The air smelled of low-quality cigarettes and alcohol, as well as a faint smell of blood.

This is where the mercenaries gather.

Countless mercenaries smoke and smoke here, using cigarettes, alcohol or drugs to numb their nerves.

A dilapidated cabin, a bar that had long been moldy and rotten, a few bottles of inferior wine, a few tables and a few chairs formed a gathering place for mercenaries.

"Ding Ling——" The bell nailed to the inferior wooden door was pushed and rang.

The visitor is a well-dressed old man. Although he is older, he behaves competently and looks like he should be engaged in a good job. At least it is much more respectable than a mercenary.

Such a person who was incompatible with the surrounding environment naturally attracted the attention of all the mercenaries.

"Good evening, gentlemen." The visitor took off his hat and shouted to the mercenaries in the room. "I have a job here. Is there any gentleman who can do it?"

"Hey, old man, do you know where we are here? You want us to work. First you have to give us money." A mercenary shouted at him, asking them to work for money.

"Of course, gentlemen, as long as you can complete the task, the price is easy to negotiate." The visitor said neither humble nor arrogant.

The mercenaries looked up and down at the old man, who looked like he was not someone who couldn't afford the money.

So they asked him, "What's the errand?"

"I am the steward of a manor. I only need one of you here to help my master, the owner of the manor, take care of a patient." The old man said without being humble or condescending, but it caused all the mercenaries to burst into laughter. laughing out loud.

"Hahaha! Take care of the patients! Haha!!"

"Let us take care of the patients! Hahahaha!"

"Haha! Does this old man know where this place is? Hahaha!"

The mercenaries laughed wildly and laughed at the old man in front of them. They even doubted whether he knew where this place was. They were mercenaries, and their duty was to kill people, not to take care of others.

"I'm willing to go." A sudden voice sounded amidst the laughter of the mercenaries.

The laughter of the mercenaries stopped suddenly, and they all turned their heads to see who had taken over this ridiculous task.

"Who am I talking about? It turns out to be Naib Sabeda." A mercenary said jokingly.

The name Naib Sabeda is not uncommon among mercenaries. To be precise, this guy's name is even famous among mercenaries. This guy is very skilled in his business and can accurately complete tasks for his employer every time. At the same time, this guy will do anything for money.

So when they saw that Naib Sabeda had taken over this strange task, the mercenaries took it for granted.

This little dwarf will do anything as long as you give him money.

Naib Sabeda didn't pay attention to the looks of the mercenaries around him, and walked straight to the old man who issued the mission.

"I'm willing to take on this task, but you have to tell me how much remuneration you can give me?" After all, it's still about money.

"Of course, no problem, sir, I can offer you a reward that you will never refuse. Before that, can you tell me your name?"

"My name is Naib Sabeda. Okay, stop talking nonsense and tell me, how much reward can you give me?" Naib became impatient and quickly told him the reward so that he could complete the task and get the reward. money.

Naib began to think about how much money he could get from this mission. Because it was just a small thing like taking care of patients, the money he got would definitely not be much. The money he sent home this month was too little, no matter how small or tiring the mission was. , I had to take it myself.

"Sir, please stretch out your hand." The butler said in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

The person in front of him made a strange request, but Nabu still stretched out his hand.

"Palms up."

Nabu did as he was told. He didn't know what the old man in front of him wanted to do.

There was a heavy weight on his hand, which made Nabu's brain feel like he had been punched hard.

The butler in front of him put a heavy bag of gold coins into Nabu's hand.

"There are a total of 500 gold coins here, Mr. Naib, this counts as a deposit. The remuneration for taking care of the patients is pounds. What do you think of this remuneration?" The butler said in a neither humble nor overbearing tone, as if he was completely unaware of the amount of money. How crazy it was for Naib and the mercenaries present.

You know, just the deposit of 500 gold coins requires a mercenary to work 24 hours a day without eating, drinking or sleeping. It takes a whole lifetime to earn it. (At that time, mercenaries could only earn a few gold coins a year. Of course, this depended on the situation, but it was certainly not much.)

Naib was knocked unconscious by the gold coins that the butler in front of him took out. He had never seen so much money in his life.

What's more, this is just a deposit. They will also pay themselves 500 pounds, gold coins and pounds later. As long as they complete this errand, they can go home.

The appearance of his original home seemed to have appeared in front of Nabu's eyes, as well as the woman who was vague but clear in his memory, his mother.

"I will do it, sir, please let me do it. No matter what it is or what you ask for, I will do it. Please give me this job." Naib tightly grasped the hand of the butler in front of him and begged. , he must take this job.

"Of course it's no problem, Mr. Naib Sabeda, I have decided that you will take over this job." The butler said calmly and cut off the thoughts of all the mercenaries around him. After all, there were so many Money, when the housekeeper brought it up, the mercenaries around him had already begun to think of robbing the errand.

Hearing the steward in front of him specify that he should handle this job. Naib finally felt relieved. He had to do it well. After doing it this time, he could go home. He could finally go home.

So Naib extended his hand excitedly, "Then our deal is concluded. Sir, I will help you take care of a patient and help him recover. You will give me 500 gold coins and pounds."

But looking at Naib's outstretched hand, the housekeeper didn't respond.

Naib started to panic. Did the person in front of him see that he agreed too quickly and felt that the money given was too much? No, he must take this job. He, he can reduce the money a little bit more, so You must hold on to the money you have.

Seeing that the housekeeper who posted the mission did not respond to the surrounding mercenaries, they began to get ready to make a move. After all, with so much money, even if they only get half of it, it would be enough for them to live the rest of their lives without worrying about food and clothing.

"You may have misunderstood. Mr. Naib Sabeda did not give you ten thousand pounds in total, but ten thousand pounds a day." However, the butler's words greatly exceeded the expectations of everyone present.

Ten thousand pounds a day? !

Oh my God! Even if it is a task issued by the king, it is impossible to give so much money, right?

Could this so-called manor owner have a money printing machine at home? ! Or does he control all the money in Britain? !

"Please allow me to confirm again, sir, is it really ten thousand pounds a day?" Naib asked the butler in front of him with a trembling voice. He had never thought that he could have so much money.

"Yes, that's right, Mr. Naib Sabeda, you heard it right. It is indeed ten thousand pounds a day. At the same time, as long as you can help the patient recover, we will pay you another 500 gold coins." The butler is neither humble nor overbearing. As he spoke, he completely ignored how shocked the people around him were by his words.

Naib felt that his whole body was spinning. He had never dared to think about such a large amount of money before. He had even begun to fantasize about his life after getting this money. After completing this job, he would buy a boat immediately. I will return to Nepal, buy a piece of land in Nepal, build a small but warm house, and live happily with my mother for the rest of my life.

"No problem, sir, I am willing. I will do it! I will do it!" Nabu accepted the task without hesitation. Are you kidding? So much money? Even if he was asked to catch a demon from hell, he would shoot himself in the head without hesitation.

"Then our deal is concluded, Mr. Naib Sabeda." After saying that, the butler shook Naib's already extended hand.

"Mr. Naib Sabeda, you can go in and pack your things first. Our carriage is waiting for you outside. You can go to the manor now."

"No, no need. Let's go now." When the housekeeper in front of him asked him to pack his things, Nabu immediately refused. Every second he delayed now was a second's delay in making money, not to mention that he didn't have any money in the first place. There were so many valuable things to pack, and almost all of my money was sent home.

"Well, Mr. Naib Sabeda, please come with me." The housekeeper walked in front and led Naib to a carriage.

Nabu looked at the carriage up and down. The workmanship of the carriage was gorgeous, and it even had gold foil patterns on it.

It seems that this business is stable.

But suddenly a decoration on the carriage made Nabu suspicious.

"Mr. Steward, I presume it's getting dark now? Will you need curtains to cover every window in the carriage?"

This is really strange, as if the people inside don't want to know where the carriage is going.

Not only that, since discovering this strange place, Nabu began to feel that there was something particularly strange about this whole thing.

First of all, the carriage in front of him was very strange. The carriage was completely dark, the horses in front were black, and even the driver was wearing black. It seemed as if he didn't want people to notice the carriage and the carriage. People in carriages.

The second thing is this job. To take care of a patient, you will be paid 500 gold coins just for the deposit. It is impossible no matter how you think about it, right?

Or, is this patient particularly difficult to deal with, an infectious disease? Or is it a mad disease with strong attack power? Or is he just using the excuse of taking care of the patient to get rid of him?

The more Naib thought about it, the more he felt that there was something strange about this job.

Naib was so focused on his thoughts that when he realized what he was doing, he was already sitting on the carriage.

The carriage was slowly moving forward and the windows all around were covered with black cloth. Nabu had no idea where he was being taken.

Nabu reached out to lift the black cloth covering the window.

"Please don't do this, sir." The butler sitting on the opposite side of the carriage stopped Nabu.

Nabu subconsciously retracted his hand.

"I think even if you are going to perform a mission, you don't need to use this method." Naibu said pointedly, but he didn't want to fall out with the butler in front of him. After all, so much money was tempting to him. Still big.

"Please forgive me, Mr. Naib Sabeda. I should have explained it clearly to you before getting on the carriage, but I saw that you were too absorbed in thinking, so I didn't interrupt you." The butler immediately interrupted. He apologized to Nabu and showed no hostility.

"The reason why the carriage is completely dark and the windows are covered with black cloth is because my master, the Lord of the Manor, doesn't want anyone to know the location of the manor, so he uses this method." Butler Xiang Nai Boo explained the reason for the abnormality in the carriage.

Naib understood what the butler meant. The carriage was completely dark to prevent anyone from following him in the dark, and the windows of the carriage were covered with black cloth to prevent him from seeing the road to the manor.

Naib expressed his understanding. After all, in his many years of mercenary career, he occasionally encountered one or two employers with quirks.

Probably the owner of the manor didn't like to communicate with ordinary people. This time it was because of the patient. There was no other way, so he asked the housekeeper to come out and find a mercenary.

After all, mercenaries only get paid to do things. As long as they complete the task and get the money, what about the process in between? They don't care at all.

Naib even somewhat understood why the housekeeper went to find mercenaries instead of a doctor when there was a patient at home.

Now that the unusual situation in the carriage has been explained, the mercenary decided to ask the housekeeper for information about the patient he needed to take care of. After all, this was also within his duties.

"I understand, Mr. Butler, can you now introduce to me the patient who needs my care?"

"Of course it's no problem, Mr. Naib Sabeda." The butler said in a neither humble nor condescending manner, "The gentleman you need to take care of is Mr. Norton Campbell. Mr. Campbell's mental condition is very bad and he must be cared for 24 hours a day. Otherwise, he might do something harmful to himself."

Hearing what the butler said, Nabu felt that this mission might be a little troublesome. Unexpectedly, he guessed that he was actually a crazy guy.

"So your task is to take good care of Mr. Campbell. You must not only prevent him from self-harming behavior that may occur anytime and anywhere, but also protect him from getting hurt. At the same time, you must also take good care of his emotions and keep him happy at all times. He will be in a good mood until he recovers." The butler continued.

Naib even started to feel a headache. He understood a little bit why this job had so much money.

But Naib still felt a little strange. Even a mad patient could not ask the manor owner to pay so much money.

"Is that all there is? Don't you have anything else to add, Mr. Butler?" Naib decided to test it out. With so much money, it only allowed him to take care of a crazy patient. Naib felt that it was absolutely necessary. It can't be such a simple task.

"Yes, Mr. Naib Sabeda just has such a simple task. Because Mr. Norton Campbell is the most important 'family' of the owner of the manor and other gentlemen in the manor, that's why he has so much money." The steward Explained to Naib.

Hearing what the butler said, Nabu couldn't help but feel a little moved, "Family"? So the owner of the manor really spent a lot of money for his "family"!

Although the words of the butler in front of him painted a warm and beautiful picture for Nabu, his years of experience on the battlefield have always kept Nabu vigilant. He did not believe that just taking care of a crazy patient would never be enough. With so much money, there must be something that the butler couldn't tell him on the carriage, or something that he needs to do extra after arriving at the manor.

But no matter what, now that I have taken over this job, no matter what happens next, I must do it to the end.

Nabu's right hand pressed hard on his chest, where there was a photo of Nabu and his mother.

For you, mother.

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