All in all, Andrew really enjoyed this world.

But he's also long past the age where he gets excited about candy.


Andrew just didn't want to act like a little kid in front of his father.

So wait until dad leaves.

Andrew immediately buried his head in the ground.

Andrew: Eat, eat, eat!

the other side,

After I left, I also started to help Andrew build a horse training facility.

After all, if he wants to ride a horse, he should first get in touch with the horse.

I think about it, I think about it.

After all, if it was just Andrew, I wouldn't have to build so many horses.

Five horses should be enough.

While I was building the training ground, I thought about the original plot of the Clayburgh Racecourse.

If nothing else happens, some horses will definitely go crazy by then.

Thinking of this,

I silently added some attributes to these five horses: they are difficult to tame.

These five horses have very strong tempers. They will try their best to throw off the people riding on their backs, but once they are tamed, they will be very obedient.

By the way, for Andrew's safety, I made the ground very soft so he wouldn't be hurt if he fell.

At the same time, these horses will try their best to throw people off, but once people are thrown off by them, they will not continue to attack.

You should know that accidents during horse racing often occur when a person on horseback falls off and is trampled by the horse.

Perfect, the rest is just waiting for Andrew to come over.

Meanwhile, in the world outside the manor.

Alice and Aoife were jumping home with the candy Andrew gave them.

As soon as they entered the door, they were greeted by their father's anxious face, and the two children ran out without saying a word.

"You two better explain, what on earth did you go to do?"

Alice and Aoife looked at each other and chirped out all the things they met on the road.

After hearing that the two children went out to buy gifts for Mary, Manus gradually calmed down his anger.

He is really too worried about the children. His wife's mood has been getting worse and worse recently. He can't imagine what will happen to his wife and what will happen to him if something happens to the children at this time. Sample.

Thinking of this, Manus carefully looked at the two candies brought back by the children.

The production is really beautiful, and the craftsman who made this candy also did a great job in coloring the candy.

Watching the children chattering about the two people they met on the road, Manus also began to wonder about the identities of these two mysterious gentlemen.

But before that...

Manus gave the candy back to Alice and Aoife.

The two children immediately went to find Mary with their candies.

Watching the two children gradually walking away, Manus began to pray that the affairs of these two mysterious gentlemen could help his wife Mary to be happy again.

Recently, Mary gradually became unwilling to go out anymore. She locked herself in her room all day long, and the rumors outside almost overwhelmed her.

"Mom." Alice opened the door and walked into the room.

Mary immediately calmed down her expression and asked Alice what was going on here.

"This is for your mother." Alice held up the candy in her hand and held it in front of Mary like a treasure.

Two beautifully crafted candies, Mary had never seen before.

Like a gem…

The two candies even shimmered under the light.

Alice and Aoife, who were chattering about wanting to tell Manus, once again explained to Mary the adventure they had had on the road.

But Mary didn't pay much attention to what the children said.

She just stared closely at the children's faces.

The two children tried their best to make her happy, so why should she give up?

She would persevere, at least, for the sake of the children.

"Thank you, children, I'm really happy." Mary suddenly hugged the children in front of her tightly.

Alice and Aoife were very happy to see that Mary was no longer as unhappy as before, and they were also very grateful to the two gentlemen for the gifts they gave them.

But what Alice and Aoife didn't know was that what kept Mary going was not praise, jewelry, or horses, but maternal love.

Mary never wanted her emotions to affect her children, so she always pretended to be normal in front of them.

But what she didn't expect was that the children had already noticed it.

As Mary, it's likely that the gossips would defeat her, but as a mother, she would just persevere for the sake of her children.

On the other side, in the manor.

Andrew finally pulled himself out of the pile of cakes.

The only thing that allowed Andrew to leave that candy world was that he was full.

And I have already prepared everything for Andrew to learn equestrian skills. I even made the five horses different colors to make it easier for Andrew to distinguish them.

But there is really one thing I have to complain about, which is where did Andrew learn this strange naming technique?

He named these five horses:

white horse - cream

yellow horse - cheese

Brown horse - black tea

Gray Horse-Cookie

black horse - chocolate

Has this kid been eating too much desserts lately?

But Andrew himself thought these names were very cute. He couldn't wait to ride on Cream, and then was thrown off by Cream.

Seeing the sudden incident, Andrew lying on the ground completely unresponsive, I stepped forward.

"I forgot to tell you, Andrew, these five horses have very strong tempers. If you want to ride on them, you have to tame them yourself."

After that, I left and let Andrew slowly get used to the five horses.

"Host, what if Andrew doesn't want to ride like this?" The system couldn't help complaining.

"No, first of all, Andrew's character is not like this. He is born with the kind of character that refuses to admit defeat. Secondly, don't forget that Andrew is 15 years old now, which is when he is rebellious. The more these five horses will not let him The more he rides, the more he wants to ride.”

Don't underestimate the power of rebellious teenagers!

at the same time……

After hearing what Carl said about what happened during their outing, Juke felt that he needed to contact the owner of Clayburgh Racecourse.

Natasha also wants to move forward together, but before that, they have a big problem.

Just like Karl said, the little girl named Alice they met on the road felt very familiar just by seeing Andrew's eyes. Don't forget that Andrew had dyed his hair black at that time.

Therefore, if Jiu Ke walked directly on the street, something would definitely happen, so he had to think of a way to prevent Jiu Ke from being seen by others.

Ka and Natasha were having a heated discussion. They were discussing how to find a way to prevent Juke from being recognized by people on the road.

Sometimes the more difficult problems often require the simplest solutions.

Qiu Ke, "Click!"

I put a mask on my face and the problem was solved.

Karl and Natasha, who were originally discussing, looked at the solution that Juke came up with in silence.

Don’t you think this solution a minute, it seems to be really possible.

After all, Jack's hair is not as rare as Andrew's. People with red hair are not uncommon in the UK.

As long as Jiuke's face is not seen by others and he hides his prosthetic limb, who can recognize who he is?

So after thinking about it, both Karl and Natasha highly agreed with Qiuke's solution.

Of course, the mask Ji Ke is wearing is definitely not the clown mask.

If you let Jie Ke walk down the street wearing a clown mask, wouldn't others think he's a lunatic? Qiu Ke himself was embarrassed to do this.

The mask Qiu Ke wears is a very simple white mask that fits the contours of his face. Except for a pattern traced with gold powder on it, there is nothing else.

Simple, but able to show the extraordinaryness of the wearer.

very perfect.

As for Natasha, naturally there is no need to wear a mask. After all, people don’t remember what Natasha looks like.

So after the three of them packed up, they set off on the road to Winston Manor together.

(Oletis Manor in the game was originally called Winston Manor. Later, after the Clayburgh Racecourse incident, it was sold by Manus, and was later owned by the grown-up Aoife, also known as Orphee. After Si bought it, he changed his name to Oritis.)

At the same time, Juke also brought a gift to the mistress of the manor.

The three people arrived at the door of Winston Manor, and after explaining their identities to the servants, they were let in easily.

After all, before this, Manus had told the servants in the manor that if anyone said that he was the one who gave Alice candy before, he would let them in.

While the three of them were waiting in the reception room, Alice was the first person to enter.

"It's Mr. Karl, you're here." Alice said happily.

Hearing what Alice said, Manus, who was following him, also came in.

You must know that the place where Andrew gave Alice candies was on the street, so it was inevitable that some people with ulterior motives would sneak into the manor pretending to be friends with Alice.

Therefore, Manus decided to let Alice see if the visitors were the two gentlemen who had given him candy on the road.

"Welcome to Winston Manor, let me introduce myself first. I am Manus Dros, the owner of the manor." Manus introduced himself to the visitor.

"Hello, my name is Juke, this is Natasha, and this is my brother, Karl, he has met your daughter before."

Manus looked a little strange when he saw the mask on Juke's face.

But Manus didn't think too much about it. After all, it was inevitable that some people would have some quirks or some unspeakable identities. This was probably the case for this gentleman.

"Oh, by the way, I prepared a gift for your lady before I came here." After saying that, Qiu Ke took out the gift he had already prepared.

It is an extremely beautiful necklace made of various gemstones of different colors.

Even Manus, who was used to seeing jewelry, had to admit that this necklace was very exquisite.

"Thank you very much for your gift, Mr. Jack."

So next, Manus, Juke, and Natasha discussed some things together in the reception hall. And Carl and Alice ran out to play.

During the exchange, Qiu Ke also roughly understood the general background of Clayburgh Racecourse.

This is a racecourse built by Manus to please his wife. Every spring and autumn, various celebrities gather here to watch horse racing competitions.

So Qiu Ke took the opportunity to say that he wanted his younger brother, Andrew, who had dealt with Alice before, to participate in the horse racing competition this fall.

Manus didn't find it strange about this. After all, not all the nobles and celebrities would just stand in the stands and watch the game. Some of them would also participate in the game themselves.

So the two hit it off.

At the same time, Manus also invited him to watch a small horse race today.

Although it is not autumn yet and the flow of people at the racecourse has not reached its peak, there will still be many exciting races.

Of course, Jiuke agreed without hesitation. After all, he wanted to see what the rules of horse racing were like.

So Juke and Natasha took Karl and Manus to the Clayburgh Racecourse.

But what surprised everyone was that Mary actually planned to go with Alice and Aoife.

Mary felt that she had been in her room for too long without seeing the sun, and she thought she should take the children out for a walk today at least.

So everyone headed to the racecourse together.

Along the way, Carl kept staring at Mary's face.

Mary felt a little uncomfortable. She was afraid that the child would also believe the rumors on the street.

"Karl, what are you looking at?" Natasha naturally noticed Karl's abnormality.

"Sister Natasha, look at her." Karl said, staring at Mary intently.

Mary even regretted coming out a little. She didn't expect that she would have to face such a thing again as soon as she went out.

But what Karl said next was far beyond Mary's expectations.

"She is so beautiful."

Mary was slightly surprised when she heard Karl's words.

How long had it been since she had heard someone praise her?

"Thank you, kid," Mary said with a smile.

Manus looked at his wife, and he felt more and more that it was a wise decision to deal with these gentlemen.

But what they don't know is.

Natasha noticed Karl staring intently at Mary.

Karl actually didn't care about a person's appearance at all. In Karl's eyes, it was just a skin after all.

But don't forget, Karl is in charge of the dark world after death. Karl has long developed a pair of eyes that can see through people's souls through their skins.

So when Karl said that sentence, Natasha understood.

Karl was not talking about Mary's appearance.

He was praising Mary's soul, which was truly beautiful.

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