to Natasha.

Natasha responded to him.

"come on."

"Bang!" There was a gunshot, and all the horses ran forward quickly.

This race is an obstacle course race, so there are hurdles at regular intervals that the rider needs to control the horse to jump over.

Everything was fine at first, until Natasha noticed something was wrong with Andrucci's white horse.

It doesn't run like a normal horse, but has a slightly crazy look.

problem occurs!

Natasha noticed this immediately.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the white horse Andrew was riding was running around like crazy, not only knocking down the rider closest to Andrew, but also running straight towards the audience.

Andrew tightened the reins desperately, trying to control the white horse, but the horse did not obey his command at all.

"Ahhhh!!!" Seeing that the horse was about to rush into the audience, everyone in the audience began to run away.

But how could they outrun a crazy horse?

Seeing that a tragedy is about to happen.

"Hey!" Andrew made a move that everyone present was unexpected.

Andrew held the saddle with both hands, took his feet off the pedals, did a handstand directly on the horse, and then grabbed the mane of the horse.

Throw it hard! ! !

The white horse was thrown to the ground directly by Andrew, and happened to stop less than half a meter away from the audience seat.

Seeing this bizarre scene in front of them, the people in the audience even forgot to escape. After all, no normal person could easily throw the horse to the ground with the strength.

Andrew: If you fall like this every day, you can do the same as me.

Seeing that the horse was lying on the ground motionless, Andrew began to look for Natasha in the audience. I wonder if she was okay in the chaotic scene just now?

"Andrew, I'm here." Natasha raised her hands to draw Andrew's attention to her direction.

"Sister Natasha." Andrew walked towards Natasha.

Suddenly, the white horse, which had been lying motionless on the ground, suddenly stood up again and rushed towards Andrew.

Noticing this situation, Natasha immediately wanted to pull out her pistol and shoot, but damn, there were people in front of her, blocking her.

Andrew was also stunned by this sudden situation. He was able to throw the horse out with all his skill. He couldn't bear the collision of the horse like this.

"Ahhhh!!" Andrew was so scared that he closed his eyes.

…30 seconds later…

The expected pain did not come, and Andrew slowly opened his eyes.

"Dad!" As soon as Andrew opened his eyes, he saw the owner of the manor coming, and at the same time, everyone else in the manor came (except Lucas and Jack).

I gave Andrew an easy smile, but in reality I was scared to death.

When I saw the horse going crazy in the manor, I was still comforting myself. I believed that Andrew could stop the horse, and the fact was the same as I thought.

But I didn't expect that the horse that had been thrown to the ground by Andrew actually got up again. I couldn't sit still.

I teleported directly to Andrew, used my divine power to control the horse's running, and checked the horse at the same time. I don't believe that a perfectly good horse could go crazy for no reason.

Andrew just watched his father's fingertips glowing as he gestured back and forth in front of the horse. Andrew knew that his father was checking the horse's problem.

Suddenly, Andrew noticed that his father's expression suddenly became very angry.

It had been a long time since Andrew had seen his father so angry. He subconsciously shrank his neck. The last time his father was so angry was when he and Karl sneaked out.

Andrew was absolutely right and I was absolutely furious when I found out that the reason the horse went crazy was because someone had fed it chocolate!

You should know that chocolate is like a stimulant to horses, and it does not take effect immediately. It takes a period of time for the horse to digest and absorb it in the stomach before it can cause the horse to go crazy.

Because horses will only start to quickly digest food in their stomachs when they are running, and they are not allowed to move in the stables, or when they are walking slowly on the road, the speed of digesting food in their stomachs is very slow.

This explains why when Andrew selected the horse, the horse seemed to be normal, but just after riding for a short distance, the horse suddenly went crazy.

This is simply murder. The person who feeds chocolate to the horse must know the consequences of doing so, but he still chooses to do it, not caring at all how many innocent people may be killed or injured by his actions.

And the person who does this can also be perfectly invisible, because after a period of time, the horse will excrete the theobromine in the chocolate from the body. Even if it is checked, no one will find it at all, and there is no such thing during this period. This kind of inspection.

People will only believe that Manus's horse went crazy and caused this tragedy, and will demand a large amount of compensation from him, making Manus, the innocent victim, a scapegoat.

Thinking of this, I felt like I was going crazy.

The audience who had been in the auditorium witnessed the coming of God with their own eyes and were worshiping God devoutly. However, they discovered that God was suddenly extremely angry. They knew in their hearts that there must be some rebellious person who had offended God.

As for the man who fed the horse chocolate, when he saw this scene, he was even more frightened because he already had a ghost in his heart, so he wanted to sneak away quietly among the crowd.

"Miss, where do you want to go?"

Natasha raised her pistol and put it to the back of the head of the prisoner who was trying to escape.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present looked at the man who wanted to escape.

"No, no, I didn't." The man was afraid and wanted to retort subconsciously.

But Natasha didn't give her such a chance at all.

"Are you sure? The chocolate in your pocket is starting to melt."

Natasha was right. The chocolate in her breast pocket had melted and even started to be printed on her clothes.

"No, no, I didn't know it would be like this." The man still wanted to quibble.

"A spectator who has watched horse racing all year round told me that he didn't know that horses can't eat chocolate. Do you think I would believe such a lie?" I said through gritted teeth. I would never let such a despicable and shameless person go. her.

And seeing me looking so angry, let alone the mastermind, even Natasha, who was holding a gun against her, felt a little scared.

Although I want to cut this woman to pieces right now, I know it's not yet time. There is one more thing I want to make sure of. If she is the one who commits the crime, I promise to make her death ugly.

I glanced at Karl, who was standing next to Andrew. Karl understood immediately and took out the mirror I gave him before, which can create people's sins.

The woman who was photographed in the mirror also reflected the filth inside her.

It's exactly what I thought.

She was also the culprit behind the rumors that Mary had an unclean relationship with the rider.

The mirror not only revealed him as the culprit, but also found out why he committed such a crime.

The reason is simple, just out of her jealousy.

Manus is the most famous local wealthy businessman and nobleman. He is rich, gentleman and handsome. Almost all the local noble girls want to marry him.

She did the same with this woman, but in the end Manus married Mary of the Clayburgh family.

Moreover, Manus and Mary were very affectionate after marriage, but the more affectionate they were, the more they aroused the woman's jealousy.

She went crazy thinking that he was the one Manus should marry, and it was Mary who robbed Manus. No, it should be said that neither Manus nor Mary should have happiness.

So she began to spread rumors that Mary had an unclean relationship with the rider.

And using the name Mary as the basis for rumors, think about it, Mary of France, Mary of Austria, Mary of England.

What’s even more ridiculous is that this woman still thinks she did nothing wrong.

Then gradually, just spreading rumors that Mary and the rider were unclean could not satisfy her heart that had long been twisted by jealousy.

She thinks Manus is also at fault, and she wants to punish Manus too. She wants to destroy everything Manus has now.

That's why she feeds chocolate to horses before races. As for the serious consequences of her doing so, she never considers it.

But now the evil deeds she has done are completely exposed to the eyes of the world.

The surrounding ladies and gentlemen felt very angry that they were being manipulated by such a narrow-minded woman and became her tool.

And Manus was equally angry. He couldn't believe that because of such an ordinary thing, this woman actually wanted to destroy his family.

"I think everyone here will have no objection if I take this man away for trial."

of course not.

Everyone present thought so, and people even thought that letting such a filthy person be judged by God himself was a compliment to her.

So I waved my hand and teleported this woman away. In the eyes of the people around her, it was a punishment sent by God himself.

But in fact, I didn't let her die so easily. Instead, I teleported her to Luchino's research room.

After all, Luchino only had Max as an experimental item, and he had to be careful not to let him die. After all, it was Valletta's property. So for Lucchino, it was a bit too restrictive.

So in that case, I'll provide him with an experimental subject that he doesn't have to worry about at all.

All the problems were solved, and I looked at Andrew who was still sitting on the ground.


Why does this kid still dye his hair with black carbon water?

What's worse is that such a big thing just happened, and a lot of sweat flowed from Andrew's head. The sweat mixed with toner flowed down his face, leaving black marks.

It looks more like someone digging for coal.

"Why are you still getting yourself so dirty?" I complained as I wiped Andrew's hair with the towel that I had used before.

"Don't touch me! You're so ugly!" Suddenly, Karl exclaimed.

It turned out that someone thought that Karl was young and God had gone far away, so they wanted to come over and try to get close to Karl.

But he didn't expect that Karl just glanced at him and immediately made a sound of disgust.

"You are so ugly, you are all so ugly, you evil-doing souls are so ugly." Karl said as he quickly scanned the people who had also spread rumors about Mary.

Those people who were looked at by Karl quickly thought about themselves. Could it be that they had really done any evil things?

Suddenly someone thought clearly, "But we just..." He also wanted to defend himself, after all, they also believed the rumors about that hateful woman just now.

"Then you said you didn't say it? Those words didn't come from your mouth?" Karl stared at him and asked.

The man stopped talking.

"I've done it, I've done it. There's no reason. For people like you who spread rumors, after you die, I will definitely cut out your tongues and make you mute in your next life. , Ba." Karl said it very clearly.

When the people around heard what Karl said, they began to be afraid.

Some people even knelt down immediately and told Karl that they knew they were wrong and asked Karl to forgive them.

"I am not the one you should apologize to. If you want to pay for your sins, you must obtain the victim's forgiveness and make up for the victim's losses." Karl has made it very clear. It is up to them whether they do it or not.

I looked at Karl's appearance and felt very proud. My little child has grown up.

At the same time, I looked down at Andrew. His hair had been wiped clean by me, revealing his original snow-white hair.

It was only then that Manus discovered that he could see the child of God every Saturday in the church’s stained windows, but he actually failed to recognize Andrew the first time he saw him? !

Manus began to blame himself for being so stupid, and at the same time began to think about whether there was any place where he did not provide good hospitality.

I looked at Andrew's clean head and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I almost didn’t want it anymore (=_=).

"Let's go home, Andrew."

"Wait a minute, Dad." Andrew pulled my sleeve, "I want to finish the race."


When I heard Andrew say this, I was stunned for a moment.

But do you just want to finish the race? There is no big problem.

I looked up at Manus, who was still struggling with himself.

Jack snapped his fingers in his ear, and he finally reacted.

"Ah...ah...dang, of course, this, this is my honor." Manus stuttered nervously.

But there is a problem. The white horse that Andrew originally chose cannot be ridden. After all, the theobromine in his body has not been completely eliminated from the body.

"Andrew, how about you race on that white horse of yours?"

"Okay." Andrew agreed quickly. His father agreed to let him continue playing. He was already very happy.

But I noticed a problem. From just now, Andrew has been covering his right wrist.

"What happened to your hand? Andrew."

"Oh, I'm fine, Dad, I just have a little pain in my right wrist."

I took Andrew's right hand and checked it, and found that Andrew's right wrist might have been twisted due to the emergency just now.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I was a little angry. This child was hurt and didn't know to tell me.

"I've grown up." Andrew muttered.


How could I forget children have grown up...

"But you want to play with a broken right wrist? Andrew."

"That's only fair."


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